Why does decoding "€" to "€" also turn "é" into "é" in output? - perl

I'm new to Perl scripting, and I'm facing some issues in decoding a string:
use HTML::Entities;
my $string='Rémunération €';
print "$string";
The output I get looks like Rémunération €, when it should look like Rémunération €.
Can anyone please help me with this?

If you run this version of your code (with the typo in decode_entities fixed, strict mode and warnings enabled, and an extra print added) at a terminal:
use strict;
use warnings;
use HTML::Entities;
my $string='Rémunération €';
print "$string\n";
print "$string\n";
you should see the following output:
Rémunération €
Wide character in print at test.pl line 7.
Rémunération €
What happens is the following chain of events:
Your code is written in UTF-8, but don't have use utf8; in it, so Perl is parsing your source code (and, in particular, any string literals in it) byte by byte. Thus, the string literal 'é' is parsed as a two-character string, because the UTF-8 encoding of é takes up two bytes.
Normally, this doesn't matter (much), because your STDOUT is also not in UTF-8 mode, and so it just takes any byte string you give it and spits it out byte by byte, and your terminal then interprets the resulting output as UTF-8 (or tries to).
So, when you do print 'é'; Perl thinks you're printing a two-character string in byte mode, and writes out two bytes, which just happen to make up the UTF-8 encoding of the single character é.
However, when you run your string through decode_entities(), it decodes the € into an actual Unicode € character, which does not fit inside a single byte.
When you try to print the resulting string, Perl notices the "wide" € character. It can't print it as a single byte, so instead, it falls back to encoding the whole string as UTF-8 (and emitting a warning, if you have those enabled, as you should). But that causes the és (which were already encoded, since Perl never decoded them while parsing your code) to get double-UTF8-encoded, producing the mojibake output you see.
A simple fix is to add use utf8; to your code, and also set all your filehandles (including STDIN / STDOUT / STDERR) to UTF-8 mode by default, e.g. like this:
use utf8;
use open qw(:std :utf8);
With those lines prepended to the test script above, the output you get should be:
Rémunération €
Rémunération €


perl prints 3 wrong characters instead of unicode character

Been having trouble with the print function, I know I'm missing something small. I've been looking everywhere and trying stuff out but can't seem to find the solution.
I'm trying to print braille characters in perl, I got the value of 2881 from a table and converted it to hexa. When I try to print the hexadecimal character, perl prints 3 characters instead.
use utf8;
print "\x{AF1}";
C:\Users\ElizabethTosh\Desktop>perl testff.pl
Wide character in print at testff.pl line 3.
Issue #1: You need to tell Perl to encode the output for your terminal.
Add the following to your program.
use Win32 qw( );
use open ':std', ':encoding(cp'.Win32::GetConsoleOutputCP().')';
use utf8; merely specifies the that source file is encoded using UTF-8 instead of ASCII.
Issue #2: Your terminal probably can't handle that character.
The console of US-English machines likely expect cp437. It's character set doesn't include any braille characters.
You could try switching to code page 65001 (UTF-8) using chcp 65001. You may also need to switch the console's font to one that includes braille characters. (MS Gothic worked for me, although it does weird things to the backslashes.)
Issue #3: You have the wrong character code.
U+0AF1 GUJARATI RUPEE SIGN (૱): "\x{AF1}" or "\N{U+0AF1}" or chr(2801)
U+0B41 ORIYA VOWEL SIGN U (ୁ): "\x{B41}" or "\N{U+0B41}" or chr(2881)
U+2801 BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-1 (⠁): "\x{2801}" or "\N{U+2801}" or chr(10241)
U+2881 BRAILLE PATTERN DOTS-18 (⢁): "\x{2881}" or "\N{U+2881}" or chr(10369)
All together,
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw( say );
use Win32 qw( );
use open ':std', ':encoding(cp'.Win32::GetConsoleOutputCP().')';
say(chr($_)) for 0x2801, 0x2881;
>chcp 65001
Active code page: 65001
>perl a.pl
If you save a character with UTF-8, and it's displayed as 3 strange characters instead of 1, it means that the character is in the range U+0800 to U+FFFF, and that you decode it with some single-byte encoding instead of UTF-8.
So, change the encoding of your terminal to UTF-8. If you can't do this, redirect the output to a file:
perl testff.pl >file
And open the file with a text editor that supports UTF-8, to see if the character is displayed correctly.
You want to print the character U+2881 (⢁), and not U+0AF1. 2881 is already in hexadecimal.
To get rid of the Wide character in print warning, set the input and output of your Perl program to UTF-8:
use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
Instead of use utf8;, which only enables the interpretation of the program text as UTF-8.
Source file (testff.pl):
use strict;
use warnings;
use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
print "\x{2881}";
> perl testff.pl

