problems with implementation of 0000-9999 counter on fpga(seven segment) - counter

okay i couldnt post a long comment(i am new to the website so please accept my apologies) so i am editing my earlier question. I have tried to implement multiplexing in 2 attempts:
-2nd attempt
-3rd attempt
in 2nd attempt i have tried to send the seven seg variables of each module to the module which is just one step ahead of it, and when they all reach the final top module i have multiplexed them...there is also a clock module which generates a clock for the units module(which makes units place change 2 times in a second) and a clock for multiplexing(multiplexing between each displays 500 times per second)...ofcourse i read that my board has a clock freq of 50M hertz, so these calculations for clocks are based on that figure...
in the 3rd comment i have done the same thing, in one single module. see the 2nd attempt first and then the 3rd one.
both give errors right after synthesis and lots of unfamiliar warnings.
I have been able to synthesize and implement the program in attempt4(which i am not allowed to post since my reputation is low), using the save flag for variables, variables1 variables2 and variables3(which were giving warning of unused pins) but the program doesnt run on simply shows the number 3777. also there are still warnings of "combinatorial loops" for some things that are related to some variables( i am sorry i am new to all this verilog thing) but you can see all of them in attempt 3 as well.

You can not implement counters with loops. Neither can you implement cascaded counters with nested loops.
Writing HDL is not writing software! Please read a book or tutorial on VHDL or Verilog on how to design basic hardware circuits. There is also the Synthesis and Simulation Guide 14.4 - UG626 from Xilinx. Have a look at page 88.
Now it's possible to access your zip file without any dropbox credentials and I have looked into your project. Here are my comments on your code.
I'll number my bullets for better reference:
Your project has 4 mostly identical ucf files. The difference is only in assigning different anode control signals to the same pin location. This will cause errors in post synthesis steps (assign multiple nets to one pin). Normally, simple projects have only one ucf file.
The Nexsys 2 board has a 4 digit 7-segment display with common cathodes and switchable common anodes. In total these are 8+4 wires to control. A time multiplexing circuit is needed to switch at 25Hz < f < 1kHz through every digit of your 4-digit output vector.
Choosing a nested hierarchy is not so good. One major drawback is the passing of many signals from every level to the topmost level for connecting them to the FPGA pins. I would suggest a top-level module and 4 counters on level one. The top-level module can also provide the time-multiplexing circuit and the binary to 7-seg encoding.


Specman beginner's questions

I am new to Specman.
I have a couple of questions:
I am trying to use the agent methodology. After writing the env,agent,bfm etc - what is the recommended way to create clock and reset? by writing a tb.v (calling the top verilog module) or is there a better way?
How do I link the specman env file to the tb (or maybe its just enough to link the ports of the different specman files with a signals_map to the verilog files?
Most important how do I run the environment with irun?
I was thinking of creating a file listing all the verilog files, e.g. - veri.lst
the specman top shall import all the specman files, e.g - spec_top.e
irun -access +wrc veri.lst spec_top.e
should be ok?
should I mention the top level module in the command?
Should I put the test name in a special way in the command?
Thanks alot for all the help!!
Cadence recommends driving clocks from inside an HDL testbench (i.e. written in Verilog in your case). This is because every time the simulator yields control to Specman to execute it wastes processor time. You want to minimize the number of switches as much as possible.
Linking the env to the TB is done by connecting the Verilog signals of interest to the corresponding Specman ports (using hdl_path()).
W.r.t. running it, there are 2 things to keep in mind. e code can be executed in compiled or in interpreted mode. Also, compiled code is faster, but can't be debugged. You have to tell irun what you want compiled and what you want interpreted:
irun -f veri.lst \
compiled_top.e \
-snload interpreted_top.e
What you typically compile are files which you don't expect to change (verification components that you buy or reuse from other projects, for example). The rest of your files you'd load interpreted to be able to easily debug.
Adding to Tudor's great answer -
First - yes, connecting The e TB to the DUT is done using hdl_path(), and connecting the ports to external. You usually would have one unit designated for the interface, so configuring it would look something like this:
extend signal_map {
// name of the instance of the verilog module you interface
keep hdl_path() == "sub_system_a";
keep bind (sig_clock, external);
// name of the clock signal
keep sig_clock.hdl_path == "clk";
Please take a look in the IES release, at the UVM Examples.
They are in
For example, check out the specman/uvm/uvm_examples/xserial/e/xserial_collector_h.e:
And about the clock -
Connecting a clock in the e TB to the design is very simple. Something like this -
unit synch {
sig_clock : in simple_port of bit is instance;
keep bind(sig_clock, external);
event clock is rise(sig_clock$) #sim;
// can define also on fall or change
Now the clock event can be used as sampling event for TCMs and Temporals. This is a simple fast way for using the clock in the TB.
Another way to use the clock, is more "acceleration ready". In this methodology, you would implement a clock agent in verilog, and it will provide "clock services" to the TB. According to this methodology, the TB will not have any "wait cycles" in it. instead - it will call the Clock Agent task "wait_cycles()" - and wait for indication that required number of clock cycles passed.
This is a rather new methodology, oriented to be Acceleration Ready.
It will be demonstrated in the UVM Examples in next IES release, 15.1.

