Scala reflection to instantiate scala.slick.lifted.TableQuery - scala

I have this base trait
trait MyBase {
type M
type T <: Table[M]
val query: TableQuery[T]
Where TableQuery is scala.slick.lifted.TableQuery
My subclasses instantiate TableQuery like so:
type M = Account
type T = AccountsTable
val query = TableQuery[T]
I'd like to instantiate the TableQuery in the base trait, possibly by using a lazy val, i.e.
lazy val query: TableQuery[T] = {
I've been playing around with reflection, but haven't had much luck.

If I understand correctly, what you want is to be able to extend
MyBase by simply defining M and T but without having to explicitly instantiate the TableQuery in each derived class.
Using reflection is not really an option because normally you use TableQuery.apply
for that (as in val query = TableQuery[MyTable]), and this is implemented through a macro,
so you've got a "runtime vs compile-time" issue.
If you absolutely need MyBase to be a trait (as opposed to a class), then I don't see any viable solution.
However if you can turn MyBase into a class and turn M and T into type parameters (instead of abstract types), then there is at least one solution.
As I hinted in another related question (How to define generic type in Scala?), you can
define a type class (say TableQueryBuilder) to capture the call to TableQuery.apply (at the point where the concrete type is known) along with an implicit macro (say TableQueryBuilder.builderForTable) to provide
an instance of this type class. You can then define a method (say to actually instantiate the TableQuery, which will just delegate to job to the type class.
// NOTE: tested with scala 2.11.0 & slick 3.0.0
import scala.reflect.macros.Context
import scala.language.experimental.macros
object TableQueryBuilderMacro {
def createBuilderImpl[T<:AbstractTable[_]:c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context) = {
import c.universe._
val T = weakTypeOf[T]
q"""new TableQueryBuilder[$T]{
def apply(): TableQuery[$T] = {
trait TableQueryBuilder[T<:AbstractTable[_]] {
def apply(): TableQuery[T]
object TableQueryBuilder {
implicit def builderForTable[T<:AbstractTable[_]]: TableQueryBuilder[T] = macro TableQueryBuilderMacro.createBuilderImpl[T]
def build[T<:AbstractTable[_]:TableQueryBuilder](): TableQuery[T] = implicitly[TableQueryBuilder[T]].apply()
The net effect is that you don't need anymore to know the concrete value of the type T in order to be able to instantiate a TableQuery[T],
provided that you have an implicit instance of TableQueryBuilder[T] in scope. In other words, you can shift the need to know the concrete value of T
up to the point where you actually know it.
MyBase (now a class) can then be implemented like this:
class MyBase[M, T <: Table[M] : TableQueryBuilder] {
lazy val query: TableQuery[T] =[T]
And you can then extend it without the need to explcitly call TableQuery.apply:
class Coffees(tag: Tag) extends Table[(String, Double)](tag, "COFFEES") {
def name = column[String]("COF_NAME")
def price = column[Double]("PRICE")
def * = (name, price)
class Derived extends MyBase[(String, Double), Coffees] // That's it!
What happens here is that in Derived's constructor, an implicit value for TableQueryBuilder[Coffees] is implicitly
passed to MyBase's constructor.
The reason why you cannot apply this pattern if MyBase were a trait is pretty mundane: trait constructors cannot have parameters, let alone implicit parameters, so there would be no implicit way
to pass the TableQueryBuilder instance.