In what encoding does readpipe return the result of an executed command?

Here's a simple perl script that is supposed to write a utf-8 encoded file:
use warnings;
use strict;
open (my $out, '>:encoding(utf-8)', 'tree.out') or die;
print $out readpipe ('tree ~');
close $out;
I have expected readpipe to return a utf-8 encoded string since LANG is set toen_US.UTF-8. However, looking at tree.out (while making sure the editor recognizes it a as utf-8 encoded) shows me all garbled text.
If I change the >:encoding(utf-8) in the open statement to >:encoding(latin-1), the script creates a utf-8 file with the expected
This is all a bit strange to me. What is the explanation for this behavior?
readpipe is returning to perl a string of undecoded bytes. We know that that string is UTF-8 encoded, but you've not told Perl.
The IO layer on your output handle is taking that string, assuming it is Unicode code-points and re-encoding them as UTF-8 bytes.
The reason that the latin-1 IO layer appears to be functioning correctly is that it is writing out each undecoded byte unmolested because the 1st 256 unicode code-points correspond nicely with latin-1.
The proper thing to do would be to decode the byte-string returned by readpipe into a code-point-string, before feeding it to an IO-layer. The statement use open ':utf8', as mentioned by Borodin, should be a viable solution as readpipe is specifically mentioned in the open manual page.

perl uri_escape_utf8 with arabic

I am trying to escape some Arabic to LWP::UserAgent. I am testing this with a script below:
my $files = "/home/root/temp.txt";
unlink ($files);
open (OUTFILE, '>>', $files);
my $text = "ضثصثضصثشس";
print OUTFILE uri_escape_utf8($text)."\n";
close (OUTFILE);
However, this seems to cause the following:
which is not correct. Any pointers to what I need to do in order to escape this correctly?
Thank you for your help in advance.
Perl consideres your source file to be encoded as Latin-1 until you tell it to use utf8. If we do that, the string "ضثصثضصثشس" does not contain some jumbled bytes, but is rather a string of codepoints.
The uri_escape_utf8 expects a string of codepoints (not bytes!), encodes them, and then URI-escapes them. Ergo, the correct thing to do is
use utf8;
use URI::Escape;
print uri_escape_utf8("ضثصثضصثشس"), "\n";
Output: %D8%B6%D8%AB%D8%B5%D8%AB%D8%B6%D8%B5%D8%AB%D8%B4%D8%B3
If we fail to use utf8, then uri_escape_utf8 gets a string of bytes (which are accidentally encoded in UTF8), so we should have used uri_escape:
die "This is the wrong way to do it";
use URI::Escape;
print uri_escape("ضثصثضصثشس"), "\n";
which produces the same output as above – but only by accident.
Using uri_escape_utf8 whith a bytestring (that would decode to arabic characters) produces the totally wrong
because this effectively double-encodes the data. It is the same as
use utf8;
use URI::Escape;
use Encode;
print uri_escape(encode "utf8", encode "utf8", "ضثصثضصثشس"), "\n";
Edit: So you used CP-1256, which is a non-portable single byte encoding. It is unable to encode arbitrary Unicode characters, and should therefore be avoided along with other pre-Unicode encodings. You didn't declare your encoding, so perl thinks you meant Latin-1. This means that what you saw as "ضثصثضصثشس" was actually the byte stream D6 CB D5 CB D6 D5 CB D4 D3, which decodes to some unprintable junk in Latin-1.
Edit: So you want to decode command line arguments. The Encode::Locale module should manage this. Before accessing any parameters from #ARGV, do
use Encode::Locale;
decode_argv(Encode::FB_CROAK); # possibly: BEGIN { decode_argv(...) }
or use the locale pseudoencoding which it provides:
my $decoded_string = decode "locale" $some_binary_data;
Use this as a part in the overall strategy of decoding all input, and always encoding your output.

