Converting CVS multi-project tree hierarchy to Git? - eclipse

I am using CVS and I have this hierarchy:
In Eclipse > CVS Repository Exploring, I can see this hierarchy and I can Check Out only the project that I want.
Also I can check out (import) JAVA and PHP folders (I created them as Eclipse General project for import) to Eclipse Package Explorer and can synchronize and commit all together.
When I want to use Git, it only supports one project.
I don't want a flat hierarchy (near all JAVA and PHP project together), I want to use tree hierarchy and I want to check out only the project that I want as with CVS.
Is my CVS hierarchy possible in Git or what technique should I use?

I think you're mixing what you want to do locally with how you want
to arrange things remotely. All git commands access only the local
repository. The 'push' and 'fetch' commands appear to access a remote
repository, but in fact they effectively start each other on the remote
machine running against the local repository on that machine. So the
tasks you can do remotely are very limited. Specifically, copying "branch"
and "tag" references and the commit histories those references point at.
This means for the simple case there is ONLY the local repository,
it exists in the .git directory in the working directory.
You can arrange working directories, with their .git directories however
you wish on your local machine. Likewise, you can arrange the the remote
repositories in any way allowed by the remote hosting service. The
layouts do not have to match. If the remote is your own Linux server you
can make the layout just like your local. If the remote is (for example)
Github you're more limited.
You'll need to backup the .git directory to backup
the repository; the rest of the working directory is probably not significant. You can use git push to do this backup, as long as you never use '--force'.
Git isn't really very keen on you having multiple working directories
for one repository. It is possible, however, in the simple case they
will each have their own copy of the repository and you will need to
push/pull the updates individually either to a "central" repository
or more "randomly". None of these repositories have to be physically
Git much prefers you to switch between branches in one working directory
and use make install style processes to send builds out.
It is also possible to have unrelated branches in one repository, but most people find this too confusing as you still only have one working directory.


Eclipse Workspace on a network folder (UNC path)

I am working on a project which has GitLab repository and the local repository is on a network folder so I wanted to create an Eclipse Workspace on that folder as one can share the project with the other team members but when I tried to build the project I got an error message which says that eclipse workspace can't be a UNC path, so my question is, is there any work-around way I can do this, for example is there any way I can let the OS (Windows 10) link a local folder to the one on the network so that every member would do the same and work on his own local folder and it will be automatically edited in the network folder?
No, this is not possible since everyone needs their own cloned Git repository to work with.
For instance, switching the branch or staging files are per repository and would therefore affect everyone. When you clone a Git repository without the bare option, there will be a so-called working tree which is the location where the currently checked-out files are and this folder is not copied but mapped into your workspace. Everyone would not have a copy of those files but working with the same files.
Besides the editing conflicts you would have, another disadvantage of having a Git repository on a network drive is that it would be slower. Therefore one would not want to have this even if it were possible to have Eclipse projects on a network drive.
But since in most cases a Git repository including the working tree takes less disk space than in SVN the working copy of the same, it should not be a problem if everyone has a locally cloned Git repository.

Is it possible to share a project without commiting?

I'd like to use "Share Project..." in Eclipse without actually commiting to SVN. Unfortunately, I am not able to find an option for doing this.
Instead, I want the relevant files only be added to SVN.
My goal is, that SVN should track all the files I move into the project using the package explorer.
Share Project needs to accomplish two things:
It sets up some internal linkage in Eclipse that connects your project with the SVN Team Provider so that SVN menu actions are exposed and so that activities you perform are routed to the SVN provider to "handle".
It has to establish your project as SVN "working copy" so that the SVN API that needs to be called on behalf of your actions can do what it needs to do.
So the key here is that if you already have a SVN working copy then Share Project will recognize this and be able to do option 1 without needing to do anything else. But otherwise, it has to establish a working copy which requires it to do svn checkout from your repository. If it has to create the working copy then it makes the assumption it needs to create the project in the repos and then check that out on top of your local project. So the one commit it will do is a svn mkdir for a folder in the repos.
If you do not want to do that, then do something to establish a working copy locally before you get started, such as checking out some existing location in your repository. As others have noted, you may want to be using branches and switch if you are refactoring something that already exists.
When you commit data to the SVN repository, you publish this new data or make changes to existing data (i.e. you make your changes available to others). Therefore, you need to commit your changes if you want others to see it in your SVN repository and collaborate.
As far as I recall, "Share Project" command in Eclipse is designed to import your non-versioned project to the SVN repository (i.e. make a first-time import) -- it converts your local data into a working copy and commits it.
I do not understand what exactly you mean by "share but not commit" (you may want to elaborate). However, you can always select which files to add and commit or import into the repository, but I guess that you will need to use standalone SVN client outside of Eclipse.

