Facebook graph api - facebook

I created a facebook app to get all the images my page is tagged in. It includes the following steps.
1 Get user access token with manage_pages,... permissions
2 Get the page access token from me/accounts endpoint
3 Get the photos using me/photos/tagged endpoint using access token i got in step 2
Every thing is working fine when in choose application as "graph api explorer" in the graph api explorer.
But when I select my application. It does not show me the images by other people in which my page was tagged.
Is there Something I am missing? Please help

Your app needs to authenticate the page access token with the "manage_pages" permission for this call to work. To obtain a page access token you need to start by obtaining a user access token from the admin user of the page and ask for the manage_pages permission from your app when the user authenticates (logs in with your app). This document goes into details on how you can implement the flow I described above : https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/access-tokens#pagetokens


Auto Posting to Multiple Facebook Pages using Graph API - Auth Issues

I am pulling my hair out trying to understand what Facebook wants me to do to post to a FaceBook Page as a System User that has Admin and Page Privileges to and Owned by our business (We have Facebook Business Manager).
In a nut shell all I want to do is make this call:
What I don't get is the access_token part.
I can generate access tokes for Apps, for Pages but all result in 403 returned from FaceBook. I have gone as far and checking every box available on the generate access token popup on the graph api and still I get 403 "Forbidden" so I am detailing the little I understand of the insanity that is FaceBook Auth in the hope that someone can explain where I am going wrong.
1) To Post as a System User to a Page I have to Create a FB App (I Would prefer just to post direct to the pages and skip the App part, My System User has Admin Access on All pages)
2) To Access the App I need an App Token.
3) To Create an App token I need a User Token.
4) To Create a user token I need to log in to Facebook and have all sorts of permissions on the App. (I can't log in as the System User! FB asks me to login as myself. I am not sure if this breaks the Auth Token generated?)
5) Then there are all sorts of swapping tokens to get a Permanent App token, Another point of potential failure!
6) IF the stars and moon align and you stand on your head the permanent App key can be passed to the above call as the access_token
I don't understand how to link the Pages I want to post to with the App created. Do I have to have 1 App for Each Page?
I have got one page to work, We initially used that App to Auth against the Instant Article Graph API:
I could not use the above token for the /feed url, I had to generate a new token with extra publish permissions and the page published with no problems, however when I change the ${MyPageID} to another page using the same access_token I get the 403.
I tried Creating a new App, I have no clue how they link to a specific page So the App to me seems sort of redundant.
Any help with what I am doing wrong or how I can go about simply posting to various FB Pages with a System User using the /feed api ?
The calls are made form a Spring Boot Java APP using HTTP Posts.
How to get a System User Auth and Page Auth:
1) Generate a User Token for an App (Button above the System User):
https://business.facebook.com/settings/system-users/${System User ID}?business_id=${your_business_manager_id}
System user has Page Admin on each page you need to post to.
App is just an FB app, not sure what it does other that it is a grouping I generate a token against.
I chose: (manage_pages, publish_pages, publish_actions, pages_manage_instant_articles, pages_show_list)
2) Check your access token:
https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/accesstoken/?access_token=${The access token you got from the step above}&version=v2.12
This will provide you with the App ID the Token is for and how long it lasts (we need a Permanent token)
3) Using Graph API Explorer gets the Accounts this token has access to:
https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/${Your FB APP ID}/?method=GET&path=me%2Faccounts&version=v2.12
4) Using the output above find Page Auth for each page you wan to publish to
5) Post to each page in turn:

What is different between User Access Token in Profile Page Source and Graph API Explorer?

I go to my Facebook Profile and view Page Source and find "access_token", then I get this access token
EAAAAUaZA8jlABAPGC0YNn[some funny charracters]bGxJOgyqAUsZA8N6
Then I go to Facebook Graph API Explorer and get User Access Token (I checked all permissions in diablog) and I get another access token
EAACEdEose0cBABAiZCsH[some another funny charracters]L4loBTexLEZD
What is different between 2 access token ?

