Version conflict in Weblogic 10.3.6 configuration in Eclipse Luna - eclipse

I am trying to configure Weblogic 10.3.6 server in eclipse Luna. But I could not configure as the eclipse looking for weblogic 10.3.0 but I have the version 10.3.6.
The path "C:\Oracle\Middleware\wlserver_10.3" contains the wrong version of WebLogic Server. Expected version 10.0. Found version 10.3.6.
I don't find any specific adaptor/plugin for weblogic 10.3.6. I want to configure 10.3.6 in eclipse Luna. Please help.

Download the latest Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse and you will have the option for all version of WebLogic. This link has the download for Luna:


IBM MobileFirst on Eclipse Juno, Error when trying to preview or deploy

[ERROR ] FWLSE3002E: The resource is not found.
FWLSE3030E: The runtime "P1" does not exist in the MobileFirst administration database. The database may be corrupted.
I use java 7.
Eclipse Java EE Juno is not supported by IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3 and above.
Upgrade to either Eclipse Java EE Kepler (4.3.x) or Luna (4.4.x) and try again using a fresh workspace.

Start WildFly server in Eclipse Juno

I read many answers like this. But in start server window (Jboss Community item) I can chose only JBoss Runtime server. There is no WildFly server item.
How can I add it?
I installed JBoss Tools 4.0.1.Final version cause I use Eclipse Juno. Should I install JBoss Tools 4.2.0.Final even without Eclipse Luna 4.4?
WildFly support in JBoss Tools 4.2.x is for Eclipse Luna only. So, it's not possible to use on Eclipse Kepler.

No server runtime environment for GlassFish on eclipse kepler?

I am using Eclipse Kepler and GlassFish tools plungin. After I upgraded the latest version of GlassFish tools ( and other eclipse components, the Server Runtime Environment for GlassFish is gone.
The Server Runtime Environment only has Apache, Basic, JBoss and ObjectWeb. I can't start up GF server in eclipse anymore.
I am using JDK1.6 to startup eclipse, I don't know whether this is the root cause.
I ran into this same problem. Un-installing, then re-installing the glassfish tools did the trick for me.

eclipse jboss 7.1 plugin

I used the for new updates but I still cannot find jboss 7.0 in eclipse under window->preferences-->server-->runtime enviroment. I downloaded eclipse Indigo SR2.
The plugin is only to manage JBoss runtime. Plugin does not install JBoss AS 7 itself. You can easily download the app server and setup the runtime.

How to debug on local jboss as 7 using Eclipse 3.7

I am using Eclipse 3.7 and I added JBoss as 7.1 server.
I want to know how to debug a Java EE application deployed on this local server using Eclipse?
What is the needed debug configuration that I should use?
Note that I am using JBoss Tools.
I found the way!
its pretty simple, just install Eclipse indigo 3.7.2
and install jboss web tools 3.3 beta1 (the current newest release)
and add jboss application server 7.1.1 Final.
and right click your application (in eclipse) --> debug as --> server --> choose jboss as 7.1.1 and it will run smoothly in debug mode.
Note: I was unable to debug my application as I used older version for jboss tools.