I have seen two definitions for big endian/small endian which cause my confusion.
The first definition is the classic one related to machine:
Big-endian systems store the most significant byte of a word in the smallest address and the least significant byte is stored in the largest address (also see Most significant bit). Little-endian systems, in contrast, store the least significant byte in the smallest address.
This makes perfect sense and this is the definition of big/small endian in my whole life until I came across various discussions related to cryptography:
book "Cryptography for Developers" By Tom St Denis says, "the OS2IP function converts the octet string to integer by loading the octet strings in big endian fashion. That is, the first byte is the most significant."
In the accepted answer of this question, it says, "The padded value is then interpreted as an integer x, by decoding it with the big-endian convention."
Apparently, these two crypto discussions does not involve anything related to the machine architecture. What is their definition of big-endian fashion/convention?
Big and little endian are just conventions about representing numbers with bytes. In big endian, the most significant byte comes first, in the little endian it's the other way around. Different architectures, data formats, algorithms and networking protocols may adopt different strategies.
Moreover, good programs will not depend on the endianness of the architecture, for example, to read a number from an array you could write something like:
int read_bit_endian_16(unsigned char *data) {
return (data[0] << 8) + data[1];
or using functions like ntohs() and friends.
In Python it's:
struct.unpack('>h', data)
Binary data formats are good example of when endianness is important, if you expect them to be cross-platform. If you write data in a low-endian platform, you want to be able to read it in a big-endian one. That's why any decent format specify those things explicitly, and portable programs take into account chances of being compiled/run in different architectures. Other example would be multibyte character encodings like UTF16-LE and UTF16-BE.
You can find a more detailed explanation here
I read some article about Unicode and UTF-8.
The Unicode standard describes how characters are represented by code points. A code point is an integer value, usually denoted in base 16. In the standard, a code point is written using the notation U+12CA to mean the character with value 0x12ca (4,810 decimal). The Unicode standard contains a lot of tables listing characters and their corresponding code points:
Strictly, these definitions imply that it’s meaningless to say ‘this is character U+12CA‘. U+12CA is a code point, which represents some particular character; in this case, it represents the character ‘ETHIOPIC SYLLABLE WI’. In informal contexts, this distinction between code points and characters will sometimes be forgotten.
To summarize the previous section: a Unicode string is a sequence of code points, which are numbers from 0 through 0x10FFFF (1,114,111 decimal). This sequence needs to be represented as a set of bytes (meaning, values from 0 through 255) in memory. The rules for translating a Unicode string into a sequence of bytes are called an encoding.
I wonder why we have to encode U+12CA to UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead of saving the binary of 12CA in the disk directly. I think the reason is:
Unicode is not Self-synchronizing code, so if
10 represent A
110 represent B
10110 represent C
When I see 10110 in the disk we can't tell it's A and B or just C.
Unicode uses much more space instead of UTF-8 or UTF-16.
Am I right?
Read about Unicode, UTF-8 and the UTF-8 everywhere website.
There are more than a million Unicode code-points (you mentionned 1,114,111...). So you need at least 21 bits to be able to separate all of them (since 221 > 1114111).
So you can store Unicode characters directly, if you represent each of them by a wide enough integral type. In practice, that type would be some 32 bits integer (because it is not convenient to handle 3-bytes i.e. 24 bits integers). This is called UCS-4 and some systems or software do already handle their Unicode string in such a format.
Notice also that displaying Unicode strings is quite difficult, because of the variety of human languages (and also since Unicode has combining characters). Some need to be displayed right to left (Arabic, Hebrew, ....), others left to right (English, French, Spanish, German, Russian ...), and some top to down (Chinese, ...). A library displaying Unicode strings should be capable of displaying a string containing English, Chinese and Arabic words.... Then you see that decoding UTF-8 is the easy part of Unicode string displaying (and storing UCS-4 strings won't help much).