Posting to a Facebook Page Wall from a Web Server

I've been reading documentation and Stack Overflow link all morning, but I'm just not understanding the correct process to authorize a web server to post to a Facebook page wall.
What I'm not clear on is why I have to post to Facebook as a Facebook User, using an access_token, meaning that this user has to log into Facebook manually to authorize my app.
I'm not trying to authorize a User, nor any of my visitors to do anything with their accounts, so I don't need any permissions from them. Instead, I'm trying to authorize my Web Server to post updates to its wall as a specific Page.
Why do I have to use a user access_token to do this? I'm not attempting to impersonate the user, I'm trying to post to the page as the page...
Is it possible to authorize a user and get their access token without having to create a login page on the Web Server? I don't want to have to require the user to login to make this work, I thought that was the point of having an app ID and Secret?
I guess my question is this: Is it not possible to allow a web server to post to a Facebook page wall as that page, without having to present a login dialog to a specific user? If it is possible, what is the correct workflow to set this up?
In order to post to a Page as a Page, you have to use a Page Access Token. You get that with a User Access Token, and you can extend it so it will stay valid forever.
Request a User Access Token with the manage_pages permission (valid for up to 2 hours)
Extend the User Access Token (valid for up to 60 days)
Get the Extended Page Access Token for your Page with the User Session
Store and User The Page Access Token in the publish call
It may sound a bit complicated, but there are many tutorials for this and you don´t actually need to program it, you can just use the Graph API Explorer.
Here are some Links about the Access Tokens:
http://www.devils-heaven.com/facebook-access-tokens/ (see "Extended Page Access Token" for a step by step tutorial)

Getting page access_token for a Facebook page (using Graph API)

I am trying to access a public FB community page and display the images on web page, example-http://www.codeofaninja.com/2011/06/display-facebook-photos-to-your-website.html
My site is being developed in java, so I am looking for a core java solution to do something like this.
My site does not prompt for the user to login via Facebook or authenticate. I am simply trying to display all the images from my own album on my website.
I have created an FB app, and then created a community page on which I have my pictures.
I am struggling to I authenticate from the backend code of my with my app or page. My app has user_photos permission and the App Type (Apps->Your APP->Advanced->App type) is Web.
Here are the things I tried using graph API:
1) Get access token
2) Then use access token to get access to the page and its albums, but the above gives me app access_token. As mentioned on Graph API documentation for Page it requires a page acess_token, but I am not understanding how do I get the page_access_token via an app access_token with a backend application.
After Page access token is retrieved I can use the following call to retrieve all photos.
You can make the following Graph API call To get the page access tokens for all the Pages a particular user admin.
the app access token that you're retrieving from
can be used to access the public data on a page - you don't need a specific 'page' access token.
this page https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer/ is handy for testing things out - plug in the app access token and the page url to try it out
but I am not understanding how do I get the page_access_token via an app access_token with a backend application.
Not at all …
To get a page access token, you have to have a user access token with manage_pages permission first.
(If you get a long-lived user access token, and use that to get the page access token, then the latter will not expire by default.)

How to use Facebook API to publish an event on a page after logging-in a user?

I used the graph api in order to connect the user and publish an event on its wall.
But if I am connected as a page, I get this error message : "You need to be connected as a user and not as a page to run this app"
But I which I could publish my event on a fan page.
Here is my TOKEN_URL
How shoud I do to be able to publish on my fan page.
How can I enable that ?
To publish "on behalf" of a Page, you need to use a Page access token. To get a Page access token, first get an access token for a user with the manage_pages and publish_stream permissions:
Then, using the access token you get as a result, do a GET of:
Here, you'll find the list of the Pages the user is an admin of. Here you can grab the access token for one of these Pages. Now calls you make will be made on behalf of the Page. Now anything you try to post will be posted as the Page. If you are trying to create events, you may also need the create_event permission.
To see how this works, you can test this out using these URLs in your browser or in the Graph API Explorer.
You need to get an offline access token with the manage_pages permission for the user that created/owns the fan page. After obtaining the user's access token, then you need to get the page's access token.
See this answer with code for details:
How can I use 'manage_pages' permission with the SDK on Facebook?
You could log in as the administrator of the page and create an offline access token for that user.