Make signal names coming from library links unique?

OK, I've been struggling with this for a while. What is the best way to accomplish the following:
where Reaction Wheel 1-4 are links to the same block in a library. When the Speed Counter, Speed Direction and Current signals are added to the final bus output as shown, MATLAB (rightfully) complains:
Warning: Signals 9, 10, 11, 12 entering Bus Creator
'myAwesomeModel' have duplicated names 'Current'. These are being made unique
by appending "(signal #)" to the signals within the resulting bus. Please
update the labels of the signals such that they are all unique.
Until now I've been using a "solution" like this:
that is, place a size-1-mux/gain-of-1/other-dummy block in the middle, so the signals can be renamed into something unique. However, I really like to believe that The MathWorks has thought of a better way to do this...
What is the "proper" way to construct bus signals like this? It feels rather like I'm being pushed to adopt a particular design/architecture, but what that is precisely, eludes me for the moment...
It was quite a challenge for me but looks like I kinda sorted it out. Matlab R2007a here. I'll do the example with an already done subsystem, with its inputs, outputs, ...
1- In Block Properties, add a tag to the block. This will be done to identify the block and its "siblings" among the system. MY_SUBSYSTEM for this example.
2- Block Properties again. Add the following snippet in CopyFcn callback:
%Find total amount of copies of the block in system
len = length(find_system(gcs,'Tag','MY_SUBSYSTEM'));
%Get handle of the block copied/added and name the desired signal accordingly
v = get_param(gcb,'PortHandles');
set(v.Outport(_INDEX_OF_PORT_TO_BE_RENAMED_),'SignalNameFromLabel',['BASENAME_HERE' num2str(len)]);
3- In _INDEX_OF_PORT_TO_BE_RENAMED_ you should put the port signal index (starting from 1) that you want to have renamed for each copy of the block. For a single output block this should be 1. BASENAME_HERE should be the port basename, in this case "Current" for you.
4- Add the block to the desired library, and delete the instance you used to create this example. From there on, as you add from the library or copy an existing block, the outport should name Current1, Current2, Current3, and so on. Notice that you could apply any convention or formatting.
Hope this helps. It worked for me, don't hesitate to ask/criticize!
Note: Obviously, as the model grows, this method may be computer-demanding as find_system will have to loop through the entire model, however looks like a good workaround for me in small-medium sized systems.
Connect a Bus Selector to each Data Output. Select the signals you want and set "Output as bus". Then connect all Bus Selectors to a Bus Creator.
simulink model

VHDL simulation in real time?