Workspace and repo paths arrangement for eclipse and git

I've seen similar questions but some are very old and some are not quite what I'm looking for or have no answers.
I have projects in Eclipse under /workspace/project1 and /workspace/project2. They are Gradle projects and are dependent on each other. I also have /workspace/project3 which is a Gradle project but independent.
I need to "upload" them to a git repo on Bitbucket. I installed EGit to help me with this. It asks me where my local repo is located and I don't know what to tell it. Should I create a repo per workspace or per group of dependent projects or what?
For example when I right click a project and press Team > Share > Git I get to this dialog and I don't know what I should fill in there.
Each (non-bare) git repository has a work directory in which the files of the currently checked out commit (referred to as HEAD) are stored.
By default, the work directory is the parent of the git metadata directory (named .git), but it can be detached through a config setting. For example: git config core.worktree /path/to/workdir
EGit cannot deal with repositories that have a detached work directory as answered here: EGit working directory not under the local repository
But irrespective of this limitation, you cannot split the work directory of a git repository among several workspaces.
Therefore, you should move the projects to the work directory to resemble this structure:
If project3 is independent of the others, it may remain where it is or be located somewhere else entirely.
A word of caution when planning to have interdependent projects spread across several git repositories. This makes the git repositories effectively interdependent as well, but without git having a dependency management tool.
To have EGit move the projects, you would enter project1 in the Path within repository input field.
Commonly used build files like the master pom.xml or corresponding Gradle files would be located in the root of the work directory. This also eases configuration of popular build services like Travis, Codeship and friends.
A few things to understand/keep in mind:
An Eclipse workspace is a logical container of projects, not necessarily a physical container. The folder in which a worksapce is located can also be a physical container of projects, meaning the project's files can be located in a folder under the workspace folder (this is the default location if you create a new project in Eclipse). But that is not a requirement; a project that is contained within a workspace can have its contents (its files) located in any location on your file system.
In most dev setups, the local git repos are located in a "standard" location in the user's home directory, namely %USER_HOME%/git/name-of-repo. Again, that's not a hard requirement, users have the option to clone or create repos in any location they choose.
So Eclipse eGit is showing you those 2 axes of flexibility. It's asking where you want to create your local git repo, which usually is different than your workspace folder. Use the Create... button to create it. I think at that point it will auto-populate the Path within repository field. If it does not, you can name that path anything you want (usually its the same as the project name, though not necessarily)
At the end of it all you'll have your workspace (logical container) as well as a local git repo which will be the physical location of the project contents.

