Eclipse RCP TableViewer decorators have no visible effect on icons - eclipse

I'm trying to use ILabelDecorators to decorate icons in the TableViewer.
I use two-column table to show properties of some model object. The first column displays the property name, the second column it the property value.
Some objects in the second column may have icons and I want these icons decorated.
The number of rows in the table is not constant and depends on the kind of the model.
The problem is that the content provider for the TableViewer assumed to provide the 'row model' objects, so I have to use some containers to pack both property name and value.
Then it comes to decorating, Eclipse uses these containers, but not their 'value' parts, to select the appropriate decorators, and to pass as the argument to the decorate() procedure.
As the result, decoration code are never called, because the class of these containers (I use simple Object array) does not match any classes declared in the enablement sections of the decorator elements in the plugin.xml.
Moreover, even if I do not restrict the decorators by classes, these containers are passed to the decorate() procedure in all my decorators, so I have to make all decorators know about these containers existence, which is quite weird.
At last, I have found some solution, I use an IAdapterFactory object to convert containers to their values. But it seem an overkill a bit.
Does anyone know more simple solutions?


How to build a tree in GTK4 (>= 4.10)

As the document said, TreeView in GTK4 has been deprecated since 4.10. The recommended replacement for it is ColumnView. However, I can't find clear documentation or example about how to build a treeView-like widget in GTK4 by ColumnView.
I found maybe TreeExpander related to it but I still don't know how to deal with it.
A very brief outline of what I did:
Familiarize yourself with how the new dynamic list widgets (Gtk.GridView and Gtk.ColumnView) work for a flat model (GLib.ListStore). There is example code in the Demo app.
Create a Gtk.TreeListModelCreateModelFunc function that takes a model item as a parameter and, if that item has children (e.g. is a folder in a filesystem model), creates and returns a Gtk.ListStore to hold the children. If the child items are already available then they can also be appended to the child model here. This means the child items are preloaded whether or not the row is expanded. For startup performance reasons, you might want to arrange to load them when the row is actually expanded which is more difficult - in this case you have to add a dummy child to the model else the expander will not be displayed.
Create a Gtk.SignalListItemFactory.
In the setup handler, create a display widget as usual then instead of using your display widget as child of the Gtk.ListItem, you create a Gtk.TreeExpander, and make that the child the Gtk.ListItem and make the display widget a child of the expander.
In the bind handler, get the display widget and model item from the supplied object. A complication here is that the object may be a Gtk.TreeListRow whose item might be another Gtk.TreeListRow so getting to the model item is harder. Bind the widget to the model item as usual. Then get the Gtk.TreeListRow from the Gtk.ListItem position and set the expander's list-row property to it.
If you delayed loading the child items then you would need to detect when the row is first expanded. You can connect to the notify signal for the Gtk.TreeListRow.expanded property to do this.
Use a Gtk.TreeListModel with a GLib.ListStore as its root_store as the model of a Gtk.ColumnView (after wrapping in Gtk.SelectionModel as usual). You must set the passthrough property to false else no expanders appear. If you are loading child items on demand then autoexpand should also be false.
If you are using a Gtk.ColumnView with multiple columns, you only need add the expander to the first column. Otherwise the factory signal handlers or similar to the flat model except the bind handler needs to be adapted for Gtk.TreeListRow parameter.
Simplifications and performance improvements may well be possible or later versions of Gtk4 may introduce some conveniences to make it less fiddly.
I am working on a file browser implementation using the above strategy, currently at but this may be merged into other branches (or abandoned!). Note that this branch is under development and contains unresolved bugs but the display of items works.

How do I set the length of an attribute on a class diagram in EA?

I have a class diagram and have defined an element on this diagram, and created a custom code engineering datatypes type, which allows a fixed width field, for which I want to define a length.
I just can't see where to enter it. The attributes window shows Name, Type, Scope, Stereotype, Alias and Initial Value but doesn't seem to allow anywhere to set the length or precision values.
I want to be able to use this in the report template Att.Length.
I'm sure I've done this before in an earlier version but I can't find where to set this on EA 14.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious, but I've looked in every properties window I can find.
Thanks for looking! :-)
Length is typically not used with code engineering datatypes, but with database datatypes.
In that case this is intended to be used in database models, and EA will present a different GUI that enables you to edit the length of the datatype.
Technically these field are stored in t_attribute.Length in case of a type such as char, or t_attribute.Precision and t_attribute.Scale in case of a type such as numeric.
There is no (easy) way to fill in these field for regular (non «column») attributes.

