FluentAssertions graph comparison, ExcludingNestedObjects ignored? - entity-framework

I've got a unit/integration test as follows.
using (var repository = _factory.Get())
applicationBefore = repository.Applications
.Include(a => a.AcceptedAgreements)
.Single(a => a.AggregateId == applicationId);
// Perform an operation that deletes an Application and all
// related data and then rebuilds it from the event store.
Repo.Application applicationAfter = null;
using (var repository = _factory.Get())
applicationAfter = repository.Applications
.Include(a => a.AcceptedAgreements)
.Single(a => a.AggregateId == applicationId);
applicationAfter.AcceptedAgreements.ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo(applicationBefore.AcceptedAgreements, options => options
The repository reference is a DbContext and AcceptedAgreements is a navigation property.
This test fails with the following message.
Result Message:
FluentAssertions.Execution.AssertionFailedException :
Expected item[0].Application.Id to be 1, but found 2.
<more failures where stuff inside Application is different>
With configuration:
- Use declared types and members
- Compare enums by value
- Include all non-private properties
- Include all non-private fields
- Match member by name (or throw)
- Be strict about the order of items in byte arrays
- FluentAssertions.Equivalency.ShouldAllBeEquivalentToHelper+CollectionMemberOrderingRuleDecorator
If I modify the assertion as follows:
applicationAfter.AcceptedAgreements.ShouldAllBeEquivalentTo(applicationBefore.AcceptedAgreements, options => options
.Excluding(o => o.Application));
Now the test passes.
Please help me understand why ExcludingNestedObjects() doesn't exclude the Application property, which is in fact a nested object, and I have to resort to excluding each navigation property individually. The above code is slightly simplified as I actually have multiple navigation properties and have to exclude each of them individually.


EF Dynamic Filters delegate expression

We are using EF Dynamic filters (ASP.NET MVC 5 app)
The filter below is working, but set only once.
builder.Filter("IMultiOrganization", (IMultOrganization d) => ((d.TenantId == GlobalAppVariables.IssuerId) && (d.IsShared == true)) || ((d.IsShared == false && d.AzureObjIdentifier == GlobalAppVariables.AzureObjIdentifier)));
The variables 'IssuerId' and 'AzureObjIdentifier' are dynamic session variables, those are changing all the time. This causes problems and I would like the filter to use those variables straight from the session.
According to the documentation this is caused because this filer isn't a delegate expression.
Filters can be defined on a specific entity class or an interface by providing a specific value, e.g. an IsDeleted filter created on an ISoftDelete interface which will automatically filter those entities by applying the condition "IsDeleted==false".
Filter values can also be provided via a delegate/expression instead of a specific value which allows you to change the parameter value dynamically. For example, a filter can be created on the UserID and provided per HTTP request.
We also use delegate filters what indeed is working fine.
builder.EnableFilter("IMultiTenant", () => GlobalAppVariables.AzureObjIdentifier != null || GlobalAppVariables.IssuerId != Guid.Empty);
But I can't get the first filter work as a delegate expression and need a bit help on that.
I found the solution by using parameters within the filter.
First of all I changed the filter which now supports parameters.
builder.Filter("IMultiOrganization", (IMultiOrganization d, Guid tenantId, string azureId) => (d.TenantId == tenantId && d.IsShared == true) || (d.AzureObjIdentifier == azureId && d.IsShared == false), GlobalAppVariables.IssuerId, GlobalAppVariables.AzureObjIdentifier);
Then I call method below in the db context constructor
private void SetMultiOrganizationFilterParams()
if (GetFilterEnabled("IMultiOrganization"))
this.SetFilterScopedParameterValue("IMultiOrganization", "azureId", GlobalAppVariables.AzureObjIdentifier);
this.SetFilterScopedParameterValue("IMultiOrganization", "tenantId", GlobalAppVariables.IssuerId);
Source: https://github.com/zzzprojects/EntityFramework.DynamicFilters#changing-filter-parameter-values

