Optimizing for random reads - mongodb

First of all, I am using MongoDB 3.0 with the new WiredTiger storage engine. Also using snappy for compression.
The use case I am trying to understand and optimize for from a technical point of view is the following;
I have a fairly large collection, with about 500 million documents that takes about 180 GB including indexes.
Example document:
_id: 123234,
type: "Car",
color: "Blue",
description: "bla bla"
Queries consist of finding documents with a specific field value. Like so;
thing.find( { type: "Car" } )
In this example the type field should obviously be indexed. So far so good. However the access pattern for this data will be completely random. At a given time I have no idea what range of documents will be accessed. I only know that they will be queried on indexed fields, returning at the most 100000 documents at a time.
What this means in my mind is that the caching in MongoDB/WiredTiger is pretty much useless. The only thing that needs to fit in the cache are the indexes. An estimation of the working set is hard if not impossible?
What I am looking for is mostly tips on what kinds of indexes to use and how to configure MongoDB for this kind of use case. Would other databases work better?
Currently I find MongoDB to work quite well on somewhat limited hardware (16 GB RAM, non SSD disc). Queries return in decent time and obviously instantly if the result set is already in the cache. But as already stated this will most likely not be the typical case. It is not critical that the queries are lightning fast, more so that they are dependable and that the database will run in a stable manner.
Guess I left out some important things. The database will be mostly for archival purposes. As such, data arrives from another source in bulk, say once a day. Updates will be very rare.
The example I used was a bit contrived but in essence that is what queries look like. When I mentioned multiple indexes I meant the type and color fields in that example. So documents will be queried on using these fields. As it is now, we only care about returning all documents that have a specific type, color etc. Naturally, the plan we have is to only query on fields that we have an index for. So ad-hoc queries are off the table.
Right now the index sizes are quite manageable. For the 500 million documents each of these indexes are about 2.5GB and fit easily in RAM.
Regarding average data size of an operation, I can only speculate at this point. As far as I know, typical operations return about 20k documents, with an average object size in the range of 1200 bytes. This is the stat reported by db.stats() so I guess it is for the compressed data on disc, and not how much it actually takes once in RAM.
Hope this bit of extra info helped!

Basically, if you have a consistent rate of reads that are uniformly at random over type (which is what I'm taking
I have no idea what range of documents will be accessed
to mean), then you will see stable performance from the database. It will be doing some stable proportion of reads from cache, just by good luck, and another stable proportion by reading from disk, especially if the number and size of documents are about the same between different type values. I don't think there's a special index or anything to help you besides just better hardware. Indexes should remain in RAM because they'll constantly be being used.
I suppose more information would help, as you mention only one simple query on type but then talk about having multiple indexes to worry about keeping in RAM. How much data does the average operation return? Do you ever care to return a subset of docs of certain type or only all of them? What do inserts and updates to this collection look like?
Also, if the documents being read are truly completely random over the dataset, then the working set is all of the data.


MongoDB: reduce read size and RAM needed with project?

I am designing a MongoDB database that looks something like this:
The text field is very big compared to the rest. I sometimes need to perform analytics queries that average the duration or the score, but never use the text.
I have queries that are more specific, and retrieve all the information about a single document. But in this queries I could spend more time making two queries to retrieve all the data.
My question is, if I make a query like this:
db.registries.aggregate( [
$group: {
_id: null,
averageDuration: { $avg: "$duration" },
] )
Would it need to read the data from the transcript field? That would make the query much slower and it would take a lot of RAM. If that is the case it would be better to split the records in two and have something like this right?:
Thanks a lot!
I don't know how the server works in this case but I expect that, for caching reasons, the server will load complete documents into memory when it reads them from disk. Disk reads are very slow (= expensive in time taken) and I expect server will aggressively use memory if it can to avoid reads.
An important note here is that the documents are stored on disk as lists of key-value pairs comprising their contents. To not load a field from disk the server would have to rebuild the document in question as part of reading it since there are length fields involved. I don't see this happening in practice.
So, once the documents are in memory I assume they are there with all of their fields and I don't expect you can tune this.
When you are querying, the server may or may not drop individual fields but this would only change the memory requirements for the particular query. Generally these memory requirements are dwarfed by the overall database cache size and aggregation pipelines. So I don't think it really matters at what point a large field is dropped from a document during query processing (assuming you project it out in the query).
I think this isn't a worthwhile matter to try to ponder/optimize. If you have a real system with real workloads, you'll be much more pressed to optimize something else.
If you are concerned with memory usage when the amount of available memory is consumer-sized (say, under 16 gb), just get more memory - it's insanely cheap given how much time you'd spend working around lack of it (whether we are talking about provisioning bigger AWS instances or buying more sticks of RAM).
You should be able to use $project to limit the fields read.
As a general advice, don't try to normalize the data with MongoDB as you would with SQL. Also, it's often more performant to read documents plain from DB and do the processing on your server.
I have found this answer that seems to indicate that project needs to fetch all document in the database server, it only reduces bandwith
When using projection to remove unused fields, the MongoDB server will
have to fetch each full document into memory (if it isn't already
there) and filter the results to return. This use of projection
doesn't reduce the memory usage or working set on the MongoDB server,
but can save significant network bandwidth for query results depending
on your data model and the fields projected.

