Coldfusion 9 Hash Binary SHA-256 [duplicate] - hash

I am using ColdFusion 9
Referencing Ben Nadel's good works on his blog, I tried
For SHA-512 hashing I get that dreaded:
The sha512 method was not found. Either there are no methods with the
specified method name and argument types or the sha512 method is
overloaded with argument types that ColdFusion cannot decipher
reliably. ColdFusion found 0 methods that match the provided
arguments. If this is a Java object and you verified that the method
exists, use the javacast function to reduce ambiguity.
Now I know that sha512 does indeed exist as a method, because I saw it here, but when I perform a
cfdump var="#digestUtils#"
I only get:
md5(byte[]) byte[]
md5(java.lang.String) byte[]
md5Hex(byte[]) java.lang.String
md5Hex(java.lang.String) java.lang.String
sha(java.lang.String) byte[]
sha(byte[]) byte[]
shaHex(java.lang.String) java.lang.String
shaHex(byte[]) java.lang.String
What happened to the other methods? I guess I have to try something else.
Please advise with a ColdFusion solution. A ColdFusion/Java solution would be ok too.
I'm trying to write a SSO application where the 3rd party guys feeds me URL parameters. I have successfully decoded the 1st parameter to get my XML Post. I now need to take the 2nd parameter which is the hash payload and go through the algorithm to ensure my 1st parameter hasn't been tampered with.
Editing begins here: Okay,I tried writing the code again to no avail.
The algorithm sounds simple enough. But trying to implement it is killing me.
1. compute the hash string value of the XMLPost string above:
a. convert the base64 salt string to a UTF-8 byte array.
b. convert the base64 XML payload string to a UTF-8 byte array.
c. create a new byte array consisting of the XML payload bytes from step b, appended with the salt bytes from step a.
d. perform a SHA512 hash on the concatenated byte array from step c, which results in a hashed byte array.
e. create a new byte array consisting of the hashed bytes from step d, appended with the salt bytes from step a.
f. convert the result of step e to a base64-encoded string and should be the value of query string parameter "h" payload hash.
xmlPost was created by my third party guys as such:
This XML payload string was converted to a UTF-8 byte array, which was then converted to a base-64 string. The resulting base-64 string is the value of my xmlPost below.
So I do this:
<cfset xmlPost = urlDecode("PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIj8%2bPEVzdG9yZVNzb0N1c3RvbWVyIHhtbG5zOnhzaT0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMS9YTUxTY2hlbWEtaW5zdGFuY2UiIHhtbG5zOnhzZD0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMS9YTUxTY2hlbWEiPjxDdXN0b21lcklkPjExMjk0MDwvQ3VzdG9tZXJJZD48RGVhbGVyQ29kZT5OODg4ODg8L0RlYWxlckNvZGU%2bPFBvaW50QmFsYW5jZT4yODA8L1BvaW50QmFsYW5jZT48Rmlyc3ROYW1lPkZhaXRoPC9GaXJzdE5hbWU%2bPExhc3ROYW1lPkh1dHVsYTwvTGFzdE5hbWU%2bPC9Fc3RvcmVTc29DdXN0b21lcj4%3d") />
<cfset salt = "3dfjh674!MujErf98344#090" />
<cfset payload_hash = urlDecode("EtLDRJfcRESFKpY4OGZZnRSN2THqT%2bEelzOuXVU06jotd2kE4yKnlYay7BqyAdcUSATRgSMaHxZa6uBqKKd9rjNkZmpoNjc0IU11akVyZjk4MzQ0QDA5MA%3d%3d") />
<cfset strXML = ToString( ToBinary( xmlpost ) ) /> <!--- to get actual XML --->
<!--- base64 encoding returns a byte array --->
<cfset saltByteArray = toBase64( salt, "utf-8" ) />
<cfset xmlpostByteArray = toBase64( xmlPost, "utf-8" ) />
<!--- append salt to xmlpost --->
<cfset xmlpostsaltByteArray = xmlpostByteArray & saltByteArray />
<!--- now let us perform a sha512 hash on this concatenated byte array --->
// Create an instance of our DigestUtils class
digestUtils = createObject("java","org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils");
// I hash a byte array using the given algorithm and return a
// 32-character Hexadecimal string. Home-made hash function for CF9 and earlier
function hashBytes( bytes, algorithm = "SHA-512" ){
// Get our instance of the digest algorithm that we'll use
// to hash the byte array.
var messageDigest = createObject( "java", "" ).getInstance( javaCast( "string", algorithm ) );
// Get the digest for the given byte array. This returns the
// digest (i.e., hash) in byte-array format.
var digest = messageDigest.digest( bytes );
// Now that we have our digested byte array (i.e., our hash as another byte
// array), we have to convert that into a HEX string. So, we'll need a HEX buffer.
var hexBuffer = [];
// Each integer in the byte digest needs to be converted into
// a HEX character (with possible leading zero).
for (byte =1 ;byte LTE ArrayLen(digest);byte = byte + 1) {
//for ( var byte in digest){
// Get the hex value for this byte. When converting the
// byte, only use the right-most 8 bits (last 8 bits of the integer)
// otherwise the sign of the byte can create oddities
var tail = bitAnd( 255, byte );
// Get the hex-encoding of the byte.
var hex = ucase( formatBaseN( tail, 16 ) );
// In order to make sure that all of the HEX characters
// are two-digits, we have to prepend a zero for any
// value that was originally LTE to 16 (the largest value
// that won't result in two HEX characters).
arrayAppend( hexBuffer, (tail <= 16 ? ("0" & hex) : hex) );
// Return the flattened character buffer.
return( arrayToList( hexBuffer, "" ) );
// Get the hash of the byte array using our hashBytes() function
hashByteArray = hashBytes( xmlpostsaltByteArray );
<!--- The hashByteArray is in HEX format now. Convert to binary --->
<!--- You must binary decode the hashed string before converting it to binary --->
<cfset hashByteArray = toBase64( BinaryDecode( hashByteArray, 'HEX' ) ) />
<!--- The final step is to append this new hashbytearray with the salt byte array --->
<cfset hashByteArray = hashByteArray & saltByteArray />
<!--- now convert this value to a base64 encoded string --->
<cfset hashByteArray2 = toBase64( hashByteArray )/>
Here is what I get for my strXML variable:
Actual xml structure converted from base 64 to string:
<?xml version="1.0"?><EstoreSsoCustomer xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><CustomerId>112940</CustomerId><DealerCode>N88888</DealerCode><PointBalance>280</PointBalance><FirstName>Faith</FirstName><LastName>Hutula</LastName></EstoreSsoCustomer>
The final value, hasByteArray2 is not even remotely similar to payload_hash
This is my first time doing this and my understanding of hashing, byte arrays and character conversions flew out of the window decades ago.
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you
Faith Sloan

