PlayFramework - Executing query in DBAction - scala

I'm using Play 2.3.8 and Slick 2.1.0 and according to the docs, I should be able to execute queries in my controller actions like this:
val customers = TableQuery[Customers]
def index = DBAction { implicit request =>
val result = Json.toJson(customers.list)
However, when I try this I get an error - no implicit session in scope. I can get around it by doing this:
val customers = TableQuery[Customers]
def index = DBAction { implicit request =>
implicit val session = request.dbSession
val result = Json.toJson(customers.list)
Is this what's required or is there a simpler way? Thanks!

You can avoid that implicit using this imports (PoC):
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.Play.current
import play.api.db.slick._
import play.api.db.slick.Config.driver.simple._
object Products extends Controller {
def all = DBAction { implicit rs =>


Play Framework Anorm withConnection Error

I have the following case class and class in Play Framework 2.5. Since the DB object has been deprecated I'm trying to use the new dependency inject methodology but not understanding why my code does not compile. The old method works fine, the new method has compilation error.
missing parameter type on the implicit connection =>
package models
import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}
import play.db._
import anorm.SqlParser._
import anorm._
import play.api.db.DB
import play.api.Play.current
case class Department(id: Int,
name: String)
class DepartmentDao #Inject() (dBApi: DBApi) {
private val db = dBApi.getDatabase("default")
val simple = {
get[Int]("") ~
get[String]("") map {
case id ~ name => Department(id, name)
def getDepartments = DB.withConnection { implicit connection =>
def getDepartmentsNew = db.withConnection { implicit connection =>
I've placed what the code looked like before was I was originally trying to get it working. Unless I am missing something this code should run. It is identical to code I've seen in multiple sample projects.
class DepartmentDao #Inject() (dBApi: DBApi) {
private val db = dBApi.getDatabase("default")
val simple = {
get[Int]("") ~
get[String]("") map {
case id ~ name => Department(id, name)
def getDepartments: Seq[Department] = db.withConnection { implicit connection =>

Cannot invoke the action, eventually got an error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only JsObjects can be stored in Play framework?

I am new to Reactivemongo database(2.6), as I am trying to upload/insert json object(which is of key/value pairs, I am sending it to store in database after clicking of Submit button from my UI ) from my localsystem to store in Mongodb using Play Framework/Scala(tried with Play 2.2.3 and 2.3.8). I have tried:
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsValue, OWrites}
import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller}
import play.modules.reactivemongo.MongoController
import play.modules.reactivemongo.json.collection._
object Application extends Controller with MongoController {
def jsinfocollection: JSONCollection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("mycollection")
implicit val jsvalueWrites = new OWrites[JsValue] {
println("implicit val jsvalueWrites ...")//getting the message on Play console
override def writes(o: JsValue): JsObject = o match {
case o : JsObject => o
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only JsObjects can be stored")
def createJson = Action.async(parse.json) {
println("createJson calling...")//getting the message on Play console
request =>
println("jsinfocollection.insert...")//getting the message on Play console
r => Created(s"JsonInfo is Saved with result $r")
I created a collection in Mongodb already like: >db.createCollection("mycollection")
{ "ok" : 1 }
but if I give: >db.mycollection.count() - is giving 0, otherwise if I give: db.mycollection.find() - is giving nothing
Please let me know that how can I insert my json data into my required collection("mycollection"). Thanks in advance.
I am getting the following on console:
implicit val jsvalueWrites ...
createJson calling...
[error] play - Cannot invoke the action, eventually got an error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Only JsObjects can be stored
Internal server error, for (POST) [/createJson]
As you are using Action.async(parse.json) you have a JsValue in the request.body
jsinfocollection is only able to store JsObjects (JsObjects are only one type of JsValues, other types are JsArray, JsString, ...)
The following code should do what you are looking for
import play.api.libs.json.{JsObject, JsValue, OWrites}
import play.api.mvc.{Action, Controller}
import play.modules.reactivemongo.MongoController
import play.modules.reactivemongo.json.collection._
object Application extends Controller with MongoController {
def jsinfocollection: JSONCollection = db.collection[JSONCollection]("mycollection")
implicit val jsvalueWrites = new OWrites[JsValue] {
override def writes(o: JsValue): JsObject = o match {
case o : JsObject => o
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Only JsObjects can be stored")
def createJson = Action.async(parse.json) {
request =>
r => Created(s"JsonInfo is Saved with result $r")
Maybe there is a simpler way to create the jsvalueWrites
No Json serializer as JsObject found for type play.api.libs.json.JsObject
And maybe updating to the latest version helps
Note: Validation that the string is a valid JsValue will be done by the framework in parse.json, validation that is an object is done in jsvalueWrites if you need total control you could implement OWrites[String] and remove the parse.json

Play 2.4.1 injecting Logging filter as in given example

I try to implement the LoggingFilter as in the example given on with Play 2.4.1 .
import javax.inject.Inject
import play.api.http.HttpFilters
class FiltersConfiguaration #Inject()(loggingFilter:com.holidaycheck.filters.RequestLoggingFilter) extends HttpFilters {
val filters = Seq(loggingFilter)
import play.api.Logger
import play.api.mvc._
import play.api.libs.concurrent.Execution.Implicits.defaultContext
object RequestLoggingFilter extends EssentialFilter {
def apply(nextFilter: EssentialAction) = new EssentialAction {
def apply(requestHeader: RequestHeader) = {
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
nextFilter(requestHeader).map { result =>
val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis
val requestTime = endTime - startTime"${requestHeader.method} ${requestHeader.uri}" +
s" took ${requestTime}ms and returned ${result.header.status}")
result.withHeaders("Request-Time" -> requestTime.toString)
I do as given in the explanation, also giving the filters in the application.conf.
play.http.filters = com.holidaycheck.filters.FiltersConfiguaration
But I get the following Error:
What am I missing here ?
You are trying to inject an object in your FiltersConfiguaration. Make RequestLoggingFilter a class should solve your problem.