NullReferenceException using Where() in AutoMapper.MapFrom

I'm modelling a 3rd party database using Automapper 8 and EF 6.
One of my DTO classes needs to use a Where clause on an association to locate the correct record.
// Community table is mapped and working.
// Mapping breaks when mapping dest.Subjects
cfg.CreateMap<Person, PersonDto>()
// snip many mappings
.ForMember(dest => dest.Id, act => act.MapFrom(src => src.ID))
.ForMember(dest => dest.UserName, act => act.MapFrom(src => src.Community.NetworkLogin))
dest => dest.Subjects,
act => act.MapFrom(
src => src.Community.StudentClasses.Where(
subject => subject.Year == CurrentSemester.Year && subject.Semester == CurrentSemester.Semester)))
dest => dest.Contacts,
act => act.MapFrom(
src => src.Community.Contacts.Where(
contact => Contact.UseThis).Select(contact => contact.ContactDetails)));
This code works in production, but I'd really like to Unit Test this model. Running a simple test (get all records in the Mock) I'm hit with a NullReferenceException when it tries to access the Community.StudentClasses object.
I found this answer relating to NullReferenceExceptionexceptions and AutoMapper, which helped me fix the rest of the references in this config, but I'm still having issues with this one. The test works when I remove the Community.StudentClasses mapping.
I'm mocking objects using code similar to:
public static Person Person19788 =>
new SchoolContact
ID = 19788,
NetworkLogin = "username",
// Tried various creation methods
// StudentClasses = new List<StudentClass> {new StudentClass()},
// StudentClasses = new List<StudentClass> {new StudentClass {Year = 0, Semester = 0}},
StudentClasses = null,
StudentContacts = null,
Address = Address19788
CurrentSemester has been checked, and returns valid non-zero values for Year and Semester.
The strange thing is that the Contacts mapping works fine, even with null values. So I assume that I've broken my Subjects mapping somewhere along the line, but I'm unsure where else to look.
It turns out that the problem was with my Subjects mapping after all.
The top-level associations were mapped correctly, however the lower-level associations were not. (I didn't include these mappings because a) I didn't think about them, and b) there's only so much code that anyone would be willing to wade through).
After fixing up the w > x > y > z mappings everything is working as expected. I thought I'd exhausted all options before posting this question. Lesson learned: don't post to SO until you've slept on it and taken a fresh look at the code the next day.

Stackoverflow Exception using PredicateBuilder with Entity Framework

I have Predicate builder, which is having predicate and inner predicate and building a dynamic filter based on conditions, let's say I am selecting one department, under that department I am getting list of employees, once I get the list of employees, I need to load the respective records for each and every employee who belongs to the selected department.
Implementation is already done long back and it works fine if department is having not too many employees, once it goes beyond 500 or 1000, the predicate builder is causing a stack overflow. Please see my code snippet for this - I am using .net framework 4.5.2.
Getting stackoverflow exception when assigning to inner predicate at this line with in loop, when record is beyond 1000 or 500, it loops based on the employee records.
Expression<Func<EmployeeTable, bool>> predicate = PredicateBuilder.True<EmployeeTable>();
var innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<EmployeeTable>();
case FilterBy.EmployeeName:
if (!isEmpNameFilterExists)
foreach (string empName in item.FieldCollection)
innerPredicate = innerPredicate.Or(x => x.Name.Equals(empName,
predicate = predicate.And(innerPredicate.Expand());
This might happen due to the (usually sufficient) but small stack for .NET applications (https://stackoverflow.com/a/823729/2298807). Evaluation on predicates is usually done as part of lamda functions and they use the stack. I do not now the predicate library in detail but I assume a use of recursive functions.
Anyhow: I would suggest to use Contains by building a List<string> containing the names:
Expression<Func<EmployeeTable, bool>> predicate =
var innerPredicate = PredicateBuilder.False<EmployeeTable>();
case FilterBy.EmployeeName:
if (!isEmpNameFilterExists)
List<string> namesList = new List<string>();
foreach (string empName in item.FieldCollection)
predicate = predicate.And(x => namesList.Contains(x.Name));
Note: Please check the syntax as I do not have a VS environment available at the moment.
I have added my own Expression builder engine, i.e. much better way to generate the Predicate.
PredicateBuilder works well with LINQ to Object, With EntityFramework its having the issue, because it generates the Lambda methods with full namespace of models and keep on adding with multiple search criteria. I felt like its having the limitations with large number of filters in Entity framework. In my case i was passing 728 count to just one field of Model, it was breaking with Stack-overflow exceptions.
728 lambdas method would be adding to the stack with full specific NAMESPACES.
Custom Expression is working totally fine in my case. Please find below Source code for the same.
var entityType = typeof(Emptable);
var parameter = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "a");
var containsMethod = typeof(string).GetMethod("Equals", new[] { typeof(string) });
//Switch Statement for EmployeeName Filter.
case FilterBy.EmployeeName:
if (!isEmpNameFilterExists)
var propertyExpression = Expression.Property(parameter, "EmployeeName");
foreach (string empName in item.FieldCollection)
var innerExpression = Expression.Call(propertyExpression, containsMethod, Expression.Constant(empName));
body = Expression.OrElse(body, innerExpression);

