What is for folders API? - deezer

There is an endpoint for folders but I can't see this feature on Deezer apps. I tried to add new folders via API but can't see it on Deezer web player. Is it a new feature that has been not implemented?

Actually, the "folder" functionnality as been deprecated on the website, that's why you can't see anything about it. We will deprecate it too in the API documentation in order not to confuse developers.


Instagram API Usage

I'm currently working on a project where I'm "tracking" down public instagram users' statics.
But I'm encountering an issue, I'm able to get my own profile but not other's profile, even if their profile is public.
On my Facebook developer's app I don't have the authorizations to use their API (basic / graph profile), but to fill the form I need to show to Facebook how I'm using it on my website, but everything is currently backend, and I can't work on a frontend page if I can't test my api on other profile.
What am I supposed to do ?
PS: I don't mind the language, if it's functional I will adapt it to my system's language.
Best regards :)
I don't think you will get API approval for such purpose (but who knows..) so your best bet might be unofficial API wrappers from github.

Does the "new" Facebook Marketplace have a listing API?

Facebook recently launched a slightly better, and certainly more prominent, Marketplace to sell goods locally. Is there an API for adding listings or does anyone know if there will be an API?
I doubt they will have an API for the Marketplace as it is designed as a person to person local marketplace, rather than a business to person marketplace. However, it would not be hard to build your own bot to post ads using something like nightmare.js. I looked into this a few months back and it took me about 2 hours to create a minimal bot that could post a basic ad. Could share the code with you if you want.
If you're not familiar with Javascript/Node.js, you could build it using any web scraper but Nightmare.js makes it really easy.
Update : You can now request your business to get listed on facebook marketplace.
Documentation : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/pages/shops-api.
Form for Application : https://www.facebook.com/shops-api-alpha/.
Please note, this is a limited alpha so only select partners will be eligible for access to the API.
Yes they do and it’s called the Commerce Platform.
Just click on that link to see they have an on boarding process that ultimately leads to listing items on Facebook marketplace.
More specifically, you will want to use the Catalog Batch API to add products via API calls.

How to build a Facebook Presence application

There are some solutions that use RFID readers to do some actions on behalf of user (post, like). I read that it is so called "Facebook Presence", which was presented on the F8 conference in 2011.
There is a site you use to register a chip token (http://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=presence) but I can't find a word about it at Facebook Developers.
Do you know anything about this? Some API? How to build an application with this?
An article on the topic.
“Facebook Presence” will not become one of the countless Facebook applications in the ever-growing site library. The project was simply showing off their cool new “places” feature which allows users the option to share their current location.
Not sure if this still holds true – but since there is nothing about it anywhere in the docs, I’d say it most likely does.

how can get the mutual friend of google plus in iphone sdk

I am using the developer Google https://developers.google.com/+/api/oauth.
I want to get the mutual/common friend in api.
Can it is possible?
This is not possible with the current REST APIs for Google+.
If you'd like to learn more about what is available, you can check out the reference docs. If it's an API that you need, you can also request it using the platform issue tracker.

Facebook social reading plugin for Wordpress?

As you know, a lot of bigger news websites have intorduced "social readers" for Facebook (e.g. https://apps.facebook.com/wpsocialreader/), which log what the user has read into the activity stream ("Michael read..."). Is it possible to integrate similar functionality into a Wordpress blog? Are the relevant API's open? Are there any plugins available? Thanks.
UPD: http://trac.ahwebdev.fr/projects/facebook-awd
The plugin seems to do the trick. Will have to try it out!
Yep, all of the APIs required to recreate the WashPo Reader or the Guardian reader etc are open, so it shouldn't be an issue to implement it for Wordpress.
Here's the relevant docs - https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/
i am the creator of Facebook AWD.
From now to get actions publishing working with Facebook AWD and wordpress you must buy a subplugin.
This process will take place with the v1.3 of Facebook AWD
Update: The plugin is ready here: http://facebook-awd.ahwebdev.fr/plugins/opengraph-actions/
Came across this post while searching for something related. Anyone still thinking of integrating Social read with any blog or website can simply use this plugin(For non-developers or for developers who just want to use a ready made solution)..