Finding the best threshold level without a for loop in MATLAB - matlab

Let A and B be two matrices of the same size. For a matrix M, let ht(M,t) threshold all the entries of M by t. That is All entries whose absolute value is less than t are set to 0. Suppose I want to find the optimal threshold t such that norm(ht(A,t)-B,'fro')^2 is minimized.
The only way that I can see to do this is deficient: do a for loop over the unique values of A and threshold A and setting C=ht(A,t)-B, compute sum(sum(C.*C)).
This is just too slow when A is large. I have considered sorting the elements of A and finding some efficient way to set a few entries to zero at a time, but I'm not sure this can all be done without a for loop.
Is there a way to do it?
Here's a very simple example (so simple a for loop works easily in this case):
B =
0.101508820368332 0
0 0.301996943246957
A =
0.201508820368332 0.1
0.1 0.401996943246957
Simple inspection shows that if we zero out the off-diagonal entries of A we minimize the difference between A and B. There are 3 possible threshold values, given by unique(A)=[.1,.2015,.402]. Given a potential threshold value t, we can hard threshold A by:
function [A_thresholded] = ht(A,t)
A_thresholded = A .* (abs(A)>t);

The form of the data in a matrix is irrelevant. You can convert them to vectors and simply compute the square-norm. In fact, you can sort the contents of A in increasing order (and permute B to preserve pairing). When you increase the threshold to include one more value in A, the norm only changes by that one increment. Therefore, you can find your solution in O(n log n). Hope this helps.


Index when mean is constant

I am relatively new to matlab. I found the consecutive mean of a set of 1E6 random numbers that has mean and standard deviation. Initially the calculated mean fluctuate and then converges to a certain value.
I will like to know the index (i.e 100th position) at which the mean converges. I have no idea how to do that.
I tried using the logical operator but i have to go through 1e6 data points. Even with that i still can't find the index.
Y_c= sigma_c * randn(n_r, 1) + mu_c; %Random number creation
Y_f=sigma_f * randn(n_r, 1) + mu_f;%Random number creation
P_u=gamma*(B*B)/2.*N_gamma+q*B.*N_q + Y_c*B.*N_c; %Calculation of Ultimate load
prog_mu=cumsum(P_u)./cumsum(ones(size(P_u))); %Progressive Cumulative Mean of system response
logical(diff(prog_mu==0)); %Find index
I suspect the issue is that the mean will never truly be constant, but will rather fluctuate around the "true mean". As such, you'll most likely never encounter a situation where the two consecutive values of the cumulative mean are identical. What you should do is determine some threshold value, below which you consider fluctuations in the mean to be approximately equal to zero, and compare the difference of the cumulative mean to that value. For instance:
epsilon = 0.01;
const_ind = find(abs(diff(prog_mu))<epsilon,1,'first');
where epsilon will be the threshold value you choose. The find command will return the index at which the variation in the cumulative mean first drops below this threshold value.
EDIT: As was pointed out, this method may potentially fail if the first few random numbers are generated such that the difference between them is less than the epsilon value, but have not yet converged. I would like to suggest a different approach, then.
We calculate the cumulative means, as before, like so:
We also calculate the difference in these cumulative means, as before:
df_prog_mu = diff(prog_mu);
Now, to ensure that conversion has been achieved, we find the first index where the cumulative mean is below the threshold value epsilon and all subsequent means are also below the threshold value. To phrase this another way, we want to find the index after the last position in the array where the cumulative mean is above the threshold:
conv_index = find(~df_prog_mu,1,'last')+1;
In doing so, we guarantee that the value at the index, and all subsequent values, have converged below your predetermined threshold value.
I wouldn't imagine that the mean would suddenly become constant at a single index. Wouldn't it asymptotically approach a constant value? I would reccommend a for loop to calculate the mean (it sounds like maybe you've already done this part?) like this:
avg = [];
for k=1:length(x)
avg(k) = mean(x(1:k));
Then plot the consecutive mean:
hold on % this will allow us to plot more data on the same figure later
If you're trying to find the point at which the consecutive mean comes within a certain range of the true mean, try this:
Tavg = 5; % or whatever your true mean is
err = 0.01; % the range you want the consecutive mean to reach before we say that it "became constant"
inRange = avg>(Tavg-err) & avg<(Tavg+err); % gives you a binary logical array telling you which values fell within the range
q = 1000; % set this as high as you can while still getting a value for consIndex
constIndex = [];
for k=1:length(inRange)
if(inRange(k) == sum(inRange(k:k+q))/(q-1);)
constIndex = k;
The below answer takes a similar approach but makes an unsafe assumption that the first value to fall within the range is the value where the function starts to converge. Any value could randomly fall within that range. We need to make sure that the following values also fall within that range. In the above code, you can edit "q" and "err" to optimize your result. I would recommend double checking it by plotting.
plot(avg(constIndex), '*')

(matlab matrix operation), Is it possible to get a group of value from matrix without loop?

