Setting turtles in parcel without sprout - netlogo

I been looking for the way to place each turtle in a parcel, but I do not want to have two turtles in the same parcel. Does anybody know how to do it?. (Without using sprout).

Assuming you have more patches than turtles, all you need is:
ask turtles [
move-to one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here ]
Interesting side note:
People are often tempted to stick other in there, as in:
; bad code:
ask turtles [
move-to one-of patches with [ not any? other turtles-here ]
but this calls other within the patch context, so it doesn't actually do anything. To achieve the desired effect of not excluding the patch that the turtle is already on, you could write:
ask turtles [
let me self
move-to one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here with [ self != me ] ]
Whether or not it is worth the trouble depends on your particular circumstances.
Finally, note that:
; bad code:
ask turtles [
move-to one-of patches with [ not any? [ other turtles-here ] of myself ]
would not work either because turtles-here would then be called in the turtle's context instead of being called in the patch context.


Copy the link breed variable in the patch below

I have a network of nodes and links. This figure
is a capture of the world. The graph represents streets of a city. I have imported a shapefile with the gis extension. The gray lines are links, black dots are nodes and red dots represent people. The people move heading to the next node. In a street corner, the red dot chooses next street by examining the variable popularity owned by the link.
The links breed has a variable, popularity, whose value I would like to copy in the patches that are below.
If I try, for example, something like this to access patches under links will produce an error
ask links [show [(list pxcor pycor)] of patch-here]
Another approach can be to access links variable popularity from patches, but I do not know how to do it.
The reason why I want this is because I want to write in a file a matrix of popularity values and its position in the matrix should correspond with the position of the link in the world. Thus, the patches below the links would give me the matrix form. I have a procedure that for each patch writes the value of the patch in a file. However, I do not know how to pass the popularityvalue from the link to the patch below it.
Is there any way to copy a link owned variable to its patch?
If someone has a better way of doing this (or can simplify my code), feel free. Here is a complete working example. Copy it into an empty NetLogo model and run it to see it work.
The setup procedure just creates some nodes and links with appropriate test values and then calls the transfer-link-values procedure, which does what I think you want. The setup procedure then puts the values into the patch labels to display them and see the results.
The way the transfer-link-values procedure works is to create a turtle at one end of the link, and that turtle moves toward the other end of the link transferring the value as it goes. When it gets to the other end, the turtle dies.
patches-own [patch-popularity]
links-own [link-popularity]
to setup
create-turtles 10 [ setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
while [ any? turtles with [not any? my-links] ]
[ let to-pair turtles with [not any? my-links]
let thisNode one-of to-pair
ask thisNode
[ create-link-with one-of other to-pair
[ set link-popularity 5 + random 5 ]
ask patches [ if patch-popularity != 0 [set plabel patch-popularity ] ]
to transfer-link-values
ask links
[ let start-node one-of both-ends
let this-link self
let end-node nobody
ask start-node [ set end-node [other-end] of this-link ]
let transfer-value link-popularity
ask start-node
[ hatch 1
[ face end-node
if transfer-value > patch-popularity
[ ask patch-here [ set patch-popularity transfer-value ] ]
while [ not member? end-node turtles-here ]
[ forward 1
if transfer-value > patch-popularity
[ ask patch-here [ set patch-popularity transfer-value ] ]
if transfer-value > patch-popularity
[ ask patch-here [ set patch-popularity transfer-value ] ]

How to create links that thereby change a turtle's breed?