But, since English is the dominant language in IT technology (for economical reasons), it is very often cheaper to keep strings in UTF8 form. If most of the strings handled by your system are English (or in some other European language using the Latin alphabet), it is cheaper and it takes less space to keep them in UTF-8.
I guess than when China will become a dominant power in IT, things might change (or maybe not).
(I have no idea of the most common encoding used today on Chinese supercomputers or smartphones; I guess it is still UTF-8)
In practice, use a library (perhaps libunistring or Glib in C), to process UTF-8 strings and another one (e.g. pango and GTK in C) to display them. You'll find many Unicode related libraries in various programming languages.
I wonder why we have to encode U+12CA to UTF-8 or UTF-16 instead of saving the binary of 12CA in the disk directly.
How do you write 12CA to a disk directly? It is a bigger value than a byte can hold, so you need to write at least two bytes. Do you write 12 followed by CA? You just encoded it in UTF-16BE. That's what an encoding is...a definition of how to write an abstract number as bytes.
Other reading:
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Pragmatic Unicode
For good and specific reasons, Unicode doesn't specify any particular encoding. If it makes sense for your scenario, you can specify your own.
Because Unicode doesn't specify any serialization, there is no way to "directly" store Unicode, just like you can't "directly" store a mathematical number or a flow chart to implement a program you designed. The question isn't really well-defined.
There are a number of existing serialization formats (encodings) so it is very likely that it makes the most sense to use an existing one unless your requirements are significantly different than what any existing encoding provides; even then, is it really worth the cost?
A stream of bits is just a stream of bits. Conventionally, we chop them up into groups of 8 and call that a "byte" and the latter half of your question is really "if it's not a byte, how can you tell which bits belong to which symbol?" There are many ways to do that, but the common ones generally define a sequence of some particular length (8, 16, and 32 are often convenient for reasons of compatibility with bus width on modern computers etc) but again, if you really wanted to, you could come up with something different. Huffman trees come to mind as one way to implement a way to communicate a structure of variable length (and is used for precisely that in many compression algorithms).
Consider one situation, even if you can directly save unicode binary into disk and close the file, what happens when you open the file again? It's just a bunch of binary, you don't know how many bytes a char occupied right, which means, if '🥶'(U+129398) and 'A' are the content of your file, then if you take it 1 byte for a char, then '🥶' can't be decoded correctly, which takes 2 bytes, then instead 1 emoji you see, you get two, which is U+63862 and U+65536 unicode char.
I don't quite understand the principles behind UTF encodings and BOM.
What is the point of having BOM in UTF-16 and UTF-32 if computers already know how to compose multibyte data types (for example, integers with the size of 4 bytes) into one variable? Why do we need to specify it explicitly for these encodings then?
And why don't we need to specify it for UTF-8? Unicode standard says that it's "byte oriented" but even then we need to know whether it is the first byte of the encoded code point or not. Or does it specified in the first / last bits of every character?
UTF-16 is two byte wide, lets call that bytes B0|B1.
Let's say we have letter 'a' this is logically number 0x0061. Unfortunately different computer architectures store this number in different ways in memory, on x86 platform less significant byte is stored first (at lower memory address) so 'a' will be stored as 00|61. On PowerPC this will be stored as 61|00, these two architectures are called little endian and big endian for that reason.
To speed up string processing libraries generally store two bytes characters in native order (big ending or little endian). Swapping bytes would be too expensive.
Now imagine that someone on PowerPC writes string to a file, library will write bytes 00|61, now someone on x86 will want to read this bytes but does it mean 00|61 or maybe 61|00? We can put special sequence at the beginning of the string so anyone will know byte order used to save string, and process it correctly (converting string between endian's is a costly operation, but most of the time x86 string will be read on x86 arch, and PowerPC string on PowerPC machines)
With UTF-8 this is different story, UTF-8 uses single order and encodes character length into pattern of first bits of first character. UTF-8 encoding is well described on Wikipedia. Generally speaking it was designed to avoid problem with endian'ess
Different architectures can encode things differently. One system might write 0x12345678 as 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 and another might write it as 0x78 0x56 0x34 0x12. It's important to have a way of understanding how the source system has written things. Bytes are the smallest units read or written, so if a format is written byte-by-byte, there is not a problem, just like no system has trouble reading an ASCII file written by another.
