How to create an object using constructor injection? - dagger-2

How would I create an instance of Dog with a component which provides Cat.
public final class Dog {
private final Cat mCat;
public final static String TAG = "Dog";
#Inject public Dog(Cat cat) {
mCat = cat;
Log.e(TAG, "Dog class created");
After experimenting with Dagger 2 for a while I have no idea how to use constructor injection – a hint would be nice, thanks.
Whats wrong with the question? After using Dagger 2, following several tutorials and reading the official documentation I have no clue how to use the constructor injection feature, that's why I ask here. Instead of injecting the Cat dependency into Dog with #Inject I could write a DogModule providing a Dog object, but then Dog would be just a regular Java class. Field injection works great (there are a lot of examples showing how to use it) but what do I need to do to use constructor injection?

To create an object using the Dagger 2 constructor injection feature you need to add a method to a component which provides a Cat class.
dependencies = ApplicationComponent.class,
modules = CatModule.class)
public interface ActivityComponent {
void inject(final CatActivity a);
// objects exposed to sub-components
Cat cat();
Dog dog();
An instance of Dog can then be retrived by calling [Component].dog().
final ActivityComponent comp = DaggerActivityComponent.builder()
final Dog d =;


Injecting all mappers in a list and calling a convert method polymorphically

Is there a way to autowire all mappers written with Mapstruct in Spring just like we used to do with the Spring Converter interface and calling one toEntity(or convert or any other name)? In spring, it is easy because they all implement the same functional interface and by making it inherit from another interface we can determine the right converter in the runtime like below:
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter;
public interface CustomConverter<S extends ..., T extends ...> extends Covnerter<S,T>{
boolean supports(Class clazz);
And then injecting it would be easy:
private final List<CustomConverter> myConverters;
and by calling supports we would determine the right kind of converter and then call convert against it.
I had something like this in mind:
public interface MyMapper extends CustomMapper<MyEntity, MyDto>{
MyMapper INSTANCE = Mappers.getMapper(MyMapper.class);
MyEntity toEntity(MyDto dto);
default boolean supports(Class clazz) {
return MyDto.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
public interface CustomMapper<T extends ..., S extends ...> {
boolean supports(Class clazz);
T toEntity(S dto);
This does not work though.
Do you have any suggestions here? I might have misunderstood this all together...Thanks.
The author made and adapter based on a discusion in this SO issue.
A non spring based solution can be found here. Although you need to write your own annotation processor.

Inject service into class (not component) Angular2

I am struggling to find a way to inject a service into an class object in angular2.
* NOTE: This is not a component, just a class. *
export class Product {
id: number;
name: string;
manufacturer: string;
constructor(product: any) { =; =;
this.manufacturer = product.manufacturer;
The only solution I have come up with is to pass the service reference to the constructor whenever I create a new product... ie: instead of new Product(product) I would do new Product(product, productService) . This seems tedious and error prone. I would rather import the reference from the class and not messy up the constructor.
I have tried the ReflectiveInjector:
let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([ProductService]);
this.productService = injector.get(ProductService);
However, this creates an error No provider for Http! (ProductService -> Http) at NoProviderError.BaseError [as constructor] (Also I'm pretty sure this creates a new productService when I simple want to reference my singleton that is instantiated at the app level).
If anyone knows of a working solution I would be glad to hear it. For now i will pass the reference through the constructor.
I was struggling with a similar issue, and what I ended up doing, was making the service a singleton as well as an Angular injectable.
This way you can inject via DI into Angular classes and call the static getInstance() method to get the singleton instance of the class.
Something like this:
import {Injectable} from "#angular/core";
export class MyService {
static instance: MyService;
static getInstance() {
if (MyService.instance) {
return MyService.instance;
MyService.instance = new MyService();
return MyService.instance;
constructor() {
if (!MyService.instance) {
MyService.instance = this;
return MyService.instance;
There is no way to inject a service into a plain class. Angular DI only injects into components, directives, services, and pipes - only classes where DI creates the instance, because this is when injection happens.
To get Http from a custom injector, you need to add to it's providers like shown in Inject Http manually in angular 2
or you pass a parent injector that provides them
// constructor of a class instantiated by Angulars DI
let injector = ReflectiveInjector.resolveAndCreate([ProductService]);
this.productService = injector.get(ProductService, parentInjector);
See also