Timeseries storage in Mongodb

I have about 1000 sensors outputting data during the day. Each sensor outputs about 100,000 points per day. When I query the data I am only interested in getting data from a given sensor on a given day. I don t do any cross sensor queries. The timeseries are unevenly spaced and I need to keep the time resolution so I cannot do things like arrays of 1 point per second.
I plan to store data over many years. I wonder which scheme is the best:
each day/sensor pair corresponds to one collection, thus adding 1000 collections of about 100,000 documents each per day to my db
each sensor corresponds to a collection. I have a fixed number of 1000 collections that grow every day by about 100,000 documents each.
1 seems to intuitively be faster for querying. I am using mongoDb 3.4 which has no limit for the number of collections in a db.
2 seems cleaner but I am afraid the collections will become huge and that querying will gradually become slower as each collection grows
I am favoring 1 but I might be wrong. Any advice?
I followed the advice of
Instead of storing one document per measurement, I have a document containing 128 measurement,startDate,nextDate. It reduces the number of documents and thus the index size but I am still not sure how to organize the collections.
When I query data, I just want the data for a (date,sensor) pair, that is why I thought 1 might speed up the reads. I currently have about 20,000 collections in my DB and when I query the list of all collections, it takes ages which makes me think that it is not a good idea to have so many collections.
What do you think?
I would definitely recommend approach 2, for a number of reasons:
MongoDB's sharding is designed to cope with individual collections getting larger and larger, and copes well with splitting data within a collection across separate servers as required. It does not have the same ability to split data which exists in many collection across different servers.
MongoDB is designed to be able to efficiently query very large collections, even when the data is split across multiple servers, as long as you can pick a suitable shard key which matches your most common read queries. In your case, that would be sensor + date.
With approach 1, your application needs to do the fiddly job of knowing which collection to query, and (possibly) where that collection is to be found. Approach 2, with well-configured sharding, means that the mongos process does that hard work for you
Whilst MongoDB has no limit on collections I tried a similar approach to 2 but moved away from it to a single collection for all sensor values because it was more manageable.
Your planned data collection is significant. Have you considered ways to reduce the volume? In my system I compress same-value runs and only store changes, I can also reduce the volume by skipping co-linear midpoints and interpolating later when, say, I want to know what the value was at time 't'. Various different sensors may need different compression algorithms (e.g. a stepped sensor like a thermostat set-point vs one that represents a continuous quantity like a temperature). Having a single large collection also makes it easy to discard data when it does get too large.
If you can guarantee unique timestamps you may also be able to use the timestamp as the _id field.
When I query the data I m only interested in getting data from a
given sensor on a given day. I don t do any cross sensor queries.
But that's what exactly what Cassandra is good for!
See this article and this one.
Really, in one of our my projects we were stuck with legacy MongoDB and the scenario, similar to yours, with the except of new data amount per day was even lower.
We tried to change data structure, granulate data over multiple MongoDB collections, changed replica set configurations, etc.
But we were still disappointed as data increases, but performance degrades
with the unpredictable load and reading data request affects writing response much.
With Cassandra we had fast writes and data retrieving performance effect was visible with the naked eye. If you need complex data analysis and aggregation, you could always use Spark (Map-reduce) job.
Moreover, thinking about future, Cassandra provides straightforward scalability.
I believe that keeping something for legacy is good as long as it suits well, but if not, it's more effective to change the technology stack.
If I understand right, you plan to create collections on the fly, i.e. at 12 AM you will have new collections. I guess MongoDB is a wrong choice for this. If required in MongoDB there is no way you can query documents across collections, you will have to write complex mechanism to retrieve data. In my opinion, you should consider elasticsearch. Where you can create indices(Collections) like sensor-data-s1-3-14-2017. Here you could do a wildcard search across indices. (for eg: sensor-data-s1* or sensor-data-*). See here for wildcard search.
If you want to go with MongoDB my suggestion is to go with option 2 and shard the collections. While sharding, consider your query pattern so you could get optimal performance and that does not degrade over the period.
Approach #1 is not cool, key to speed up is divide (shard) and rule. What-if number of singal itself reaches 100000.
So place one signal in one collection and shard signals over nodes to speed up read. Multiple collections or signals can be on same node.
How this Will Assist
Usually for signal processing time-span is used like process signal for 3 days, in that case you can parallel read 3 nodes for the signal and do parallel apache spark processing.
Cross-Signal processing: typically most of signal processing algorithms uses same period for 2 or more signals for analysis like cross correlation and as these (2 or more signals) are parallel fetch it'll also be fast and ore-processing of individual signal can be parallelized.