The UTF-16 BOM, U+FEFF will either be written as 0xFE 0xFF or 0xFF 0xFE, depending on the system. Knowing in which order those bytes are written tells the reader which order the bytes will be in for the rest of the file. UTF-32 uses the same BOM character, padded with 16 zero bits, but its use is the same.
UTF-8, on the other hand, is designed to be read a byte at a time. Therefore, the order is the same on all systems, even when dealing with mutli-byte characters.
The UTF-16 and UTF-32 encodings do not specify a byte order. In a stream of 8-bit bytes, the code point U+FEFF can be encoded in UTF-16 as the bytes FE, FF (big endian) or as FF, FE (little endian). The stream writer obviously cannot know where the stream will end up (a file, a network socket, a local program?) so you put a BOM at the beginning to help the reader(s) determine the encoding and byte-order variant.
UTF-8 does not have this ambiguity because it is a byte-oriented encoding right from the start. The only way to encode this code point in UTF-8 is with the bytes EF, BB, BF in this precise order. (Conveniently, the high bits in the first byte of the serialization also reveals how many bytes the sequence will occupy.)
A computer system is based on binary system. Data/instructions are encoded in binary. Encoding can be carried out in many formats - ASCII, UNICODE etc.
Is a microprocessor made for a chosen 'encoding format' ? if yes, how would it become compatible to other encoding formats? wouldn't there be a performance penalty in that case?
when we create a program, how its encoding format is chosen?
ASCII and UNICODE are encoding of text data and have nothing about binary data.
No, all microprocessors know about is binary numbers - they don't have a clue about the meaning of those numbers. That meaning is provided by us and by our tools used to build programs. For example, if you compile a C++ program using Visual Studio, it will use multi-byte characters, but the CPU doesn't know that.
One area where the microprocessor architecture does matter is endianness—for example, when you try to read a UTF-16LE encoding file on a big-endian machine, you have to swap the individual bytes of each code unit to get the expected 16-bit integer. This is an issue for all encoding forms whose code unit is wider than one byte. See section 2.6 of the second chapter of the Unicode standard for a more in-depth discussion. The processor itself still works with individual integer numbers, but as a library developer, you have to deal with the mapping from files (i.e., byte sequences) to memory arrays (i.e., code unit sequences).
Could anyone give me a concise definitions of
How they differ from Ascii/Ansi/Windows 1252
I'm not after wikipedia links or incredible detail, just some brief information on how and why the huge variations in Unicode have come about and why you should care as a programmer.
This is a good start: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
If you want a really brief introduction:
Unicode in 5 Minutes
Or if you are after one-liners:
Unicode: a mapping of characters to integers ("code points") in the range 0 through 1,114,111; covers pretty much all written languages in use
UTF7: an encoding of code points into a byte stream with the high bit clear; in general do not use
UTF8: an encoding of code points into a byte stream where each character may take one, two, three or four bytes to represent; should be your primary choice of encoding
UTF16: an encoding of code points into a word stream (16-bit units) where each character may take one or two words (two or four bytes) to represent
UTF32: an encoding of code points into a stream of 32-bit units where each character takes exactly one unit (four bytes); sometimes used for internal representation
Codepages: a system in DOS and Windows whereby characters are assigned to integers, and an associated encoding; each covers only a subset of languages. Note that these assignments are generally different than the Unicode assignments
ASCII: a very common assignment of characters to integers, and the direct encoding into bytes (all high bit clear); the assignment is a subset of Unicode, and the encoding a subset of UTF-8
ANSI: a standards body
Windows 1252: A commonly used codepage; it is similar to ISO-8859-1, or Latin-1, but not the same, and the two are often confused
Why do you care? Because without knowing the character set and encoding in use, you don't really know what characters a given byte stream represents. For example, the byte 0xDE could encode
or 13 other characters, depending on the encoding and character set used.
