TSQL call query from wtihin a query in same database - tsql

I am blaming this on Monday morning, but is there some way to run a query from within a query.....
Isn't there some sort of command like
EXEC sp_ myOtherQuery.sql
I realize this lacks all sorts of error handling just wondering if there was some way to do this.

I had similar situation and used something like:
declare #cmd nvarchar(max)
declare #spname nvarchar(256)
set #spname=<your_database_name> + '.dbo.' + 'sp_executesql'
set #cmd='your query text'
execute #spname #cmd

If you're doing this in SQL Server Management Studio:
Turn on SQLCMD mode using the query menu. Then use the :r directive to include the other sql file into the one you're editing.
--sql statements
:r "C:\Full\Path\To\Sql\File.sql"
--More sql statements
This is effectively an include directive. The contents of the sql file will be inserted in your script at run time and the whole thing will be run as one.
This works only in SSMS. It isn't something you can do in a stored procedure.


How to guard execution when 'USE' not supported in SQL

When I'm sketching out SQL statements I have a file of all the queries I have used to analyse my live data. Each time I write a new statement or group of statements at the end of the fileI select them and click 'execute' to see the results. I'm paranoid that I may forget the selection stage and accidentally run all the queries sequentially in the entire file and so I head the file with the line
USE FakeDatabase
so that the queries will fail as they will be run against a non-existing database. But no, instead I get the error
USE statement is not supported to switch between databases
(N.B. I am using SQL Server Management Studio v17.0 RC1 against a v12 Azure SQL Server database.)
What tSQL statement can I use that will prevent further execution of tSQL statements in a file?
use is not supported in AZURE...you can try below ,but there can be many options depending on your use case
Replace use Database with below statement
if db_name() <>'Fakedatabase'
You could, instead, put something like this in each script:
IF ##SERVERNAME <> 'Not-Really-My-Server'
raiserror('Database Name Not Set', 20, -1) with log
-- Rest of my query...

What is the purpose of pgScript in PostgreSQL?

I have failed to understand the need for pgScript, which could be executed using pgAdmin tool. When it should be used? What it can do that plpgSQL cannot do? What is equivalent of it in Microsoft SQL Server?
pgScript is a client-side scripting language, while pl/PgSQL runs on the server. This means they have entirely different use cases. For example, PgScript can manage transaction status while pl/PgSQL cannot, but pl/Pgsql can be used to extend the language of SQL while pgScript cannot do that.
Additionally it means the two will handle many other things quite differently ranging from query plans to dynamic SQL, and while pgScript requires round trips between queries pl/Pgsql does not.
One use for pgScript is to define variables and use them later in your SQLs.
For example, you could do something like this:
declare #mytbl, #maxid;
set #mytbl = 'sometable';
set #maxid = 2500;
set #res = select count(*) from #mytbl where id <= #maxid;
print #res;
This approach is to just have any variables you want to change at the top of your script, rather than those getting buried deep inside complex SQL queries.
Of course, pgScript is a feature available only inside PgAdmin III client like #{Craig Ringer} mentioned in his comment.
I used DDL script generator from Toad Data Modeler.
I ran the script using normal query execution in PgAdmin-III but it kept giving me error:
"ERROR: relation "user" already exists SQL state: 42P07".
I ran Execute pgScript in PgAdmin-III and it worked fine.

