Swagger Model Schema Response: alternate label for LocalDate in SpringFox - rest

We are using Swagger 2.x and SpringFox 2.0 to document our REST service created with Spring MVC.
We have a REST response with a property List<LocalDate> dates.
In the Model Schema of the response, the label for dates is shown as 'LocalDate'. That is not intended: we would like to have 'date' or 'yyyy-MM-dd' instead.
We have this class:
public class SayHelloResponse {
private List<LocalDate> dates;
private String message;
public SayHelloResponse(String message, LocalDate... dates) {
this.message = message;
this.dates = ImmutableList.copyOf(dates);
public List<LocalDate> getDates() {
return dates;
public String getMessage() {
return message;
That results in this Model Schema:
"dates": [
"message": "string"
In the Model Schema, I would like to have LocalDate as 'date' or 'yyyy-MM-dd'. The way to do this seems to be with com.wordnik.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty but this does not have any effect (it is being picked up, as when I add #ApiModelProperty(hidden=true) it is hidden).
I created a sample rest project that shows the issue.
Any ideas how I can change LocalDate to 'date' or 'yyyy-MM-dd' in the Model Schema of Swagger?

There is a method in Docket object to replace models called directModelSubstitute(). You can use it like this to substitute LocalDate to Date object:
Docket#directModelSubstitute(LocalDate.class, Date.class)
The only problem with it that I found is that you can't change the date format.
See A/Q section in the official Springfox documentation, specifically question "How do we use Java 8 types esply. LocalDateTime?"

This is recommended in the official Springfox documentation, but doesn't effect:
Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)..build().directModelSubstitute(LocalDate.class, java.sql.Date.class)
This effect but change format to date-time instead of date:
Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)..build().directModelSubstitute(LocalDate.class, java.util.Date.class);
That's why I use the last one and ignore time part.


JPA Projection spring boot; repository mapping entity instant to do date

I have an entity that has a date modelled as an Instant
I have an DO object that has a date modelled as a Date
when i do the conversion myself in the constructor of the DO it works:
public class DO {
private Date someTimePoint;
public DO(Instant CreatedAt) {
this.someTimePoint = Date.from(CreatedAt);
and my repo works call:
List<DO> findBySomeField(UUID someField);
Give result.
However: The DO is generated and I do not have access to it, so the constructor is actually:
public DO(Date CreatedAt) {
So the question is:
Is there a way to have the conversion from Instant to Date done on the fly by Spring using the Projection methodology?
Reading https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#projections
doesn't give me any clues...

Date format changed in Payara 5 (Long does not work anymore ) -- org.eclipse.yasson.YassonProperties#ZERO_TIME_PARSE_DEFAULTING

Using Payara 4.174 and receive in backend the date as a long, for example 1540545780000. Now, I upgraded to Payara version 5.
public User {
String name;
Date birthdate;
public void createUser(User user) {
json call
name: "name",
birthdate: 1540545780000
Now The call brakes with the following error:
Caused by: javax.json.bind.JsonbException: Error parsing class java.util.Date from value: 1540545780000. Check your #JsonbDateFormat has all time units for class java.util.Date type, or consider using org.eclipse.yasson.YassonProperties#ZERO_TIME_PARSE_DEFAULTING.
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.serializer.AbstractDateTimeDeserializer.deserialize(AbstractDateTimeDeserializer.java:70)
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.serializer.AbstractContainerDeserializer.deserializeInternal(AbstractContainerDeserializer.java:85)
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.serializer.AbstractContainerDeserializer.deserialize(AbstractContainerDeserializer.java:61)
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.Unmarshaller.deserializeItem(Unmarshaller.java:62)
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.Unmarshaller.deserialize(Unmarshaller.java:52)
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.JsonBinding.deserialize(JsonBinding.java:45)
at org.eclipse.yasson.internal.JsonBinding.fromJson(JsonBinding.java:85)
at org.glassfish.jersey.jsonb.internal.JsonBindingProvider.readFrom(JsonBindingProvider.java:99)
... 62 common frames omitted
Caused by: java.time.format.DateTimeParseException: Text '1540545780000' could not be parsed at index 0
Jonathan is partly right. You don't have to write a custom DateTypeDeserializer to solve your issue. However, as the error message describes, you can annotate your Field with #JsonbDateFormat to resolve your error, you have to make sure it has all time units.
Here is an example:
public User {
String name;
#JsonbDateFormat(value = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX")
Date birthdate;
This is because Payara 5 switched to using Yasson as its JsonB provider, which does not contain a mapper for long to java.util.Date (see here). You have to write your own version to map a number to Date format.

java.time.LocalDate not supported in native queries by latest Spring Data/Hibernate?

