I want to create a macro in sublime text 3, to do:
Replace all beginnig of the line with '
Replace all beginnig of the end with ',
I recorded the macro doing this with cntl H and making the replaces, then save the macro but when I want to execute it don't do it.
Is there any other way to record macros for replaces?
'12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313', '12313'
You can do it using this actions (which you can record and save in a macro):
Press ctrl+a: select all.
Press ctrl+shift+l: split selection into lines.
Press home: move every cursor to the beginning of each line.
Press ': add ' char at the bbeginning of each line.
Press end: move cursor at the end of each line.
Press ' and then space and then , and then supr.
Press ctrl+end to move at the end of the line.
Press backspace two times to delete the extra space and comma at the end of the line.
You can also probablly do it using regex and snippets but macros are also a good way.
I have a table that has columns with title and content.
CREATE TABLE t_items (
item_id varchar PRIMARY KEY,
title varchar,
content varchar);
insert into t_items values ('111', 'Madrid title n1', 'The Madrid papers Open revelled in Reals win, with AS describing Chelsea as shipwrecked having been completely unsettled by Mendys error for');
insert into t_items values ('222', 'test title 22', 'Así fue el Mutua Madrid Open 2019, un torneo inolvidable. En la última edición, Novak Djokovic y Kiki Bertens se proclamaron campeones, David Ferrer se');
insert into t_items values ('333', 'Madrid title 33', 'Real Madrid play at Stamford Bridge for just the second time ever, and the first time with fans in the stands. Its going to be epic');
insert into t_items values ('444', 'test title 44', 'You can change the date of your tickets because of Covid-19 without any problems. A little bit of action · Zoo Aquarium de Madrid | Disfruta de tus animales');
insert into t_items values ('555', 'test title 554', 'In a former electrical substation, Kunsthalle Praha is sparking new energy in the Czech capital with inaugural show 100 year');
insert into t_items values ('661', 'test title 4554', 'Bistro Praha is the place to go if you want a warm atmosphere, authentic goulash, cabbage soup, wiener schnitzel or a range of European style dishes.');
I need to make a query that will return a prepared response for later full text search. But all the results of the found text should be combined into one line. Also, all found document IDs should be combined into one array.
SELECT to_tsvector('english', t_items.content || t_items.title),
array_agg(t_items.item_id) as id_array
FROM t_items
to_tsvector(title) || to_tsvector(content)
## plainto_tsquery('Madrid & Open')
GROUP BY t_items.content, t_items.title;
My query incorrectly returns scattered rows.
'2019':7 '22':27 'así':1 | {222}
'chelsea':12 'complet':17 'describ':11 | {111}
(2 rows)
I need the result of a union that includes all the results in one line:
'2019':7 '22':27 'así':1 'chelsea':12 'complet':17 'describ':11 | {222, 111}
(1 rows)
Here is a working example:
for example i have the following table (let's call it, comodity)
|name |
|kemasan |
|fe emas ex |
using the following query
SELECT * FROM comodity WHERE name ILIKE '%emas%'
give me two rows kemasan and fe emas ex, however I want to select only the second row fe emas ex. how to do that?
PS: it's also SHOULD NOT preceded/followed by any visible character.
Thanks in advance
('blah emas blah'),
('1 emas'),
('emas 1')
) as commodity(word)
WHERE word ~* '\yemas\y'
Use a regular expression that matches words or start and stop markers.
Is there a way to do something like a grep for "site" from the following select (so that only "site=*" is returned from thedata)?
rr=# select thename,encode(thedata, 'escape') from
management_data.datas limit 2;
thename | thedata
Alexander | #
| #Fri Mar 15 14:58:18 PDT 2014
| site=33$36$354$380$357$360$36$353$36$38$39$34$31$355
Anthony | #
| #Mon Jan 05 13:33:00 PST 2015
| mem=12000
| site=50$5$1$50
Given test data round-tripped successfully:
WITH somerow(name, blobofgarble) AS (
TEXT 'Alexander',
BYTEA E'#\n#Fri Mar 15 14:58:18 PDT 2014\nBUs=ALL\nsite=33$36$354$380$357$360$36$353$36$38$39$34$31$355\n'
SELECT name, encode(blobofgarble, 'escape') FROM somerow;
Now, I can't possibly imagine why you'd store this information as bytea not a text field, but ... well, I guess there must be a reason. I'm going to rely on the simplifying assumption that the data, when escaped, can be treated as fairly sanely formed text, since otherwise the whole concept of "lines" is garbage and your question makes no sense.
