CRM Dynamics trigger workflow before saving - workflow

A little background:
I have 2 entities (Product and Case). The product entity will hold all product records. A section in the Case will have the ability to choose products and auto-populate all related fields that are located in the product record for that specific product. For example, Product record has fields like hazardous, range, lot ect. The same field appear on the Case record. These fields should only be populated based on the product that was selected.
I was able to accomplish the above by creating a 1:N relationship and adding it to my Case form. I then created a workflow to populate the related fields (hazardous, range, lot ect). However, these fields only populate when the record is saved. Is there a way to make it update the fields once the product is chosen?
I want to refrain form using any type of JavaScript. If possible, I would like to strictly use workflows to accomplish this (if at all possible).

Real time information in your case can be only accomplished by using JavaScript. Maps works too but they have a special behavior.
Workflows that fire when the record is created only execute after all core operations are done (Native logic, Plug-in logic...) and you can't fire workflows if the record is not created.
So using workflows is a good idea even if you can't see the information


Does OROCRM fits our process?

Hey guys we need to realize the following workflow:
Our process looks as following:
We have a customer base with several attributes for each customer like city, type of product, segment and so on.It should be possible for the manager to choose the correct customers according to the attributes (e.g. all customer from city x and type y of product) and assign this customers to a marketing process.
The marketing process would look like:
User gets a notification call customer x
User is being asked how the call was and the user can choose from several categories (no interest, slight interest, wrong number, ....)
The logic behind what happens afterwards is in the program
In short:
Defining the customer range -> putting them into a process -> user gives a response in a pre defined way to the task he performed -> the process goes on
Thank you for your response!
PS. There is no need for VOIP integration.
The short answer is yes, OroCRM is flexible enough to handle completely custom workflows. Simple workflows, like the one that you described can even be configured from the user interface, without custom development.
We have a customer base with several attributes for each customer like the city, type of product, segment, and so on.
Depending on the needs, you can use one of the existing OroCRM entities as a base customer (e.g. a Lead or an Account entity) and add all the needed extra fields using the entity management. Or you can create a completely new custom entity with all the fields and relations to use it as a base customer.
It should be possible for the manager to choose the correct customers according to the attributes (e.g. all customers from city x and type y of product)
You can use OroCRM data grids to filter base customers by attributes and even create a custom grid view with predefined filters to reuse it later. The flexible reporting system also may be helpful here.
and assign these customers to the marketing process.
In OroCRM they are called workflows. There are a few predefined workflows, and you can create a completely custom within the user interface.

Create price rules in WCS using OOB commands

Currently I have a pricerule that has only one action element to fetch a price from pricelist.
In order to achieve this pricerule I'm adding entries into required tables like
and other tables.
Now I need to add more conditions and branches to this pricerule in order to fit for the requirements(something like this).
But I found forming this pricerule by inserting entries directly into tables (as I did for simple pricerule) is quite complex. Because after forming the pricerule it has to be updated on weekly basis. Updates will be like changing the markup/markdown percentage or changing the start and end date of this markup etc.
So my question is:
Instead of directly updating the tables, is there any IBM WCS OOB functionality to achieve this?

Getting ID fields from the primary table into the linked table via Form

As an amateur coder for some years I have generally used sub forms when dealing with linked tables to make the transfer of ID field from primary to sub nice and simple...
However in my latest project the main form is a continuous form with a list of delivery runs (Date, RunName, RunCompleted) etc... Linked to this primary table is a delivery list containing (SKU of product, Qty etc...). I use a simple Relationship between the two tables.
Now, On the main (RUNS) form at the end of each row is a button that opens the DELIVERIES form and displays all records with matching RUNID
This is fine for displaying pre-existing data but when I want to add new records I have been using the following code attached to the OnCurrent event:
Me.RunID = DLookup("[RunID]", "tbl_BCCRuns", "RunID = " & Forms![frm_BCC_Runs_list]![RunID])
I have also used:
Forms![frm_BCC_Deliveries].Controls![RunID] = Forms![tbl_BCCRuns].Controls![RunID]
(Note: above done from memory and exact code may be incorrect but that's not the problem at hand)
Now... Both these options give me what I need however...
I find that as I am working on the database, or if you open certain forms in the right order (a bug I need to identify and fix clearly) you can open the DELIVERIES form without the filter (to view all deliveries for arguments sake) and the top entry (usually the oldest record) suddenly adopts the RUNID of the selected record back in the main form.
Now, my question is this, and the answer may be a simple "no" and that's fine, I'll move on...
Is there a better way, a way I am not familiar with or just don't know about due to my inconsistent Access progress, to transfer ID's to a form without risking contamination from improper use? Or do I just have to bite the bullet and make sure that there is just no possible way for that to happen?
In effort to alleviate the issue, I have created a Display Only form for viewing the deliveries but there are still times when I need to access the live historical data to modify other fields without wanting to modify the RUNID.
Any pointers greatly appreciated...
Since you only want to pull the RunID if the form is on a new record row, do a check to verify this is a new record.
If Me.NewRecord Then
Me.RunID = DLookup("[RunID]", "tbl_BCCRuns", "RunID = " & Forms![frm_BCC_Runs_list]![RunID])
End If
Could also consider a technique to synchronize parent and child forms when both are subforms on a main form (the main form does not have to be bound)

NetSuite workflow to update a record of different type

I have two NetSuite records that have a parent-child relationship. Let's call them P and C
The Child records (e.g. C123,124, etc) are listed on the Parent (P987) in a sublist.
I have a need to display the most recently updated child record (e.g. C124) in the main area of the related Parent record. I need to display 3 fields from that child record:
Second question: I might need to make one or more of fields displayed above (e.g. field1) editable. If so, would I have to store that as fields on the parent also? And then how would I keep this "copy" updated in sync with that specific Child record?
It doesn't have to be a workflow but I prefer to use "supported" features (such out of the box workflow actions) as much as possible and avoid customization by scripting. If you don't think it can be done without a script then please be clear.
P.S. Fairly new to NetSuite but not the concepts.
P.P.S. no I am not happy about the problem above and wish I could prevent all silly requests. lol
First one you can achieve with a Workflow action script.
Second question, if those are custom fields, you'd have to make them populate the info on the child record, this can be done from the same WFA script.

Global selection of Company before interacting with any other forms

I'm working on the design of a database for a client and they would like to work with one of their companies (customers) at a time throughout the entire session.
Ideally I would like to set up the forms so that they select the company to work with first and then can navigate to various other forms to manage the different aspects of that company (locations, departments, employees, etc.). There will obviously be many companies in the database, so I would need to ensure that they only see records for the selected company and adding new values ties them to the selected company.
I've been doing some searching around for how best to accomplish this but I've had no real luck.
Any guidance you can give would be awesome.
PS. I've got the structure of the database tables setup to ensure that any entity that is company-specific has a foreign key that identifies the company.
When the user enters the program, the first form they should see should be the company chooser form. Then the user can continue on to the other forms, which would all be filtered based on the user's initial selection.
You can either have the form write to a module-level variable, and all the forms would be filtered by the value of a function which would return the company ID to filter by.
It may be easier for you to simply hide the form, and filter all the successive forms by the value in the combo box of the hidden form.
You might also want to consider creating a query for each table, which contains only the filtered values per company (either with a function, or by the value of the hidden form) and basing all your forms/reports on those queries. That way you won't accidentally forget to include the filter in a form/report.