How do I store projects that share a common shared driver on Git

I'd like to create Git repositories for some of my existing STM32 embedded C projects that I'm developing with Eclipse.
Currently I have two separate projects in their own folders, and a common folder containing ST's official STM32 Cube peripheral drivers (.c and .h) files that both projects use.
The driver folder shouldn't change (except when new versions are released) but the project files will be edited as I develop them.
How should I place them on Git? Should I:
Have three repos (one for each project and another for the drivers)?
Have two repos and change my project structure to place the drivers with both projects?
Something else?
The first option seems OK, but if I don't clone both the project and driver repos, and do them to specific locations, I can't see how I would configure Eclipse properly.
The second seems more hassle free but redundant (it won't be as easy to update all projects to use new drivers as they are released, and it will use more server space).
EDIT: Just to clarify, I'm not using the STM32CubeMX software. I'm simply using the STM32CubeF4 peripheral drivers, which are basically just embedded C .c/.h source/header files for the chip's internal peripherals (and possibly a few .lib library files for DSP calculations). See the "download" button at the bottom of this page for the .zip archive (current version is 1.4.0):
If you use a common driver in several other repos, it looks like a job for git submodules.
You have three separate repos, for example on your server, and both projects include the driver code as a submodule. What is stored in each project repo is:
an URL to the driver repo (on your server)
which commit of the driver repo is to be used
the path where to put the driver clone, relative to the project repo
After cloning a project repo, you run git submodule update --init, and the repo at URL is cloned into the relative path, and its commit is checked out.
git submodule add --name <driver> /server/src/driver.git driver
(/server/src/driver.git is URL, driver is path. <driver> is just an optional reference to ease future work with submodules. Don't use it if it is the same as path)
git submodules feel a bit cumbersome at first. For example, cloning or checking out commits in the parent (project) repo does not make the submodules working files up to date. You have to manually git submodule update for that.
You will end up with two clones of your driver, one in each project's working files structure. But this is not really redundant, as they are clones of a common driver repo on your server.
For every update of your driver, you push the driver changes to your server. To update to the latest driver version in another project, you go to that project's submodule, do the usual git push (you might be in detached state, in which case you need to checkout master first). The update will show up in the project's (not the submodule's) git status, which will tell you "New commits" in the driver submodule. What has changed is which SHA1 is checked out in your submodule; commit the changes in the project will only update which submodule commit is to be checked out.

Eclipse Projects And Git

I used computer A via the Terminal to create a) create a git repository, b) add an index.html file to the repo, c) add a remote origin, d) push to the remote origin. All OK.
Then, i used computer B to clone that repository via Terminal. Then, I opened Eclipse (equipped with Egit), and created a new project in the folder that was created by the cloning process. Then I used Eclipse to push any changes to the remote origin.
Returning to computer A, I used Eclipse to create a project in the original repo folder, and then I attempted to pull from the remote origin, in order to get the changes that were pushed when using computer B.
Eclipse will not do it. It complains the I have items such as .settings, .project and similar and since they are not under version control it won't overwrite them by fetching files from the server. I had to manually delete those files (via Terminal) and then Eclipse worked as expected.
Please provide information on how to avoid this.
Should I create the local repo from within Eclipse and then push it to the remote origin, so that items such as (.settings) are under version control and (if so) how would that cause trouble to people cloning the repo and use different versions of Eclipse?
Should I gitignore those items?
Should I ask Eclipse to save its own affiliated files to another folder (not that i am aware how to do that, i only know that NetBeans does it)?
Looks like you didn't gitignored eclipse files.
Probably, when you commit/push via egit, you also commit and push those files you already had unversioned in your machine A, so git complains, because you are asking to override existing unversioned files.
I strongly recommend you to gitignore those eclipse files. You can see examples of .gitignore files in the github gitignore repo.
Hope it helps.
It complains because if you pull the changes from your remote it will overwrite your local files. That is the problem. The other answerer has right. You should better add all the eclipse project files and and target .settings and classpath to gitignore. You can use a global gitignore for your computers as well, before creating projects. You could use maven for example, then you can import your projects only from the pom.xml-s given in the git repository.
I use them the same. Egit and other guis are a bit too complex to work with. Git repositories can get easy in an inconsistent state where you should use the oldfashioned terminal to solve things. Like, rebasing, merging on conflicts. Gits learning curve is solid.
Now you can solve your problem if on the first computer save a backup of your original and clones your project later, after fixed it on the second. On the second git remove all this files, but use the --cached option to avoid deleting them. Before you do it so, check the help of git remove! after you have done this, put them into the .gitignore as filenames with wildcards. You can also use a global gitignore file in your user folder. Creating a .gitconfig file where you can specifiy the global ignore with the following :
excludesfile = ~/.gitignore_global
Than just create the .gitignore_global like this :
( This file is for idea and netbeans. you can add eclipse project files here )
You can have .gitignore files per project too. You can commit them to the repository, so on the next machine you do not have to do this again. The nicest way I think is having a dotfiles git repository, which is a git repo of your home directory and the dotfiles in it. I also use it for different windows and linux distros.
That's all. You should keep all of your configuration in a safe place. And source code management can do it. But do not commit private stuff to public a place! ;)
Oh I wanted to mention that, you can also have a .gitignore entry in your .gitignore file. That can be very useful when you do not want to touch a repository but need to add a gitignore to hide some stuff especially from the given repo.