jasper report export to xls: extra margins - jasper-reports

I've set margins report -> page format -> margins,
it is ok for printing pdf
when exporting to xls I get extra space between page border and report contents
This breaks detail band pagination in more complex reports, I can't print such reports
here is report template, jasper version is 5.6
What's wrong with me :)? Where is origin of such extra margins?
Are there any workarounds?

Looks like Excel only during print preview and printing adds sepcific printer margins individual for each printer and this can't be undone


Generate Jasper reports without text boxes

When I generate an RTF report with Jasper each text field and static text that I declared in JRXML are converted in Text Boxes
I need to generate an base64 then and send to an webservice which were build from other people. The problem is that this webservice did not process those text boxes which Jasper generate.
As far as I realize this is not an Jasper problem it is an problem from Webservice´s API which do not process that component however is there some configuration to generate reports in Jasper without this text boxes just text and enters?
Acording Jaspersoft Community
Unfortunately there's no possibility to avoid RTF textboxes at the moment.Due to pixel-perfect output requirements, the RTF exporter in JR is based on textbox-layout.
So I will try anoter RTF exporter

How to hide text fields while print the report using JasperReports

I'm developing report compatible with pdf, xls and html.
I need to hide a text field when print the report in JasperReports.
I've use the net.sf.jasperreports.export.{format}.exclude.key.{keyvalue} property to hide the text field while export the document in pdf.
I need the same while take print the report.

How to setup print excel files in jasper reports

i have problem with my excel when i print preview the files after i export the report into excel. How to setup the files when i print the files, it will automatic fix the size according the A4 paper?.
HSSFPrintSetup printSetup = sheet.getPrintSetup();
sheet.getPrintSetup().setFitWidth((short) 1);
sheet.getPrintSetup().setFitHeight((short) 0);
HSSFFooter footer = sheet.getFooter();
footer.setCenter("Page " + HSSFFooter.page() + " of "+ HSSFFooter.numPages());
I had this problem as well: Exporting to Excel and opening a Print preview did not show A4 but Letter, despite the report page format being configured as A4 (that is 842 * 595 pixels).
During Excel export, Jasper calculates and sets the paper size in the private final short getSuitablePaperSize() method of net.sf.jasperreports.engine.export.JRXlsExporter (as of JasperReports 6.2.0).
The calculation did not work correctly because the JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION flag was turned on. With this flag, Jasper considers the entire report as one single page, so page size and page width are not anymore the same as defined in the report's page format.
Leaving JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION at false produced the correct print preview (in A4).

Height issues in iReport

I've got a report that needs to print as landscape letter size. This report uses a detailed header for the 1st page, and a more concise header for every other page. The problem I'm running into is that having both headers defined in iReport has made the report too large to fit the letter size constraints (in terms of height).
When I print the report, the correct headers display on their correct pages, but the report is too large and contains massive amounts of whitespace. The printer then tries to center the report and ends up clipping portions of the header and footer so I only get the midsection of the report.
Is there some way to configure my report to have 2 versions of 1 report band (in this case the pageHeader band) and then just provide an expression to determine when each version should print? Or can I group bands together somehow so that iReport knows they occupy the same space?
Any help is appreciated.
I couldn't ever find any sort of fancy way of doing this, so I just made the 2 headers into subreports and included both in the same location on the pageHeader band. Problem solved.

RTF formatting in jasper reports

I have a report which I generate RTF format off that. It displays fine on the jsp page or in the ireports preview but when it generates the RFT format, it gives me the "Invalid text height" error.
I have no idea which field is causing this error, is there a way in ireports to drill down exactly which field is causing it?
Search for height="0", I had the same issue and in my case there was a Static Text field which had height set to 0. Once I removed this Text Field RTF worked like a charm again.