As well as the oft-referenced Joel one, I have my own article which looks at it from a .NET-centric viewpoint, just for variety...
Yea I got some insight but it might be wrong, however it's helped me to understand it.
Let's just take some text. It's stored in the computers ram as a series of bytes, the codepage is simply the mapping table between the bytes and characters you and i read. So something like notepad comes along with its codepage and translates the bytes to your screen and you see a bunch of garbage, upside down question marks etc. This does not mean your data is garbled only that the application reading the bytes is not using the correct codepage. Some applications are smarter at detecting the correct codepage to use than others and some streams of bytes in memory contain a BOM which stands for a Byte Order Mark and this can declare the correct codepage to use.
UTF7, 8 16 etc are all just different codepages using different formats.
The same file stored as bytes using different codepages will be of a different filesize because the bytes are stored differently.
They also don't really differ from windows 1252 as that's just another codepage.
For a better smarter answer try one of the links.
Here, read this wonderful explanation from the Joel himself.
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!)
Others have already pointed out good enough references to begin with. I'm not listing a true Dummy's guide, but rather some pointers from the Unicode Consortium page. You'll find some more nitty-gritty reasons for the usage of different encodings at the Unicode Consortium pages.
The Unicode FAQ is a good enough place to answer some (not all) of your queries.
A more succinct answer on why Unicode exists, is present in the Newcomer's section of the Unicode website itself:
Unicode provides a unique number for
every character, no matter what the
platform, no matter what the program,
no matter what the language.
As far as the technical reasons for usage of UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32 are concerned, the answer lies in the Technical Introduction to Unicode:
UTF-8 is popular for HTML and similar
protocols. UTF-8 is a way of
transforming all Unicode characters
into a variable length encoding of
bytes. It has the advantages that the
Unicode characters corresponding to
the familiar ASCII set have the same
byte values as ASCII, and that Unicode
characters transformed into UTF-8 can
be used with much existing software
without extensive software rewrites.
UTF-16 is popular in many environments
that need to balance efficient access
to characters with economical use of
storage. It is reasonably compact and
all the heavily used characters fit
into a single 16-bit code unit, while
all other characters are accessible
via pairs of 16-bit code units.
UTF-32 is popular where memory space
is no concern, but fixed width, single
code unit access to characters is
desired. Each Unicode character is
encoded in a single 32-bit code unit
when using UTF-32.
All three encoding forms need at most
4 bytes (or 32-bits) of data for each
A general thumb rule is to use UTF-8 when the predominant languages supported by your application are spoken west of the Indus river, UTF-16 for the opposite (east of the Indus), and UTF-32 when you are concerned about utilizing characters with uniform storage.
By the way UTF-7 is not a Unicode standard and was designed primarily for use in mail applications.
I'm not after wikipedia links or incredible detail, just some brief information on how and why the huge variations in Unicode have come about and why you should care as a programmer.
First of all, there aren't "variations of unicode". Unicode is a standard, the standard, to assign code points (integers) to characters. UTF8 is the most popular way to represent those integers as bytes!
Why should you care as a programmer?
It's fun to understand this!
If you don't have basic understanding of encodings, you can easily produce buggy code.
Example: You receive a ByteArray myByteArray from somewhere and you know it represents characters. You then run myByteArray.toString() and you get the string Hello. Your program works! One day after shiping your code your german customer calls: "We have a problem, äöü are not displayed correctly!". You start debugging the code, feeling pretty lost without a basic understanding of encodings. However, with the understanding of encodings you know that the error probably was this: When running myByteArray.toString(), your program assumed the string was encoded with the default system encoding. But maybe it wasn't! Maybe it was UTF8 and your system is LATIN-SOMETHING and so you should have ran myByteArray.toString("UTF8") instead!