How to organize mongodb database for a huge set of time-value pairs for a lot of documents?

There is a set of registrators, say 100k. Every registrator 24 times a day gives value smth like 23.123. I need to save this value and time. Then I need to calculate how value changes for some period, e.g. 4jun2014 - 19jul2014: In order to do this I have to find last value of 3jun2014 and last value of 19jul2014.
First I am trying to estimate size of data stored by one registrator. Time+value must be lower than 100 bytes. 1 year is < 100*24*365 = 720kB of data, so I can easily store 10 years of data (since 7.2M < 16M limit) at my document. I decided not to store registered data at registeredData collection but to store registrator data embedded in registrator object as a tree timedata->year->month->day:
code: '3443-12',
timedata: {
2013: {
6: {
13: [
{t:1391345679, d:213.12},
{t:1391349679, d:213.14},
So it is easy to get values of the day: just get find({code: "3443-12"})[0].timedata[2013][6][13].
When I get new data, I just push it into array of existing document and it eventually grows from zero to 7Mb.
What is the stored size of {t:1391345679, d:213.12} line, is it less than 100bytes?
Is it right way to organize database for such purposes?
100k documents with 5Mb size = 500G. Does MongoDB deal fast with database size much more than RAM size?
I decided to store time not as a timestamp but as time in seconds from the start of a day: 0 - 86399: {t: 86123, d: 213.12}.
Regarding your last question, " Does MongoDB deal fast with database size much more than RAM size?" the answer is it can, but it depends on a number of factors.
MongoDB works best when the working set fits within the memory available to MongoDB. When it does not you tend to see rather rapid performance declines. How big that working set is a function of database schema, indexes built and your data access patterns.
Let's say you have a years worth of data in your database, but regularly only touch the last few days of data. Then your working set is likely to be composed of the memory required to keep the last few days of data in memory, plus enough of the indexes in memory for you to properly update and read from them.
Alternatively, if you are randomly accessing data across a year and have high and update volume you may have a significantly larger working set to deal with.
As a point of comparison, I've got a production MongoDB instance that has around 500M documents in it, taking up around 2 TB of disk storage. Total memory on the primary of the replica set is 128GB (1/16th the total storage) and we're not experiencing any performance problems.
The key for all of it though is how much data do you access over time. The killer for MongoDB performance is memory contention, when you are paging out data to service a new request only to re-page that old data right back in. And it gets far worse if you cannot keep your indexes in memory.
I've tested it and it is less than 100 B, in deed, it is 48 B:
var num=100000;
db.foo.insert({t:1391345679, d:213.12})
db.foo.stats().avgObjSize // => Outputs 48
It looks like what you are doing is kind of a hack to avoid normalising your data (m.b. for transaction purposes?) and sooner or later you may run into problems (e.g. requirements change, size of your data changes, new fields are introduced etc.) I do not know your schema and domain, but if you go with denomarmalized model as you are doing you must be sure that documents will not exceed the size limit of 16MB. That being said, I would recommend schema design article.
The previous answer gives a hint about the document size. You can use it as a starting point.
Choosing an effective data models depends on your application needs. The main question is the decision to denormalize or use linking. Note, generally with denormalized data you achieve better performance for read operations, as well as the ability to request and retrieve related data in a single database operation. Embedding makes it possible to update a document in a single atomic write operation (transactionally). So, when to use embedded (denormalized):
you have “contains” relationships between entities. See Model
One-to-One Relationships with Embedded Documents.
you have one-to-many relationships between entities. In these relationships the “many” or
child documents always appear with or are viewed in the context of the
“one” or parent documents. See Model One-to-Many Relationships with
Embedded Documents.
In your situation your documents will grow after creation which can impact write performance and lead to data fragmentation. You can control this with padding factor.
- About the performance: it depends on how you create your indexes. More importantly, on your access patterns. For each query executed often, check out the output from explain() to see how many documents have been checked.

