Django-Haystack autocomplete---get distinct results - autocomplete

I would like my autocomplete results with django-haystack to be distinct. However, if multiple objects in my database have a certain value for an attribute on which I am autocompleting, the result appears multiple times.
I am using Haystack with solr as my backend. My query, as in the tutorial, looks like:
SearchQuerySet().autocomplete(content_auto=request.GET.get('q', ''))[:5]
I'm new to Haystack, and the documentation seems limited.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


How to query from ListColumn[String] in cassandra using phantom

I am new to cassandra (started learning on my own interest few days back) and looking for help for the below problem.
I have a Cassandra table "User" and a ListColumn "interests extends ListColumn[String]".
Now, I want to fetch all users with an interest, say "playing".
like: select from user where interests.contains("playing")!
I scanned through the ListColumn api but not able to find any. Also, searched in google but no such helpful posts.
Any help guys please... Thanks in Advance :)
So there is contains among operators and here is an example how to use it. It looks like that it should work as any other operator, so just go for contains "playing").fetch() - of course, depending on your conventions.
This is possible with a secondary index on a collection column, which only works with a Set column, and not with a List.
Bottom line:
object interests extends SetColumn[String](this) with Index[Set[String]]
And then you can execute the following:
select.where(_.interests contains "test").fetch()
You can also use multiple restrictions if you allow filtering.
select.where(_.interests contains "test")
.and(_.interests contains "test2")
The above will only match if both interests are found in a record.

nxlog querylist doesn't work as expected

The above link is to a copy of my nxlog.conf. I couldn't find any documentation about how to use multiple blocks within a querylist block, but based on the name I assumed that I would be able to do this. My ELK server is receiving ALL events right now, not any of the filtered ones. I wanted to just use one query block but it is limited to 10 select entries. I can't find any examples of people using more than like 3 select entries. Has anyone had any luck with more advance nxlog.conf's? Any help would be appreciated.
Not sure what the issue with the query xml is. If there is a limitation on the number of select entries, that's coming from the Windows Eventlog API so that cannot be helped.
On the other hand you can use nxlog's native filtering using drop():
Query <QueryList>\
<Query Id="0">\
<Select Path="Security">*</Select>\
Exec if not ($EventID == 1 or $EventID == 2 or ...) drop();
actually there is no issue with the XML. I was viewing old results in my database from when I was testing nxlog.conf with no queries. My bad!

Finding the number of different values of an attribute

I am writing an APS.NET MVC 5 application in C#, using a MongoDB database. Suppose I have a MongoDatabase object called my_db, which contains a MongoCollection of Label objects, called labels. Each Label object has a few attributes, one of which is a string called tag. Each tag value may be shared across different Labels, such that some Label objects will have the same value for tag.
I want to find out how many different values for tag there are in this collection, and store these values in an array of some sort.
I'm fairly new to MongoDB, so I don't really know how to do this. All I have done so far is get labels:
var labels = my_db.GetCollection<Label>("labels");
But I'm stuck as to what I need to do now. I could manually iterate through each Label in labels, and check whether that Label's tag attribute has already been seen before. But is there a neater way to do this with a MongoDB function? Thanks!
There is a MongoDB method for this: distinct, that should exist in any API.
As you are doing this on MVC 5 c# application, MongoDB provides C# LINQ Driver which will help your querying MongoDB using LINQ.
Hope this helps.
var query = (from e in labels.AsQueryable<labelClass>()
select e.tag).Distinct()

Sphinx: JSON meta attributes stopped working

I'm currently experimenting with sphinx realtime index. I inserted 4,5 millions documents.
Everything was working OK while my json meta attributes were like this:
But yesterday, I wanted to add another value in 'publication_type' key and the json
resulted to:
Now I can't find document neither for 'essay', neither for 'big_text'.
The sphinxql query I'm using is like this:
select * from url where meta.publication_type='essay';
Sphinx version is Server version: 2.1.1-beta (rel21-r3701) running on Debian.
Hope you can help me. Is my json string wrong? Where is my mistake?
Thanks in advance.
SELECT *, ANY(x='essay' FOR x IN meta.publication_type) as p FROM url WHERE p=1;
Supported in 2.2.1-dev since r4217.
This was answered on the sphinx forum:
When store arrays, you access the values by index.
So could do
select * from url where meta.publication_type[0]='essay';
It doesnt appear to easy to search 'in any position'. So if essay was ever not the first index, it wouldnt work.
Note, I can't claim credit for figuring this out, just passing this information on.

how to select specific number of child entities instead of all in entity framework 3.5?

i am wondering how can i select specific number of child objects instead of taking them all with include?
lets say i have object 'Group' and i need to select last ten students that joined the group.
When i use '.Include("Students"), EF includes all students. I was trying to use Take(10), but i am pretty new to EF and programming as well, so i couldn't figure it out.
Any suggestions?
ok, i have Group object already retrieved from db like this:
Group group = db.Groups.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.GroupId == id)
I know that i can add Include("Students") statement, but that would bring ALL students, and their number could be quite big whether i need only freshest 10 students. Can i do something like this: var groupWithStudents = group.Students.OrderByDescending(//...).Take(10);?
The problem with this is that Take<> no longer appears in intellisense. Is this clear enough? Thanks for responses
I believe Take(10) would be correct.
var Students= (from c in Groups
orderby c.DateAdded descending
select c).Take(10);
My experience with Take though is that it generates some awful sql.
see if this blog post helps, it talks of conditional includes.
Couldn't make Gratzy's suggestion with conditional include work... and found the solution here:
Query would look like this:
This is exactly what i was looking for!
Thanks for all responses anyway!