Missing or invalid url parameter while posting image with twitter API - twitter-oauth

I am trying to post image on twitter. Image is already in my server. Here is my code
$tweet_img = '/home/voucherscode/public_html/editsocial/'.$tweet_img;
$returnT = $connection->post('statuses/update_with_media', array(
'media[]' => file_get_contents($tweet_img),
'status' => "$tweet_msg"
But I am response as
stdClass Object(
[errors] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[code] => 195
[message] => Missing or invalid url parameter.
Please help.

I got the issue. I was using old twitteroauth and on that post function has not multipart parameter.
I replaced my twitteroauth with https://github.com/tomi-heiskanen/twitteroauth/blob/77795ff40e4ec914bab4604e7063fa70a27077d4/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php and it works with below code.
$tweet_img = '/home/voucherscode/public_html/editsocial/'.$tweet_img;
$handle = fopen($tweet_img,'rb');
$image = fread($handle,filesize($tweet_img));
$parameters = array('media[]' => "{$image};type=image/jpeg;filename={$tweet_img}",'status' => 'Picture time');
$returnT = $connection->post('statuses/update_with_media', $parameters, true);


Facebook SDK 5.3 returning empty 'data' array in the body

Using the following code:
$postId = "<userid>_<post_id>";
$this->facebook = new Facebook([
'app_id' => $container->getParameter('facebook_client_id'),
'app_secret' => $container->getParameter('facebook_client_secret'),
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5',
$app = $this->facebook->getApp();
$request = new FacebookRequest(
'/' . $postId . '/sharedposts?fields=from,via'
$response = $this->facebook->getClient()->sendRequest($request);
print_R($response); exit();
returns the following:
[body:protected] => {"data":[]}
[decodedBody:protected] => Array
[data] => Array
But I can clearly see, within Facebook, that there is a comment, a share and a like on the post Id i'm querying
My end goal is to view how many times a post to FB has been shared by other FB users

IPP CustomerAgg 401 on getAccountTransactions

The user flow I'm building for my application is that users can click on myAccounts and I'll display the getCustomerAccounts Results. That works perfectly. Then for each account I have a hyperlink called get transactions. That takes the user to a new page that should list out the transactions for that account. For some reason I'm always getting a 401 Code:ApplicationAuthenticationFailed when I call getAccountTransactions even though the previous call of getCustomerAccounts worked fine.
I'm confused as I imagine the authentication that is failing for the 401 is the exact same that works for the earlier call. Here is my code:
function get_transactions($accountID)
IntuitAggCatHelpers::GetOAuthTokens( $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
$signatures = array( 'consumer_key' => OAUTH_CONSUMER_KEY,
'shared_secret' => OAUTH_SHARED_SECRET,
'oauth_token' => $oauth_token,
'oauth_secret' => $oauth_token_secret);
$txnStartDate = '2014-06-01'; // YYYY-MM-DD
$url = FINANCIAL_FEED_URL ."v1/accounts/$accountID/transactions?txnStartDate=$txnStartDate";
$action = 'GET';
$oauthObject = new OAuthSimple();
$oauthObject->setAction( $action );
$result = $oauthObject->sign(
'path' => $url,
'oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'signatures'=> $signatures
$options = array();
$curlError = fopen('php://temp', 'rw+');
$options[CURLOPT_STDERR] = $curlError;
$options[CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST] = $action;
$options[CURLOPT_URL] = $result['signed_url'];
$options[CURLOPT_HEADER] = 1;
$options[CURLOPT_VERBOSE] = 1;
$options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = true;
$options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array
//'Content-Length:' . strlen( $postData ),
//'Authorization:' . $result['header']
$curlError = fopen('php://temp', 'rw+');
$options[CURLOPT_STDERR] = $curlError;
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array( $ch, $options );
$responseText = urldecode( curl_exec( $ch ) );
echo $responseText;
//display curl http conversation
rewind( $curlError );
stream_get_contents( $curlError );
fclose( $curlError );
$httpCode = curl_getinfo( $ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
curl_close( $ch );
return $responseText;
Using same certificate(.p12) please try the above getAccountTransaction call from APIExplorer tool.
Usage Ref - https://developer.intuit.com/docs/0020_customeraccountdata/007_firstrequest
If that works well, then compare the request header and URL with the same from your above code. 401 suggests authentication error which comes when your OAuth header is not properly formed/incorrect. Above comparison should sort this out.
PN - While uploading .p12 file(SAML) in ApiExplorer, sometiems, I get the following error msg.
"Your certificate is invalid. Please use base64 encoded CER format and make sure that the file is not empty". If you get the same then this can't be tested in ApiExplorer.
This worked for me:
$result = $oauthObject->sign(array(
'path' => FINANCIAL_FEED_URL . 'v1/accounts/400037865348',
'parameters'=> array('oauth_signature_method' => 'HMAC-SHA1',
'txnStartDate' => '2014-01-01',
'txnEndDate' => '2014-08-29'),
'signatures'=> $signatures));
Found at https://intuitpartnerplatform.lc.intuit.com/questions/797819-how-to-get-txnstartdate-into-my-url-without-breaking-oauth-authentication.

Is Facebook batch request photo upload with no_story possible?