With that assumption it's possible to use regexp_split_to_table to split on newlines, getting somewhat more sanely formed data:
WITH (...)
SELECT name, garblepart FROM somerow, regexp_split_to_table(encode(blobofgarble, 'escape'), E'\n') AS garblepart;
name | garblepart
Alexander | #
Alexander | #Fri Mar 15 14:58:18 PDT 2014
Alexander | BUs=ALL
Alexander | site=33$36$354$380$357$360$36$353$36$38$39$34$31$355
Alexander |
(5 rows)
(this is an implicit LATERAL query, so it'll only work in PostgreSQL 9.3 and above).
Now you can use pretty ordinary operations to find the row of interest and extract the desired part, in this case with some more pattern matching:
WITH (...)
name, substring(garblepart from '=(.*$)')
FROM somerow,
regexp_split_to_table(encode(blobofgarble, 'escape'), E'\n') AS garblepart
WHERE garblepart LIKE 'site=%';
name | substring
Alexander | 33$36$354$380$357$360$36$353$36$38$39$34$31$355
(1 row)
Now go fix your schema so that you store your data sanely and don't have to do this.
I've got the following file I'm trying to import
namq_aux_lp 07.07.2014
namq_aux_ulc 08.07.2014
namq_aux_gph 07.07.2014
prc_hicp_cann 17.07.2014
namq_nace10_k 02.07.2014
sei_bsco_m 10.06.2014
ei_bsin_m_r2 26.06.2014
lassei_bsbu_m_r2 26.06.2014
assei_bsrt_m_r2 26.06.2014
ei_bssi_m_r2 26.06.2014
ei_bsse_m_r2 26.06.2014
ei_bsci_m_r2 26.06.2014
sts_trtu_m 17.07.2014
I've used the following proc import's
proc import out=lesdates datafile="C:\work\studies\project\data\calend\bigfilev2.txt"
dbms=tab REPLACE;
proc import out=lesdates datafile="C:\travail\etudes\projetpib\donnees\calend\bigfilev2.txt"
dbms=tab REPLACE;
But each time, instead of having 2 variables, I'm ending with one variable taking the 2 columns
namq_aux_lp 07.07.2014
namq_aux_ulc 08.07.2014
namq_aux_gph 07.07.2014
prc_hicp_cann 17.07.2014
namq_nace10_k 02.07.2014
sei_bsco_m 10.06.2014
ei_bsin_m_r2 26.06.2014
lassei_bsbu_m_r2 26.06.2014
assei_bsrt_m_r2 26.06.2014
ei_bssi_m_r2 26.06.2014
ei_bsse_m_r2 26.06.2014
ei_bsci_m_r2 26.06.2014
sts_trtu_m 17.07.2014
What am I doing wrong???
PS: I can edit the text file but I would like to do the import without touching anything.
That's not a tab delimited text file, from what I can tell (I've never seen 9+ character tabs, so it seems likely). That's a fixed width format file. You could in theory use space delimiter, but reading it in as fixed width is better.
data want;
infile "yourfile.txt";
#1 var1 $20.
#21 var2 ddmmyy10.
format var2 ddmmyy10.;
I am a programmer for the Small Business Administration. SBA creates and provides free some programs to borrowers and lenders. The install code below is for one off our free programs for the end-user machine.
I searched for a week for a solution to my problem and then decided I needed to learn how to program what I needed. I am a complete novice at Pascal and Inno Setup. I stole code and tested all of the examples in this site and others. Thanks for all the help. I modified and tested over and over. Below is my code.
