I know that it's easier to prove if a horn-formula is satisfiable. My Question is: Why is it easier with a horn formula rather than a normal CNF?
Presence or absence of Horn satisfiability can be shown in linear time. Here is a good introduction with some examples. The solution can be found by unit propagation without backtracking.
Pseudocode from a UC Berkeley lecture note:
Satisfiability for general CNF expressions is a classic NP-complete problem. No polynomial time algorithms are known for CNF satisfiability (except if P=NP).
Symbolic calculations performed manually or by a computer algebra system may be faulty or hold only subject to certain assumptions. A classical example is sqrt(x^2) == x which is not true in general but it does hold if x is real and non-negative.
Are there examples where proof assistants/checkers such as Coq, Isabelle, HOL, Metamath, or others are used to certify correctness of symbolic calculations? In particular, I am interested in calculus and linear algebra examples such as solving definite or indefinite integrals, differential equations, and matrix equations.
To be more concrete, it would be interesting to know whether there are examples of undergraduate assignments in calculus and linear algebra that could be formally solved (possibly with the help of a proof assistant) such that the solution can be automatically verified by a proof checker. A very simple example assignment for Lean is here.
For the Coq proof assistant there are several libraries to help with that. One matching your request quite well is Coquelicot (https://gitlab.inria.fr/coquelicot/coquelicot). The Coquelicot team made an exercise and participated in the French baccalauréat - I would say comparable more to a college than a high school math exam - and finished proofs for a good part of the exercises. The proofs can be found in the examples here (https://gitlab.inria.fr/coquelicot/coquelicot/-/tree/master/examples). I thought about translating the exercises and solutions to English.
But this was quite a few years ago and meanwhile there are very powerful tools for specific applications. E.g. there is coq-interval (https://gitlab.inria.fr/coqinterval/interval) which fully automatically does Coq proofs of rather complicated inequalities, say that a high order polynomial matches a sine function in a certain interval with a certain maximum deviation. It does this by Taylor decomposition and computing upper bounds for the residual. It can also do error proofs for a wide range of numerical integrals. A new feature added recently is the ability to do proven correct plots.
A tool for proving in Coq the error between infinite precision real and floating point computations is Gappa (https://gitlab.inria.fr/gappa/gappa).
Another very interesting Coq development is CoRN (https://github.com/coq-community/corn), a formalization of constructive reals in Coq. Constructive Reals are true real numbers which do compute. Essentially a constructive real number is an algorithm to compute a number to any desired precision together with a proof that this algorithm converges. One can prove that such numbers fulfill all usual properties of real numbers. An interesting side effect of constructive reals is that they need only LPO as axiom, while in classical reals the existence of the real numbers itself is an axiom. Any computation you do in CoRN, say pi>3, is automatically proven correct.
All these tools are included in Coq Platform, a common distribution of the Coq proof assistant.
There is more and this is steadily increasing. I would say it is not that far in the future that we have a usable proven correct CAS.
The only thing that comes to my mind is that Isabelle/HOL can replay SMT proofs (as produced e.g. by Z3 or CVC4), e.g. involving integer and real arithmetic. For computer algebra systems, I don't know of any comparable examples.
The problem is that computer algebra systems tend not to be set up in a way where they can output a detailed certificate for their simplifications – if they were able to do that, one could attempt to replay that in a theorem prover. But it would have to go beyond purely equational reasoning, since many rules (such as your example) require proving inequalities as preconditions.
If computer algebra systems were able to output a trace of their computations as a list of rewrite rules that were used, including how to prove each of their preconditions, one could in principle replay such a trace in a theorem prover – but that would of course require that every rule used by the CAS has a corresponding rule in the theorem prover (this is roughly how replaying SMT proofs works in Isabelle). However, I do not know of any projects like this.
There are, on the other hand, various examples where CASs are used to compute some easily verifiable (but hard to compute) result, e.g. factoring a polynomial, isolating the roots of a real polynomial, Wilf–Zeilberger witnesses, and then verifying that this is really a valid result in a theorem prover. However, this does not involve certifying the computation process of the CAS, just the result.
for demonstration purposes, I prepared a small "fake exercise" both to illustrate what it means to verify a calculation and to illustrate the most graphical approaches available in Coq (this shows some of the things you can do in Nov. 2021).