DigestUtils.sha512 was added in version 1.4. ColdFusion 9 uses an older version, 1.3. That is why the method is not found.
Use the other function based on MessageDigest. Just be sure to pass in the correct algorithm ie:
imageHash = hashBytes( imageBinary, "SHA-512" );
UPDATE: Based on the updated code, some of the instructions may be a bit misleading. I believe they just mean decode the xml and salt strings from their given encoding (base64 and utf-8) into byte arrays, not strings:
// note: salt value has invalid characters for base64
// assuming it is a plain utf-8 string
saltArray = charsetDecode(salt, "utf-8");
xmlByteArray = binaryDecode(xmlPost, "base64");
Then merge the two binary arrays (see custom function)
mergedBytes = mergeArrays( xmlByteArray, saltArray );
Calculate the hash of the new byte array:
messageDigest = createObject( "java", "" );
messageDigest = messageDigest.getInstance( javaCast( "string", "SHA-512") );
hashedByteArray = messageDigest.digest( javacast("byte[]", mergedBytes) );
Merge the arrays again:
mergedBytes = mergeArrays( hashedByteArray, saltArray);
Finally convert the binary to base64 and compare:
calculatedPayload = binaryEncode( javacast("byte[]", mergedBytes), "base64");
// check results
arePayloadsEqual = compare(calculatedPayload, payload_hash) eq 0;
WriteDump("arePayloadsEqual="& arePayloadsEqual);
WriteDump("calculatedPayload="& calculatedPayload);
WriteDump("payload_hash="& payload_hash);
Note: BinaryDecode/CharsetDecode return java arrays. Unlike CF arrays, they are immutable (ie cannot be changed). So the handy addAll(..) trick will not work here.
// merge immutable arrays the long way
function mergeArrays( array1, array2 ){
var i = 0;
var newArray = [];
for (i = 1; i <= arrayLen(arguments.array1); i++) {
arrayAppend(newArray, arguments.array1[i]);
for (i = 1; i <= arrayLen(arguments.array2); i++) {
arrayAppend(newArray, arguments.array2[i]);
return newArray;


I was wondering if someone could explain to me .decode and .encode in hashlib?

