How to get "Document status" data through REST API with Apache ManifoldCF - rest

We're using Apache ManifoldCF. In Admin UI there's report at Status Reports -> Document Status.
Is it possible to get that content through ManifoldCF's Restful API?
The closest thing I've found is org.apache.manifoldcf.crawler.RunDocumentStatus under Control via Commands but I haven't been able to figure out if that can be used through HTTP API (instead of direct Java code)

No, currently you cant if you are looking to find a status of a single document. but if you want to get the status of queue for a connection you can using
repositoryconnectionquery/< encoded_connection_name >.


How to: Get Report Definition using SSRS RESTful API?

I have been working with the RESTful SSRS endpoint documentation at and It states that I can retrieve the Report defintiion for my reports, however I cannot find any of the endpoints to do such?
From Microsoft docs:
The REST API can also be used to provide more advanced functionality,
such as:
Navigate the folder hierarchy Discover the contents of a folder
Download a report definition
Modify default report parameters Change
or execute a refresh plan A whole lot more
The REST API is a RESTful successor to the legacy SOAP API.
Maybe I am missing something?
I am able to get the Parameter Definitions, the report by ID,
however passing in any parameters such as
does not return any definition. I am trying to get a definition return so maybe I can render the report on a web application (or at minimum provide a pdf download of the report?)
Late to the game, but in case anyone else is looking for this answer, use this URL:

Autocomplete testing on Azure Search explorer

I am trying to build and test the auto complete feature on a master item lookup tables using Azure Search (for a ASP MVC application). The search index was done with the suggesterName SG set to ItemDisplayName
I was looking to test it first on Azure portal- so that I could aim to replicate the results via code. This is because the results I am getting in code are quite unexpected
As I type the substring the itemDislayName, the expectation was that upto 5 selected names will be displayed
On the portal, I tried a query string of
with the base request URL containing the index, api version and sugestorName-but I don't get results of items containing 'str' and with the fuzziness as below
Could you please guide around
[1] how I can get suggestor output in azure portal-search explorer
[2] can I control fuzziness using queryType and ~1,~2
I was referring to these 3 links
Azure Search Portal doesn't support the Suggestion API yet. You will need to use an HTTP client like Fiddler or Postman.
Make sure you use the right URL for you Suggest requests:
https://[service name][index name]/docs/suggest
Please use our User Voice page to vote for adding the Suggest API to the Portal:

Got error on invoking the IBM Softlayer "getCpuMetricImage" rest API

I have an active IBM Softlayer account. I am getting the error as
{"error":"One of types passed is not in the proper container.",
when trying to fetch the cpu metric image using the below rest API with valid Virtual_Guest_Id and Snapshot_Range":
But I am getting the proper response while fetching the memory metric image using the similar rest API listed below:
First of all your REST request is wrong it should something like this:
POST https://$USERNAME:$$VSIID/getCpuMetricImage
"parameters": ["day","9/2/2017"]
Second the method is not working currently I am going to report it, but I do not have idea when they are going to fix it.
Another thing to point out is that the Softlayer's control portal do not use that method to display the graph, so is likely that the image returned by the method and the graph in the portal are going to be different. If you want the same inforamtion I recomend you to use the same method see this forum for more information:
SoftLayer API CPU usage mismatch
The method in the forum above will return you the data of the graph and then you are going to need to represent that information in a graph using your own code.

Get all status's from JIRA webservice

Is there a way to get all status types from the JIRA webservice, either through the api or through a JQL request? (The issue status is the field that is mapped to the swimlanes when the board is set up)
Whith JIRA REST API you can :
or for each project :
see the online rest api browser : it's a wonderful tool :
For future reference, to see what's in a project's swimlanes for a JIRA agile board you make a request like this: and it will return the relevant information.
Each board has a rapidViewId so you'll have to query for that yourself using a request like this: /rest/greenhopper/1.0/rapidview.
All this stuff can be found here:
This is for future reference so that people don't have to go through the same trouble I did when trying to figure this out. Hope it helps!

Check JIRA REST API version?

How to check, that rest api is enabled in JIRA and it has appropriate version?
I know, that it is possible to request 'api/latest', but if latest installed version isn't compatible with methods, that i call?
To check that it is enabled, (and to disable it if you wish), then you will need to go to the Administration panel of your instance and enable/disable it there. Specifically you need to go to:
Administration > General Configuration > Set Accept remote API calls to either On/Off
To check if REST api is enabled, just go to (change the URL to your own)
and see if the page loads.
I don't think there is a way using the API to get the API version, but you can make the API calls and fallback in case of an error. The coding depends on what you are trying to achieve.
You can find more info about the REST API at:
JIRA REST API Version 2 Tutorial
JIRA REST API documentation
If your stuck on the coding part, search Atlassian answers and SO or ask a question.
Use the /rest/serverInfo endpoint, e.g. /rest/api/2/serverInfo.
This should return a JSON string with JIRA version, e.g.
"version": "8.x.x",
View page source of Jira page and search version.
Sample output:
<meta name="application-name" content="JIRA" data-name="jira" data-version="7.9.2"><meta name="ajs-server-scheme" content="http">