Perl ord and chr working with unicode

To my horror I've just found out that chr doesn't work with Unicode, although it does something. The man page is all but clear
Returns the character represented by that NUMBER in the character set. For example, chr(65)" is "A" in either ASCII or Unicode, and chr(0x263a) is a Unicode smiley face.
Indeed I can print a smiley using
perl -e 'print chr(0x263a)'
but things like chr(0x00C0) do not work. I see that my perl v5.10.1 is a bit ancient, but when I paste various strange letters in the source code, everything's fine.
I've tried funny things like use utf8 and use encoding 'utf8', I haven't tried funny things like use v5.12 and use feature 'unicode_strings' as they don't work with my version, I was fooling around with Encode::decode to find out that I need no decoding as I have no byte array to decode. I've read much more documentation than ever before, and found quite a few interesting things but nothing helpful. It looks like a sort of the Unicode Bug but there's no usable solution given. Moreover I don't care about the whole string semantics, all I need is a trivial function.
So how can I convert a number into a string consisting of the single character corresponding with it, so that for example real_chr(0xC0) eq 'À' holds?
The first answer I've got explains quite everything about IO, but I still don't understand why
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use utf8;
use encoding 'utf8';
print chr(0x00C0) eq 'À' ? 'eq1' : 'ne1', " - ", chr(0x263a) eq '☺' ? 'eq1' : 'ne1', "\n";
print 'À' =~ /\w/ ? "match1" : "no_match1", " - ", chr(0x00C0) =~ /\w/ ? "match2" : "no_match2", "\n";
ne1 - eq1
match1 - no_match2
It means that the manually entered 'À' differs from chr(0x00C0). Moreover, the former is a word constituent character (correct!) while the latter is not (but should be!).
perl -le'print chr(0x263A);'
is buggy. Perl even tells you as much:
Wide character in print at -e line 1.
That doesn't qualify as "working". So while they differ in how fail to provide what you want, neither of the following gives you what you want:
perl -le'print chr(0x263A);'
perl -le'print chr(0x00C0);'
To properly output the UTF-8 encoding of those Unicode code points, you need to tell Perl to encoding the Unicode points with UTF-8.
$ perl -le'use open ":std", ":encoding(UTF-8)"; print chr(0x263A);'
$ perl -le'use open ":std", ":encoding(UTF-8)"; print chr(0x00C0);'
Now on to the "why".
File handle can only transmit bytes, so unless you tell it otherwise, Perl file handles expect bytes. That means the string you provide to print cannot contain anything but bytes, or in other words, it cannot contain characters over 255. The output is exactly what you provide:
$ perl -e'print map chr, 0x00, 0x65, 0xC0, 0xF0' | od -t x1
0000000 00 65 c0 f0
This is useful. This is different then what you want, but that doesn't make it wrong. If you want something different, you just need to tell Perl what you want.
By adding an :encoding layer, the handle now expects a string of Unicode characters, or as I call it, "text". The layer tells Perl how to convert the text into bytes.
$ perl -e'
use open ":std", ":encoding(UTF-8)";
print map chr, 0x00, 0x65, 0xC0, 0xF0, 0x263a;
' | od -t x1
0000000 00 65 c3 80 c3 b0 e2 98 ba
Your right that chr doesn't know or care about Unicode. Like length, substr, ord and reverse, chr implements a basic string function, not a Unicode function. That doesn't mean it can't be used to work with text string. As you've seen, the problem wasn't with chr but with what you did with the string after you built it.
A character is an element of a string, and a character is a number. That means a string is just a sequence of numbers. Whether you treat those numbers as Unicode code points (text), packed IP addresses or temperature measurements is entirely up to you and the functions to which you pass the strings.
Here are a few example of operators that do assign meaning to the strings they receive as operands:
m// expects a string of Unicode code points.
connect expects a sequence of bytes that represent a sockaddr_in structure.
print with a handle without :encoding expect a sequence of bytes.
print with a handle with :encoding expect a sequence of Unicode code points.
So how can I convert a number into a string consisting of the single character corresponding with it, so that for example real_chr(0xC0) eq 'À' holds?
chr(0xC0) eq 'À' does hold. Did you remember to tell Perl you encoded your source code using UTF-8 by using use utf8;? If you didn't tell Perl, Perl actually sees a two-character string on the RHS.
Regarding the question you've added:
There are problems with the encoding pragma. I recommend against using it. Instead, use
use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
That'll fix one of the problems. The other problem you are encountering is with
chr(0x00C0) =~ /\w/
It's a known bug that's intentionally left broken for backwards compatibility reasons. That is, unless you request a more recent version of the language as follows:
use 5.014; # use 5.012; *might* suffice.
A workaround that works as far back as 5.8:
my $x = chr(0x00C0);
$x =~ /\w/