I understand that you have a hex string and perform SHA256 on it twice and then byte-swap the final hex string. The goal of this code is to find a Merkle Root by concatenating two transactions. I would like to understand what's going on in the background a bit more. What exactly are you decoding and encoding?
import hashlib
transaction_hex = "93a05cac6ae03dd55172534c53be0738a50257bb3be69fff2c7595d677ad53666e344634584d07b8d8bc017680f342bc6aad523da31bc2b19e1ec0921078e872"
transaction_bin = transaction_hex.decode('hex')
hash = hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(transaction_bin).digest()).digest()
header_hex is a regular string of lower case ASCII characters and the decode() method with 'hex' argument changes it to a (binary) string (or bytes object in Python 3) with bytes 0x93 0xa0 etc. In C it would be an array of unsigned char of length 64 in this case.
This array/byte string of length 64 is then hashed with SHA256 and its result (another binary string of size 32) is again hashed. So hash is a string of length 32, or a bytes object of that length in Python 3. Then encode('hex_codec') is a synomym for encode('hex') (in Python 2); in Python 3, it replaces it (so maybe this code is meant to work in both versions). It outputs an ASCII (lower hex) string again that replaces each raw byte (which is just a small integer) with a two character string that is its hexadecimal representation. So the final bit reverses the double hash and outputs it as hexadecimal, to a form which I usually call "lowercase hex ASCII".

Convert a string into hash value in matlab

How can I convert a message into a hash value using SHA/MD5 hashing in MATLAB? is there any builtin function or any fixed code?
There are no functions in matlab to calculate hashes. However, you can call Java (any OS) or .Net (Windows only) functions directly from matlab and either of these implement what you want.
Note that you haven't specified the encoding of the string. The hash is different if you consider the string in ASCII, UTF8, UTF16, etc.
Also note that matlab does not have 160-bit or 256-bit integer, so the hash can't obviously be a single integer.
Anyway, using .Net:
string = 'some string';
sha256hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed;
sha256 = uint8(sha256hasher.ComputeHash(uint8(string)));
sha1hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed;
sha1= uint8(sha1hasher.ComputeHash(uint8(string)));
Java based solution can be found in the following link
MATLAB's .NET classes appear to be a more recent creation than the JAVA hashing.
However, these classes don't have much/any public documentation available. After playing with it a bit, I found a way to specify one of several hash algorithms, as desired.
The "System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm" constructor accepts a hash algorithm name (string). Based on the string name you pass in, it returns different hasher classes (.SHA256Managed is only one type). See the example below for a complete string input ==> hash string output generation.
% Available options are 'SHA1', 'SHA256', 'SHA384', 'SHA512', 'MD5'
algorithm = 'SHA1';
% SHA1 category
hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create('SHA1'); % DEFAULT
% SHA2 category
hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create('SHA256');
hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create('SHA384');
hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create('SHA512');
% SHA3 category: Does not appear to be supported
% MD5 category
hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Create('MD5');
str = 'Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country';
hash_byte = hasher.ComputeHash( uint8(str) ); % System.Byte class
hash_uint8 = uint8( hash_byte ); % Array of uint8
hash_hex = dec2hex(hash_uint8); % Array of 2-char hex codes
% Generate the hex codes as 1 long series of characters
hashStr = str([]);
nBytes = length(hash_hex);
for k=1:nBytes
hashStr(end+1:end+2) = hash_hex(k,:);
fprintf(1, '\n\tThe %s hash is: "%s" [%d bytes]\n\n', algorithm, hashStr, nBytes);
% SHA1: 20 bytes = 20 hex codes = 40 char hash string
% SHA256: 32 bytes = 32 hex codes = 64 char hash string
% SHA384: 48 bytes = 48 hex codes = 96 char hash string
% SHA512: 64 bytes = 64 hex codes = 128 char hash string
% MD5: 16 bytes = 16 hex codes = 32 char hash string
I just used this and it works well.
Works on strings, files, different data types.
For a file I compared against CRC SHA through file explorer and got the same answer.

