use path in FSTrigger plugin - plugins

I'm trying to Monitor folder on remote machine using jenkins plugin FSTrigger:
Trying this in path:
wget --http-user=user --http-passwd=password
but jenkins tells me:
Trying to monitor the folder ' --http-user=user --http-passwd=password'
The directory ' --http-user=user --http-passwd=password' doesn't exist.
is anyone can help me?

I think you need to use network file sharing protocol rather than web protocol(HTTP). For windows, I would use "\\\build" for path and make sure the folder is shared to the account running Jenkins. I'm not familiar with Linux... Just trying to help...


Unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace which has only two cpp files

I am trying to run the first example of zguide (zeromq). The project has two files, client and server, and I am doing this using vscode ssh remote on a RHEL7 machine.
Here is the structure of the folder and how it looks like in VSCode explorer:
Once in a while I receive this warning:
Unable to watch for file changes in this large workspace folder. Please follow the instructions link to resolve this issue.
The instructions are of course telling me to increase the limit size which I don't think is the issue here with such a small project.
So, any ideas what's happening and how to resolve this?

Extract ZIP file in specific folder on server using terminal?

I have a problem with my VPS server, more precisely with extracting a .zip file (5GB) through the file manager. I have limited support because it is a self-managed VPS. I need a command for a terminal to extract file "" to a specific server dir for ex: folder on my server. Can someone help me with this? Thanks.
You provide URL, not path to directory. But to extract zip file in particular directory you can use command:
cd /directory/funny
unzip /path/to/
Change /directory/funny with the real directory which your web service serve.

Openshift: How to access the file that is in the external file system?

I am using minishift for deploying my java apllication.
App deployed successfully, but this app need to read/write from some files that are on drive C on my Windows.
I can't just place this files inside container, files should only be in this folder on drive C.
Is there any ways to do it?
You will need to create what is known as host filesystem access/share. More information can be found at the following link

How to read and write text files from appengine?

I am using eclipse Luna. I want to read and write text files from my appengine and the path of those files I will set on run time from the local host, like "C:\Users\Public\Documents\newfile.txt" . Anyone give me a good code or link or a direction how to resolve this.
You cannot write to file system in AppEngine but you can use CloudStorage Duplicate of Does Google App Engine allow creation of files and folders on the server?

Copy files from SFTP with CMD

We have a customer with their SFTP site, and I would like to copy files from specific folder, by using any automated process.
One of the example which I found, is, but I have not managed how to use it, for my purpose.
QUESTION: All I will need is not run script and the file should be copied from their directory to my local folder. Is it possible at all?
I found the way of using PSFTP(Putty) to connect to the server, but how to make it automatically, do not know.
I think its a good solution for your problem.
You have to install winscp and the code some files and it will do automaticaly. I used 3 or 4 times. Also you need the key for your SFTP to connect throught it.
Here a link to the guide step by step.
Here is a link to the scripting webpage
I recommend you to create an ini file to load all of the characteristics of your ftp connection and then execute an script over this.
It can be launched like that /ini=[your ini file] /script=[Your script file(what you want to do when it is connect)]
Hope this helps!.