Mongo DB throws Runner error What does that mean? - mongodb

Mongo Db 2.4.6 on Windows 7 64bit throws Runner error: Overflow sort stage buffered data usage of 34371341 bytes exceeds internal limit of 33554432 bytes.
I am new to mongo and dont know how to resolve this issue.


Mongodb + PHP Failed to send "find" command with database "Czechia": Failed to read 4 bytes: socket error or timeout

I have a PHP script which should send about 2 millions of items from MongoDB to Elasticsearch. There is a loop where one iteration needs to make 4 requests to the MongoDB where the query simply calls
{"ico": {$in: [here are 50 items]}}
// collection has about 2M items and ico is indexed
But it still ends up on this error Failed to read 4 bytes: socket error or timeout - MongoDB version is 4, PHP version 7.1.
What does that mean? Are 50 items with $in query too much if collection has about 2 million items? How to solve it?

ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 51 MongoDB

Getting this error while restarting MongoDB , I am using Mongo 3.2.4 and doing this set up on a new machine
Starting mongod... about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections.
forked process: 19438
ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number 51
mongod(_ZN5mongo19MmapV1ExtentManager4initEPNS_16OperationContextE+0x4A8) [0x1040278]
mongod(_ZN5mongo26MMAPV1DatabaseCatalogEntryC1EPNS_16OperationContextENS_10StringDataES3_bb+0x187) [0x1036dc7]
mongod(_ZN5mongo12MMAPV1Engine23getDatabaseCatalogEntryEPNS_16OperationContextENS_10StringDataE+0x14E) [0x103a1de]
mongod(_ZN5mongo14DatabaseHolder6openDbEPNS_16OperationContextENS_10StringDataEPb+0x133) [0xac92a3]
----- END BACKTRACE -----
For me this error occured due to incorrect ownership of some files in my data directory. I fixed this using the following command:
sudo chown -R mongodb: /path/to/db/directory
Where mongodb was the database user in my case.
This is resolved by inserting the following lines into /etc/security/limits.conf:
mongodb soft nofile 65535
mongodb hard nofile 90000
mongodb soft nproc 65535
mongodb hard nproc 90000
We need to add the user account used to run the Mongo service. Generally, it is the mongodb user.
In my case the problem was that I haven't created the appropriate folders specified in the config files.

Error when trying to do multiple joins in tableau

I am trying to build a report in tableau desktop 9.3.2 with mongodb (live connection). I using the simba odbc driver for mongodb. I trying to join tables but I keep getting errors if I perform more than one joins and also I cannot do anything other than an inner join. It gives the following errors:
[Simba][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Failed to read 4 bytes from socket within 300000 milliseconds. (Error Code: 4)
[Simba][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Corrupt or malicious reply received. (Error Code: 14).
It is not even taking 5 minutes, it gives the error immediately. I was working with some sample data(around 1000 documents) and it worked fine. But now I have 800MB of data. Is it too much data?
Also When I create data source filters and do update now it give me an error:
[Simba][MongoDBODBC] (110) Error from MongoDB Client: Failed to read 262250 bytes from socket within 300000 milliseconds. (Error Code: 4)
Does anyone know what the problem is and how I can resolve it?

Invalid access on Mongo 3.0

Problem happened in Development site. Following query crashes server with Invalid access at 0x20:
cond:{created_at:{$gte: new Date('2015-04-13')}},
reduce:function (curr, resul) {},
initial: {}
mongod(_ZN2v88internal2OS8AllocateEmPmb+0xD7) [0x11dbe57]
mongod(_ZN2v88internal28CreateTranscendentalFunctionENS0_19TranscendentalCache4TypeE+0x26) [0x12799f6]
mongod(_ZN2v88internal22init_fast_sin_functionEv+0xE) [0x11dca1e]
mongod(_ZN2v88internal14POSIXPostSetUpEv+0x9) [0x11dd009]
mongod(_ZN2v88internal2V828InitializeOncePerProcessImplEv+0x3E) [0x12551de]
mongod(_ZN2v88internal12CallOnceImplEPlPFvPvES2_+0x52) [0x11c2c12]
mongod(_ZN2v88internal2V810InitializeEPNS0_12DeserializerE+0x11) [0x1255911]
mongod(_ZN2v86LockerC1EPNS_7IsolateE+0x61) [0x12597c1]
So far i know:
Problem occurs only when mongod runs as it's own user (mongod).
If mongod started as root on same data folder, query passes and return results. Number of documents in collection is fairly small (around 20k), but there is decent number of keys for each - 50 in average, and 300 at most, most of them Strings with very few BSONs. MongoDB version is 3.0.2, query was passed as though local client with same version as server, as though 2.4.0 Robomongo client on remote machine - error appears in both cases.

Exception in Mongo java client 2.4

My pc is running with mongo 1.6.5 .
One of my collections has 973525 records
when I try to find distinct key on that collection its giving me Exception
the query is
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'ok' should never be null...
at com.mongodb.CommandResult.ok(
at com.mongodb.CommandResult.throwOnError(
at com.mongodb.DBCollection.distinct(
at com.mongodb.DBCollection.distinct(
at com.test.TestMongo$.<init>(TestMongo.scala:26)
at com.test.TestMongo$.<clinit>(TestMongo.scala)
at com.test.TestMongo.startTesting(TestMongo.scala)
at com.test.Main.main(
And when i try same query in mongo terminal gives error
Thu Mar 10 21:40:20 uncaught exception: error { "$err" : "Invalid BSONObj spec size: 8692881 (91A48400)", "code" : 10334 }
This error comes when you have a document that is too large. You can upgrade to 1.8 where the max document size is 16MB. Mongo 1.6x has max size of 8MB which that document is slightly larger than. You may be able to solve this in a repair (run mongod --repair, may take a long time).