MATLAB - Exponential Curve Fitting without Toolbox - matlab

I have data points (x, y) that I need to fit an exponential function to,
y = A + B * exp(C * x),
but I can neither use the Curve Fitting Toolbox nor the Optimization Toolbox.
User rayryeng was good enough to help me with working code:
x = [0 0.0036 0.0071 0.0107 0.0143 0.0178 0.0214 0.0250 0.0285 0.0321 0.0357 0.0392 0.0428 0.0464 0.0464];
y = [1.3985 1.3310 1.2741 1.2175 1.1694 1.1213 1.0804 1.0395 1.0043 0.9691 0.9385 0.9080 0.8809 0.7856 0.7856];
M = [ones(numel(x),1), x(:)]; %// Ensure x is a column vector
lny = log(y(:)); %// Ensure y is a column vector and take ln
X = M\lny; %// Solve for parameters
A = exp(X(1)); %// Solve for A
b = X(2); %// Get b
xval = linspace(min(x), max(x));
yval = A*exp(b*xval);
However, this code only fits the equation without offset
y = A * exp(B * x).
How can I extend this code to fit the three-parameter equation?
In another attempt, I managed to fit the function using fminsearch:
function [xval, yval] = curve_fitting_exponential_1_optimized(x,y,xval)
start_point = rand(1, 3);
model = #expfun;
est = fminsearch(model, start_point);
function [sse, FittedCurve] = expfun(params)
A = params(1);
B = params(2);
C = params(3);
FittedCurve = A + B .* exp(-C * x);
ErrorVector = FittedCurve - y;
sse = sum(ErrorVector .^ 2);
yval = est(1)+est(2) * exp(-est(3) * xval);
The problem here is that the result depends on the starting point which is randomly chosen, so I don't get a stable solution. But since I need the function for automatization, I need something stable. How can I get a stable solution?

How to adapt rayryeng's code for three parameters?
rayryeng used the strategy to linearize a nonlinear equation so that standard regression methods can be applied. See also Jubobs' answer to a similar question.
This strategy does no longer work if there is a non-zero offset A. We can fix the situation by getting a rough estimate of the offset. As rubenvb mentioned in the comments, we could estimate A by min(y), but then the logarithm gets applied to a zero. Instead, we could leave a bit of space between our guess of A and the minimum of the data, say half its range. Then we subtract A from the data and use rayreng's method:
x = x(:); % bring the data into the standard, more
y = y(:); % convenient format of column vectors
Aguess = min(y) - (max(y) - min(y) / 2;
guess = [ones(size(x)), -x] \ log(y - Aguess);
Bguess = exp(guess(1));
Cguess = guess(2);
For the given data, this results in
Aguess = 0.4792
Bguess = 0.9440
Cguess = 21.7609
Other than for the two-parameter situation, we cannot expect this to be a good fit. Its SSE is 0.007331.
How to get a stable solution?
This guess is however useful as a starting point for the nonlinear optimization:
start_point = [Aguess, Bguess, Cguess];
est = fminsearch(#expfun, start_point);
Aest = est(1);
Best = est(2);
Cest = est(3);
Now the optimization arrives at a stable estimate, because the computation is deterministic:
Aest = -0.1266
Best = 1.5106
Cest = 10.2314
The SSE of this estimate is 0.004041.
This is what the data (blue dots) and fitted curves (green: guess, red: optimized) look like:

Here is the whole function in all its glory - special thanks to A. Donda!
function [xval, yval] = curve_fitting_exponential_1_optimized(x,y,xval)
x = x(:); % bring the data into the standard, more convenient format of column vectors
y = y(:);
Aguess = min(y) - (max(y)-min(y)) / 2;
guess = [ones(size(x)), -x] \ log(y - Aguess);
Bguess = exp(guess(1));
Cguess = guess(2);
start_point = [Aguess, Bguess, Cguess];
est = fminsearch(#expfun, start_point);
function [sse, FittedCurve] = expfun(params)
A = params(1);
B = params(2);
C = params(3);
FittedCurve = A + B .* exp(-C * x);
ErrorVector = FittedCurve - y;
sse = sum(ErrorVector .^ 2);
yval = est(1)+est(2) * exp(-est(3) * xval);


