Linking to tag pages in a Roadkill Wiki page - roadkill-wiki

When creating a new page in Roadkill Wiki, one can link to a regular page this way (using Markdown notation): [Link to Page](Page1), assuming that Page1 is an existing page.
I want to create a similar link to a "tag listing" page, like ''.
I know I can use the full URL path this way:
[Tag Listing](
but what I'm looking is some other way to achieve that, like a sorthand:
[Tag Listing](tag:javascript)
or a relative path:
[Tag Listing](/pages/tag/javascript)
Does Roadkill have this feature?


How to link to a bullet point within a section in markdown

I am making a readme file for my GitHub project and need to link to a specific bullet point within a specific section in the readme file. Is this possible?
Not directly in Markdown, but you can use an HTML list and add an id to whatever item you want to link to:
<li id="bar">Bar</li>
Then, you can link to it using that id, e.g.
[Link to Bar](#bar)
Link to Bar
Or from another document:
[Link to Bar](

How do I replace "View page source" with "Edit on GitHub" links in sphinx_rtd_theme?

How can I replace the View page source hyperlink at the top of my docs pages with a Edit on GitHub link when building a Sphinx site using the sphinx_rtd_theme theme?
I'm manually building a site using GitHub Pages, but the link in the top-right of all my doc's pages still says "View page source" instead of "Edit on GitHub."
The theme's documentation lists a few relevant options (display_github, vcs_pageview_mode, and github_url), but it provides no examples. I've tried setting them at the root of and in html_theme_options to no avail.
How can I tell the sphinx_rtd_theme theme to change the View page source link to an Edit on GitHub link on all my docs' pages?
Use should set the display_github, github_user, github_repo, and github_version variables inside the html_context dict in For example:
html_context = {
'display_github': True,
'github_user': 'buskill',
'github_repo': 'buskill-app',
'github_version': 'master/docs/',
These variables are intended to be set directly in the .rst files rather than in html_theme_options or in general. To make this actually apply site-wide as if it were defined in every .rst file, just put it in html_context.
See also:

Tx_News_ViewHelpers Generate Link to another site in same typo3

I would like to create a link to a news-detail-page, but this news-detail-page is on another URL (both pages are in the same typo3-installation).
So for example I list news-article on, the link to the detailpage shall be (article/123 is just how RealURL build the link).
Right now the link is generated with this code in News/Partials/List/Item.html
{n:link(newsItem: newsItem, settings: settings, uriOnly: 1)}
but this generates a link to:
Best would be if the news viewhelper automaticly determinates where the news-article is coming from (where the news-container is), but it would be also very good if I just could manually say what URL it shall take.

How can I publish old html commits in my gh-pages branch online?

I'm writing a blog post and want my readers to see several old commits (of html) in my gh-pages branch.
In my blog post, I want to say, here's how the code looked in the browser, at this commit.
For example, this is one of the old commits that I want to show: as an html page that someone could view in their browser as the HTML would look in a browser; I don't want to just show them that raw page on github because the code on that old commit is broken and want the reader to see the error that the browser's console would give.
I'm thinking of something like: ?
Does this exist?
If you click on the "View" button of the index.html file listed on, you will get the exact reference for that file:
You can then use the service from to visualize that specific version:
(with the console of the browser including: Error: Map container is already initialized.)
See other alternatives at "Can I run HTML files directly from GitHub, instead of just viewing their source?".
You can then try and embed that rendered page in your gh-branch source. For instance (How to embed a “live” web page in WordPress blog posts)
<object data= width=”650″ height=”500″>
<embed src= width=”650″ height=”500″ />
(replace with the full htmlpreview url above)

Linking to other Wiki pages on GitHub?

GitHub wikis allow you to link to other pages in the wiki like so:
[[Wiki Page Name]]
However, I want to display different text than the wiki page name when making the link. Is there a way to do this? Am I linking to wiki pages all wrong?
Using the Markdown link syntax
[Link Text](WikiPage)
seems to work in the edit preview but not on the actual wiki page. At least for me the generated link is WikiPage instead of wiki/WikiPage and I get the famous GitHub 404.
However the MediaWiki syntax
[[Link Text|WikiPage]]
works for me, even for Markdown wiki pages.
GitHub by default uses Markdown syntax for the wikis so you can just do:
[Arbitrary Link Text](Wiki Page Name)
Check out Markdown and this blog post for more information about their wikis and the other markup syntaxes they support.
This solution has issues when you're on the home page because it creates relative URLs. Check out Sven's answer, below.
The internal-ref part is relative to your project. For wiki pages use:
[Page Name](wiki/Page-Name)
In the preview the link will be broken but when the page is saved it will work.
The most common use [Link Text](WikiPageURL)
The second way: [[Link Text|WikiPageURL]]
The third way, if you do not want to repeat and need to use the hyperlink several times: [Link Text] and at the end of the page use once [Link Text]:WikiPageURL
Check the wiki editor's help. It tells you:
To create a reference link, use two sets of square brackets. [my internal link][internal-ref] will link to the internal reference internal-ref.