How to update questions for published multiple-choices quiz in SAKAI? - sakai

I have run many multiple-choice quizzes and some of my published questions have errors. I have made updates to those questions but when taking the quiz, my students still see the old errors as if the questions had never been updated.
So my question is how to update the published questions?

Unfortunately the only way is to update the questions is to publish a new quiz under a new name.
You probably don't want to do that, as you'll then have to sort out who should take the new quiz and what to do with the old scores.
The simplest remedy might be in the published quiz to choose Scores > Questions and manually override the troublesome questions.
I believe the logic that for way this works are reasons of fairness (perceived or actual) and archival purposes the questions remain as they were when published.
In the unpublished quiz you can add another answer through the edit option. If the questions are there to edit, you can edit them, if the questions are drawn from a pool that's already been updated you can select "Update Questions" in Sakai 2.9 and greater, or simply Edit the part and save again in earlier versions of Sakai.


How can I decorate my github profile adding some graphs analytics, skill badges etc

I saw people add many graphs, analytics, badges and many more things in their github profile. But how do they do this? See the attached picture and tell me about the process please.someone's github profile
you seem to be new here to Stackoverflow. Stackoverflow is a site where programmers help one another solve problems or issues that they are having with their code, environment, etc. Generally a question such as this would be closed, well at least from my experience. When asking a question you should probably ask something related to code or an issue (never ask how to do something with no existing code because people don't like that, coming from experience). Really only ask a question if there's an issue and a solution.
Back to your question, you can get all that stuff in that screenshot under stats here and you can add the tech stack stuff with any old github readme badge like this one. Just add what they tell you to your profiles markdown file, if you don't know how to do that look here.

What is the appropriate way to show your progress in learning language using GitHub? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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GitHub is a great place to share accomplished projects for veterans. It is also a good place for beginners to show their baby steps learning a new language. I am learning Java by debugging someones' else final code in tutorials. For instance, bot's logic in tic-tac-toe (original code is posted in GitHub) or a calc that displays "6.0-" instead of "-6" or crashes after a sequence "0/0=" instead of showing "NaN" (original code is posted in a blog only). Some day I will contribute to comunity, but for now the goal is to make it easier for the employer to evaluate my skills.
I want to gather my work in one place and give a credit to actual authors of the program. I considered using
//Corrections to bot's logic. Handling forks. Stepan's code
But that doesn't feel right. How should I proceed when authors post their stub on GitHub or elsewhere?
Thanks in advance,
You can submit a pull request and make your contribution to the project. Once you push it with a commit mentioning the changes you have made, the original repository owner can decide whether or not to merge the branch you have created.
From [docs],
Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a
repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is sent, interested parties
can review the set of changes, discuss potential modifications, and
even push follow-up commits if necessary.
This discussion suggests that:
(1) If the original author didn't post his code on GitHub, than just post it on your page. Give a credit to the original author by saying where the program comes from and placing comments like
//Fixing [description of] problem (your nickname)
to indicate your contributions
(2) If the project comes from GitHub try to push changes first. If it didn't work in a reasonable time - fork it. You will have your own source code with smart bots and exception handling.

How to ask/reply questions in a work item in Visual Studio Online?

In Visual studio online, someone created a work item for me, but I didn't quite understand.
How to ask questions in a work item?
Our organization is currently looking into this as well to see the best way to do things. You can open Boards, Work Items and then change the top left filter to Mentioned and it will show you all work items where you were mentioned...
But there is still the issue of knowing if the conversation is a feisty one and people replied multiple times on during the day whether or not it requires an answer from you.
While assigning cases back and forth between each other may feel silly, it's the best way to keep track of who the work item is waiting on.
"hey the ball is in your court, I'm waiting for an answer"
If you only want to let a person know they might be interested in that case the #mention is a great way to do it.
If person B requires an answer from someone else for something then they can assign it to them as well. When the person answers the question they assign the case back to person A and boom there's your answer.
The downside to assigning items to others is that it's really your task and will mess up how much work is assigned to you in your sprint. If you are using that functionality to manage workload.
How you do this in your organization really depends on if people are always on the ball looking at items when they are mentioned.
If you need to ask more information on a work item the best thing to do is #mention the person who created or assigned the work item to you in the discussion section. Go to the discussion control and type # to bring up a search box to search for the person. See the image below:
When you save (save icon on top-right or ctrl+s) this notify that person you #mentioned with your update.