Trouble using Runge-Kutta 2nd-order shooting method in Matlab

I'm having some issues getting my RK2 algorithm to work for a certain second-order linear differential equation. I have posted my current code (with the provided parameters) below. For some reason, the value of y1 deviates from the true value by a wider margin each iteration. Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
f = #(x,y1,y2) [y2; (1+y2)/x];
a = 1;
b = 2;
alpha = 0;
beta = 1;
n = 21;
h = (b-a)/(n-1);
yexact = #(x) 2*log(x)/log(2) - x +1;
ye = yexact((a:h:b)');
s = (beta - alpha)/(b - a);
y0 = [alpha;s];
[y1, y2] = RungeKuttaTwo2D(f, a, b, h, y0);
error = abs(ye - y1);
function [y1, y2] = RungeKuttaTwo2D(f, a, b, h, y0)
n = floor((b-a)/h);
y1 = zeros(n+1,1); y2 = y1;
y1(1) = y0(1); y2(1) = y0(2);
for i=1:n-1
ti = a+(i-1)*h;
fvalue1 = f(ti,y1(i),y2(i));
k1 = h*fvalue1;
fvalue2 = f(ti+h/2,y1(i)+k1(1)/2,y2(i)+k1(2)/2);
k2 = h*fvalue2;
y1(i+1) = y1(i) + k2(1);
y2(i+1) = y2(i) + k2(2);
Your exact solution is wrong. It is possible that your differential equation is missing a minus sign.
y2'=(1+y2)/x has as its solution y2(x)=C*x-1 and as y1'=y2 then y1(x)=0.5*C*x^2-x+D.
If the sign in the y2 equation were flipped, y2'=-(1+y2)/x, one would get y2(x)=C/x-1 with integral y1(x)=C*log(x)-x+D, which contains the given exact solution.
0=y1(1) = -1+D ==> D=1
1=y1(2) = C*log(2)-1 == C=1/log(2)
Additionally, the arrays in the integration loop have length n+1, so that the loop has to be from i=1 to n. Else the last element remains zero, which gives wrong residuals for the second boundary condition.
Correcting that and enlarging the computation to one secant step finds the correct solution for the discretization, as the ODE is linear. The error to the exact solution is bounded by 0.000285, which is reasonable for a second order method with step size 0.05.

Vectorize a regression map calculation

I compute the regression map of a time series A(t) on a field B(x,y,t) in the following way:
A=1:10; %time
B=rand(100,100,10); %x,y,time
for ii=size(B,1)
for jj=1:size(B,2)
tmp = cov(A,squeeze(B(ii,jj,:))); %covariance matrix
rc(ii,jj) = tmp(1,2); %covariance A and B
rc = rc/var(A); %regression coefficient
Is there a way to vectorize/speed up code? Or maybe some built-in function that I did not know of to achieve the same result?
In order to vectorize this algorithm, you would have to "get your hands dirty" and compute the covariance yourself. If you take a look inside cov you'll see that it has many lines of input checking and very few lines of actual computation, to summarize the critical steps:
y = varargin{1};
x = x(:);
y = y(:);
x = [x y];
[m,~] = size(x);
denom = m - 1;
xc = x - sum(x,1)./m; % Remove mean
c = (xc' * xc) ./ denom;
To simplify the above somewhat:
x = [x(:) y(:)];
m = size(x,1);
xc = x - sum(x,1)./m;
c = (xc' * xc) ./ (m - 1);
Now this is something that is fairly straightforward to vectorize...
function q51466884
A = 1:10; %time
B = rand(200,200,10); %x,y,time
%% Test Equivalence:
assert( norm(sol1-sol2) < 1E-10);
%% Benchmark:
disp([timeit(#sol1), timeit(#sol2)]);
function rc = sol1()
for ii=1:size(B,1)
for jj=1:size(B,2)
tmp = cov(A,squeeze(B(ii,jj,:))); %covariance matrix
rc(ii,jj) = tmp(1,2); %covariance A and B
rc = rc/var(A); %regression coefficient
function rC = sol2()
m = numel(A);
rB = reshape(B,[],10).'; % reshape
% Center:
cA = A(:) - sum(A)./m;
cB = rB - sum(rB,1)./m;
% Multiply:
rC = reshape( (cA.' * cB) ./ (m-1), size(B(:,:,1)) ) ./ var(A);
I get these timings: [0.5381 0.0025] which means we saved two orders of magnitude in the runtime :)
Note that a big part of optimizing the algorithm is assuming you don't have any "strangeness" in your data, like NaN values etc. Take a look inside cov.m to see all the checks that we skipped.