Perl: String literal in module in latin1 - I want utf8

In the Date::Holidays::DK module, the names of certain Danish holidays are written in Latin1 encoding. For example, January 1st is 'Nytårsdag'. What should I do to $x below in order to get a proper utf8-encoded string?
use Date::Holidays::DK;
my $x = is_dk_holiday(2011,1,1);
I tried various combinations of use utf8 and no utf8 before/after use Date::Holidays::DK, but it does not seem to have any effect. I also triede to use Encode's decode, with no luck. More specifically,
use Date::Holidays::DK;
use Encode;
use Devel::Peek;
my $x = decode("iso-8859-1",
print "January 1st is '$x'\n";
gives the output
SV = PV(0x15eabe8) at 0x1492a10
PV = 0x1593710 "Nyt\303\245rsdag"\0 [UTF8 "Nyt\x{e5}rsdag"]
CUR = 10
LEN = 16
January 1st is 'Nyt sdag'
(with an invalid character between t and s).
use utf8 and no utf8 before/after use Date::Holidays::DK, but it does not seem to have any effect.
Correct. The utf8 pragma only indicates that the source code of the program is written in UTF-8.
I also tried to use Encode's decode, with no luck.
You did not perceive this correctly, you in fact did the right thing. You now have a string of Perl characters and can manipulate it.
with an invalid character between t and s
You also interpret this wrong, it is in fact the å character.
You want to output UTF-8, so you are lacking the encoding step.
my $octets = encode 'UTF-8', $x;
print $octets;
Please read http://p3rl.org/UNI for the introduction to the topic of encoding. You always must decode and encode, either explicitely or implicitely.
use utf8 only is a hint to the perl interpreter/compiler that your file is UTF-8 encoded. If you have strings with high-bit set, it will automatically encode them to unicode.
If you have a variable that is encoded in iso-8859-1 you must decode it. Then your variable is in the internal unicode format. That's utf8 but you shouldn't care which encoding perl uses internaly.
Now if you want to print such a string you need to convert the unicode string back to a byte string. You need to do a encode on this string. If you don't do an encode manually perl itself will encode it back to iso-8859-1. This is the default encoding.
Before you print your variable $x, you need to do a $x = encode('UTF-8', $x) on it.
For correct handling of UTF-8 you always need to decode() every external input over I/O. And you always need to encode() everything that leaves your program.
To change the default input/output encoding you can use something like this.
use utf8;
use open ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use open ':std';
The first line says that your source code is encoded in utf8. The second line says that every input/ouput should automatically encode in utf8. It is important to notice that a open() also open a file in utf8 mode. If you work with binary files you need to call a binmode() on the handle.
But the second line does not change handling of STDIN,STDOUT or STDERR. The third line will change that.
You can probably use the modul utf8:all that makes this process easier. But it is always good to understand how all this works behind the scenes.
To correct your example. One possible way is this:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Date::Holidays::DK;
use Encode;
use Devel::Peek;
my $x = decode("iso-8859-1",
print encode("UTF-8", "January 1st is '$x'\n");