I've written some code that has an RTC component in it. It's a bit difficult to do proper emulation of the code because the clock speed is set to 50MHz so to see any 'real time' events take place would take forever. I did try to do simulation for 2 seconds in modelsim but it ended up crashing.
What would be a better way to do it if I don't have an evaluation board to burn and test using scope?
If you could provide a little more specific example of exactly what you're trying to test and what is chewing up your simulation cycles that would be helpful.
In general, if you have a lot of code that you need to test in simulation, it's helpful if you can create testbenches of the sub-modules and test them first. Often, if you simulate at the top (chip) level and try to stimulate sub-modules that are buried deep in the hierarchy of a design, it takes many clock ticks just to get data into and out of the sub-module. If you simulate the sub-module directly you have direct access to the modules I/O and can test the things you want to test in that module in fewer cycles than if you try to get to it from the top level.
If you are trying to test logic that has very deep fifos that you are trying to fill or a specific count of a large counter you're trying to hit, you can either add logic to your code to help create those conditions in fewer cycles (like a load instruction on the counter) or you can force the values of internal signals of your design from the testbench itself.
These are just a couple of general ideas. Again, if you provide more detail about what it is you're simulating there are probably people on this forum that can provide help that is more specific to your problem.
As already mentioned by Ciano, if you provided more information about your design we would be able to give more accurate answer. However, there are several tips that hardware designers should follow, specially for complex system simulation. Some of them (that I mostly use) are listed below:
Hierarchical simulation (as Ciano, already posted): instead of simulating the entire system, try to simulate smaller set of modules.
Selective configuration: most systems require some initialization processes such as reset initialization time, external chips register initialization, etc... Usually for simulation purposes a few of them are not require and you may use a global constant to jump these stages when simulating, like:
-- in reset condition:
currentState <= state_executeSystem; -- jump the initialization procedures
currentState <= state_initializeSystem;
end if;
Be careful, do not modify your code directly (hard coded). As the system increases, it becomes impossible to remember which parts of it you modified to simulate. Use constants instead, as the above example, to configure modules to simulation profile.
Scaled time/size constants: instead of using (everytime) the real values for time and sizes (such as time event, memory sizes, register file size, etc) use scaled values whenever possible. For example, if you are building a RTC that generates an interrupt to the main system every 60 seconds - scale your constants (if possible) to generate interrupts to about (6ms, 60us). Of course, the scale choice depends on your system. In my designs, I use two global configuration files. One of them I use for simulation and the other for synthesis. Most constant values are scaled down to enable lower simulation time.
Increase the abstraction: for bigger modules it might be useful to create a simplified and more abstract module, acting as a model of your module. For example, if you have a processor that has this RTC (you mentioned) as a peripheral, you may create a simplified module of this RTC. Pretending that you only need the its interrupt you may create a simplified model such as:
constant INTERRUPT_EVENTS array(1 to 2) of time := (
32 ns,
100 ms
for i in 1 to INTERRUPT_EVENTS'length loop
rtcInterrupt <= '0';
rtcInterrupt <= '1';
wait for clk = '1' and clk'event
end for
end process;

trying to know more about verilog language, vhdl,and assembly language

I would like to know what is the difference between verilog and assembly language.
Next semester we will be working with micro-controllers, but I would like to learn a little bit about it before the semester begins. I've been doing a lot of research about low-level programming, and so far I have gained a good understanding in assembly language, but I get confused trying to understand Verilog and VHDL?
Verilog and VHDL are completely different languages for describing hardware, for purposes of programming FPGAs.
FPGAs are devices that can be on-the-fly programmed to implement any sort of digital logic (and sometimes analog too).
So using verilog or VHDL, I can design a circuit that creates a couple latches, some twos-complement adders, a mux, and a clock source, and suddenly you've just designed a circuit that can calculate. You could then take the output from the VHDL compiler (or whatever its called), "download" it to the FPGA, and now you actually have some hardware that can be used to do calculation.
Of course, you can use FPGAs to implement all sorts of complicated stuff - even a full custom CPU. One uses verilog and VHDL to design the circuits that are programmed to FPGAs. Those circuits could implement something simple like a ripple counter, or something more complex like a LCD driver, or something even more complex like a USB transceiver. You can go from as simple as a few latches to as complicated as a fully operating CPU; as long as its digital hardware, you can make whatever you want with VHDL and some FPGAs.
To clarify further -
"Assembly language" typically refers to raw instructions given to some sort of CPU. Of course, there are many different types of CPUs (x86, ARM, SPARC, MIPS) and further many different variants of those types of CPUs. Each CPU has its own instruction set.
Machine code is complete, fully specified, ready to be executed instructions. Assembly languages allow you type instructions from your CPU's instruction set in plain text, use labels and such, and describe the memory layout structure of the program. Put the assembly through an assembler and out comes machine code in your CPUs machine instruction set.
You could design your own CPU from scratch using VHDL. As you're designing the CPU, you would have it implement your own custom instruction set. From there, you could take the VHDL for your CPU, compile it, write it to an FPGA and have your own custom CPU. Then you could start writing programs for your made-up CPU using your custom instruction set by writing a custom assembler. Some friends of mine in college did this for giggles.
For example, you know how most CPUs are load-store, register based CPUs? Instructions tend to go something like this:
Load the value '1' into register A
Load the value '2' into register B
Add register A and register B, storing result in register A
(You just added 1 + 2! Heh)
That sort of model of computation happens to be the most popular, but it's not the only way you could do computation. What if you had a stack based CPU, where you push values onto a hardware stack, and then computations work with the values on the top of the stack, pushing results back onto the stack.
For instance:
Push 1 onto the stack (stack current contains: 1)
Push 2 onto the stack (stack current contains: 2 1)
Push 3 onto the stack (stack currently contains: 3 2 1 )
'Add' takes the top two elements on the stack, adds them together, and pushes the result on the top of the stack.
Stack now contains: 5 1
Stack now contains: 6
Neat isn't it? As far as a computation model goes, it has its advantages - operands tend to be short, and need fewer bits. Smaller instructions means that the CPU can be faster.
The problem is that no such processor like this exists anymore.
But if you knew what you were doing, you could design one in VHDL, program it to an FGPA, and suddenly you have one of the only operating stack-based processors in existence.
Say, if you were doing a masters thesis, for instance, you might dig around and find out that virtual-machine-based programming languages like C# and Java compile down to a bytecode for a CPU that doesn't really exist, but the model for that CPU proves useful for making code portable. You might find out that the imaginary machines used by these languages are based on stack-based processor models. If you were looking for something interesting to do, perhaps you write in VHDL a processor that natively implements the Java bytecode language. Now you'd be the only person that has a computer that can directly run Java.
Verilog and VHDL are both HDLs (Hardware description languages) used mainly for describing digital electronics. Their targets may be FPGA or ASIC (custom silicon).
Assembly level on the other hand is using an processors instruction set to perform a series of calculations. Every thing executed on a computer eventually ends up as an assembly level instruction. One example of an instruction set would be the x86 ISA.
Summary: Verilog, VHDL describe hardware. Assembly is the low level program being executed on a processor.