Code wont produce the value of a definite integral in MATLAB

I've had problems with my code as I've tried to make an integral compute, but it will not for the power, P2.
I've tried using anonymous function handles to use the integral() function on MATLAB as well as just using int(), but it will still not compute. Are the values too small for MATLAB to integrate or am I just missing something small?
Any help or advice would be appreciated to push me in the right direction. Thanks!
The problem in the code is in the bottom of the section labelled "Power Calculations". My integral also gets quite messy if that makes a difference.
%%%%%%%%%%% Parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%
n0 = 1; %air
n1 = 1.4; %layer 1
n2 = 2.62; %layer 2
n3 = 3.5; %silicon
L0 = 650*10^(-9); %centre wavelength
L1 = 200*10^(-9): 10*10^(-9): 2200*10^(-9); %lambda from 200nm to 2200nm
x = ((pi./2).*(L0./L1)); %layer phase thickness
r01 = ((n0 - n1)./(n0 + n1)); %reflection coefficient 01
r12 = ((n1 - n2)./(n1 + n2)); %reflection coefficient 12
r23 = ((n2 - n3)./(n2 + n3)); %reflection coefficient 23
t01 = ((2.*n0)./(n0 + n1)); %transmission coefficient 01
t12 = ((2.*n1)./(n1 + n2)); %transmission coefficient 12
t23 = ((2.*n2)./(n2 + n3)); %transmission coefficient 23
Q1 = [1 r01; r01 1]; %Matrix Q1
Q2 = [1 r12; r12 1]; %Matrix Q2
Q3 = [1 r23; r23 1]; %Matrix Q3
%%%%%%%%%%%% Graph of L vs R %%%%%%%%%%%
R = zeros(size(x));
for i = 1:length(x)
P = [exp(j.*x(i)) 0; 0 exp(-j.*x(i))]; %General Matrix P
T = ((1./(t01.*t12.*t23)).*(Q1*P*Q2*P*Q3)); %Transmission
T11 = T(1,1); %T11 value
T21 = T(2,1); %T21 value
R(i) = ((abs(T21./T11))^2).*100; %Percent reflectivity
title('Percent Reflectance vs. wavelength for 2 Layers')
xlabel('Wavelength (m)')
ylabel('Reflectance (%)')
%%%%%%%%%%% Power Calculation %%%%%%%%%%
syms L; %General lamda
y = ((pi./2).*(L0./L)); %Layer phase thickness with variable Lamda
P1 = [exp(j.*y) 0; 0 exp(-j.*y)]; %Matrix P with variable Lambda
T1 = ((1./(t01.*t12.*t23)).*(Q1*P1*Q2*P1*Q3)); %Transmittivity matrix T1
I = ((6.16^(15))./((L.^(5)).*exp(2484./L) - 1)); %Blackbody Irradiance
Tf11 = T1(1,1); %New T11 section of matrix with variable Lambda
Tf2 = (((abs(1./Tf11))^2).*(n3./n0)); %final transmittivity
P1 = Tf2.*I; %Power before integration
L_initial = 200*10^(-9); %Initial wavelength
L_final = 2200*10^(-9); %Final wavelength
P2 = int(P1, L, L_initial, L_final) %Power production
I've refactored your code
to make it easier to read
to improve code reuse
to improve performance
to make it easier to understand
Why do you use so many unnecessary parentheses?!
Anyway, there's a few problems I saw in your code.
You used i as a loop variable, and j as the imaginary unit. It was OK for this one instance, but just barely so. In the future it's better to use 1i or 1j for the imaginary unit, and/or m or ii or something other than i or j as the loop index variable. You're helping yourself and your colleagues; it's just less confusing that way.
Towards the end, you used the variable name P1 twice in a row, and in two different ways. Although it works here, it's confusing! Took me a while to unravel why a matrix-producing function was producing scalars instead...
But by far the biggest problem in your code is the numerical problems with the blackbody irradiance computation. The term
L⁵ · exp(2484/L) - 1
for λ₀ = 200 · 10⁻⁹ m will require computing the quantity
exp(1.242 · 10¹⁰)
which, needless to say, is rather difficult for a computer :) Actually, the problem with your computation is two-fold. First, the exponentiation is definitely out of range of 64 bit IEEE-754 double precision, and will therefore result in ∞. Second, the parentheses are wrong; Planck's law should read
C/L⁵ · 1/(exp(D) - 1)
with C and D the constants (involving Planck's constant, speed of light, and Boltzmann constant), which you've presumably precomputed (I didn't check the values. I do know choice of units can mess these up, so better check).
So, aside from the silly parentheses error, I suspect the main problem is that you simply forgot to rescale λ to nm. Changing everything in the blackbody equation to nm and correcting those parentheses gives the code
I = 6.16^(15) / ( (L*1e+9)^5 * (exp(2484/(L*1e+9)) - 1) );
With this, I got a finite value for the integral of
P2 = 1.052916498836486e-010
But, again, you'd better double-check everything.
Note that I used quadgk(), because it's one of the better ones available on R2010a (which I'm stuck with), but you can just as easily replace this with integral() available on anything newer than R2012a.
Here's the code I ended up with:
function pwr = my_fcn()
% Parameters
n0 = 1; % air
n1 = 1.4; % layer 1
n2 = 2.62; % layer 2
n3 = 3.5; % silicon
L0 = 650e-9; % centre wavelength
% Reflection coefficients
r01 = (n0 - n1)/(n0 + n1);
r12 = (n1 - n2)/(n1 + n2);
r23 = (n2 - n3)/(n2 + n3);
% Transmission coefficients
t01 = (2*n0) / (n0 + n1);
t12 = (2*n1) / (n1 + n2);
t23 = (2*n2) / (n2 + n3);
% Quality factors
Q1 = [1 r01; r01 1];
Q2 = [1 r12; r12 1];
Q3 = [1 r23; r23 1];
% Initial & Final wavelengths
L_initial = 200e-9;
L_final = 2200e-9;
% plot reflectivity for selected lambda range
plot_reflectivity(L_initial, L_final, 1000);
% Compute power production
pwr = quadgk(#power_production, L_initial, L_final);
% Helper functions
% ========================================
% Graph of lambda vs reflectivity
function plot_reflectivity(L_initial, L_final, N)
L = linspace(L_initial, L_final, N);
R = zeros(size(L));
for ii = 1:numel(L)
% Transmission
T = transmittivity(L(ii));
% Percent reflectivity
R(ii) = 100 * abs(T(2,1)/T(1,1))^2 ;
plot(L, R)
title('Percent Reflectance vs. wavelength for 2 Layers')
xlabel('Wavelength (m)')
ylabel('Reflectance (%)')
% Compute transmittivity matrix for a single wavelength
function T = transmittivity(L)
% Layer phase thickness with variable Lamda
y = pi/2 * L0/L;
% Matrix P with variable Lambda
P1 = [exp(+1j*y) 0
0 exp(-1j*y)];
% Transmittivity matrix T1
T = 1/(t01*t12*t23) * Q1*P1*Q2*P1*Q3;
% Power for a specific wavelength. Note that this function
% accepts vector-valued wavelengths; needed for quadgk()
function pwr = power_production(L)
pwr = zeros(size(L));
for ii = 1:numel(L)
% Transmittivity matrix
T1 = transmittivity(L(ii));
% Blackbody Irradiance
I = 6.16^(15) / ( (L(ii)*1e+9)^5 * (exp(2484/(L(ii)*1e+9)) - 1) );
% final transmittivity
Tf2 = abs(1/T1(1))^2 * n3/n0;
% Power before integration
pwr(ii) = Tf2 * I;