I'm trying to model families. I would like to set it so that males meet females and form a link that will subsequently allow them to reproduce. I have not been able to figure out or find online how to code links to do this although I think it is quite basic.
I have as breeds males and females and husbands and wives. This code is to be run by males.
to marry
if hunger < 10 [create-link-with one-of females]
ask my-links [set breed wives]
This returns a runtime error "you can't see breed to a non-link agentset". I thought this meant that I needed to use some kind of breed-command, e.g.
create-<a wife>-link-with
etc all generate error messages.
I have also tried making the link directed, e.g.
create-link-to one-of females
but to no avail.
You're having the turtles ask the links rather than the link-neighbors, I think that's all:
breed [ cats cat ]
to setup
crt 10 [ setxy random-pxcor random-pycor ]
to go
ask one-of turtles [
create-link-with one-of other turtles
ask link-neighbors [
set breed cats
I think this does what you want:
breed [ males male ]
breed [ husbands husband ]
breed [ females female ]
breed [ wives wife ]
males-own [ mood ]
to setup
create-males 5 [
set color green
setxy abs random-pxcor / 2 random-pycor
set mood "lonely"
create-females 5 [
set color white
setxy ( abs random-pxcor ) / -2 random-pycor
to go
if any? females [
ask one-of males [
set breed husbands
create-link-with one-of females
ask link-neighbors [
set breed wives
However, you may want to reconsider having the turtles switch breeds, and instead give them all a turtles-own boolean variable like married? that you can use as a flag. If you want to do the breed switching, do make sure any variables that you create for related breeds are identical- note that in the example above males have a mood variable but they lose that info when they change breeds to husbands.

How to choose the not previously used links by an agent

I have breed [walkers walker] which walk roads in a road map represented by links in Netlogo.
The links-own [ guiri-ids ] which I intend to be an turtle-set of walkers that have already walked for the link.
I would like to use this guiri-ids to select, from the set of possible next links, which I call nextlinks, the links that the walker has not been walked before (the new ones).
If all possible links have been walked before then choose one of them.
How could obtain the set of next links which guiri-ids set does not contain myself (the walker) ?.
I am trying this line
let new-nextlinks nextlinks with [ guiri-ids != myself ]
but the keeps taking old paths.
Thank your very much for your help
breed [walkers walker]
links-own [ guiri-ids ]
to test
crt 25 [setxy random-xcor random-ycor]
ask turtles [
create-link-with one-of other turtles
create-walkers 10
ask links [set guiri-ids n-of 3 walkers]
ask walkers [walk]
to walk
let _next one-of links with [not member? myself guiri-ids]
ifelse (_next != nobody) [
ask _next [set guiri-ids (turtle-set myself guiri-ids)]
] [
;do whatever you wish in this case

How to create links in netlogo and ask link-neighbors to execute commands according to link-length?

I've been trying to link turtles from BREED1 (still) to turtles from breed2 (mobile) who are on neighbors of BREED1. I want to do so in order to change a variable according the link-length between BREED1 and breed2.
(you can say that BREED1 represent houses and breed2 represents people, I would like to change the fact that the people are "protected" or not, according to the distance that separates them from their house (BREED1 that they are linked to))
I don't know if this is the best way to do it, but here's my code, I know it's not working because the "protected" variable is always false by default.
to protect
ask n-of total-number-BREED1 BREED1
[ if any? breed2-on neighbors
[ create-link-with [who] of breed2-on neighbors]
ask link-neighbors
[ set protected true]
I would also like to add a part concerning the link's length
ask link-neighbors
[ ifelse link-length < 2
[set protected true]
[set protected false]]
Thank you for your help !
Try this to create links with the breed2-on the neighboring patches:
ask BREED1
if any? breed2-on neighbors [ create-links-with breed2-on neighbors]
ask link-neighbors [ set protected true]
and this, which gets the link-length between the breed1 and it's neighbors
ask BREED1
ask link-neighbors
if [link-length] of link-with myself < 2 [ do something]
Note: link-length is called from a link's perspective, so you need to get the link that's connecting two things.

Netlogo a a turtle variable to patch variable on which it is standing

I would like to compare a turtle variable with the patch variable on which it is standing.
ask patches with [ pcolor = green and inventory > 0]
[ ask one-of turtles-here
[if myself [ conviction] > detection )
Conviction is a turtle variable and detection is a patch variable. Can it be done. This is my first posting. So apologies if the format is not correct.
A turtles has direct access to the variables of the patch under it:
turtles-own [ conviction ]
patches-own [ detection ]
to go
ask patches [
ask one-of turtles-here [
if conviction > detection [ ; the turtle accesses both variables directly
; do something