Prohibit generating of apply for case class

I'm writing a type-safe code and want to replace apply() generated for case classes with my own implementation. Here it is:
import shapeless._
sealed trait Data
case object Remote extends Data
case object Local extends Data
case class SomeClass(){
type T <: Data
object SomeClass {
type Aux[TT] = SomeClass { type T = TT }
def apply[TT <: Data](implicit ev: TT =:!= Data): SomeClass.Aux[TT] = new SomeClass() {type T = TT}
val t: SomeClass = SomeClass() // <------------------ still compiles, bad
val tt: SomeClass.Aux[Remote.type] = SomeClass.apply[Remote.type] //compiles, good
val ttt: SomeClass.Aux[Data] = SomeClass.apply[Data] //does not compile, good
I want to prohibit val t: SomeClass = SomeClass() from compiling. Is it possible to do somehow except do not SomeClass to be case class?
There is a solution that is usually used if you want to provide some smart constructor and the default one would break your invariants. To make sure that only you can create the instance you should:
prevent using apply
prevent using new
prevent using .copy
prevent extending class where a child could call the constructor
This is achieved by this interesing patten:
sealed abstract case class MyCaseClass private (value: String)
object MyCaseClass {
def apply(value: String) = {
// checking invariants and stuff
new MyCaseClass(value) {}
abstract prevents generation of .copy and apply
sealed prevents extending this class (final wouldn't allow abstract)
private constructor prevents using new
While it doesn't look pretty it's pretty much bullet proof.
As #LuisMiguelMejíaSuárez pointed out this is not necessary in your exact case, but in general that could be used to deal with edge cases of case class with a smart constructor.
In Scala 3 you only need to do
case class MyCaseClass private (value: String)
and it will prevent usage of: apply, new and copy from outside of this class and its companion.
This behavior was ported to Scala 2.13 with option -Xsource:3 enabled. You have to use at least 2.13.2 as in 2.13.1 this flag doesn't fix the issue.
So you can make the constructor private and ensure that T is also something different to Nothing.
I believe the best way to ensure the constructor is private (as well as many other things as #MateuszKubuszok show) is to use a (sealed) trait instead of a class:
(if you can not use a trait for whatever reasons, please refer to Mateusz's answer)
import shapeless._
sealed trait Data
final case object Remote extends Data
final case object Local extends Data
sealed trait SomeClass {
type T <: Data
object SomeClass {
type Aux[TT] = SomeClass { type T = TT }
def apply[TT <: Data](implicit ev1: TT =:!= Data, ev2: TT =:!= Nothing): Aux[TT] =
new SomeClass { override final type T = TT }
Which works like this:
SomeClass() // Does not compile.
SomeClass.apply[Remote.type] // Compiles.
SomeClass.apply[Data] // Does not compile.
You can see it running here.
If you want to prohibit using some of auto-generated methods of a case class you can define the methods (with proper signature) manually (then they will not be generated) and make them private (or private[this]).
object SomeClass {
type Aux[TT] = SomeClass { type T = TT }
def apply[TT <: Data](implicit ev: TT =:!= Data): SomeClass.Aux[TT] = new SomeClass() {type T = TT}
private def apply(): SomeClass = ??? // added
val t: SomeClass = SomeClass() // doesn't compile
val tt: SomeClass.Aux[Remote.type] = SomeClass.apply[Remote.type] //compiles
val ttt: SomeClass.Aux[Data] = SomeClass.apply[Data] //doesn't compile
In principle, the methods (apply, unapply, copy, hashCode, toString) can be generated not by compiler itself but with macro annotations. Then you can choose any subset of them and modify their generation as you want.
Generate apply methods creating a class
how to efficiently/cleanly override a copy method
Also the methods can be generated using Shapeless case classes a la carte. Then you can switch on/off the methods as desired too.