I would NOT recommend Joel's article as suggested by others. It's a long article with a lot of irrelevant information. I read it a couple of years back and the essence of it didn't stick to my brain since there are so many unimportant details.
As already mentioned http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Unicode_In_5_Minutes is a great place to go for to grasp the essence of unicode.
If you want to actually understand variable length encodings like UTF8 I'd recommend https://www.tsmean.com/articles/encoding/unicode-and-utf-8-tutorial-for-dummies/.
If I understand correctly, UTF-32 can handle every character in the universe. So can UTF-16, through the use of surrogate pairs. So is there any good reason to use UTF-32 instead of UTF-16?
In UTF-32 a unicode character would always be represented by 4 bytes so parsing code would be easier to write than that of a UTF-16 string because in UTF-16 a character is represented by varying number of bytes. On the downside a UTF-32 chatacter would always require 4 bytes which can be wasteful if you are working mostly with say english characters. So its a design choice depending upon your requirements whether to use UTF-16 or UTF-32.
Someone might prefer to deal with UTF-32 instead of UTF-16 because dealing with surrogate pairs is pretty much always handling 'special-cases', and having to deal with those special cases means you have areas where bugs may creep in because you deal with them incorrectly (or more likely just forget to deal with them at all).
If the increased memory usage of UTF-32 is not an issue, the reduced complexity might be enough of an advantage to choose it.
Here is a good documentation from The Unicode Consortium too.
Comparison of the Advantages of UTF-32, UTF-16, and UTF-8
Copyright © 1991–2009 Unicode, Inc. The Unicode Standard, Version 5.2
On the face of it, UTF-32 would seem to be the obvious choice of Unicode encoding forms for an internal processing code because it is a fixed-width encoding form. It can be conformantly bound to the C and C++ wchar_t, which means that such programming languages may offer built-in support and ready-made string APIs that programmers can take advan- tage of. However, UTF-16 has many countervailing advantages that may lead implementers to choose it instead as an internal processing code.
While all three encoding forms need at most 4 bytes (or 32 bits) of data for each character, in practice UTF-32 in almost all cases for real data sets occupies twice the storage that UTF-16 requires. Therefore, a common strategy is to have internal string storage use UTF-16 or UTF-8 but to use UTF-32 when manipulating individual characters.
UTF-32 Versus UTF-16. On average, more than 99 percent of all UTF-16 data is expressed using single code units. This includes nearly all of the typical characters that software needs to handle with special operations on text—for example, format control characters. As a consequence, most text scanning operations do not need to unpack UTF-16 surrogate pairs at all, but rather can safely treat them as an opaque part of a character string.
For many operations, UTF-16 is as easy to handle as UTF-32, and the performance of UTF- 16 as a processing code tends to be quite good. UTF-16 is the internal processing code of choice for a majority of implementations supporting Unicode. Other than for Unix plat- forms, UTF-16 provides the right mix of compact size with the ability to handle the occa- sional character outside the BMP.
UTF-32 has somewhat of an advantage when it comes to simplicity of software coding design and maintenance. Because the character handling is fixed width, UTF-32 processing does not require maintaining branches in the software to test and process the double code unit elements required for supplementary characters by UTF-16. Conversely, 32-bit indices into large tables are not particularly memory efficient. To avoid the large memory penalties of such indices, Unicode tables are often handled as multistage tables (see “Multistage Tables” in Section 5.1, Transcoding to Other Standards). In such cases, the 32-bit code point values are sliced into smaller ranges to permit segmented access to the tables. This is true even in typical UTF-32 implementations.
The performance of UTF-32 as a processing code may actually be worse than the perfor- mance of UTF-16 for the same data, because the additional memory overhead means that cache limits will be exceeded more often and memory paging will occur more frequently. For systems with processor designs that impose penalties for 16-bit aligned access but have very large memories, this effect may be less noticeable.