It can be seen on github at github.com:ybertot/osxp_demos_coq, especially the file sin_properties.v.
The demonstration follows this path:
Show that we can state and prove automatically a statement giving a "safe approximation" of PI (that's the name of the mathematical constant in the Coq library).
Show that Coq can be used to plot a known mathematical function, in this case the sin function between 0 and PI. This relies on a connexion to gnuplot for the graphical display. I am afraid that gnuplot will not be included in the Coq platform mentioned by M. Soegtrop in another answer.
Show that we can also plot the function sin(1/x) using Coq
(the plot is actually preserved as a pdf file on the github repository)
Show that a generic function plotter actually returns a misleading result in that case (the generic function plotter is gnuplot).
The misleading plot is also given in the github repository as a pdf file.
The next step is to show that we can prove guaranties of intervals for some computations, sometimes automatically using the interval tactic, and sometimes the interval tactic fails to conclude. The important point here is that the command fails to conclude, instead of giving an answer that cannot be trusted. When this happens, users can rely on knowledge and mathematical reasoning to obtain the desired result. The demo shows how to prove that for any x in a certain range, the sin function is guaranteed to have a positive value.
The next step is about proving that sin x < x for every positive x, it shows that mathematical reasoning can rely on various techniques of mathematics:
decomposing the interval in two parts,
using the mean value theorem,
computing the derivative of x - sin x (and this can be done automatically in Coq),
relying on the fact that cos is known to be strictly decreasing between 0 and PI.
This is just a short demo, which is also meant to explain how a theorem prover has to be used differently from a pocket calculator, because just returning an approximation without qualification for the value of a mathematical formula is a process that cannot really be trusted.
The original question also includes questions about computing integrals. The interval package also contains facilities for this.
I'm trying to analyse phase shift fault analysis in trivium and came across a system of non-linear equations to solve. I read about sat-solvers and Gaussian elimination but unfortunately, none of the articles I found on the internet shows how to tackle a non-linear system of equations with a large number of variables (here trivium gives 288 variables). So I'm pretty much stuck now on how to solve for these variables.
You could express your problem as a network of Boolean gates - a netlist - and use bc2cnf to translate it to CNF. You can instruct bc2cnf to output XOR clauses in XCNF format, an extended CNF format with "x" clauses denoting XOR clauses.
SAT solvers like cryptominisat are capable of reading XCNF and/or detecting the contained XOR gates and performing Gaussian elimination. Cryptominisat reportedly has been used several times to attack the Trivium stream cipher.
I'd recommend taking a look at an SMT solver, e.g. Z3. With SMT you can express Boolean equations and inequalities in a natural way instead of bit-blasting everything down to a SAT instance. There's plenty of documentation online to get you started.
I have to minimize some finite state automata but I was born a doubt: before this transformation the automata must be proved ε-productions? Or can I leave them?
The automata is this: this http://www.mediafire.com/convkey/3fad/yk24smo642ozob0fg.jpg
The standard minimization algorithm works on deterministic finite automata. The lambda transitions mean this is not a DFA. So you must eliminate the lambdas first.
It's pretty easy to see this machine accepts a*|ab. The DFA for this is pretty easy to design and minimize intuitively.
Or you can go through the formal algorithms for NFA-lambda to DFA conversion followed by minimization.
I read at a few places (in the doc and in this blog post : http://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2007/05/16/purpose-of-inv/ ) that the use of inv in Matlab is not recommended because it is slow and inaccurate.
I am trying to find the reason of this inaccuracy. As of now, Google did not give m interesting result, so I thought someone here could guide me.
Thanks !
The inaccuracy I mentioned is with the method INV, not MATLAB's implementation of it. You should be using QR, LU, or other methods to solve systems of equations since these methods don't typically require squaring the condition number of the system in question. Using inv typically requires an operation that loses accuracy by squaring the condition number of the original system.