I'm currently working on implementing a gradient check function in which it requires to get certain index values from the result matrix. Could someone tell me how to get a group of values from the matrix?
To be specific, for a result matrx res with size M x N, I'll need to get element res(3,1), res(4,2), res(1,3), res(2,4)...
In my case, M is dimension and N is batch size and there's a label array whose size is 1xbatch_size, [3 4 1 2...]. So the desired values are res(label(:),1:batch_size). Since I'm trying to practice vectorization programming and it's better not using loop. Could someone tell me how to get a group of value without a iteration?
The only idea I found is firstly building a 'mask matrix' then use the original result matrix to do element wise multiplication (technically called 'Hadamard product', see in wiki). After that just get non-zero element out and do the sum operation, the code in matlab should look like:
desired_res=temp(temp~=0); %Note: the temp(temp~=0) extract non-zero elements in a 'column' fashion: it searches temp matrix column by column then put the non-zero number into container 'desired_res'.
In my case, what I wanna do next is simply sum(desired_res) so I don't need to consider the order of those non-zero elements in 'desired_res'.
Based on this idea above, creating mask matrix is the key aim. There are two methods to do this job.
Codes are shown below. In my case, use accumarray function to add '1' in certain location (which are stored in matrix 'subs') and add '0' to other space. This will give you a mask matrix size [rwo column]. The usage of full(sparse()) is similar. I made some comparisons on those two methods (repeat around 10 times), turns out full(sparse) is faster and their time costs magnitude is 10^-4. So small difference but in a large scale experiments, this matters. One benefit of using accumarray is that it could define the matrix size while full(sparse()) cannot. The full(sparse(subs, 1)) would create matrix with size [max(subs(:,1)), max(subs(:,2))]. Since in my case, this is sufficient for my requirement and I only know few of their usage. If you find out more, please share with us. Thanks.
The detailed description of those two functions could be found on matlab's official website. accumarray and full, sparse.
% assume we have a label vector
% method one, accumarray(subs,1,[row column])
k1=accumarray(subs,1,[10, 10000]);
t1=toc % to compare with method two to check which one is faster
%method two: full(sparse(),1)

Matlab: Comparing two vectors with different length and different values?

