Perl wrongly complaining about Name "main::FILE" used only once - perl

I simplified my program to the following trivial snippet and I'm still getting the message
Name "main::FILE" used only once: possible typo...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use autodie qw(open close);
foreach my $f (#ARGV) {
local $/;
open FILE, "<", $f;
local $_ = <FILE>; # <--- HERE
close FILE;
print $_;
which obviously isn't true as it gets used three times. For whatever reason, only the marked occurrence counts.
I am aware about nicer ways to open a file (using a $filehandle), but it doesn't pay for short script, does it? So how can I get rid of the wrong warning?

According to the documentation for autodie:
"Used only once" warnings can be generated when autodie or Fatal is used with package filehandles (eg, FILE ). Scalar filehandles are strongly recommended instead.
I get the warning on Perl 5.10.1, but not 5.16.3, so there may be something else going on as well.


How to use gdbm in Perl

I'm new to gdbm and I would like to use it in Perl. I know that Perl ships by default with a module for that (GDBM_File). Now, when I try the simplest example possible, namely:
use strict;
use warnings;
use GDBM_File;
my $dbfile = '/tmp/test.gdbm';
my $ok = tie(my %db, 'GDBM_File', $dbfile, &GDBM_WRCREAT, 0664);
die "can't tie to $dbfile for WRCREAT access: $!" unless $ok;
$db{test} = 1;
untie %db;
and execute it I get the following warning:
untie attempted while 1 inner references still exist at ./gdbm-test line 13.
I read the perl documentation (see the "untie gotcha" in the provided link) but that explanation does not seem to apply here since it is clear that %db has no references anywhere in the code pointing to it.
Nonetheless the code seems to work since when I inspect the database file I get the correct result:
bash$ echo list | gdbmtool /tmp/test.gdbm
test 1
Why does this warning appear and how can I get rid of it?
I think that this is, in fact, a manifestation of the gotcha that you point to. The documentation for tie() says this:
The object returned by the constructor is also returned by the tie function
So your $ok contains a reference to the object, and you should undefine that before calling untie().
undef $ok;
untie %db;

Perl : Name "main::IN" used only once, but it is actually used

I writing a short perl script that reads in a file. See tmp.txt:
1 gene_id "XLOC_000001"; gene_name "DDX11L1"; oId
1 gene_id "XLOC_000001"; gene_name "DDX11L1"; oId
1 gene_id "XLOC_000001"; gene_name "DDX11L1"; oId
1 gene_id "XLOC_000001"; gene_name "DDX11L1"; oId
My perl program, is :
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie; # die if io problem with file
my $line;
my ($xloc, $gene, $ens);
open (IN, "tmp.txt")
or die ("open 'tmp.txt' failed, $!\n");
while ($line = <IN>) {
($xloc, $gene) = ($line =~ /gene_id "([^"]+)".*gene_name "([^"]+)"/);
print("$xloc $gene\n");
close (IN)
or warn $! ? "ERROR 1" : "ERROR 2";
It outputs:
Name "main::IN" used only once: possible typo at ./ line 8.
XLOC_000001 DDX11L1
XLOC_000001 DDX11L1
XLOC_000001 DDX11L1
XLOC_000001 DDX11L1
I used IN, so I don't understand the Name "main::IN" used... warning. Why is it complaining?
This is mentioned under BUGS section of autodie
"Used only once" warnings can be generated when autodie or Fatal is used with package filehandles (eg, FILE). Scalar filehandles are strongly recommended instead.
use diagnostics; says:
Name "main::IN" used only once: possible typo at line 9 (#1)
(W once) Typographical errors often show up as unique variable names.
If you had a good reason for having a unique name, then just mention
it again somehow to suppress the message. The our declaration is also
provided for this purpose.
NOTE: This warning detects package symbols that have been used only
once. This means lexical variables will never trigger this warning.
It also means that all of the package variables $c, #c, %c, as well as
*c, &c, sub c{}, c(), and c (the filehandle or format) are considered the same; if a program uses $c only once but also uses any of the
others it will not trigger this warning. Symbols beginning with an
underscore and symbols using special identifiers (q.v. perldata) are
exempt from this warning.
So if you use lexical filehandle then it will not warn.
use warnings;
use strict;
use autodie; # die if io problem with file
use diagnostics;
my $line;
my ($xloc, $gene, $ens);
open (my $in, "<", "tmp.txt")
or die ("open 'tmp.txt' failed, $!\n");
while ($line = <$in>) {
($xloc, $gene) = ($line =~ /gene_id "([^"]+)".*gene_name "([^"]+)"/);
print("$xloc $gene\n");
close ($in)
or warn $! ? "ERROR 1" : "ERROR 2";
I'm pretty sure this is because of autodie.
I don't know exactly why, but if you remove it, it goes away.
If you read perldoc autodie you'll see:
"Used only once" warnings can be generated when autodie or Fatal is used with package filehandles (eg, FILE). Scalar filehandles are strongly recommended instead.
I'd suggest that's because of how the or die is being handled, compared to autodie trying to handle it.
However I'd also suggest it would be much better style to use a 3 argument open:
open ( my $input, '<', 'tmp.txt');
And either autodie or or die. I must confess, I'm not really sure which way around the two would be applied if your process did fail the open.