EF6 error when using in-memory testing

Mocked setup below (the GenerateTrades() and other methods in ContextFactory are just returning a List AsQueryable with sample data):
_trades = ContextFactory.GenerateTrades();
_hedges = ContextFactory.GenerateHedges();
_exposures = ContextFactory.GenerateExposures();
_ctx = new Mock<FxContext>();
var fakeTrades = new Mock<DbSet<Trade>>();
fakeTrades.As<IQueryable<Trade>>().Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(_trades.Provider);
fakeTrades.As<IQueryable<Trade>>().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(_trades.Expression);
fakeTrades.As<IQueryable<Trade>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(_trades.ElementType);
fakeTrades.As<IQueryable<Trade>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(_trades.GetEnumerator());
var fakeHedges = new Mock<DbSet<Hedge>>();
fakeHedges.As<IQueryable<Hedge>>().Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(_hedges.Provider);
fakeHedges.As<IQueryable<Hedge>>().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(_hedges.Expression);
fakeHedges.As<IQueryable<Hedge>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(_hedges.ElementType);
fakeHedges.As<IQueryable<Hedge>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(_hedges.GetEnumerator());
var fakeExposures = new Mock<DbSet<Exposure>>();
fakeExposures.As<IQueryable<Exposure>>().Setup(m => m.Provider).Returns(_exposures.Provider);
fakeExposures.As<IQueryable<Exposure>>().Setup(m => m.Expression).Returns(_exposures.Expression);
fakeExposures.As<IQueryable<Exposure>>().Setup(m => m.ElementType).Returns(_exposures.ElementType);
fakeExposures.As<IQueryable<Exposure>>().Setup(m => m.GetEnumerator()).Returns(_exposures.GetEnumerator());
_ctx.Setup(c => c.Trades).Returns(fakeTrades.Object);
_ctx.Setup(c => c.Hedges).Returns(fakeHedges.Object);
_ctx.Setup(c => c.Exposures).Returns(fakeExposures.Object);
Part of test code looks like:
_sut = (from x in _ctx.Object.Hedges
where x.Id == ContextFactory.s_hedge01Id
select x).FirstOrDefault();
_ctx.Object.Entry(_sut).Collection(x => x.HedgedTrades).Load();
On the last line I get an exception:
{"Member 'Load' cannot be called for property 'HedgedTrades' because the entity of type 'Hedge' does not exist in the context. To add an entity to the context call the Add or Attach method of DbSet<Hedge>."}
I have verified that in fact the _sut Hedge is actually an instance of a Hedge (not null or a stub) and as the code seems to indicate, I have attached the Hedge to the context explicitly (though I would think the query should bring the object into the context automagically). Am I missing something?
It seems like here in your test you are mixing two separate approaches. Error you received states that you are trying to access DbContext inherited logic, but it is mocked. If you want to perform your unit tests against database with use of FxContext then do not mock it. If you want test other part of software then you should mock interface that FxContext should implement. This will enable you to fullfil dependency injection principle in your code which will help you then organize your test in more predictable way.

NullReferenceException while trying to including a one-to-many relationship item after saving parent

Framework: I'm using using MVC 3 + EntityFramework 4.1 Code-First.
Concept: One Legislation entity has many Provision entities. The idea is that the user enters a Legislation entity, that gets saved then the function that saves it passes it along to another function to see whether that Legislation has a ShortTitle. If it does, then it formats it into a properly worded string and includes it as the Legislation's first Provision, then saves the changes to db.
Issue: The problem is, I've tried coding it in different ways, I keep getting a NullReferenceException, telling me to create a new object instance with the "new" keyword, and points me to the savedLegislation.Provisions.Add(provision); line in my second function.
Here are the two functions at issue, this first one saves the Legislation proper:
public Legislation Save(NewLegislationView legislation)
Legislation newLegislation = new Legislation();
// Simple transfers
newLegislation.ShortTile = legislation.ShortTile;
newLegislation.LongTitle = legislation.LongTitle;
newLegislation.BillType = legislation.BillType;
newLegislation.OriginatingChamber = legislation.OriginatingChamber;
newLegislation.Preamble = legislation.Preamble;
// More complicated properties
newLegislation.Stage = 1;
this.NumberBill(newLegislation); // Provides bill number
newLegislation.Parliament = db.LegislativeSessions.First(p => p.Ending >= DateTime.Today);
newLegislation.Sponsor = db.Members.Single(m => m.Username == HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);
// And save
// Check for Short titles
// return the saved legislation
return newLegislation;
And the second function which is invoked by the first one deals with checking whether ShortTitle is not empty and create a Provision that is related to that Legislation, then save changes.
public void IncludeShortTitle(Legislation legislation)
var savedLegislation = db.Legislations.Find(legislation.LegislationID);
if (savedLegislation.ShortTile.Any() && savedLegislation.ShortTile.ToString().Length >= 5)
string shortTitle = "This Act may be cited as the <i>" + savedLegislation.ShortTile.ToString() + "</i>.";
var provision = new Provision()
Article = Numbers.CountOrNull(savedLegislation.Provisions) + 1,
Proponent = savedLegislation.Sponsor,
Text = shortTitle
I've been researching how SaveChanges() works and whether it is properly returning the updated entity, it does (since I get no issue looking it up in the second function). If it works properly, and the legislation is found and the provision is newly created in the second function, I don't see what is the "null" reference it keeps spitting out.
The null reference in this case would be savedLegislation.Provisions. The Provisions collection won't be initialized to a new List<Provision> when EF returns your Legislation instance from the db.Legislations.Find(...) method.
The first thing I'd try is something like this:
var savedLegislation = db.Legislations
.First(l => l.LegislationID == legislation.LegislationID);
... but I'd also consider just using the legislation instance that was passed into the method rather than fetching it from the database again.