What Alternatives Exist for the Deprecated Google Earth API? [closed] - google-earth

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Closed 6 years ago.
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The Google Earth API was deprecated in Dec 2014 and will go offline in Dec 2015. As far as I know, Google hasn't announced an alternative.
What alternatives exist? Or does anyone have any insight into Google's plans or wishes to make informed speculations?

See answer here on another Stack Exchange site. The consensus is that
Cesium is the best alternative.

There is a new service Melown API available at www.melown.com, they offer generous conditions. Here you can find some examples, what you cand do with Melown: Melown Maps


Is there a possibility to update a Google Place via the API? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Hello together,
I am curious if there is a possibility to update a Place in the Google Maps Platform Places API via a API request?
I can't find anything regarding it in the official documentation.
Or is the Google Places API really read-only?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
Kind regards
The Google Places API is a read-only API. If you are trying to edit a business listing you own, the Google My Business API may be worth checking out.

How to integrate Aadhaar API in swift? As India Stack site is so confusing & not telling from where to get the API [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am making an app which required a Aadhaar number for authentication. I searched out the complete India Stack site but did not get any way to get the API access. Please suggest from where and how can do the above work. or Is there any other site who can provide the API access?
On India Stack they mention the list of technical resource from where you can select following API to integreate:
Aadhar bridge
Aadhar API
digio etc.
You need to check with above API provider and select one of above as per your requirement.

How can I access to the documentation of previous MATLAB releases without creating a MathWorks account? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The Archived MathWorks Documentation for Matlab on MathWorks website requires to be logged in. Is there any way to have access to the documentation of previous MATLAB releases without creating a MathWorks account?
This is not possible, it requires a account which is connected to a full license. With most student licenses, you can't access the archive.
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/114594-why-do-i-need-to-be-logged-in-to-access-the-archived-mathworks-documentation?s_tid=gn_loc_drop :
Answer by Walter Roberson on 2 Feb 2014:
Archived documentation is only available to people on support contracts.
I could $peculate about reason$ for the policy, but it would be pure $peculation.

Good tutorials/books starting amazon EC2 java REST web service [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I need to build a very scalable REST web service that will be consumed both by mobile apps, clients surfing the web, servers, etc...
Now as you can imagine this is a rather large task and I have no idea where to start, so I wonder if there are any good tutorials or books to help me on my way?
Thanks in advance!
A good starting point would be reading the "REST API - Design Rulebook" by "Mark Masse" published by O'Reilly Media, Inc.

Any objective-c open source can let me share content to a number of services? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am going to allow user to share content to their fav services, in my iphone app.
The services I want to integrate include:
Any "One ring to rule them all" open source that I can adopt for this?
I know ShareKit would be a good candidate, but I noticed that it stopped updating since Nov 2010, which is one year ago.
Any suggestions for new such kind of kit?
Sharekit is still the best option, but you need to use this version: https://github.com/ShareKit/ShareKit
It is still actively being developed.