Install BeautifulSoup, mrjob, pattern, and seaborn on python 2.7 on Jupyter - ipython

I am learning how to use the new Jupyter. I want to install packages:BeautifulSoup, mrjob, pattern, and seaborn on python 2.7. I first tried to do so by running pip install BeautifulSoup mrjob pattern seaborn That all returns: SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I also tried from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, it did work for Beautifulsoup. But I still don't know how to install other packages.
Wondering anyone know why there was syntax error for using pip install? Is that because I haven't installed pip on python 2.7?

I was also able to install these packages from iphython notebook window by running
import pip
def install(package):
pip.main(['install', package])

Have you tried installing one package at a time. This helps you find which installation command not working.
You can find Julia packages here.

The problem was I was running pip from inside Jupyter. However, Jupyter is a command line program. Thanks to Mwaskom, the solution is run it from a terminal using:
pip install BeautifulSoup mrjob pattern seaborn

You could try:
!pip install BeautifulSoup mrjob pattern seaborn


AttributeError: module 'OpenSSL.SSL' has no attribute 'TLS_METHOD'

When trying to import scrapy in my Jupyter Notebooks via Anaconda (Windows), I get this error, which I havenĀ“t been able to solve. I'm working with Python 3.
What I did till now:
pip install Scrapy
pip install pyopenssl
import scrapy
and I get the following error:
Tks for your help.
I Have installed latest version of cryptography which worked for me . You can try it
pip install cryptography

Error when installing pycaret (jinja2) on Colab

I'm trying to use pyCaret on Colab. This is the setup:
!pip install pycaret
from pycaret.classification import *
grid = setup(data=s, target=s.columns[-1], html=False, silent=True, verbose=False)
best_model = compare_models()
However, I get this error on from pycaret.classification import *:
ImportError: Missing optional dependency 'Jinja2'. requires jinja2. Use pip or conda to install Jinja2.
I've already followed this instruction unsuccessfully. Unable to resolve import error from PyCaret
Any clue?
If anyone else facing this issue and if its not work like author said try ;
pip install pycaret --user
after execution of code chunk done click *restart runtime button. after install if its succesfully import libraries skip markupsafe phase.
pip install markupsafe==2.0.1
after execution of code chunk done click *restart runtime button.
import jinja2
from pycaret.classification import *
You can also just install Jinja2 manually to solve this problem:

How can i use PIL in python?

I have successfully installed Pillow:
chris#MBPvonChristoph sources % python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
Collecting Pillow
Using cached Pillow-9.0.1-1-cp310-cp310-macosx_11_0_arm64.whl (2.7 MB)
Installing collected packages: Pillow
Successfully installed Pillow-9.0.1
but when i try to use it in pycharm got:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/chris/PycharmProjects/pythonProject2/", line 1, in
from PIL import Image
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'
or using in Blender i got:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'
I am not a python lib installing obviously i made something wrong. But how do i fix that?
Maybe i have to say i am working on a M1 Macbook
looks like you may need to repoint your pycharm to your installed python interpreter.
go to command line and find out python interpreter path. On windows you can where python in your command line an it will give you where your python and packages are installed.. You could also activate python directly in command line and find paths from there. For example, open command line then;
press enter = activates python
within then you can do:
import sys
for x in sys.path: x
In pycharm make sure you point to path discovered from step 1 and select that to be your python interpreter within pycharm --- check out examples here
Should work. Not sure about all the steps you took, but if you installed python with pycharm on top of your regular installation of python i would recommend :
finding all the paths from step 1
deleting python using system
checking if folders found from paths step still exist
if they do, delete those as well
start over just with one python installation
repoint to that in pycharm
pip uninstall PIL
after uninstall
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
brew install Pillow

How to execute the right Python to import the installed tensorflow.transform package?

The version of my Python is 2.7.13.
I run the following in Jupyter Notebook.
Firstly, I installed the packages
pip uninstall -y google-cloud-dataflow
pip install --upgrade --force tensorflow_transform==0.15.0 apache-beam[gcp]
pip freeze | grep -e 'flow\|beam'
I can see that the package tensorflow-transform is installed.
However when I tried to import it, there are warning and error.
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tensorflow_estimator/python/estimator/api/_v1/estimator/ The name tf.estimator.inputs is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.estimator.inputs instead.
ImportErrorTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-3-26a4792d0a76> in <module>()
1 import tensorflow as tf
----> 2 import tensorflow_transform as tft
3 import shutil
4 print(tf.__version__)
ImportError: No module named tensorflow_transform
After some investigation, I think I have some ideas of the problem.
I run this:
pip show tensorflow_transform| grep Location
This is the output
Location: /home/jupyter/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages
I tried to modify the $PATH by adding /home/jupyter/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages to the beginning of $PATH. However, I still failed to import tensorflow_transform.
Based on the above and the following information, I think, when I ran the import command, it executes Python 2.7, not Python 3.5
import sys
import sys
I think the problem is tensorflow_transform package was installed in /home/jupyter/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages. But when I run "Import", it goes to /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages to search for the package, rather than /home/jupyter/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages, so even updating $PATH does not help. Am I right?
I tried to upgrade my python, but
pip install upgrade python
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Then, I added --user. It seems that the python is not really upgraded.
pip install --user upgrade python
python -V
Python 2.7.13
Any solution?
It seems to me that your jupyter notebook is not using the right python environment.
Perhaps, you installed the package under version 3.5,
but the Notebook uses the other one, thus it cannot find the library
You can pick the other interpreter by clicking on: Python(your version) - bottom left.
VS-Code - Select Python Environment 1
However you can do this also via:
CNTRL+SHIFT+P > Select Python Interpreter to start Jupyter Server
If that does not work make sure that the package you are trying to import is installed under the correct python environment.
If not open up a terminal, activate the environment and install it using:
pip install packagename
For example i did the same thing here: (Note: I'm using Anaconda)
installing tensorflow_transform
After a installation, you can import it in your code directly like this:
importing tensorflow_transform

how to import h5py on datalab?

Does anybody know how to install h5py on datalab? pip install h5py doesn't work. apt-get install python-h5py is working in the shell but it doesn't recognize the package in datalab notebook!
It is true that !pip install h5py wil allow you to install the library but unfortunately, even after a successful installation, the import will fail:
The issue is rooted on an ongoing python-future issue ("surrogateescape handler broken when encountering UnicodeEncodeError") that is experienced in datalab because the underlying OS uses an 'ANSI_X3.4-1968' file system encoding.
As a hacky workaround, you may remove line 60 from h5py's by running the following command from within a notebook cell:
!sed -i.bak '/run_tests/d' /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/h5py/
Just make sure you run it using bash syntax: !pip install h5py in any notebook cell.