Best Mongodb Data Model for Response time statistic website

In my project, I have servers that will send ping request to websites, measuring their response time and store it every minute.
I'm going to use Mongodb and i'm searching for best data model.
which data model is better?
1- have a collection for each website and each request as a document.
(1000 collection)
2- have a collection for all websites and each website as a document and each request as sub-document.
Both solutions should face of one certain limitation of mongodb. With the first one, that you said each website a collection, the limitation is in the number of the collections while each one will have a namespace entry and the namespace size is 16MB so around 16.000 entries can fit in. (the size of the namespace can be increased) In my opinion this is a much better solution while you said 1000 collections are expected and it can be handled. (Should be considered that indexes has their own namespace entries and count in the 16.000). In this case you can store the entries as documents you can handle them after generally much easier than with the embedded array.
Embedded array limitation. This limitation in the second case is a hard one. Your documents cannot grow bigger than 16MB. This one is BSON size and it can store quite many things inside documents but if you use huge documents which varies in size , and change size in time your storage will get fragmented. The reason is that will be clear if you watch this webinar . Basically this is the worth what you can do in terms of storage usage.
If you likely to use aggregation framework for further analysis it will be also harder with the embedded array concept.
You could do either, but I think you will have to factor in periodic growth in database for either case. During the expansion of datafiles database will be slow/unresponsive. (There might be a setting so this happens in the background - I forget ).
A related question - MongoDB performance with growing data structure, specifically the "Padding Factor"
With first approach, there is an upper limit to number of websites you can store imposed by max number of collections. You can do the calculations based on http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/limits/.
In second approach, while #of collection don't matter as much, but growth of database is something you will want to consider.
One approach is to initialize it with empty data, so it takes lasts longer before expanding.
For instance.
website: name,
responses: [{
time: Jan 1, 2013, 0:1, ...
time: Jan 1, 2013, 0:2, ...
... and so for each minute/interval you expect.
The downside is, it might take you longer to initialize but you will have to worry about this later.
Either ways, it is a cost you will have to pay. The only question is when? Now? or later?
Consider reading their usecases, particularly - http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/use-cases/hierarchical-aggregation/