Scala type classes with constructor dependency injection

I'm trying to figure out how to get traditional constructor-based dependency injection to work with type class patterns.
For example, given
trait MyTypeClass[A] {
def doSomething(a: A): Unit
class TypeClasses(prefix: String) {
implicit val stringTC = new MyTypeClass[String] {
def doSomething(a: String) = println(s"$prefix a")
implicit val intTc = new MyTypeClass[Int] {
def doSomething(a: Int) = println(s"s$prefix $a")
class MyLogic {
def doSomething[A](a: A)(implicit myTypeClass: MyTypeClass[A]) = myTypeClass.doSomething(a)
doSomething("Hello world")
What would be the best way to get the implicit type class instances inside an instance of TypeClasses into MyLogic?
The only things I've come up with are to either
a) Inject an instance of TypeClasses into MyLogic in the constructor, and then import instanceOfTypeClasses._. However this has the downside that it has to be repeated every class, and subclasses can't inherit the import.
or b) make TypeClasses a trait, prefix a def, and have MyLogic extend TypeClasses and then dependency inject an instance for prefix in the constructor. However this becomes messy as it's allowing the dependencies for TypeClasses to bleed into MyLogic.
In case you need dependency injection, as I may assume from your tags, you may try to use distage (slides) DI framework for Scala (disclaimer: I'm the author).
It supports typeclass instance injection.
Because your typeclass instances are created dynamically in the TypeClasses class,
you have to add a TypeClasses constructor parameter in every class that needs
to call a function that requires a typeclass instance.
But, you can remove the import typeclasses._ boilerplate by creating implicit
defs that would extract the instances from the TypeClasses object when it's available as an implicit:
trait MyTypeClass[A] {
def doSomething(a: A): Unit
object MyTypeClass {
implicit def intFromTypeClasses(implicit typeClasses: TypeClasses): MyTypeClass[Int] = typeClasses.intTc
implicit def stringFromTypeClasses(implicit typeClasses: TypeClasses): MyTypeClass[String] = typeClasses.stringTC
Because the implicit defs are defined in the companion object for MyTypeClass they will always be available without any imports.
Then you should add TypeClasses as an implicit parameter in MyLogic, this would make it available for implicit defs to extract instances from:
class MyLogic(implicit typeClasses: TypeClasses) {
def doSomething[A](a: A)(implicit myTypeClass: MyTypeClass[A]) = myTypeClass.doSomething(a)
doSomething("Hello world")
// same as doSomething("Hello world")(MyTypeClass.stringFromTypeClasses(typeClasses))
Then, in distage, declare the following bindings
import distage._
class MyAppModule extends ModuleDef {
And everything is wired:
val ctx: Locator = Injector().produce(new MyAppModule)
implicit val typeClasses = ctx.get[TypeClasses]
ctx.get[MyLogic].doSomething("Hello world")

Scala method Inferred generic type

So I have this simple Scala trait with a method that requires a type parameter specified.
The DAO class extends the trait and uses the trait's method. Even if I do not provide a concrete type to the method, the code still compiles, and I suppose this is achieved by Scala auto inferring the generic type (guessing what the type value should be)? Is it right?
And also how does Scala infer types in situations like this in general?
Thanks a lot!!
class DAO #Inject()(val configProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends
ManagementAppDatabase {
private val users = TableQuery[UserTable]
def findUserByEmail(email: String): Future[Option[User]] = {
execute(users.filter( === email).result.headOption)
trait ManagementAppDatabase {
val configProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider
def execute[T](dBIO:DBIO[T]): Future[T] = configProvider.get[JdbcProfile]
It's not a guess, the compiler can infer the type in this case as the object passed to the method has the type defined:
def execute[T](dBIO:DBIO[T]): Future[T] = configProvider.get[JdbcProfile]
So if you pass a type DBIO[Int], the compiler can fill in the rest:
def execute[Int](dBIO:DBIO[Int]): Future[Int] = configProvider.get[JdbcProfile]

Return class instance using generic inside companion object for method specified in trait