Casbah: No implicit view available error

In a Play app, using Salat and Casbah, I am trying to de-serialize a DBObject into an object of type Task, but I am getting this error when calling .asObject:
No implicit view available from com.mongodb.casbah.Imports.DBObject =>
com.mongodb.casbah.Imports.MongoDBObject. Error occurred in an
application involving default arguments.
The object is serialized correctly with .asDBObject, and written to the database as expected.
What is causing this behaviour, and what can be done to solve it? Here's the model involved:
package models
import db.{MongoFactory, MongoConnection}
import com.novus.salat._
import com.novus.salat.annotations._
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.casbah.commons.Imports._
import play.api.Play
case class Task(label: String, _id: ObjectId=new ObjectId)
object Task {
implicit val ctx = new Context {
val name = "Custom_Classloader"
val taskCollection = MongoFactory.database("tasks")
def create(label: String): Task = {
val task = new Task(label)
val dbObject = grater[Task].asDBObject(task)
def all(): List[Task] = {
val results = taskCollection.find()
val tasks = for (item <- results) yield grater[Task].asObject(item)
casbah: "2.8.1"
scala: "2.11.6"
salat: "1.9.9"
Instructions on creating a custom context:
First, define a custom context as
implicit val ctx = new Context { /* custom behaviour */ }
in a package object
Stop importing
Import your own custom context everywhere instead.

How to return model query result as JSON in scala play framework

I am using Play framework 2.1.1 with scala.I query a database table return to controller as list and then convert list to string and return to ajax call from javascript code.
How to return query result as json and return to ajax call throught controller?
import play.api._
import play.api.mvc._
import views.html._
import models._
object Application extends Controller {
def index = Action {
def getSummaryTable = Action{
var sum="Summary Table";
def javascriptRoutes = Action { implicit request =>
import routes.javascript._
// Routes
// Use PostgresDriver to connect to a Postgres database
import scala.slick.driver.PostgresDriver.simple._
import scala.slick.lifted.{MappedTypeMapper,BaseTypeMapper,TypeMapperDelegate}
import scala.slick.driver.BasicProfile
import scala.slick.session.{PositionedParameters,PositionedResult}
// Use the implicit threadLocalSession
import Database.threadLocalSession
import java.sql.Date
import java.sql.Time
case class Timesheet(ID: Int, dateVal: String, entryTime: Time, exitTime: Time, someVal: String)
object Timesheet {
//Definition of Timesheet table
// object TS extends Table[(Int,String,Time,Time,String)]("timesheet"){
val TSTable = new Table[Timesheet]("timesheet"){
def ID = column[Int]("id")
def dateVal = column[String]("date")
def entryTime = column[Time]("entry_time")
def exitTime = column[Time]("exit_time")
def someVal = column[String]("someval")
def * = ID ~ dateVal ~ entryTime ~ exitTime ~ someVal <> (Timesheet.apply _, Timesheet.unapply _)
def getAll: Seq[Timesheet] = {
Database.forURL("jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/my_db", "postgres", "password",null, driver="org.postgresql.Driver") withSession{
val q = Query(TSTable)
val qFiltered = q.filter(_.ID === 41 )
val qDateFilter = qFiltered.filter(_.dateVal === "01/03/2013")
val qSorted = qDateFilter.sortBy(_.entryTime)
Also, don't forget to provide an implicit (or not) Json deserializer for your model, otherwise, Scala compiler will yell at you :-). You can do something like :
def allTimesheet = Action {
val timesheetWrites = Json.writes[Timesheet] // here it's the deserializer
val listofTimeSheet = Timesheet.getAll
Ok( Json.toJson( listofTimeSheet )( timesheetWrites ) )
or you can use implicits like :
def allTimesheet = Action {
implicit val timesheetWrites = Json.writes[Timesheet] // here it's the deserializer
val listofTimeSheet = Timesheet.getAll
Ok( Json.toJson( listofTimeSheet ) )
and even declare your deserializer in your model companion object like :
companion object
object Timesheet {
implicit val timesheetWrites = Json.writes[Timesheet] // here it's the deserializer
and in the controller
import models.Timesheet.timesheetWrites
def allTimesheet = Action {
val listofTimeSheet = Timesheet.getAll
Ok( Json.toJson( listofTimeSheet ) )
I recommend you use play.api.libs.Json.toJson.
Here's an example:
object Products extends Controller {
def list = Action {
val productCodes =
Json.toJson returns a JsValue for which Play will automatically add a application/json header.
See Play For Scala chapter 8.