Note: I am providing this in the hope that it will be useful to others, but it doesn't quite work as planned. Hopefully there will be a working version posted with help from others. I have provided the entire code to help others understand what I struggled to learn. ;-)
Question: The install works perfectly EXCEPT the the [Code] section repeats. It runs the GetInstallDirectory at least once before reaching the {code:GetInstallDirectory} call in the [Files] section.
It runs through the If statement for Word 14 once, and then runs through the [Files] section once. My message "MsgBox ('1. Setup..." appears twice. Previously it was appearing 3 or 4 times, but I made a change which I can't remember and now it runs only twice.
Can anyone help me find the problem? Perhaps it is with the If,Then,Else statements. Then again it could be the order of the statements. Thanks in advance.
; Script generated by the Inno Setup Script Wizard.
; Script written by Daniel H. Smith, Lead Programmer/Analyst, Base Technologies
; Washington, DC
#define MyAppName "IDAP mini-Wizard"
#define MyAppVersion "v 2013"
#define MyAppPublisher "Small Business Administration"
#define MyAppURL "http://www.sba.gov/"
#define MyAppExeName "IDAPv2013.exe"
#define MyAppCopyright "(c) 2013-2014"
; NOTE: The value of AppId uniquely identifies this application.
; Do not use the same AppId value in installers for other applications.
; (To generate a new GUID, click Tools | Generate GUID inside the IDE.)
AppName={#MyAppPublisher}'s {#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion}
AppVerName={#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion}
OutputDir=C:\Users\Dan\Documents\IDAP Development\Setup
SetupIconFile=C:\Users\Dan\Documents\My Shapes\_private\folder.ico
InfoBeforeFile=C:\Users\Dan\Documents\IDAP Development\Setup\IDAPInfo.txt
InfoAfterFile=C:\Users\Dan\Documents\IDAP Development\Setup\IDAPWord.txt
Name: english; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl
Source: "C:\Users\Dan\Documents\IDAP Development\IDAP 2013 Boilerplate_V10.Clean.pdf"; DestDir: "{userdocs}\IDAP Documents"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "C:\Users\Dan\Documents\IDAP Development\IDAP Borrower Certification (9-25-12)(initials) final.docx"; DestDir: "{userdocs}\IDAP Documents"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "C:\Users\Dan\Documents\IDAP Development\IDAP Loan Note (Draft July 25).docx"; DestDir: "{userdocs}\IDAP Documents"; Flags: ignoreversion
Source: "C:\Users\Dan\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\IDAPLoan2013.dotm"; DestDir: "{code:GetInstallDirectory}"; DestName: "IDAPWizard2013v111.dotm"; Flags: confirmoverwrite
// define wizard title and tray status msg
// both are normally defined in innosetup's default.isl (install folder)
SetupAppTitle = Install {#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion}
SetupWindowTitle = Install {#MyAppName} {#MyAppVersion} -- {#MyAppPublisher}
//Opens Word if User leaves checkbox checked on Finish
Filename: "{code:GetWordDirectory}"; Flags: postinstall; Description: "Open Word after Finish"; StatusMsg: "Opening Word ..."