Perl script to parse a text file and match a string

I'm editing my question to add more details
The script executes the command and redirects the output to a text file.
The script then parses the text file to match the following string " Standard"
The output in the text file is :
Host Configuration
Profile Hostname
-------- ---------
The code works if i search for either or standard . When i search for standard together the below script fails.
this is the error that i get "Unable to find string: standard at
use Net::SSH::Expect;
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open (HOSTRULES, ">hostrules.txt") || die "could not open output file";
my $hos = $ssh->exec(" I typed the command here ");
print HOSTRULES ($hos);
sub find_string
my ($file, $string) = #_;
open my $fh, '<', $file;
while (<$fh>) {
return 1 if /\Q$string/;
die "Unable to find string: $string";
find_string('hostrules.txt', 'standard');
Perhaps write a function:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
sub find_string {
my ($file, $string) = #_;
open my $fh, '<', $file;
while (<$fh>) {
return 1 if /\Q$string/;
die "Unable to find string: $string";
find_string('output.txt', 'object-cache enabled');
Or just slurp the entire file:
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
my $data = do {
open my $fh, '<', 'output.txt';
local $/;
die "Unable to find string" if $data !~ /object-cache enabled/;
You're scanning a file for a particular string. If that string is not found in that file, you want an error thrown. Sounds like a job for grep.
use strict;
use warnings;
use features qw(say);
use autodie;
use constant {
OUTPUT_FILE => 'output.txt',
NEEDED_STRING => "object-cache enabled",
open my $out_fh, "<", OUTPUT_FILE;
my #output_lines = <$out_fh>;
close $out_fh;
chomp #output_lines;
grep { /#{[NEEDED_STRING]}/ } #output_lines or
die qq(ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!); #Or whatever you want
The die command will end the program and exit with a non-zero exit code. The error will be printed on STDERR.
I don't know why, but using qr(object-cache enabled), and then grep { NEEDED_STRING } didn't seem to work. Using #{[...]} allows you to interpolate constants.
Instead of constants, you might want to be able to pass in the error string and the name of the file using GetOptions.
I used the old fashion <...> file handling instead of IO::File, but that's because I'm an old fogy who learned Perl back in the 20th century before it was cool. You can use IO::File which is probably better and more modern.
Any reason for slurping the entire file in memory? - Leonardo Herrera
As long as the file is reasonably sized (say 100,000 lines or so), reading the entire file into memory shouldn't be that bad. However, you could use a loop:
use strict;
use warnings;
use features qw(say);
use autodie;
use constant {
OUTPUT_FILE => 'output.txt',
NEEDED_STRING => qr(object-cache enabled),
open my $out_fh, "<", OUTPUT_FILE;
my $output_string_found; # Flag to see if output string is found
while ( my $line = <$out_fh> ) {
if ( $line =~ NEEDED_STRING ){
$output_string_found = "Yup!"
last; # We found the string. No more looping.
die qq(ERROR, ERROR, ERROR) unless $output_string_found;
This will work with the constant NEEDED_STRING defined as a quoted regexp.
perl -ne '/object-cache enabled/ and $found++; END{ print "Object cache disabled\n" unless $found}' < input_file
This just reads the file a line at a time; if we find the key phrase, we increment $found. At the end, after we've read the whole file, we print the message unless we found the phrase.
If the message is insufficient, you can exit 1 unless $found instead.
I suggest this because there are two things to learn from this:
Perl provides good tools for doing basic filtering and data munging right at the command line.
Sometimes a simpler approach gets a solution out better and faster.
This absolutely isn't the perfect solution for every possible data extraction problem, but for this particular one, it's just what you need.
The -ne option flags tell Perl to set up a while loop to read all of standard input a line at a time, and to take any code following it and run it into the middle of that loop, resulting in a 'run this pattern match on each line in the file' program in a single command line.
END blocks can occur anywhere and are always run at the end of the program only, so defining it inside the while loop generated by -n is perfectly fine. When the program runs out of lines, we fall out the bottom of the while loop and run out of program, so Perl ends the program, triggering the execution of the END block to print (or not) the warning.
If the file you are searching contained a string that indicated the cache was disabled (the condition you want to catch), you could go even shorter:
perl -ne '/object-cache disabled/ and die "Object cache disabled\n"' < input_file
The program would scan the file only until it saw the indication that the cache was disabled, and would exit abnormally at that point.
First, why are you using Net::SSH::Expect? Are you executing a remote command? If not, all you need to execute a program and wait for its completion is system.
system("cmd > file.txt") or die "Couldn't execute: $!";
Second, it appears that what fails is your regular expression. You are searching for the literal expression standard but in your sample text it appears that the wanted string contains either tabs or several spaces instead of a single space. Try changing your call to your find_string function:
find_string('hostrules.txt', 'standard\s+'); # note '\s+' here

Piping Perl Commands?