limits of number of collections in databases

Can anyone say are there any practical limits for the number of collections in mongodb?
They write here https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/core/data-model-operations/#large-number-of-collections:
Generally, having a large number of collections has no significant
performance penalty, and results in very good performance.
But for some reason mongodb set limit 24000 for the number of namespaces in the database, it looks like it can be increased, but I wonder why it has some the limit in default configuration if having many collections in the database doesn't cause any performance penalty?
Does it mean that it's a viable solution to have a practically unlimited number of collections in one database, for example, to have one collection of data of one account in a database for the multitenant application, having, for example, hundreds of thousands of collections in the database?
If it's the viable solution to have a very large number of collections for a database for every tenant, what's the benefits of it for example versus having documents of each tenant in one collection?
Thank you very much for your answers.
This answer is late however the other answers seem a bit...weak in terms of reliability and factual information so I will attempt to remedy that a little.
But for some reason mongodb set limit 24000 for the number of namespaces in the database,
That is merely the default setting. Yes, there is a default setting.
It does say on the limits page that 24000 is the limit ( http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/limits/#Number%20of%20Namespaces ), as though there is no way to expand that but there is.
However there is a maximum limit on how big a namespace file can be ( http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/limits/#Size%20of%20Namespace%20File ) which is 2GB. That gives you roughly 3 million namespaces to play with in most cases which is quite impressive and I am unsure if many people will hit that limit quickly.
You can modify the default value to go higher than 16MB by using the nssize parameter either within the configuration ( http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/configuration-options/#nssize ) or at runtime by manipulating the command used to run MongoDB ( http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/mongod/#cmdoption-mongod--nssize ).
There is no real reason for why MongoDB implements 16MB by default for its nssize as far as I know, I have never heard about the motto of "not bother the user with every single detail" so I don't buy that one.
I think, in my opinion, the main reason why MongoDB hides this is because even though, as the documentation states:
Distinct collections are very important for high-throughput batch processing.
Using multiple collections as a means to scale vertically rather than horizontally through a cluster, as MongoDB is designed to, is considered (quite often) bad practice for large scale websites; as such 12K collections is normally considered something that people will never, and should never, ascertain.
No More Limits!
As other answers have stated - this is determined by the size of the namespace file. This was previously an issue, because it had a default limit of 16mb and a max of 2gb. However with the release of MongoDB 3.0 and the WiredTiger storage engine, it looks like this limit has been removed. WiredTiger seems to be better in almost every way, so I see little reason for anyone to use the old engine, except for legacy support reasons. From the site:
For the MMAPv1 storage engine, namespace files can be no larger than
2047 megabytes.
By default namespace files are 16 megabytes. You can configure the
size using the nsSize option.
The WiredTiger storage engine is not subject to this limitation.
A little background:
Every time mongo creates a database, it creates a namespace (db.ns) file for it. The namespace (or collections as you might want to call it) file holds the metadata about the collection. By default the namespace file is 16MB in size, though you can increase the size manually. The metadata for each collections is 648 bytes + some overhead bytes. Divide that by 16MB and you get approximately 24000 namespaces per database. You can start mongo by specifying a larger namespace file and that will let you create more collections per database.
The idea behind any default configuration is to not bother the user with every single detail (and configurable knob) and choose one that generally works for most people. Also, viability does go hand in hand with best/good design practices. As Chris said, consider the shape of your data and decide accordingly.
As others mention, the default namespace size is 16MB and you can get about 24000 namespace entries. Actually my 64 bit instance in Ubuntu topped out at 23684 using the default 16MB namespace file.
One important thing that isn't mentioned in the FAQ is that indexes also use namespace slots.
You can count the namespace entries with:
And it's also interesting to actually take a look at what's in there:
Set your limit higher than what you think you need because once a database is created, the namespace file cannot be extended (as far as I understand - if there is a way, please tell me!!!).
Practically, I have never run across a maximum. But I've definitely never gone beyond the 24,000 collection limit. I'm pretty sure I've never hit more than 200, other than when I was performance testing the thing. I have to admit, I think it sounds like an awful lot of chaos to have that many collections in a single database, rather than grouping like data in to their own collections.
Consider the shape of your data and business rules. If your data needs to be laid out such that you must have the data separated in to different logical groupings for your multi-tenant app, then you probably should consider other data stores. Because while Mongo is great, the fact that they put a limit on the amount of collections at all tells me that they know there is some theoretical limit where performance is effected.
Perhaps you should consider a store that would match the data shape? Riak, for example, has an unlimited number of 'buckets' (without theoretical maximum) that you can have in your application. One bucket per account is perfectly doable, but you sacrifice some querability by going that direction.
Otherwise, you may want to follow a more relational model of grouping like with like. In my view, Mongo feels like a half-way point between relational databases and key-value stores. That means that it's more easy to conceptualize it coming from a relational database world.
There seems to be a massive overhead for maintaining collections. I've just reduced a database which had around 1.5mio documents in 11000 collections to one with the same number of documents in around 300 collections; this has reduced the size of the database from 8GB to 1GB. I'm not familiar with the inner workings of MongoDB so this may be obvious but I thought might be worth noting in this context.