I think the point of Loren's blog is not that MATLAB's inv function is particularly slower or more inaccurate than any other numerical implementation of computing a matrix inverse; rather, that in most cases the inverse itself is not needed, and you can proceed by other means (such as solving a linear system using \ - the backslash operator - rather than computing an inverse).
inv() is certainly slower than \ unless you have multiple right hand side vectors to solve for. However, the advice from MathWorks regarding inaccuracy is due to a overly conservative bound in a numerical linear algebra result. In other words, inv() is NOT inaccurate. The link elaborates further : http://arxiv.org/abs/1201.6035
Several widely-used textbooks lead the reader to believe that solving a linear system of equations Ax = b by multiplying the vector b by a computed inverse inv(A) is inaccurate. Virtually all other textbooks on numerical analysis and numerical linear algebra advise against using computed inverses without stating whether this is accurate or not. In fact, under reasonable assumptions on how the inverse is computed, x = inv(A)*b is as accurate as the solution computed by the best backward-stable solvers.
I have to solve a multiobjective problem but I don't know if I should use CPLEX or Matlab. Can you explain the advantage and disadvantage of both tools.
Thank you very much!
This is really a question about choosing the most suitable modeling approach in the presence of multiple objectives, rather than deciding between CPLEX or MATLAB.
Multi-criteria Decision making is a whole sub-field in itself. Take a look at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multi-objective_optimization.
Once you have decided on the approach and formulated your problem (either by collapsing your multiple objectives into a weighted one, or as series of linear programs) either tool will do the job for you.
Since you are familiar with MATLAB, you can start by using it to solve a series of linear programs (a goal programming approach). This page by Mathworks has a few examples with step-by-step details: http://www.mathworks.com/discovery/multiobjective-optimization.html to get you started.
Probably this question is not a matter of your current concern. However my answer is rather universal, so let me post it here.
If solving a multiobjective problem means deriving a specific Pareto optimal solution, then you need to solve a single-objective problem obtained by scalarizing (aggregating) the objectives. The type of scalarization and values of its parameters (if any) depend on decision maker's preferences, e.g. how he/she/you want(s) to prioritize different objectives when they conflict with each other. Weighted sum, achievement scalarization (a.k.a. weighted Chebyshev), and lexicographic optimization are the most widespread types. They have different advantages and disadvantages, so there is no universal recommendation here.
CPLEX is preferred in the case, where (A) your scalarized problem belongs to the class solved by CPLEX (obviously), e.g. it is a [mixed integer] linear/quadratic problem, and (B) the problem is complex enough for computational time to be essential. CPLEX is specialized in the narrow class of problems, and should be much faster than Matlab in complex cases.
You do not have to limit the choice of multiobjective methods to the ones offered by Matlab/CPLEX or other solvers (which are usually narrow). It is easy to formulate a scalarized problem by yourself, and then run appropriate single-objective optimization (source: it is one of my main research fields, see e.g. implementation for the class of knapsack problems). The issue boils down to finding a suitable single-objective solver.
If you want to obtain some general information about the whole Pareto optimal set, I recommend to start with deriving the nadir and the ideal objective vectors.
If you want to derive a representation of the Pareto optimal set, besides the mentioned population based-heuristics such as GAs, there are exact methods developed for specific classes of problems. Examples: a library implemented in Julia, a recently published method.
All concepts mentioned here are described in the comprehensive book by Miettinen (1999).
Can cplex solve a pareto type multiobjective one? All i know is that it can solve a simple goal programming by defining the lexicographical objs, or it uses the weighted sum to change weights gradually with sensitivity information and "enumerate" the pareto front, which highly depends on the weights and looks very subjective.
You can refer here as how cplex solves the bi-objetive one, which seems not good.
For a true pareto way which includes the ranking, i only know some GA variants can do like NSGA-II.
A different approach would be to use a domain-specific modeling language for mathematical optimization like YALMIP (or JUMP.jl if you like to give Julia a try). There you can write your optimization problem with Matlab with some extra YALMIP functionalities and use CPLEX (or any other supported solver as a backend) without restricting to one solver.