In Scala I want to return a instance of a class for a method defined in a trait which uses generics, the code example I have is this:
File 1
package packOne
import packTwo.A
trait MyTrait[T <: MyTrait[T <: A]] {
def otherFunct(): String
def funct[T <: A](): T
File 2
package packTwo
import packOne.MyTrait
abstract class A(someParameter: String) {}
class B(someParameter: String) extends A(someParameter) {}
object B extends MyTrait[B] { // <--- the B inside MyTrait here is the class not the object, or at least that is what I want
def otherFunct(): String = "Hello"
def funct[B](): C = new B("hi") // <--- I think here is the key
basically what I want is an interface that have method to return a concrete implementation of class A, in an implementing object (which happen to be a companion object for a class extending A).
Why do I want that to be on an object?, is because I want to call that method without the need of an instance (like an static method in java), so that I can call B.funct() and have an instance of B class kind of like a factory method, for other classes extending A for example a call to X.funct will return an instance of class X.
I have tried to remove the generic type from the function definition except on the return type of the function and just leave it in the trait definition (like def funct(): T) but that does not work either.
I am quite new to Scala so if you could explain it for dummies and avoid complex scala unique concepts I would appreciate
How about simply:
trait A
class B(someParameter: String) extends A
trait MyTrait[T <: A] {
def otherFunct: String //Parentheses on parameterless methods with no side effects and no serious computation are generally unidiomatic in Scala
def funct: T //Note, no generic parameter on this method
object B extends MyTrait[B] {
def otherFunct = "Hello"
def funct = new B("hi")
And then:
B.funct //returns a new `B`
The apply method is often used in this factory style (e.g. Seq.apply() which is equivalent to Seq())

How to define generic type in Scala?

In Slick 2, we can map tables like this:
case class Cooler(id: Option[Int], minTemp: Option[Double], maxTemp: Option[Double])
* Define table "cooler".
class Coolers(tag: Tag) extends Table[Cooler](tag, "cooler") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def minTemp = column[Double]("min_temp", O.Nullable)
def maxTemp = column[Double]("max_temp", O.Nullable)
def * = (id.?, minTemp.?, maxTemp.?) <> (Cooler.tupled, Cooler.unapply _)
object Coolers {
val tableQuery = TableQuery[Coolers]
because I have a lot of tables, I want to define generic methods for them, like find, delete, update so I have to define these methods in a super class from where to extend my objects (object Coolers extends TableUtils[Coolers, Cooler]). In order to define those methods, I need tableQuery to move out of my object in this super class, so I tried it like:
abstract class TableUtils[T <: Table[A] , A] {
val tableQuery = TableQuery[T]
but I receive an error on tableQuery definition:
class type required but T found
Does anybody know what I am doing wrong?
When you do TableQuery[T] you are in fact calling TableQuery.apply, which is actually a macro.
The body of this macro tries to instantiate T, but in your case T has become an (unknown) type parameter that the compiler does not know how to instantiate. The problem is similar to trying to compile this:
def instantiate[T]: T = new T
// Does not compile ("class type required but T found")
The net effect is that TableQuery.apply can only be used on concrete types.
You could work around that using a type class to capture the call to TableQuery.apply (at the point where the concrete type is known) along with an implicit macro to provide an instance of this type class. Then you would have something like:
abstract class TableUtils[T <: Table[A] : TableQueryBuilder, A] {
val tableQuery = BuildTableQuery[T]
Where TableQueryBuilder is the type class and BuildTableQuery is an alternate version of TableQuery.apply that will forward to the TableQueryBuilder instance to perform the actual instantiation.
I've added an implementation as part of another answer here.
It will be much easier (if less convenient) to just declare tableQuery as an abstract value and define it in every concrete derived class of TableUtils:
abstract class TableUtils[T <: Table[A] , A] {
val tableQuery: TableQuery[T, T#TableElementType]
// define here your helper methods operating on `tableQuery`
object Coolers extends TableUtils[Coolers, Cooler] {
val tableQuery = TableQuery[Coolers]
Here is one solution:
At first, define this to avoid class type issue..
class Service[T <: Table[_]](path: String, cons: Tag => T){
lazy val db = Database.forConfig(path)
def query = TableQuery[T](cons)
Then use it this way, Post is sub class of Table:
object Abcd {
object Def extends Service[Post]("mydb", abc) {
def test = {
val q = query.drop(1).take(20)
val r =
private def abc(tag: Tag) = new Post(tag)
This solution tested ok in slick 3.x, and Play slick 1.x, since the slick 2.0 Query.scala comply to slick 3.0 Query.scala, this might work at 2 too.