Multiple prepared statements disrupt a transaction using DBD::Sybase

In my Perl script, I use DBD::Sybase (via DBI module) to connect to a SQL Server 2008. The base program as below runs without problem:
use DBI;
# assign values to $host, $usr, $pwd
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:Sybase:$host", $usr, $pwd);
$dbh->do("BEGIN TRAN tr1");
my $update = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE mytable SET qty = ? where name = ?");
$update->execute(100, 'apple');
$dbh->do("END TRAN tr1");
however, if I insert one more prepare statement right before the existing prepare statement, to have the program look like:
my $insert = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO mytable (name, qty) VALUES (?, ?)");
my $update = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE mytable SET qty = ? where name = ?");
and the rest is all the same, then when I run it, I got:
DBD::Sybase::db do failed: Server message number=3902 severity=16 state=1 line=1 server=xxx text=The COMMIT TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION.
So looks like the additional prepare statement somehow disrupted the entire transaction flow. I had been running the same code via the DBD::ODBC driver with no problem against a SQL SERVER 2005. (But my firm upgraded to 2008 and I had to use the DBD::Sybase to get around some other problems.)
Any help / suggestion on how to resolve this issue would be much appreciated. In particular, using a different db handle for the other prepare is not a desired solution since that will beat the purpose of having them in a single transaction.
UPDATE: Turns out if I execute at least once on the additional insert, then the program is again run fine. So looks like every prepared statement needs to be run under Sybase. But that isn't a requirement with ODBC and isn't a reasonable requirement in general. Anyway to get around it?
You are learning perl AND Sybase basics and making several incorrect conclusions.
Forget about what it does under ODBC for a moment. ODBC most probably has AUTOCOMMIT turned on, and thus you have no transaction control whatsoever. (Why anyone would use ODBC when the DBD:: supports DB-Lib and CT-Lib is beyond me, but that's a separate story.)
Re: "So looks like every prepared statement needs to be run under Sybase."
Rawheiser is correct. What exactly do you expect to achieve by preparing a batch but performing a Do instead ? Where else do you expect to execute the batch prepared under Sybase, other than under Sybase?
Do vs prepare/execute are quite different. prepare/execute for Sybase works just fine in millions of programs. you just have to learn what it does, not what you think it should do. prepare let's you load a batch, a block of commands terminated by GO in the normal Sybase sense. Execute executes the prepared batch (supplies the GO and sends the batch to the server), and captures whatever is returned (according to whatever array/variables you have set).
Do is immediate, single command, with no prepare. A prepare+execute combined.
Performing only single-statement do's, and only dynamic SQL, simply because that's all that you could get to work, is very limiting and quite unnecessary.
You currently have:
Execute (100)
So of course, there is no BEGIN TRAN. (The first "do" executed, the BEGIN TRAN is gone)
I think what you want (intended originally) is this. Forget the 'do':
Execute (100)
Then change it to:
Execute (100)
Your $update and $insert will confuse you (you're executing a multi-statement batch, right ?not a isolated single command in the middle of a prepare batch). If you get rid of them, and think in terms of $execute [whatever you have prepared in the batch], it might help you to understand the problem better.
Do not form conclusions until you have all the above working as intended.
And read up on BEGIN/COMMIT TRAN.
Last, What exactly is a "END TRAN" ? I do not think the code block you have posted is real.
Don't dynamically create SQL, it is dangerous (sql injection).
You should be able to prepare multiple inserts/updates and your link to the DBI documentation does not say you cannot, it says some drivers may not be able to tell you much about a statement which is ONLY prepared.
I'd post a failing example with error to the dbi-users list for comment as the DBD::Sybase maintainer hangs out there (see dbi.perl.org).
Turns out that DBI's prepare method is not quite portable across various database drivers as noted here. For the Sybase driver, it is most likely that prepare is not working as intended. One way to tell is that after running prepare, the variable $insert->{NUM_OF_FIELDS} is undefined.
To get around the problem, do one of the following:
1) do not prepare anything. Just dynamically construct the statement in text string and run $dbh->do($stmt), or
2) run finish on all outstanding statement handles (under that database handle) before running COMMIT TRAN. I personally prefer this way much better.

ADO: Execute multiple TSQL using connection and command object

For a particular installation of my application, I need to create the database and the schema on the SQL server from the installer itself. I have a custom installer through which I have been able to detect and install the pre-requisites and the software. The user is prompted to give the IP of the database server and the username and password. Behind the scene, I create a connection and a command object. I keep the queries in different files. I use a reader and read the content of the file and set the content of the file to the CommandText of the command object. The typical content of the file is like following:
create database mydatabase
Use mydatabase
EXEC sp_MSforeachtable #command1 = "DROP TABLE ?"
Now the issue is the first statements get executed but it gives error after that. The error that is shown is: "syntax error near 'GO'". I tried removing the GO statement and also tried ending the sql statements with semi-colon. The error in this case is "Database 'mydatabase'does not exist. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.".
However if I keep a single statement in the file, it works fine.
Can somebody help me?
As you can see at http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa258908%28SQL.80%29.aspx
GO is not a Transact-SQL statement; it
is a command recognized by the osql
and isql utilities and SQL Query
So this is the cause of your problems when you run it using the SqlCommand from .Net.
In my opinion you have two options:
1) Execute the instructions one by one. Maybe use a separator in your files, then split the SQL statements and execute them sequentially using a for/foreach.
2) Use Server class from SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) that should allow you to execute the script containing "Go" statements.
You can execute more than one sql command statement by simply adding a ";" at the end of each command instead of a "GO" statement.
cmd.CommandText = #" Update TableA Set ColumnA = 'Test' Where ID = 1;
Update TableB Set ColumnA = 'Second line' Where ID = 2;

DB2 Equivalent to SQL's GO?

I have written a DB2 query to do the following:
Create a temp table
Select from a monster query / insert into the temp table
Select from the temp table / delete from old table
Select from the temp table / insert into a different table
In MSSQL, I am allowed to run the commands one after another as one long query. Failing that, I can delimit them with 'GO' commands. When I attempt this in DB2, I get the error:
DB2CLI.DLL: ERROR [42601] [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL0199N The use of the reserved
word "GO" following "" is not valid. Expected tokens may include: "".
What can I use to delimit these instructions without the temp table going out of scope?
GO is something that is used in MSSQL Studio, I have my own app for running upates into live and use "GO" to break the statements apart.
Does DB2 support the semi-colon (;)? This is a standard delimiter in many SQL implementations.
have you tried using just a semi-colon instead of "GO"?
This link suggests that the semi-colon should work for DB2 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/16640/IBM-DB2
I would try wrapping what you are looking to do in BEGIN and END to set the scope.
GO is not a SQL command, it's not even a TSQL command. It is an instruction for the parser. I don't know DB2, but I would imagine that GO is not neccessary.
From Devx.com Tips
Although GO is not a T-SQL statement, it is often used in T-SQL code and unless you know what it is it can be a mystery. So what is its purpose? Well, it causes all statements from the beginning of the script or the last GO statement (whichever is closer) to be compiled into one execution plan and sent to the server independent of any other batches.