Lets say I have two vectors A and B with different lengths Length(A) is not equal to Length(B) and the Values in Vector A, are not the same as in Vector B. I want to compare each value of B with Values of A (Compare means if Value B(i) is almost the same value of A(1:end) for example B(i)-Tolerance<A(i)<B(i)+Tolerance.
How Can I do this without using for loop since the data is huge?
I know ismember(F), intersect,repmat,find but non of those function can really help me
You may try a solution along these lines:
tol = 0.1;
N = 1000000;
a = randn(1, N)*1000; % create a randomly
b = a + tol*rand(1, N); % b is "tol" away from a
a_bin = floor(a/tol);
b_bin = floor(b/tol);
result = ismember(b_bin, a_bin) | ...
ismember(b_bin, a_bin-1) | ...
ismember(b_bin, a_bin+1);
find(result==0) % should be empty matrix.
The idea is to discretize the a and b variables to bins of size tol. Then, you ask whether b is found in the same bin as any element from a, or in the bin to the left of it, or in the bin to the right of it.
Advantages: I believe ismember is clever inside, first sorting the elements of a and then performing sublinear (log(N)) search per element b. This is unlike approaches which explicitly construct differences of each element in b with elements from a, meaning the complexity is linear in the number of elements in a.
Comparison: for N=100000 this runs 0.04s on my machine, compared to 20s using linear search (timed using Alan's nice and concise tf = arrayfun(#(bi) any(abs(a - bi) < tol), b); solution).
Disadvantages: this leads to that the actual tolerance is anything between tol and 1.5*tol. Depends on your task whether you can live with that (if the only concern is floating point comparison, you can).
Note: whether this is a viable approach depends on the ranges of a and b, and value of tol. If a and b can be very big and tol is very small, the a_bin and b_bin will not be able to resolve individual bins (then you would have to work with integral types, again checking carefully that their ranges suffice). The solution with loops is a safer one, but if you really need speed, you can invest into optimizing the presented idea. Another option, of course, would be to write a mex extension.
It sounds like what you are trying to do is have an ismember function for use on real valued data.
That is, check for each value B(i) in your vector B whether B(i) is within the tolerance threshold T of at least one value in your vector A
This works out something like the following:
tf = false(1, length(b)); %//the result vector, true if that element of b is in a
t = 0.01; %// the tolerance threshold
for i = 1:length(b)
%// is the absolute difference between the
%//element of a and b less that the threshold?
matches = abs(a - b(i)) < t;
%// if b(i) matches any of the elements of a
tf(i) = any(matches);
Or, in short:
t = 0.01;
tf = arrayfun(#(bi) any(abs(a - bi) < t), b);
Regarding avoiding the for loop: while this might benefit from vectorization, you may also want to consider looking at parallelisation if your data is that huge. In that case having a for loop as in my first example can be handy since you can easily do a basic version of parallel processing by changing the for to parfor.
Here is a fully vectorized solution. Note that I would actually recommend the solution given by #Alan, as mine is not likely to work for big datasets.
[X Y]=meshgrid(A,B)
Now the logical index of elements in a that are within the tolerance can be obtained with any(M) and the index for B is found by any(M,2)
bsxfun to the rescue
>> M = abs( bsxfun(#minus, A, B' ) ); %//' difference
>> M < tolerance
Another way to do what you want is with a logical expression.
Since A and B are vectors of different sizes you can't simply subtract and look for values that are smaller than the tolerance, but you can do the following:
Lmat = sparse((abs(repmat(A,[numel(B) 1])-repmat(B',[1 numel(A)])))<tolerance);
and you will get a sparse logical matrix with as many ones in it as equal elements (within tolerance). You could then count how many of those elements you have by writing:
Nequal = sum(sum(Lmat));
You could also get the indexes of the corresponding elements by writing:
[r,c] = find(Lmat);
then the following code will be true (for all j in numel(r)):
Finally, you should note that this way you get multiple counts in case there are duplicate entries in A or in B. It may be advisable to use the unique function first. For example:
A_new = unique(A);

Removing extreme values in a vector in Matlab?

So say, I have a = [2 7 4 9 2 4 999]
And I'd like to remove 999 from the matrix (which is an obvious outlier).
Is there a general way to remove values like this? I have a set of vectors and not all of them have extreme values like that. prctile(a,99.5) is going to output the largest number in the vector no matter how extreme (or non-extreme) it is.
There are several way to do that, but first you must define what is "extreme'? Is it above some threshold? above some number of standard deviations?
Or, if you know you have exactly n of these extreme events and that their values are larger than the rest, you can use sort and the delete the last n elements. etc...
For example a(a>threshold)=[] will take care of a threshold like definition, while a(a>mean(a)+n*std(a))=[] will take care of discarding values that are n standard deviation above the mean of a.
A completely different approach is to use the median of a, if the vector is as short as you mention, you want to look on a median value and then you can either threshold anything above some factor of that value a(a>n*median(a))=[] .
Last, a way to assess an approach to treat these spikes would be to take a histogram of the data, and work from there...
I can think of two:
Sort your matrix and remove n-elements from top and bottom.
Compute the mean and the standard deviation and discard all values that fall outside:
mean +/- (n * standard deviation)
In both cases n must be chosen by the user.
Filter your signal.
%choose the value
N = 10;
filtered = filter(ones(1,N)/N, 1, signal);
Find the noise
noise = signal - filtered;
Remove noisy elements
THRESH = 50;
signal = signal(abs(noise) < THRESH);
It is better than mean+-n*stddev approach because it looks for local changes so it won't fail on a slowly changing signal like [1 2 3 ... 998 998].