In Simulink, are Goto and From blocks generally considered bad style?

I was working on a Simulink model recently and was using Goto and From blocks to keep a very busy system from becoming a twisted mess of wires. I was informed that I was not to use Goto and From blocks as they are considered bad style (at least, according to my employer).
While I hold that wires should be kept connected whenever possible, I believe that Goto and From blocks can significantly improve the readability of a system/subsystem if the model would result in lots of crossed wires otherwise; especially if the blocks can be color-coded (e.g. purple Goto block goes to all the purple From blocks).
I'd supply an image of the subsystem I'm working with, but I'm not sure I can put it on here. The subsystem itself has about 12 subsystem blocks (and possibly more later) within it, each with two bus-type outputs. The first output of each subsystem goes to a Bus Creator block, and the second output of each goes to a second Bus Creator block. Since the subsystem are aligned vertically and the Bus Creators are to the right, this results in many crossed wires. I was using Goto and From blocks to clean up the system.
I can supply an image of a smaller, but similar model that I put together for this question.
For a system with on the order of 12 subsystems, this becomes very busy. I was using Goto and From blocks to connect the subsystems and the Bus Creators without a plethora of crossed wires.
I believe my employer may be carrying the stigma of using goto statements from text-based languages and applying it to Goto/From blocks in Simulink. Generally speaking, is using Goto and From blocks in this way (or any way) considered to be bad style?
The Mathworks Automotive Advisory Board has published some modeling guidelines (PDF) that include usage of Goto/From. The rules they list are:
Do not have subsystems that are floating, i.e. all inputs / output ports are connected via Gotos. One of the great things about Simulink is the ability to determine signal flow with only a cursory visual inspection, do not destroy this by linking everything with Gotos. At least have one feed-forward and one feedback loop between subsystems connected by signal lines.
My personal opinion on feedback signals is that they should all be connected with signal lines, but I'm sure you can come up with cases where drawing all of them clutters the model.
The second guideline is about the scope of the Goto tag; keep the visibility local as much as possible.
I feel setting visibility to scoped is acceptable also as long as you're not using the matching From more than a couple of levels downstream from the Goto. I've yet to come across a legitimate need for a global Goto tag.
So, all Goto usage isn't bad, and you're right that it can improve readability in some cases. That being said, I don't think Gotos are justified for the picture above. I realize it is just an example, but I should point out that if the buses being created are virtual that order of the inputs at the creator doesn't matter, and rearranging Bus Create and Mux block inputs can work wonders for readability.
The problem with the guidelines above are that there's room for bending them, and developers on your team might do just that. Even if everyone is diligent about following them at first, you may run afoul of these guidelines one day, a long time from now, when you redraw that section of the model for refining / adding functionality. Rearranging inputs and outputs can be especially irritating in middle of implementing some cool new feature. That may be the reason your employer chose to impose a blanket ban. It is inconvenient in some cases, but is easier to enforce.