Notifications for new Github project releases? [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm using a library from a Github project. Is there some way to set up a notification for new project releases?
For example, I want to know when a new release appears here
I know I can be notified on every issue update, but that's not what I'm looking for. Though I see some projects are using that as a way to keep people notified
Don't know about email, but you can subscribe to RSS Atom feed with releases:
or tags:
To get notification via email you can use or RSS-to-email service like Blogtrottr.
Github now allows it natively
Go to a project page and click Watch button in the top right corner. There's a Custom option where you can toggle Releases.
This app sends you emails and also can slack into specified channel.
You pick a repository/ies:
Then setup your notification preferences:
[![enter image description here][4]][4]
Notifications start coming to your email
Another option is to sign up for auto notifications via: (thx) (currently not sending emails) (currently not sending emails) (does not send emails)
Setup a job to call a webhook:
Or if you would like to get a notification when the atom feed is updated, you can use these (in addition to the ones indicated by Mikalai):
I made a, which can send GitHub projects notifications about new version release. Besides GitHub projects, you can also subscribe npm, PyPI projects. The bot is currently on Slack, Telegram and Skype.
I recommend using rss2email. You can set it up and run it on every OS with python installed.
Touchpine monitors open source projects and will notify you when there are new releases. If the project you want to follow isn't already monitored, you can request it be added.
I know this thread is very old but I found this:
I'm a little late to the party I know, but Axibase has a nice little tool to leverage GitHub's webhook functionality to notify you via some third-party messenger service (or email if you so choose) whenever someone creates a new project in one of your repositories.
The workflow above describes the underlying process, and this guide will walk you through the set-up step by step. The entire process takes around 10 minutes to complete.
Disclaimer: I've worked for the team that developed ATSD, which is the database used for these notifications.

How should I begin to help projects in Github? [closed]

Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it can be answered with facts and citations by editing this post.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm new to github and I like to help other people with their projects that I find interesting.
I know there are a lot of guides in the github place, but I think it could be nice to gather a bunch of real people's experiences.
So, I invite you to post about your first experiences in github.
Whether you are a not-so-newbie or you are a heavy rock in github comunnity, I think your lines could encourage real newbies like me about entering this great open source community.
It's pretty simple. You can summarise a simple community project's development into a circular process of just two simple actions:
Bug tracking. Testing the software, logging bugs, making sure they're filed in the right place, asking for more detail, etc. If valid, these reports carry the detail for the next phase:
Patching. Target a bug, reproduce it, change your code to fix it, test locally and push your patch. This loops back around to the first phase where the bug report is marked fixed or otherwise.
You've got to start with phase one. You don't have to follow a bug right through and you can help as simply as just hopping in and making sure other bug reporters are doing the right things (making sure there are dumps where applicable, making sure the tags are right, merging duplicates).
Or you can be more involved and test the software to find new bugs. The onus on getting things right is now your own.
Once you're more familiar with the project, its code and its maintainers, then you might be ready to get involved with fixing some of the outstanding bugs.
An important thing to remember is you can ask for help. Nobody expects an outsider to understand all the code or be able to fix all the bugs. Maintainers will very often be more than happy to help somebody get started because they'll often get their time back from work you do on the project.
EDIT: can help for this.
This is kind of an old question, but there is a new site that's trying to help people like the OP to find projects to contribute to.
The site is called Looking For Pull Requests (it's dead now in 2016) and it aims to help people looking for help to find people wanting to help.
You can just browse the list of projects and see how active they are, or you can even publish your project pretty easily.
Github is just a website which aggregates projects. You need to ask the project maintainers themselves how they want you to help. It is pointless asking here as we do not know the specific rules for the project you are interested in. Different projects have different ways of doing things and require help in different areas.
Learn how to use Git would be the number one thing to say. Oh, and make sure you following the coding standards.