function GetWordDirectory(S: string) : String;
IF RegKeyExists(HKCU, 'Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\General') THEN BEGIN
Result := ExpandConstant('{pf32}\Microsoft Office\Office14\winword.exe');
end Else begin
Result := ExpandConstant('{pf32}\Microsoft Office\Office12\winword.exe');
function GetInstallDirectory(S: String) : String;
var installDirectory : String;
Version: TWindowsVersion;
//Word 14 Start
IF RegKeyExists(HKCU, 'Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\General') THEN BEGIN
if RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, 'Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\General', 'UserTemplates', installDirectory) then begin
//Successfully read the registry value
If (Version.Major = 6) and (Version.Minor = 1) and (Version.ProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) //Windows 7
then begin
MsgBox ('1. Setup is installing to Word User Templates directory for: '+#10+#13+#10+#13+'---> Word 2010 and Windows 7 <---', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := installDirectory
end else begin //begin c2
//Windows <= 6.0 Not Windows 7 and above
If (Version.Major = 6) and (Version.Minor = 0) and (Version.ProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) //Windows Vista or XP
then begin
MsgBox ('2. Setup is installing to Word default template directory for: '+#10+#13+#10+#13+'---> Word 2010 and Windows 7 <---', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := ExpandConstant('C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates');
end else
MsgBox ('3. Setup is installing to Word default template directory for: '+#10+#13+#10+#13+'---> Word 2010 and Windows Vista/XP <---', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := ExpandConstant('C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates');
//End Word 14
//Start Word 12
END ELSE IF RegKeyExists(HKCU, 'Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\General') THEN BEGIN
if RegQueryStringValue(HKCU, 'Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\General', 'UserTemplates', installDirectory) then begin
// Successfully read the value
If (Version.Major = 6) and (Version.Minor = 0) and (Version.ProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) //Windows 7
then begin //c3
MsgBox ('4. Setup is installing to Word User Templates directory for: '+#10+#13+#10+#13+'---> Word 2007 and Windows 7 <---', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := installDirectory
end else begin //begin c4
If (Version.Major = 6) and (Version.Minor = 0) and (Version.ProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) //Windows Vista/XP
then begin
MsgBox ('5. Setup is installing to Word User Templates directory for: '+#10+#13+#10+#13+'---> Word 2007 and Windows 7 <---', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := ExpandConstant('C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates');
end else
MsgBox ('6. Setup is installing to Word default templates directory for: '+#10+#13+#10+#13+'---> Word 2007 and Windows XP or Vista <---', mbInformation, MB_OK);
Result := ExpandConstant('C:\Documents and Settings\{username}\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates');
//End Word 12
end; //Function GetInstallDirectory end
//End All
//Following are reference notes
//How to code a if-elseif-else
// if condition then begin
// ...
// end else if condition then begin
// ...
// end else begin
// ...
// end;
//| Version | PlatformId | Major | Minor | Release |
//| Win32s | 0 | ? | ? | |
//| Win95 | 1 | 4 | 0 | 1995 08 |
//| Win98 | 1 | 4 | 10 | 1998 06 |
//| WinME | 1 | 4 | 90 | 2000 09 |
//| WinNT351 | 2 | 3 | 51 | 1995 04 |
//| WinNT4 | 2 | 4 | 0 | 1996 07 |
//| Win2000 | 2 | 5 | 0 | 2000 02 |
//| WinXP | 2 | 5 | 1 | 2001 10 |
//| Win2003 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2003 04 |
//| WinXPx64 | 2 | 5 | 2 | 2003 03 |
//| WinCE | 3 | ? | ? | |
//| Vista | 2 | 6 | 0 | 2007 01 |
//| Win2008 | 2 | 6 | 0 | 2008 02 |
//| Win2008R2 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 2009 10 |
//| Win7 | 2 | 6 | 1 | 2009 10 |
//Word Templates default subdirectory before Windows 7
//C:\Documents and Settings\"user name"\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates\
//Word Templates default subdirectory after Windows 7
//For MS Word WinWord.Exe location and registry entry
//C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\ -- For Word 14
//MS Word 14 UserTemplates registry
//HKCU, 'Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Common\General', 'UserTemplates'
//MS Word 12 UserTemplates registry
//HKCU, 'Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\General', 'UserTemplates'
You're right, code function called from the DestDir parameter is being called twice. First time when the installation is being prepared and second time when the files are processed. I don't know the reason (it's quite deep in the source code), but you don't actually need to care about that. That parameter function's used to be just for getting destination directory, not for any kind of user interaction, so you don't need to worry that it's called twice.