Abstract components via org.osgi.service.component annotations

I am migrating from org.apache.felix.scr annotations to org.osgi.service.component annotations. I have a set of Components that inherit from a common abstract class. In the felix case, I can use a #Component annotation with the option componentAbstract=true on the super class, and then use #Reference annotation in the super class. I cannot find how to migrate this to osgi annotations.
Is it possible to use Component annotations in a super class of a Component? And if so, what is then the appropriate way to handle the properties and metatype generation?
So, what I am looking for, is something like this
/* No component definition should be generated for the parent, as it is
abstract and cannot be instantiated */
public abstract class Parent {
protected Service aService;
protected activate(Map<String,Object> props) {
System.out.println("I have my parent property: "+props.get(""));
public abstract void doSomething();
/* For this class, the proper Component definition should be generated, also
including the information coming from the annotations in the parent */
public class Child extends Parent {
public activate(Map<String,Object> props) {
System.out.println("I have my child property: "+props.get(""));
public void doSomething() {
By default BND will not process DS annotations in parent classes. You can change that with -dsannotations-options: inherit but please see why you shouldn't!
2021-02-23 UPDATE: It seems like the page mentioned above is no longer available. I don't know if it was moved elsewhere or simply removed but its content (in Markdown format) is still available on GitHub:

How to enrich a Java library class that has static methods (aka enrich an object in Scala)?

I'm trying to extend a class ( from a Java library (SWT) that only has static final members. An excerpt from the library class:
package org.eclipse.swt;
import org.eclipse.swt.internal.*;
public class SWT {
public static final int None = 0;
// ...
public static final int MouseDown = 3;
// ...
My Java wrapper class that worked fine in Java land:
public class SWT extends org.eclipse.swt.SWT {
public static final int FinalizeText = 201;
public static final int ParseText = 202;
Now if I try to use my new SWT class in Scala, I'll get errors like this:
Error:(198, 27) value MouseDown is not a member of object my.package.SWT
table.addListener(SWT.MouseDown, periodEditListener)
Ideally I would like a new SWT object with which I could access both original members (e.g. MouseDown) and members I define (e.g. FinalizeText).
It seems that Scala interprets everything useful about this class as an object, which is fine if we just want to use the original SWT definitions, but you can't easily extend objects in Scala.
It has occurred to me that implicits a la pimp my library might be the way to go, but even were I to get this to work, I think the solution would not be accessible from Java (still, I have not even gotten in to work in Scala).
How to best tackle the problem? Maybe the right answer is to just define a separate, unrelated object.
I don't think there is a good way to do what you want such that:
You can neatly tie all members to an identifier (i.e. refer to the field via SWT.X instead of X)
Have it work both in Scala and Java.
You don't have to manually forward fields.
This is a documented limitation of Scala -- see access java base class's static member in scala.
In addition, I don't think the implicit route works either, because you can't treat a Java class as a value: How to access a Java static method from Scala given a type alias for that class it resides in
Probably the best way to do what you want is to manually forward the static members you need in my.package.SWT:
public class SWT extends org.eclipse.swt.SWT {
public static final int FinalizeText = 201;
public static final int ParseText = 202;
public static int getMouseDown() {
return MouseDown;
If you only care about automatically forwarding members and not about the other requirements, you can use import:
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT._
table.addListener(MouseDown, periodEditListener)
I am accepting yuzeh's answer for thoroughness, general applicability, and helpfulness, but here is what I actually did, which is slightly different:
I was very tempted by yuzeh's last suggestion for the sake of uniformity, i.e.
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT._
import my.package.SWT._
Although as my first example snippet above inadvertently shows, SWT.None unfortunately is, so bringing it into the local namespace would conflict with Option's None.
I think for now I'll just import like:
import org.eclipse.swt.SWT
import my.package.{SWT => MySWT}
If nothing else, it is a bit more clear where the constants are coming from. There, I talked myself into believing this is better :).

How to test annotation object in the class that implement AbstractModule

I got a question regarding binding and annotation.
I have the following class:
public class MailFacadeImpl implements MailFacade {
private final PersonDao personDao;
public MailFacadeImpl(#Mail PersonDao personDao) {
this.personDao = personDao;
The PersonDao is annotated with a custom annotation.
I would like to be able to test this annotation inside the class that implement AbstractModule.
here is a piece of code:
bind(new TypeLiteral<SecurityRulesFactory<Person>>(){}).toProvider(FactoryProvider.newFactory(
new TypeLiteral<SecurityRulesFactory<Person>>(){}, new TypeLiteral<MailSecurityRulesCrdb>(){}));
I would like to have somthing similar to :
if(PersonDAO is annotated with(Mail.class) ){
bind(new TypeLiteral<SecurityRulesFactory<Person>>(){}).toProvider(FactoryProvider.newFactory(
new TypeLiteral<SecurityRulesFactory<Person>>(){}, new TypeLiteral<MailSecurityRulesCrdb>(){}));
Do you think it's possible?
thx for your help :-)
Have a nice friday!
It's not clear why you want your module to do this test. Instead, your module can specify how to get or create an instance of PersonDao for injection points annotated with Mail:
Note that your PersonDao.class.isAnnotationPresent(Mail.class) won't help here, since the PersonDao class itself isn't annotated with Mail; the parameter to the MailFacadeImpl constructor has that annotation. There are ways to test for that, but if you are trying to do that from a Guice module, you're probably doing something wrong.