I'm currently trying to take my program and have it take user input, usually a text file then call an external script to count the words. The script I'm working on is essentially a "middle man" and I'm trying to get more familiar with piping to external scripts/commands. It's currently not correctly executing the word counter script. Here's the code:
I'm still receiving error for ./ saying "no such file or directory at (which is this script you see here)".
use warnings;
use strict;
use IO::Handle qw();
open (PIPE_TO, "|-", "./");
$PIPE_TO -> autoflush(1);
print PIPE_TO $_;
Suffering from buffering?
use IO::Handle qw( );
The reason it doesn't work is probably that you have syntax errors.
Otherwise: Other than introducing line-buffered semantics, you are really doing nothing here (you just pipe what you read to another program, which is in this case equivalent to just running the program)
Modulo the buffering (which you don't seem to explicitly need) an equivalent script would be:
exec ("./");
Is this what you are trying to do?
use warnings;
use strict;
open (my $PIPE_TO, "|-", "./") or die $!;
while(<>) {
print $PIPE_TO $_;

File locking with Fcntl: Baffling bug involving 'use' and 'require'

The following Perl script outputs "SUCCESS" as you'd expect:
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
sysopen(LF, "test.txt", O_RDONLY | O_CREAT) or die "SYSOPEN FAIL: $!";
if(flock(LF, LOCK_EX)) { print "SUCCESS.\n"; }
else { print "FAIL: $!\n"; }
But now, replace that first line with
require "";
where contains
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
Now, strangely enough, the script fails, like so:
FAIL: Bad file descriptor
The question: Why?
And now that I know why -- thanks! -- I'm wondering what is the best way to deal with this:
Just do the use Fcntl twice, once in the main script and once in the required library (both the main script and the library need it).
Replace O_RDONLY with &O_RDONLY, etc.
Replace O_RDONLY with O_RDONLY(), etc.
Something else?
By foregoing use, you deprive the Perl parser of the knowledge that O_RDONLY et al. are parameterless subroutines. You have to be a bit more verbose in that situation:
sysopen(LF, "test.txt", O_RDONLY() | O_CREAT()) or die "SYSOPEN FAIL: $!";
if(flock(LF, LOCK_EX())) { print "SUCCESS.\n"; }
EDIT: To elaborate a bit further, without the parentheses, the O_RDONLY and O_CREAT were being interpreted as barewords (strings), which don't behave as you'd expect when binary-or'ed together:
$ perl -le 'print O_RDONLY | O_CREAT'
(The individual characters are being bitwise or'ed togther.)
In this case, the string "O_SVOO\Y" (or whatever it is on your system) was being interpreted as the number 0 to sysopen, which would therefore still work as long as O_RDONLY is 0 (as is typical) and the file already existed (so the O_CREAT was superfluous). But fcntl is apparently not as forgiving with non-numeric arguments:
$ perl -e 'flock STDOUT, "LOCK_EX" or die "Failed: $!"'
Failed: Bad file descriptor at -e line 1.
$ perl -e 'flock STDOUT, LOCK_EX or die "Failed: $!"'
Failed: Bad file descriptor at -e line 1.
$ perl -e 'use Fcntl qw(:flock); flock STDOUT, LOCK_EX or die "Failed: $!"'
(no output)
Finally, note that use strict provides many helpful clues.
The line use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock); is not just loading the Fcntl library for you, but also exporting some symbols into your script's namespace. If you move that to a different scope, then the constants O_RDONLY, O_CREAT, LF, and LOCK_EX are no longer available to you, and your code won't do the same thing [however you could still reach them, if you know what namespace they ended up in -- since it was a script that did the export, you could call &main::NAME or simply &NAME, but then you have to be aware of what another file is doing with its code, which is not very clean].
This is described in the documentation under EXPORTED SYMBOLS:
By default your system's F_* and O_* constants (eg, F_DUPFD and O_CREAT) and the FD_CLOEXEC constant are exported into your namespace.
You can request that the flock() constants (LOCK_SH, LOCK_EX, LOCK_NB and LOCK_UN) be provided by using the tag ":flock". See Exporter.
If you add the lines
use strict;
use warnings;
to the top of your script, you will get more informative error messages such as "Name "main::O_RDONLY" used only once: possible type at line ...", which would give you a clue that these constants definitions are no longer visible.
Edit: in response to your question, the best practice would be #1, to include
the use statement in every file that needs it. See perldoc -f use -- the Fcntl library is only included once, but the import() call is made every time it is needed, which is what you want.
use is equivalent to:
BEGIN { require Module; Module->import( LIST ); }
guaranteeing that the import functions are available before the code starts executing. Whe you replace use with require, it simply reads the code in at the lexical point in the program where it exists.