Route to public directory fuelphp - fuelphp

I am building an app in fuelphp, and I'd like to route to a page of fully static content. For example, I have a file I'd like to display in public/assets/html/pages/mypage.html, but i'd like to see that static content when I navigate to localhost/myroute.
How can I write a route that does this?

'myroute' => function () {
return file_get_contents(DOCROOT.'assets/html/pages/mypage.html');


Navigate to page on start in .NET Maui app

Seems like a simple question, but I haven't been able to find a simple answer. Essentially I want to choose which page in the app to start on based on some stored state. I added a GoToAsync call in the AppShell constructor, but this didn't work--which makes sense because the AppShell hasn't been fully constructed yet.
I found this answer, but it feels like it kind of skirts around the issue:
Maui AppShell - Navigate on Open
Where is the best place to inject some code that will run once on startup and can successfully navigate a .NET Maui app to a chosen page?
After playing around with overrides, it seems like overriding Application.OnStart works! Shell.Current is set at this point and navigation works.
Here's additional code that allows for asynchronous initialization and uses a Loading Page until the initialization is complete:
using MyApp.Services;
using MyApp.UI;
namespace MyApp;
public partial class App : Application
ConfigurationProviderService m_configProvider;
public App(ConfigurationProviderService configProvider)
m_configProvider = configProvider;
MainPage = new LoadingPage();
protected override void OnStart()
var task = InitAsync();
task.ContinueWith((task) =>
MainThread.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
MainPage = new AppShell();
// Choose navigation depending on init
private async Task InitAsync()
await m_configProvider.InitAsync();

Fuelphp - route index with parameters

Using Fuelphp, I'd like to be able to use a URL system similar to here on StackOverflow to get to specific pages.
Desired behavior: -> page with many questions ->page with specific question
Here's my controller:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index($id=null)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
I can access the "generic" page with - this is routed to the action_index function. I can access a "specific" page with What I'd like to do is be able to skip index in this case too, so that works. Right now I'm getting 404. How do I set up routing for this?
After poking around a bit more, I came up with a solution that works fine:
class Controllers_Images extends Controller_Template
public function action_index()
//Use Model_Image to find many images
//Create appropriate view
public function get_id($id)
//Use Model_Image to find specific image
//Create appropriate view
In routes.php:
return array(
//other routing stuff...
With this setup, the url "" now appropriately displays the selected image as if "" was used instead. Not a huge deal, but it is a nicer interface, which is important!

Durandal routing issue

I have small SPA test app with Durandal.
Also I have very wired issue.
First, my folder structure is:
And when structure is like that all works just fine. But if I create structure like
I get error like localhost/App/_users/viewmodels/users.html 404 Not Found. And that happens after user.js are loaded by require.js.
my main.js looks like
paths: { "text": "../durandal/amd/text" }
define(function (require) {
var system = require('../durandal/system'),
app = require('../durandal/app'),
router = require('../durandal/plugins/router'),
viewLocator = require('../durandal/viewLocator'),
logger = require('../logger');
app.start().then(function () {
// route will use conventions for modules
// assuming viewmodels/views folder structure
// When finding a module, replace the viewmodel string
// with view to find it partner view.
// [viewmodel]s/sessions --> [view]s/sessions.html
// Otherwise you can pass paths for modules, views, partials
// Defaults to viewmodels/views/views.
// override bad route behavior to write to
// console log and show error toast
router.handleInvalidRoute = function (route, params) {
logger.logError('No route found', route, 'main', true);
I assume that this issue has something with router.useConvention(); or with viewLocator.useConvention(); but simple can't find any reason for that kind of behavior.
Any help, suggestion, idea how to solve this?
This is because of the behavior of the view locator, which by defaults looks for views/viewmodels in the first structure you describe.
You can easily change this behavior by supplying your own view locator function, or by calling useConvention() like this useConvention(modulesPath, viewsPath, areasPath)

MvvmCross: How to navigate to something besides a ViewModel?

What would I put in my MvxCommand to navigate to a simple URL? All mobile platforms have a mechanism to ask the OS for an Activity or ViewController that can display the contents of a URL. How would I do that with MvvmCross? One way that I know of is to put special stuff in the presentationBundle and/or parameterBundle when calling ShowViewModel that the presenter can detect to do the special OpenUrl command. But is that the best way??
There is a plugin which enables this -
If that plugins is loaded, then a viewmodel can use:
public class MyViewModel : MvxViewModel
private readonly IMvxWebBrowserTask _webBrowser;
public MyViewModel(IMvxWebBrowserTask webBrowser)
_webBrowser = webBrowse;
public ICommand ShowWebPage
get { return new MvxCommand(() => _webBrowser.ShowWebPage("");
You can see this used in, for example:
If you ever need to create your own plugins, see

How to create a simple landing page in MVC2

I'm trying to create a page.
went to Views\Shared and added a View called NotAuthorized witch originates the file name NotAuthorized.aspx
in my Routes I wrote
"NotAuthorized", // Route name
"NotAuthorized.aspx" // Route Url
but every time I access I get an error
The resource cannot be found.
What am I missing?
How can access this without using View("NotAuthorized") in the Controller, in other words, not passing through any controller.
You can't access views directly without passing through a controller. All pages in the Views folder cannot be served directly. So one way to accomplish what you are looking for is to write a custom[Authorize] attribute and set the error page:
protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
if (!filterContext.HttpContext.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
filterContext.Result = new ViewResult { ViewName = "NotAuthorized" };
I still have no idea on how to accomplish it, but what I did was use the Home Controller and create an Action called NotAuthorized
public ActionResult NotAuthorized()
return View();
And add a route like
"NotAuthorized", // Route name
"NotAuthorized", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "NotAuthorized" } // Parameter defaults
And works fine now, I can easily redirect in any part of my Business Logic to /Notauthorized and that will route fine.