Reusing fragments in different perspectives

I have a partstack I want to reuse in a different fragment. It looks like I can import the part stack in one fragment, so I did this.
Then under my Part Sash Container, I add a PlaceHolder element and select this imported Part in the "reference" section.
On both plugins, I have org.eclipse.e4.workbench.model extended.
And yet, nothing shows up.
I also tried to simplify it by just importing one Part. This also does not work.
I know I can create the entire structure and assign new IDs and reference the class files directly, but I don't think that is the correct way to accomplish this. What am I missing?
You put the element you want to share in the 'Shared Elements' section of the 'Trimmed Window' definition.
You then put 'Placeholder' entries in all the Perspectives that want to use the shared element.

Dynamic form with binding in GXT

What would be the best approach to implement a form with a variable number of text fields? I'm thinking something like this:
textField1 (removeButton)
textField2 (removeButton)
textField3 (removeButton)
I would like this to bind to a list of strings.
I achieved this with an editable grid with a single column and buttons to add/delete rows.
This component is very well integrated with GWT Editor framework so you can bind your grid to a list of objects using a ListStoreEditor
The best approach would be to use the GWT Editor framework. GXT's fields are very well integrated with the Editor framework.
Here is a very rough example of how you might approach this problem.
You would start by creating one Editor for the thing you are wanting to bind to. In your case, I think a composite which contains a TextField (which is bound to the string) and a button. The button won't actually bind to anything, but you will provide a way for something which uses this class to register a SelectHandler against it. Let's call this editor SubEditor.
Once you create a UI component which is designed to bind to one string, you will next create a ListEditor<String, SubEditor> which will bind to a List<String> which will compose a view, consisting of one SubEditor per each String in the bound list.
You don't really need to create the SubEditor, as you could construct something as simple as what you want within your ListEditor's EditorSource class (read through the tutorials on ListEditors).
Again, I want to emphasize the this is a ROUGH example on how to get started. I hope there is enough information here for you to fill in the pieces.
The following SO question has helped me out a lot:
Using GWT Editors with a complex usecase

Using i18n .properties-defined maps in a UiBinder template

Suppose I have a <String,String> map defined in my i18n .properties files, e.g.:
userGroupMap = 0, 1, 2, 3
The dev guide explains that introducing a corresponding Map<String,String> userGroupMap() method in MyConstants implements Constants interface will result in calls such as MyConstants.userGroupMap().get("1") returning the localized "Administrators". So far so good.
What about UiBinder? How do I use one of the mapped values in a UiBinder template? Is there a syntax I'm missing, e.g. <ui:msg key="userGroupMap:1">Administrators</ui:msg> (doesn't actually work)?
One way you could do this would be a non-xml solution, but you could use a #UiFactory to help with the creation of the specific fields or labels that you need I18N'd. But to me, this particular problems seems like it begs the solution below, since you seem to be looking to decouple your widgets from your screen or panel layouts.
I struggled with this, and for my implementation, I ended up making core widgets with UiBinder backing for their internals(for instance a label and a text field with a help button), and then passing in a 'fieldKey' that was used as a prepender for all the I18N keys in the various maps.
For instance, for the PartNumber field, I had a key in the following maps: labelTexts(), helpTexts(), tooltipTexts(), defaultFieldValues(). Then in the constructor for that widget, I would pass in the string key 'partNumber', and that would be used to build up all the keys needed, so I would call labelTexts().get('partNumberLabelText'), helpTexts().get('partNumberHelpText'), etc.
I didn't want to do this directly in UiBinder, since I wanted the widget key to map back to it's display information, so I could create a widget with as little input information as possible, in many cases just the key and then the widget (provided it was configured in the I18N setup correctly) would just populate everything from the maps based on that.
From a design standpoint, for me it didn't make sense to have separate UiBinders for the screen sets, they were composited from objects that defined the screen layout and relation of all the widgets (meaning that you could define screen content at runtime).