Problem: Native queries with Spring Data returning dates return java.sql.Date not java.time.LocalDate, despite the setup.
Context: A new project with Spring Boot 2.0.0.M5 (the latest), Hibernate 5.2.11, Hibernate-Java8 5.2.12 (which gives support for JSR310 classes as long as it's on the classpath).
Anonymized example below (the app is not really about birthdays):
public interface BirthdayRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> extends Repository<T, ID> {
#Query(value = "select day from birthdays", nativeQuery = true)
Iterable<java.sql.Date> getBirthdays(); //the return type should ideally be java.time.LocalDate
In the database (SQL Server), the day field is DATE and values are like 2017-10-24.
The problem is that at runtime, the Spring Data repository (whose implementation I cannot control, or is there a way?) returns java.sql.Date not java.time.LocalDate (Clarification: the return type appears to be decided by Spring Data and remains java.sql.Date even if I change the return type to be java.time.LocalDate, which is how I started to).
Isn't there a way to get LocalDate directly? I can convert it later, but (1) that's inefficient and (2) the repository methods have to return the old date/time classes, which is something I'd like to avoid. I read the Spring Data documentation, but there's nothing about this.
EDIT: for anyone having the same question, below is the solution, the converter suggested by Jens.
public class LocalDateTypeConverter {
#Converter(autoApply = true)
public static class LocalDateConverter implements AttributeConverter<LocalDate, Date> {
public Date convertToDatabaseColumn(LocalDate date) {
return date == null ? null : new Date(LocalDateToDateConverter.INSTANCE.convert(date).getTime());
public LocalDate convertToEntityAttribute(Date date) {
return date == null ? null : DateToLocalDateConverter.INSTANCE.convert(date);
It looks like you found a gap in the converters. Spring Data converts out of the box between java.util.Date and java.time.LocalDate but not between java.time.LocalDate and java.sql.Date and other date and time-related types in the java.sql package.
You can create your own converter to do that. You can use Jsr310JpaConverters as a template.
Also, you might want to create a feature request and if you build a converter for your use, you might even submit a pull request.
I know this is an older question, but my solution to this problem does not require a custom converter.
public interface BirthdayRepository<T, ID extends Serializable> extends Repository<T, ID> {
#Query(value = "select cast(day as date) from birthdays", nativeQuery = true)
Iterable<java.time.LocalDate> getBirthdays();
The CAST tells JPQL to use available java date\time types rather than java.sql.Date

Jersey Marshall Map<Date,List>

I start understanding how jersey works with JAXB. But today i faced a particular case where i want to marshall a Map of (Date,List) entries:
public class MyClass{
private Map<Date,List<MyObject>> = new TreeMap<Date,List<MyObject>>(new DateCompareDesc());
The goal here is to marshall a Map whose entry is a Date with its corresponding list of MyObject. the map is sorted in desc order.
For this i implemented an Adapter for Map (MapAdapter, following #Blaise Doughan's tutorial, http://blog.bdoughan.com/2010/07/xmladapter-jaxbs-secret-weapon.html). The problem is on the Date key. I have an Error : Unable to marshall java.util.Date. So i tried this new Date Adapter :
public class DateAdapter extends XmlAdapter<String, Date> {
public Date unmarshal(String v) throws Exception {
//not implemented
public String marshal(Date v) throws Exception {
return v.toString();
Where can i add #XmlJavaTypeAdapter(DateAdapter.class) so that Jersey could marhsall Date as key to my TreeMap?
JAXB supports the marshalling/unmarshalling of java.util.Date to the standard XML schema types: date, time, dateTime. You can control the type used with the #XmlSchemaType annotation.
If your date information is not represented as one of the standard XML schema types, you can use an XmlAdapter similar to the one I used the following answer to a similar question:
jaxb unmarshal timestamp
If you need to use the XmlAdapter approach, the #XmlJavaTypeAdapter annotation would be placed on the Date field of the adapted object representing the entry in the Map. Below is what this might look like based on my blog: http://blog.bdoughan.com/2010/07/xmladapter-jaxbs-secret-weapon.html.
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlValue;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
public class MyMapEntryType {
public Date key;
public List<MyObject> value;

Converting a json string to a native .net object

I need to convert a json to a native .net object using mongodb. The application is written in javascript/mvc.
One of the field is a datetime object and the toJson function in the mongodb driver formats this as: "Modified":{"$date":1319630804846}
I want to parse this json from the client using the same format, but can't find a function that does this.
In Newtonsoft.Json I used this code, but this fails because of the date field:
var jobject = JObject.parse(jsonAsString)
var myObject = jobject.ToObject<myObject>();
But with the mongoDb driver, all I can do is converting the string to a BsonDocument
var buffer = new JsonBuffer(json);
using (BsonReader reader = new JsonReader(buffer))
var doc = BsonDocument.ReadFrom(reader);
The BSON serialization format for DateTime is an Int64 containing the number of milliseconds since Unix Epoch. So if you were to create a DateTime of kind Utc set to jan 1 1970 and then create a TimeSpan with TotalMilliseconds set to the Int64, and add the two together you'd have the date in Utc. The same algorithm could be used in reverse as needed.
If you're using the official .NET driver, you can work with objects without going through the JSON serialization.
Check the following example of how easy this is:
class Child
public ObjectId id;
public string name;
public DateTime birthday;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Child m = new Child();
m.name = "Micaiah";
m.birthday = DateTime.Parse("January 1, 2011");
foreach (Child kiddo in Children.FindAllAs<Child>())
Console.WriteLine("Kiddo: {0} {1}", kiddo.name, kiddo.birthday);
static MongoCollection Children
MongoServer s = MongoServer.Create("mongodb://localhost");
return s["demos"]["children"];
Here's the record as stored in MongoDB:
> db.children.findOne()
"_id" : ObjectId("4ea821b2dd316c1e70e34d08"),
"name" : "Micaiah",
"birthday" : ISODate("2011-01-01T06:00:00Z")
Use JSON.Net to de-serialize your Json into a JObject, and send that to MongoDB... if you have more concrete types in C#, you'll want to serialize/deserialize to/from that to JSON... then persist from your concrete object, or JObject.