Recording Data from Behaviourspace - netlogo

I wish to store record the output of a NetLogo simulation run in two ways:
Output of some functions at the end of the simulation creating a single .csv for all simulation runs.(This is fairly easy to accomplish)
Output of some variables of an agentset at the end of each tick and store the values in a separate .csv for each simulation.
I don't know how to create a separate .csv for each simulation run and also accomplish the two at the same time.
In terms of the efficiency, while recording the data at each tick, does NetLogo write to .csv directly or stores in memory and writes once in the end?
Note: I run the simulations on HPC using behavior space.
Using RNetLogo I can accomplish this, but it is too slow due to the inherent time in data transfer between R and NetLogo. Also, running NetLogo in parallel from R seems difficult to do
Tried writing an if condition in reporter tab in behavior space GUI, doesn't work. It seems allow only reporters.
Link same question asked at d-level


Simulink: Simulating using from file block. Choosing a variable start point

I have a control model in Simulink which consists of two blocks. One which takes some inputs and generates three signals, x,y,z as arrays (trajectory) and feeds them to the second block as reference for the control.
I would like to be able to run this using a recorded trajectory. I have simulated the trajectory (by running the simulation once) and written the data to a mat file (signals plus timestamp). I can remove the first block and feed the mat file to the second control block and it works fine.
The trajectory is a loop. My question is, I would like to be able to start the simulation at any point in the file and I am not familiar with how Simulink manages time. If I want to start from a different point what do I need to do and can I make it continuous so that if I start from point N-1 in the file it will proceed through N and back to 1,2,3 etc.
If you want to start at a different time point you won't be able to directly use the .mat file that you have created. You'll need to load the data into MATLAB and change the time vector so that t=0 corresponds to the data that you do want to start with.
Since you want to repeat the sequence, you most likely want to use the Repeating Sequence block. This would require you to load the data into MATLAB (and do the time alignment) anyway.

How to extract global variables values at the end of each experiment in Netlogo Behaviour Space

I am running Netlogo program to simulate if a drunk person manages to cross to another side of the pier safely. I then stored this result in a global variable.
Now I would like to run a repetition of this simulation 100x through BehaviorSpace to find out the percentages of different outcomes.
However, I am unable to extract the value of that variable at the end of each repetition.
I would like to ask if there are any ways I can extract the value of a global variable at the end of each repetition in BehaviorSpace.
Thank you.
You can just at the global to Measure runs using these reporters.
If you only want the last result, uncheck Measure runs at every step.
If you have other things you want to report every step and you insist on not recording the global at every step, you can add to Final commands to write the value to a separate file.

Average results from multiple simulations

I have a simulation with a lot of random components, so I would like to run many simulations and average the results (the result is determined by a variable called score).
How would you do this in Netlogo?
Currently I'm working on a program that will export the results to csv, then I plan to use python/excel to average them. I don't like this because I want to run 100+ simulations (so there will be 100+ files)... I'm hoping there is a better solution
EDIT or an implementation of what I described (I have to relearn enough python/vba to solve this, so it's going to take me some time)
This should be simple enough if you use BehaviorSpace.
In your experiment definition, put score in the Measure runs using these reporters textbox and uncheck Measure run at every step.
When you run your experiment, save your results using Table output. It will produce a csv that you can open in your spreadsheet application. From there, producing an average of the score column should be trivial.

matlab script node in Labview with different timing

I have a DAQ for Temperature measurment. I take a continuous sample rate and after DAQ, calculating temperature difference per minute (Cooling Rate: CR) during this process. This CR and temperature values are inserted into the Matlab script for a physical model running (predicting the temperature drop for next 30 sec). Then, I record and compare the predicted and experimental values in LabVIEW.
What i am trying to do is the matlab model is executing every 30 sec, and send out its predictions as an output from matlab script. One of this outputs helps me to change the Air Blower Motor Speed until next matlab run( eventually affect the temperature drop for next 30 sec as well, which becomes a closed loop). After 30 sec while main process is still running, sending CR and temperature values to matlab model again, and so on.
I have a case structure for this Matlab script. And inside of case structure i applied an elapsed time function to control the timing for the matlab script, but this is not working.
Yes. Short answer: I believe (one of) the reasons the program behaves weird on changed timing are several race conditions present in the code.
The part of the diagram presented shows several big problems with the code:
Local variables lead to race conditions. Use dataflow. E.g. you are writing to Tinitial local variable, and reading from Tinitial local varaible in the chunk of code with no data dependencies. It is not known whether reading or writing will happen first. It may not manifest itself badly with small delays, while big delays may be an issue. Solution: rewrite you program using the following example:
From Bad:
To Good:
(nevermind broken wires)
Matlab script node executes in the main UI execution system. If it is executing for a long time, it may freeze indicators/controls as well as execution of other pieces of code. Change execution system of other VIs in your program (say to "other 1") and see if the situation improves.

Faster way to run simulink simulation repeatedly for a large number of time

I want to run a simulation which includes SimEvent blocks (thus only Normal option is available for sim run) for a large number of times, like at least 1000. When I use sim it compiles the program every time and I wonder if there is any other solution which just run the simulation repeatedly in a faster way. I disabled Rebuild option from Configuration Parameter and it does make it faster but still takes ages to run for around 100 times.
And single simulation time is not long at all.
Thank you!
It's difficult to say why the model compiles every time without actually seeing the model and what's inside it. However, the Parallel Computing Toolbox provides you with the ability to distribute the iterations of your model across several cores, or even several machines (with the MATLAB Distributed Computing Server). See Run Parallel Simulations in the documentation for more details.