In any event, Unicode code points do not necessarily match user expectations for “characters.” For example, the following are not represented by a single code point: a combining character sequence such as ; a conjoining jamo sequence for Korean; or the Devanagari conjunct “ksha.” Because some Unicode text pro- cessing must be aware of and handle such sequences of characters as text elements, the fixed-width encoding form advantage of UTF-32 is somewhat offset by the inherently vari- able-width nature of processing text elements. See Unicode Technical Standard #18, “Uni- code Regular Expressions,” for an example where commonly implemented processes deal with inherently variable-width text elements owing to user expectations of the identity of a “character.”
UTF-8. UTF-8 is reasonably compact in terms of the number of bytes used. It is really only at a significant size disadvantage when used for East Asian implementations such as Chi- nese, Japanese, and Korean, which use Han ideographs or Hangul syllables requiring three- byte code unit sequences in UTF-8. UTF-8 is also significantly less efficient in terms of pro- cessing than the other encoding forms.
Binary Sorting. A binary sort of UTF-8 strings gives the same ordering as a binary sort of Unicode code points. This is obviously the same order as for a binary sort of UTF-32 strings.
General Structure
All three encoding forms give the same results for binary string comparisons or string sort- ing when dealing only with BMP characters (in the range U+0000..U+FFFF). However, when dealing with supplementary characters (in the range U+10000..U+10FFFF), UTF-16 binary order does not match Unicode code point order. This can lead to complications when trying to interoperate with binary sorted lists—for example, between UTF-16 sys- tems and UTF-8 or UTF-32 systems. However, for data that is sorted according to the con- ventions of a specific language or locale rather than using binary order, data will be ordered the same, regardless of the encoding form.
Short answer: no.
Longer answer: yes, for compatibility with other things that didn't get the memo.
Less sarcastic answer: When you care more about speed of indexing than about space usage, or as an intermediate format of some sort, or on machines where alignment issues were more important than cache issues, or...
UTF-8 can also represent any unicode character!
If your text is mostly english, you can save a lot of space by using utf-8, but indexing characters is not O(1), because some characters take up more than just one byte.
If space is not as important to your situation as speed is, utf-32 would suit you better, because indexing is O(1)
UTF-16 can be better than utf-8 for non-english text because in utf-8 you have a situation where some characters take up 3 bytes, where as in utf16 they'd only take up two bytes.
There are probably a few good reasons, but one would be to speed up indexing / searching, i.e. in databases and the like.
With UTF-32 you know that each character is 4 bytes. With UTF-16 you don't know what length any particular character will be.
For example, you have a function that returns the nth char of a string:
char getChar(int index, String s );
If you are coding in a language that has direct memory access, say C, then in UTF-32 this function may be as simple as some pointer arithmatic (s+(4*index)), which would be some amounts O(1).
If you are using UTF-16 though, you would have to walk the string, decoding as you went, which would be O(n).
In general, you just use the string datatype/encoding of the underlying platform, which is often (Windows, Java, Cocoa...) UTF-16 and sometimes UTF-8 or UTF-32. This is mostly for historical reasons; there is little difference between the three Unicode encodings: all three are well-defined, fast and robust, and all of them can encode every Unicode code point sequence. The unique feature of UTF-32 that it is a fixed-width encoding (meaning that each code point is represented by exactly one code unit) is of little use in practice: Your memory management layer needs to know about the number and width of code units, and users are interested in abstract characters and graphemes. As mentioned by the Unicode standard, Unicode applications have to deal with combined characters, ligatures and so on anyway and the handling of surrogate pairs, despite being conceptually different, can be done within the same technical framework.
If I were to reinvent the world, I'd probably go for UTF-32 because it is simply the least complex encoding, but as it stands the differences are too small to be of practical concern.