Dynamic ZK Chart Type & Model: Unsupported model type Error - zk

I'm creating a dashboard application which requires me to allow user to change the chart type to any other available chart type and reload the org.zkoss.chart.Charts .
Charts charts = (Charts) dashboardBuilderCanvas.getFellow(chartsId);
I can get the Charts, but when I want to change the type or the model from Column chart to Pie Chart:
I get the following error:
Unsupported model type [org.zkoss.chart.model.DefaultCategoryModel#5665ad96] on that line.
I tried to do this:
PieModel model = new
But I get the same error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported model type [org.zkoss.chart.model.DefaultCategoryModel#5e92429a]
at org.zkoss.chart.impl.PiePlotImpl.drawPlot(PiePlotImpl.java:33)
at org.zkoss.chart.Charts.doSmartDraw(Charts.java:2197)
at org.zkoss.chart.Charts.smartDrawChart(Charts.java:1702)
at org.zkoss.chart.Charts.setType(Charts.java:662)
How can I resolve this?

Call setType before setModel
PieModel model = new DefaultPieModel();


TYPO3 9.5 Extension Builder throws Exception

I try to create a new TYPO3 extension with the Extension Builder and get the following error:
Extension could not be saved: Could not generate action controller, error: PHP Warning: First parameter must either be an object or the name of an existing class in /var/www/html/public/typo3conf/ext/extension_builder/Classes/Parser/Utility/NodeConverter.php line 240
TYPO3 9.5.23
extension_builder 9.10.3
I tried two different installations (one is a plain installation with introduction_package).
Just very simple extension with
1 FE-Plugin
As soon as I add a model with a default action or a second table with a relation I get this error.

SAPUI5 Annotation structure cannot read property 'IndexOf' undefined

I've created a local annotation file based on an OData service.
And even without adding any annotations to the new annotation file, when I open Annotation modeler it says
Annotation structure cannot read property 'IndexOf' undefined
And I have not defined any annotations from the service level.
And Even I add some annotaions using the Code view they also not display when I run the application
When I check the console it displays following error
2018-08-09 12:18:45.755000 TypeError: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
at Object.getAbsolutePath (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/plugins/pluginrepository/annotationmodeler/client/v1.33.1_1526463231420/config-preload.js:1:136)
at Object.<anonymous> (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/plugins/pluginrepository/annotationmodeler/client/v1.33.1_1526463231420/config-preload.js:9:17064)
at r (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:43:4628)
at r._settlePromiseFromHandler (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:42:23011)
at r._settlePromise (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:42:23814)
at r._settlePromise0 (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:42:24515)
at r._settlePromises (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:42:25845)
at r._drainQueue (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:41:12469)
at r._drainQueues (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:41:12530)
at drainQueues (https://webide-hf01c42be.dispatcher.us3.hana.ondemand.com/resources/~3502d451b8b72165ef3cf2fa0789ca9b3430f76e~/sap/watt/core/Core-preload.js:41:10559) -

Value of type 'UIImageView' has no member 'agCKImageAsset'

I'm using AGCKImage to download images from cloud kit
self.img_ProfilePic.agCKImageAsset(record.recordID, assetKey: "profilePic")
self.img_Cover.agCKImageAsset(record.recordID, assetKey: "coverPic")
However I am getting the following error, Value of type UIImageView has no member 'agCKImageAsset'

Can I use FLP without default model ?

My json model url is '/destinations/XXX/Collection?time=' + (+new Date) I don't know how to configure it in minifest of Component.js , so I delete the sap.app.dataSources and sap.ui.models."" (the defalut model? ) , and the flp app gave me this error:
Failed to load U5 component for navigation intent
TypeError: Cannot read property 'metadataLoaded' of undefined
What should I do ?
i have a couple of links that should get you up and running (I am assuming you are developping on webIDE in SAP HCP (is that correct?)):
How to setup destinations, you need extra properties: WebIDEUsage = odata_gen and WebIDEEnabled = true.
You should then go into your manifest.json and choose Descriptor Editor and choose Data Sources and under OData Services choose the + to add your service.
More information on manifest.json you can find here: Documentation on Manifest

Validation / Error Messages in ASP.Net MVC 2 View Unrelated to a Property

What pattern can I use to display errors on an MVC 2 view that are not related to a single property?
For example, when I call a web service to process form data, the web service may return an error or throw an exception. I would like to display a user-friendly version of that error, but have no logical means to relate the error to any given property of the model.
Trying to use this code as suggested, but no summary message is displayed:
Html.ValidationSummary(false, "Oopps it didn't work.");
ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError("_FORM", "My custom error message.");
// Also tried this: ViewData.ModelState.AddModelError(string.Empty, "My custom error message.");
return View();
What does this mean?
next to each field.
Instead of always displaying all
validation errors, the
Html.ValidationSummary helper method
has a new option to display only
model-level errors. This enables
model-level errors to be displayed in
the validation summary and
field-specific errors to be displayed
next to each field.
Source: http://www.asp.net/learn/whitepapers/what-is-new-in-aspnet-mvc#_TOC3_14
Specifically, how does one add a model level error (as opposed to a field-specific error) to the model?
I noticed this morning that Html.ValidationSummary is not displaying any errors at all, not even property errors. Trying to sort out why.
Simply adding a custom error to the ModelState object in conjunction with the ValidationSummary() extension method should do the trick. I use something like "_FORM" for the key... just so it won't conflict with any fields.
As far as patterns go, I have it setup so that my Business Logic Layer (called via services from the controller) will throw a custom exception if anything expected goes wrong that I want to display on the view. This custom exception contains a Dictionary<string, string> property that has any errors that I should add to ModelState.