Hi there I´m using enterprise architect. I configure a server connected to my ODBC MySQL, and import data works like a charm. But every time that I try to add or edit a class in the Class model page, I receive this error:
enterprise architect class row cannot be located for updating some values may have been changes since it was last read
Any idea what it´s about?.
You probably have the wrong MySQL odbc driver version or settings. Check the manual at http://www.sparxsystems.com/enterprise_architect_user_guide/12.0/projects_and_teams/setupmysqlodbcdriver.html
I want to know the steps for connecting to DB2 using RSA 9.0. I tried the below steps but I am not able to see any schema after connecting.
Opened Database development perspective
Right clicked on Database Connections and clicked on Add Repository
I have only 2 connection profile types listed -Derby and Generic JDBC (I am not sure whether this is the problem as I dont see DB2)
I selected Generic JDBC and clicked on Next
I clicked on new driver configuration add db2 jar (I have tried with db2jcc.jar as well as db2jcc4.jar) and provided the properties
For driver class, I clicked on Available classes from Jar list and used browse for class option. Here I selected com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
I have given the connection url in the below format
When I test the connection it shows ping succeeded. But when I try to open the schemas its blank
When I checked with my colleagues, they get DB2 connection profile in RSA. Let me know is there any option for me to add it.
I got the solution for this. In IBM installation manager, click on modify and select the language. Then in the list of available components select Data tools. Once installed, DB2 connection profile with IBM data server Driver will be available. Hope this helps.
Version - 6.0.1 (jasperreports-server-cp-6.0.1)
Is it possible to connect jasperreports community edition installed on a ubuntu server to another postgreSQL database server?. I have followed this
When I try to create a data source (JDBC) , its showing nothing like in thedocument. It simply returns the blue menu (Library, view, manage)
Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming you want to report on a different database you have to create a new datasource. Select view->repository, right-click in the tree somewhere and create a new datasource. You have to have the correct driver available but it will already have the driver for postgres. Put in the connection details and save the data source.
When you upload a report to the server, you'll have to then associate the report with the datasource (edit the report properties). This is all covered in the documents you get with the install e.g. JasperReports-Server-User-Guide, JasperReports-Server-Admin-Guide
I'm using Glassfish server 4.0 as my app server for a java project in NetBeans 7.3.1. I have a database schema which I would like to include in my server as a database. Is there a way to generate the database in Glassfish based on a previous schema?
The extensions of the files are .frm and there's one .opt file.
Also, does Glassfish include a visual interface to modify a database's table's properties and registries?
Thanks in advance.
The answer to your the last part of your question is no. Glassfish itself does not include a visual interface for modifying database tables, properties etc. It includes a visual interface for creating JDBC Connection Pools and JDBC Resources. I personally use one integrated into my IDE of choice, Netbeans may have this feature, I happen to use IDEA. In production you could use any 3rd party app that does this, TOAD being a popular one but there are many.
I have some thoughts on the first part of your question but nothing ready to put into an answer at this point. When I do I'll update this one if its still an open question.
I was doing a project related to the IBM competition and need to create a web application. I have done a web application before by connecting netbeans and mysql. But, now am facing problem right from installation.
Is there any workbench(like something for mysql) for db2 . If so can anyone give a link. Also, I need to make jdbc connections. So, is there any other software I need to install.
Kindly explain to me in detail as I'm not pretty sure about this.
All you need is a DB2 JDBC JAR. Pick the appropriate one for your version and add it to your CLASSPATH.
You should use either a DB2 admin client to create tables and view data or something like SQL Squirrel.
I have been working on this for a while now and, unfortunately have little previous exposure to Birt as well as JDBC / ODBC. I've been searching and searching but can't conclusively figure out what I need for Birt to be able to connect to an SQLite database through ODBC.
I have setup the SQLit db on my windows machine to use ODBC. From here, however, I can't figure out, in the Birt Report Designer-> New data source-> JDBC data source what I am supposed to put in in order to access the DB.
Do I need a specific driver for this that I need to install to use as the "Driver Class"
Is the path to my ODBC / SQLite db the "Driver URL" field?
I would greatly appreciate any advice on this.
There is a JDBC driver specifically for SQLite, so you don't have to use a bridge.
The URL should be:
The class is org.sqlite.JDBC.
As the initial answer points out, you can download the SQLite JDBC driver. Once downloaded, you need to correctly deploy the JAR into BIRT so the driver will be available in the eclipse designer. Put the JAR in:
<BIRT Install>\eclipse\plugins\com.actuate.data.oda.jdbc.drivers_<BIRT VERSION>
Once the JAR is there, re-start Eclipse/BIRT and you should be able to create a SQLite data source pretty easily.
Good Luck!