Is it?
Uploading works like a charm, but I don't want it to show up on timeline or feed.
I've tried adding no_story to each request, and to the $params which is commented out in following code:
foreach ($data['Ad']['Media'] as $medium) {
$file = $medium['tmp_name'];
$req = array(
'method' => 'POST',
'relative_url' => '/me/photos',
'message' => $data['Ad']['title'],
'attached_files' => 'file' . $count,
'no_story' => 1 //Also tried 'true'
//add this request to batch
$batch[] = json_encode($req);
$params['file' . $count] = '#' . realpath($file);
$params['batch'] = '[' . implode(',', $batch) . ']';
//$params['no_story'] = true;
Edit ##
See comment below.
i know you may not need the answer any more, but i was facing same issue , and after a lot of try and error i figured it out so i will post the answer may be some one face this issue again
$req = array(
'method' => 'POST',
'relative_url' => '/me/photos',
'attached_files' => 'file' . $count,
'body' => 'no_story=1'

SugarCRM: how to get all contacts for an account via REST API

I am trying to get all contacts for a particular account (i know the account id) from SugarCRM using the v2 REST API.
I am sending a GET request with the following parameters:
input_type => 'JSON'
response_type => 'JSON'
method => 'get_entry_list'
rest_data => '{session:"some-valid-session-id", module_name:"Contacts", query:"contacts.account_id=some-valid-id"}'
I expect to get all contacts that are related to this accoutn, but instead I get an error "... MySQL error 1054: Unknown column 'contacts.account_id' in 'where clause'"
However, when I try to get all contacts without providing any query (query='') I get all the contacts with all their properties and I can see that there is an account_id property.
Can anyone help?
Try query:"accounts.id=some-valid-id".
It has worked for me in the past with the SOAP API.
Here's my method. It uses this wrapper class: http://github.com/asakusuma/SugarCRM-REST-API-Wrapper-Class/
* returns an array of contacts that are related to the accountId passed as a param.
* The array returned will be an array of associative arrays.
* #param $accountId
* #param array $contactSelectFields optional sets the different items to return, default includes id, email1, name, title, phone_work, and description
* #return array
public function getAllContactsAtOrganization( $accountId, $contactSelectFields=array("id", "email1", "name", "title", "phone_work", "description")) {
$fields = array( "Accounts" => array("id", "name"),
"Contacts" => $contactSelectFields);
$options = array(
'where' => "accounts.id='$accountId'"
$apiResult = $sugar->get_with_related("Accounts", $fields, $options );
$contacts = array();
foreach( $apiResult['relationship_list'][0]['link_list'][0]['records'] as $almostContact) {
$curr = array();
foreach($contactSelectFields as $key) {
$curr[$key] = $almostContact['link_value'][$key]['value'];
$contacts[] = $curr;
return $contacts;
Sample Return
[0] => Array
[id] => 47e1376c-3029-fc42-5ae2-51aeead1041b
[email1] => johndoe#gmail.com
[name] => Blake Robertson
[title] => CTO
[phone_work] => 8881112222
[description] => Opinionated developer that hates SugarCRM's REST API with a passion!
[1] => Array
[id] => 4c8e3fcf-8e69-ed7d-e239-51a8efa4f530
[email1] => csmith#mailinator.com
[name] => Carolyn Smith
[title] => Director of Something
[phone_work] => 832-211-2222
[description] => She's a smooth operator...
For Reference Purposes
Here's the "rest-data" (nicely formatted)
Used print_r of the php array
[session] => 9j7fm4268l0aqm25kvf9v567t3
[module_name] => Accounts
[query] => accounts.id='e583715b-7168-5d61-5fb1-513510b39705'
[order_by] =>
[offset] => 0
[select_fields] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => name
[link_name_to_fields_array] => Array
[0] => Array
[name] => contacts
[value] => Array
[0] => id
[1] => email1
[2] => name
[3] => title
[4] => phone_work
[5] => description
[max_results] => 20
[deleted] => FALSE
Post Body
I'm not familiar with SugarCRM yet, but did you try with just account_id=some-valid-id ? because I also did a REST request to add a contact to sugarcrm and I didn't mention the table's name, just the fields. I didn't try this but it seems logical to me since you already mentionned the module's name, so I guess sugar kind of knows what table(s?) to look for when processing your query.

Linkedin: How to make api calls using access token?

I am storing the linkedin access token in database. This is the token that is stored in my database:
I want to retrieve the linkedin connections using this access token. I am trying to make a call like this:
$a = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access();
$client = $a->getHttpClient( array(
'siteUrl' => LIN_SITE_URL,
'callbackUrl' => LIN_SITE_CALLBACK_URL,
'requestTokenUrl' => LIN_REQUEST_TOKEN_URL,
'userAuthorizationUrl' => LIN_USER_AUTHORIZATION_URL,
'accessTokenUrl' => LIN_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL,
'consumerKey' => LIN_CONSUMER_KEY,
'consumerSecret' => LIN_CONSUMER_SECRET
) );
$response = $client->request();
$content = $response->getBody();
$data = json_decode(Zend_Json::fromXml($content, false));
print_r($data); echo "<br/>";
The error i am getting here is:
stdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [status] => 404 [timestamp] => 1349429996351 [request-id] => 8U8A1UNF1V [error-code] => 0 [message] => Could not find person based on: ~ ) )
Is this the correct way to make a call or am i doing something wrong here. I am using zend framework.
I was able to solve the problem by passing the outh_token and outh_token_secret as an array to the setParams() of Zend_Oauth_Token_Access as below:
$a = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access;
'oauth_token' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'oauth_token_secret' => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
In your code example I don't see where you're setting the access token and secret. I just see that you're instantiating the $a variable:
$a = new Zend_Oauth_Token_Access();
Are you retrieving the access token and secret from you database then setting it to the $a variable? Something like this:
By the way, this is a good reference for using Zend and LinkedIn: http://www.contentwithstyle.co.uk/content/linkedin-and-zendoauth/