ColdFusion Hash

I'm trying to create a password digest with this formula to get the following variables and my code is just not matching. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I'll admit when I need help. Hopefully someone is out there who can help.
Formula from documentation: Base64(SHA1(NONCE + TIMESTAMP + SHA1(PASSWORD)))
Correct Password Digest Answer: +LzcaRc+ndGAcZIXmq/N7xGes+k=
ColdFusion Code:
<cfSet PW = "AMADEUS">
<cfSet TS = "2015-09-30T14:12:15Z">
<cfSet NONCE = "secretnonce10111">
<cfDump var="#ToBase64(Hash(NONCE & TS & Hash(PW,'SHA-1'),'SHA-1'))#">
My code outputs:
I'm clearly doing something wrong, but for the life of me cannot figure out what. Anyone? Bueller?
The fun thing about hashing is that even if you start with the right string(s), the result can still be completely wrong, if those strings are combined/encoded/decoded incorrectly.
The biggest gotcha is that most of these functions actually work with the binary representation of the input strings. So how those strings are decoded makes a big difference. Notice the same string produces totally different binary when decoded as UTF-8 versus Hex? That means the results of Hash, ToBase64, etcetera will be totally different as well.
// Result: UTF-8: 65-65-68-69
writeOutput("<br>UTF-8: "& arrayToList(charsetDecode("AADE", "UTF-8"), "-"));
// Result: HEX: -86--34
writeOutput("<br>HEX: "& arrayToList(binaryDecode("AADE", "HEX"), "-"));
Possible Solution:
The problem with the current code is that ToBase64 assumes the input string is encoded as UTF-8. Whereas Hash() actually returns a hexadecimal string. So ToBase64() decodes it incorrectly. Instead, use binaryDecode and binaryEncode to convert the hash from hex to base64:
resultAsHex = Hash( NONCE & TS & Hash(PW,"SHA-1"), "SHA-1");
resultAsBase64 = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(resultAsHex, "HEX"), "base64");
More Robust Solution:
Having said that, be very careful with string concatenation and hashing. As it does not always yield the expected results. Without knowing more about this specific API, I cannot be completely certain what it expects. However, it is usually safer to only work with the binary values. Unfortunately, CF's ArrayAppend() function lacks support for binary arrays, but you can easily use Apache's ArrayUtils class, which is bundled with CF.
ArrayUtils = createObject("java", "org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils");
// Combine binary of NONCE + TS
nonceBytes = charsetDecode(NONCE, "UTF-8");
timeBytes = charsetDecode(TS, "UTF-8");
combinedBytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(nonceBytes, timeBytes);
// Combine with binary of SECRET
secretBytes = binaryDecode( Hash(PW,"SHA-1"), "HEX");
combinedBytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(combinedBytes, secretBytes);
// Finally, HASH the binary and convert to base64
resultAsHex = hash(combinedBytes, "SHA-1");
resultAsBase64 = binaryEncode(binaryDecode(resultAsHex, "hex"), "base64");

Calculating SHA1 hash of a 'nvarchar' string using T-SQL

I'm trying to calculate SHA1 hash of a unicode string using T-SQL. The below code works fine with ASCII strings:
declare #input varchar(50)
set #input = 'some text'
print 'SHA1 Hash: ' + UPPER(master.dbo.fn_varbintohexsubstring(0, HashBytes('SHA1', #input), 1, 0))
but it calculates wrong hash when I replace first line of code with declare #input nvarchar(50).
Calculated hash (nvarchar): BBA91B680CE2685E9465DE24967E425CF055B10F
Calculated hash by a tool : 37AA63C77398D954473262E1A0057C1E632EDA77
How can I calculate SHA1 hash of a nvarchar ?
Below C# code generate same hash as the tool I use for hashing:
// Computes SHA1 hash of a given string
string ComputeHash(string input)
string result = string.Empty;
byte[] hash;
byte[] bytes = Encoding.GetBytes(input);
using (var sha = SHA1Managed.Create())
hash = sha.ComputeHash(bytes);
foreach (var b in hash)
result += b.ToString("X2");
return result;
Are you sure that the hash returned by your tool is using UTF16 or Unicode encoding when you compare it with the one returned by SQL Server?...SHA1 (and other encoding formats) depends on the data type, so it should return different values when given as an input. Take a look at this link for a more detailed explanation.

generating MD5 hash of a text with C#

I understand that System.Security.Cryptography has a MD5 hashing method in MD5.ComputeHash. However, the method takes and returns bytes. I don't understand how to work with this method using String key and hashes. I try to work around by doing this,
var hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(#"text".ToCharArray()));
foreach(byte h in hash)
However the resulting output is gibberish string. For comparison, in this website, entering "text" will result in "1cb251ec0d568de6a929b520c4aed8d1"
writing this code will give the same result as the website:
var hash = MD5.Create().ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(#"text".ToCharArray()));
foreach(byte h in hash)
The trick is to print each byte as 2 hexadecimal digits (hence x2)