Although I've made a review to your code. Note that it's untested written from resources listed below. Something to point out:
use constants, it's easier to maintain one constant instead of many places in the script
don't rely on that all users will have Office installed in the default Program Files directory
the default template directory is in user's application data, which in InnoSetup you can substitute by the {userappdata} constant, that is in your case safe to use, since you're running your setup with PrivilegesRequired=none, so there's no risk with the forced administrator user difference
if you your users must have at least one of the Word versions installed check that before you show the wizard form, see the InitializeSetup event function below
; the Check parameter here use only when you remove the InitializeSetup event
; function (see below), otherwise it's useless because the setup won't even start
; when there's not at least Word 2007 or 2010 version installed
Filename: "{code:GetLatestWordAppPath}"; Flags: postinstall; Description: "Open Word after Finish"; StatusMsg: "Opening Word ..."; Check: IsWordInstalled('12.0') or IsWordInstalled('14.0');
// better for maintenance is to use constants
PathDefaultUserTemplates = '{userappdata}\Microsoft\Templates';
RegKeyOfficeTemplatesPath = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%s\Common\General';
RegKeyWordInstallRootPath = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\%s\Word\InstallRoot';
// helper function for checking if the Word version specified by the input parameter
// is installed or not; inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/a/3267832/960757
function IsWordInstalled(const Version: string): Boolean;
Result := RegValueExists(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Format(RegKeyWordInstallRootPath, [Version]), 'Path');
// this is used for the application path for the check box from the [Run] section
// you shouldn't rely on that everyone installs Office to Program Files directory
function GetLatestWordAppPath(S: string): string;
Result := '';
if not RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Format(RegKeyWordInstallRootPath, ['14.0']), 'Path', Result)
Format(RegKeyWordInstallRootPath, ['12.0']), 'Path', Result);
// helper function for getting the Office user templates path (if available)
function GetUserTemplatesPath(const Version: string; var Path: string): Boolean;
Result := RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
Format(RegKeyOfficeTemplatesPath, [Version]), 'UserTemplates', Path);
// function returning target installation directory
function GetInstallDirectory(S: string): string;
InstallDirectory: string;
// initialize the Result first
Result := '';
// check if Word 2010 application is installed and if so, then...
if IsWordInstalled('14.0') then
// try to get the Office 2010 user templates location from registry, if succeed then...
if GetUserTemplatesPath('14.0', InstallDirectory) then
Result := InstallDirectory;
MsgBox('Office 2010 user templates directory was found in registry!' + #10#13 + #10#13 +
Result, mbInformation, MB_OK);
// the Office 2010 user templates location was not found in registry, so...
// you're running your setup with PrivilegesRequired=none, so you can safely use {userappdata}
// constant with no risk of getting different user path (forced administrator)
Result := ExpandConstant(PathDefaultUserTemplates);
MsgBox('Office 2010 user templates directory was not found in registry!' + #10#13 + #10#13 +
Result, mbInformation, MB_OK);
// Word 2010 was not found, check for Word 2007 and if it's found, then...
if IsWordInstalled('12.0') then
// try to get the Office 2007 user templates location from registry, if succeed then...
if GetUserTemplatesPath('12.0', InstallDirectory) then
Result := InstallDirectory;
MsgBox('Office 2007 user templates directory was found in registry!' + #10#13 + #10#13 +
Result, mbInformation, MB_OK);
// the Office 2007 user templates location was not found in registry, so...
// you're running your setup with PrivilegesRequired=none, so you can safely use {userappdata}
// constant with no risk of getting different user path (forced administrator)
Result := ExpandConstant(PathDefaultUserTemplates);
MsgBox('Office 2007 user templates directory was not found in registry!' + #10#13 + #10#13 +
Result, mbInformation, MB_OK);
// this event function is for the first check before the wizard form is shown if you
// return False to this event function, the setup will exit, what is here conditioned
// by presence of Word 2007 or Word 2010
function InitializeSetup: Boolean;
Result := IsWordInstalled('12.0') or IsWordInstalled('14.0');
if not Result then
MsgBox('You don''t have installed neither Word 2007 nor Word 2010.' + #10#13 +
'Setup will now exit.', mbCriticalError, MB_OK);
How to get path to the MS Office executables ?
How to manage templates in 2007 Office programs and in 2010 Office programs