Itext rich media annotation with multiple assets in different locations or folder structure - itext

Is it possible to add a main swf file which is supported by other files in a certain folder structure.
I'm actually trying to implement an articulate storyline project composed of 9 files (swf, xml, jpg, mp3, js)in three different directories.
I found some resources but I was not able to provide the supported files to the main swf. I always get the message that the next file in the chain cannot be loaded.
i.e.: story.swf requires data.swf to load which further needs meta.xml which requires the thumbnail.jpg which is located in the sub directory story_content...
So bottom line I need to add assets in a certain directory structure.
Can you please help me out on that.
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind Regards, Mario


Dart (Flutter) iterate assets folder file content [duplicate]

I want to know if there is a way (with or without pubspec.yaml asset list) to read a directory where images will be stored, and create an array with all the paths to each image, so I can go through the array (say, with a FOR ) and create a gallery of photos. This with the purpose of being able to change, remove or add images from the directory without worrying about the paths being coded in assets.
I've read that I can use AssetBundle or RootBundle for this but I cant find any example doing so. Any help on this, even pointing me in a different approach, would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: This got marked as a duplicate, but the question referenced as a duplicate is different in the sense that I need to scan a directory automatically , So I dont need to know any of the names of the files on the directory, I just want a way to read the directory (who's name I can know) and retrieve an array populated with the assets inside the directory.
There is (or at least used to be - beware, it's an implementation detail) an asset called AssetManifest.json. You can load that asset first, and it contains details of the actual assets.

Can I use png images inside a resource dll with ImageSearch function?

So, I want to develop a simple automation script for myself and distribute it to some friends and want it to look professional.
The script uses some png files (in the script root folder) to do ImageSearch function.
The thing is that I don't want to distribute it with png files (I know about FileInstall) or to have the programs install the png files in the script directory. What I really want is a dll packed with the png images, so that the common user doesn't even know that the file contains images (or a similar solution) and be able to access them from the script.
My question then is: Is it possible to use ImageSearch and make it use images inside a dll packed with pictures? Any similar approach that I can use not to have png files along the script?
Best regards!
From the link you posted, it appears that this is indeed possible to use ImageSearch with DLL files as it is explicitly mentioned.
Other sources of icons include the following types of files: EXE, DLL, CPL, SCR, and other types that contain icon resources.
Note that you may need to scale the image(s) if these are not actually icons.
. . . icons loaded from ICO, DLL, or EXE files are scaled to the system's default small-icon size, which is usually 16 by 16 (you can force the actual/internal size to be used by specifying *w0 *h0).
As for a similar approach, you could alternatively use one of the other file formats mentioned instead of DLL.

Unity3d files types. What are they for: .meta, .controller, .anim, .asset?

Short Question:
What is purpose of .controler, .anim, .asset file types in Unity project.
Important note:
The purpose of this questions is investigation of Unity3d project structure by it's files types.
I'm not asking how to prepare my project for git. I'm interested in purpose and behavior of files by their extension, looking for documentation as like as one in to summary #1.
Introduction how do this question appears:
I'm working with unity3d, and when I run a git status after sync I got a long list of modified/deleted files I did not touch. These files have next extentions: *.meta, *.controller, *.anim, *.assets
After long googling with different request I found good enough information only abut *.meta files and collisions that may happens when lose or duplicate guid in *.meta files. But other files extensions dose not represented so well in a google responses. And I able only guess what these kind of files do by their extension, but I prefer to definitely know it.
Can you help me to find information about purpose, structure and behavior of files with next file extensions in Unity3d project.
1) What is *.meta file in Unity3d?
answer#1: This file type contains data about assets that cannot be stored inside assets. Each asset has it own *.meta file.
2) What is. *.controller file in Unity3d?
3) What is *.anim file in Unity3d?
4) What is *.asset file in Unit3d?
1) *.meta files store the settings of the files you have in your project.
2) It's The Animator Controller Asset.
3) It's Animation Clip.
4) It's Unity's own format that's used to store project settings or some resourses.

Flash Builder 4 import services .as files

I am working on a shared project in Flash Builder 4. Our data is coming through web services. We have put the generated .as files into vss so that we can share them. What I can't figure out is how to import those files. I see the files that others have created under my services directory but I can't figure out how to get them to appear in my Data/Services view. Does anybody know how to do this?
It looks like this information is in a file with an .fml extension. This is located in your project.model directory. Besides the fact that you can't get to that file from within flash builder to check it out, I don't know that it is a good idea to source control a project file. We are looking at what options we have to help everyone maintain these service files.

High level process of extracting images from a container

Right, this is the problem I have a container (rar,zip) which contains images png's tiffs bmps or jpegs in an order.
The file extension isnt zip or rar though but uses the same compression.
I want to pull out a list of images contained within the file in the numerical order, then depending on the user decision go to the image selected.
I'm not after any code just the high level thought process/logic of how this can be achieved and how it could be achieved on iphone OS.
From what i know of iphone OS it uses a kind of sandbox environment so how would this effect the process as well.
You can include the libz framework in your project and write some C to manage zipped data. Or you can use Objective-C wrapper classes others have written.
Your application resides in its own sandbox. You can include zip files in the "bundle", i.e. add them to your project, and copy them to the application's Documents folder to work with them. Or you can copy archived data over the network to the application's Documents folder if you don't want to include files in your project.
I don't think the extension matters so much as the data being in the format you expect it to be.
Everything I wrote above is for zip-ped files. If you're working with rar-formatted archives, you'll need to look at making a static library for the iPhone, perhaps from the UnRAR source code.