Creating a simple facebook page tab - facebook

What happend to the good old page tab?
How can I create a simple page tab and show some individual content from my website?
Even the original facebook docs seems to be not up to date:
I already created an facebook app and managed to show my own content. But I have no idea how to move that "app" into my facebook page as a tab.
Can anybody help me getting started and create a simple page tab?

It's in the docs, see
You have to do a POST /{page_id}/tabs with the outlined fields, as in the docs.


How to add Facebook App (webpage) as Tab on Facebook page

I have looked at existing questions but found nothing that answers my questions.
I have an app on facebook (its actually a webpage added as an app). I have added Page Tab as a platform. I also have a page for the app.
Now, I am trying to add this app to another page, as a tab.
I am not finding any way to do this right now. When trying to manage tabs, I can add apps. But I only see "notes" as an option. Any idea how to do that ?
The docs tell you how to add an App to a Page:
For example, open this in your browser with the appropriate parameters: will see a list of all Pages you manage and you can add the App to those.

How to migrate Fanpage with App? [duplicate]

Now that Facebook has depreciated the landing pages for apps, how do I get my app to point to the Fan page for it's landing page?
I've checked under the Advanced tab and contacts -- but there's no place I can see to list my Fan page as being linked to my application.
According to this blog post from December, new apps can create a new Fan page, but there's no information on how to do it for existing pages -- they just say that "it will be linked automatically." Unfortunately it was not -- when you post something from our app onto your wall, the link takes you to our website rather than our Fan page.
I'd love for that link to take you to our fanpage again, but I seemingly can't find any documentation on this.
It is possible. I had the same problem. What you need to do is the following:
Categorize your existing page under "App Page" (found under "Brands & Products").
Change your page name to mach your App name.
Go to your App and select "App Details"
Under "Contact Info" you will find "App Page". There you will be able to create a new page or if all went well, select your page from a list.
I found the info in the little question-mark next to "App page".
It is possible to add the application to any page you administer. This can be achieved from solutions mentioned below:
Solution 1[YOUR_APP_KEY]&pages=1&page=[YOUR_PAGE_ID]
YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id
YOUR_PAGE_ID You can get it through Graph Explorer[PAGE_NAME]
Solution 2[YOUR_APP_KEY]&next=[REDIRECT_URL]
YOUR_APP_KEY You can get it from application settings, its App Id
REDIRECT_URL Any URL you want to redirect back to after adding the tab
Official Solution
Answer from #Dvir Levy is the official solution from Facebook. The issue with that approach is that we mostly can not follow that solution. Suppose we had to add an application tab to a brand page like 'ABCXYZ', if we follow that answer then we had to change the brand page name, and we can't do it, brands/clients we work for doesn't allow these changes.
Due the recent changes on the Facebook UI, some options have changed or are under a different place.
I would like to share the up to date way to achieve this.
On your page
Access the About section
Click on Edit Page Info on the top right side.
Set one of your categories to App page
PS: May be needed your page and app share the same name, but can't confirm this.
On your app
Access your app from the Facebook Developers apps panel.
Access Settings on the left side menu.
Set the category to Apps for pages and hit Save. [#JohnMc mentioned this has to be the only category selected.]
Open the Advanced section and find the App Page block.
Under Existing page select your page and hit Save.
All set!
Note: If you remove the link between the page and the app you won't be able to link them again.
Edit: As #John Mc pointed out in the comments, App page has to be the only category selected.
Happned to me. You need to add yourself (your developer account) as manager/admin of the page. Then it will recognize the link between you and the page and the app will show the app page so you'll be able to choose it.
This is possible.
Go to you business page, add yourself as a managed (make sure you have liked the site first)
Then refresh the App Details developers page.
Select the business app page from the App page contact section.
Note the Business page has to be the Brands & Products : App Page, and the same name as the App.
Here's how to add a tab to a page.
I use the direct URL Method. Go to your page and then type the following into the address bar of your browser.
Where YOUR_APP_ID is the app id shown in the app configuration page, and YOUR_URL is the page you want to to be redirected to once you close the dialog.
In the Facebook app config settings will be Site URL. This is the place where it's currently going, correct? So have your marketing people make a "pretty" landing page for the app, and you can change your app settings to point to the pretty landing page. Maybe all that landing page is a redirect to your Facebook fan page.

Cannot add App to Facebook pages

Since today, I cannot add new apps to Facebook pages.
Normally I create an app, go to the app-page and click on "Add to my page":
The link to the add page was this, but it's not working anymore.
Any solution?
Check this page tab tutorial.
Here is a little helper page to do this until Facebook fixes it themselves:
This link might be more direct on what you are looking for. It gives an example of using the Facebook api to add a page as well as the dialog method.

After creating an app wont show app page in any links or url

I have made many apps and have many client pages, but for some reason I just created a custom tab and there is no visit app page link on left side. Also I typed in the url for the app page and it said "facebook app not found", but it shows if I add static html: I Frame tabs
Facebook announcing that they will remove all App Profile Pages on February 1st, 2012.
You will find answere here:
the profile page is normaly found via this url: app id
The new applications won't get a page automatically ... to add you application check de docs here :
It is possible to create a page per application, these will be similar to normal pages ( or fan pages )
Hope this helps, cheers!

Deprecated FB 'Share' Button to Share FB Page w/ iFrame Content

I am building a tab for a Facebook page, and this tab contains the deprecated share button, outlined here -
By my understanding, the default functionality of this button is to share the URL of the page it currently lives on. But I don't want to share the url of the iFrame contents, but rather, the Facebook page, with whatever the user is currently viewing within that iFrame.
Currently, I have it hard coded to share the URL of the FB page itself but have been told by my boss that this is not what they want. The active page within the tab must also be shared along with it.
Hopefully I've made this clear enough. Thanks in advance for any help or consideration with this issue.
Since the various states of your app/tab are not affected by the parent document's URL, this isn't possible.