MATLAB/General CS: Sampling Without Replacement From Multiple Sets (+Keeping Track of Unsampled Cases)

I currently implementing an optimization algorithm that requires me to sample without replacement from several sets. Although I am coding in MATLAB, this is essentially a CS question.
The situation is as follows:
I have a finite number of sets (A, B, C) each with a finite but possibly different number of elements (a1,a2...a8, b1,b2...b10, c1, c2...c25). I also have a vector of probabilities for each set which lists a probability for each element in that set (i.e. for set A, P_A = [p_a1 p_a2... p_a8] where sum(P_A) = 1). I normally use these to create a probability generating function for each set, which given a uniform number between 0 to 1, can spit out one of the elements from that set (i.e. a function P_A(u), which given u = 0.25, will select a2).
I am looking to sample without replacement from the sets A, B, and C. Each "full sample" is a sequence of elements from each of the different sets i.e. (a1, b3, c2). Note that the space of full samples is the set of all permutations of the elements in A, B, and C. In the example above, this space is (a1,a2...a8) x (b1,b2...b10) x (c1, c2...c25) and there are 8*10*25 = 2000 unique "full samples" in my space.
The annoying part of sampling without replacement with this setup is that if my first sample is (a1, b3, c2) then that does not mean I cannot sample the element a1 again - it just means that I cannot sample the full sequence (a1, b3, c2) again. Another annoying part is that the algorithm I am working with requires me do a function evaluation for all permutations of elements that I have not sampled.
The best method at my disposal right now is to keep track the sampled cases. This is a little inefficient since my sampler is forced to reject any case that has been sampled before (since I'm sampling without replacement). I then do the function evaluations for the unsampled cases, by going through each permutation (ax, by, cz) using nested for loops and only doing the function evaluation if that combination of (ax, by, cz) is not included in the sampled cases. Again, this is a little inefficient since I have to "check" whether each permutation (ax, by, cz) has already been sampled.
I would appreciate any advice in regards to this problem. In particular, I am looking a method to sample without replacement and keep track of unsampled cases that does not explicity list out the full sample space (I usually work with 10 sets with 10 elements each so listing out the full sample space would require a 10^10 x 10 matrix). I realize that this may be impossible, though finding efficient way to do it will allow me to demonstrate the true limits of the algorithm.
Do you really need to keep track of all of the unsampled cases? Even if you had a 1-by-1010 vector that stored a logical value of true or false indicating if that permutation had been sampled or not, that would still require about 10 GB of storage, and MATLAB is likely to either throw an "Out of Memory" error or bring your entire machine to a screeching halt if you try to create a variable of that size.
An alternative to consider is storing a sparse vector of indicators for the permutations you've already sampled. Let's consider your smaller example:
A = 1:8;
B = 1:10;
C = 1:25;
nA = numel(A);
nB = numel(B);
nC = numel(C);
beenSampled = sparse(1,nA*nB*nC);
The 1-by-2000 sparse matrix beenSampled is empty to start (i.e. it contains all zeroes) and we will add a one at a given index for each sampled permutation. We can get a new sample permutation using the function RANDI to give us indices into A, B, and C for the new set of values:
indexA = randi(nA);
indexB = randi(nB);
indexC = randi(nC);
We can then convert these three indices into a single unique linear index into beenSampled using the function SUB2IND:
index = sub2ind([nA nB nC],indexA,indexB,indexC);
Now we can test the indexed element in beenSampled to see if it has a value of 1 (i.e. we sampled it already) or 0 (i.e. it is a new sample). If it has been sampled already, we repeat the process of finding a new set of indices above. Once we have a permutation we haven't sampled yet, we can process it:
while beenSampled(index)
indexA = randi(nA);
indexB = randi(nB);
indexC = randi(nC);
index = sub2ind([nA nB nC],indexA,indexB,indexC);
beenSampled(index) = 1;
newSample = [A(indexA) B(indexB) C(indexC)];
%# your subsequent processing...
The use of a sparse array will save you a lot of space if you're only going to end up sampling a small portion of all of the possible permutations. For smaller total numbers of permutations, like in the above example, I would probably just use a logical vector instead of a sparse vector.
Check the matlab documentation for the randi function; you'll just want to use that in conjunction with the length function to choose random entries from each vector. Keeping track of each sampled vector should be as simple as just concatenating it to a matrix;
current_values = [5 89 45]; % lets say this is your current sample set
used_values = [used_values; current_values];
% wash, rinse, repeat