Interpolation using polyfit (Matlab)

My script is supposed to run Runge-Kutta and then interpolate around the tops using polyfit to calculate the max values of the tops. I seem to get the x-values of the max points correct but the y-values are off for some reason. Have sat with it for 3 days now. The problem should be In the last for-loop when I calculate py?
function funk = FU(t,u)
L0 = 1;
C = 1*10^-6;
funk = [u(2); 2.*u(1).*u(2).^2./(1+u(1).^2) - u(1).*(1+u(1).^2)./(L0.*C)];
%Runge kutta
clear all
close all
%Given values
U0 = [240 1200 2400];
L0 = 1;
C = 1*10^-6;
T = 0.003;
h = 0.000001;
W = [];
% Runge-Kutta 4
for i = 1:3
u0 = [0;U0(i)];
u = u0;
U = u;
tt = 0:h:T;
for t=tt(1:end-1)
k1 = FU(t,u);
k2 = FU(t+0.5*h,u+0.5*h*k1);
k3 = FU((t+0.5*h),(u+0.5*h*k2));
k4 = FU((t+h),(u+k3*h));
u = u + (1/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)*h;
U = [U u];
W = [W;U];
I1 = W(1,:); I2 = W(3,:); I3 = W(5,:);
dI1 = W(2,:); dI2 = W(4,:); dI3 = W(6,:);
I = [I1; I2; I3];
dI = [dI1; dI2; dI3];
%Plot of the currents
figure (1)
hold on
legend('U0 = 240','U0 = 1200','U0 = 2400')
BB = [];
d = 2;
px = [];
py = [];
format short
for l = 1:3
p = polyfit(Area,I(Index(l)-2:Index(l)+2),4);
rotp(1,:) = roots([4*p(1),3*p(2),2*p(3),p(4)]);
B = rotp(1,2);
BB = [BB B];
%px1 = linspace(h*(Index(l)-d-1),h*(Index(l)+d-2));
px1 = BB;
py1 = polyval(p,px1(1,l));
px = [px px1];
py = [py py1];
% Plots the max points
hold on
Your polyfit line should read:
p = polyfit(Area,I(l, Index(l)-2:Index(l)+2),4);
More interestingly, take note of the warnings you get about poor conditioning of that polynomial (I presume you're seeing these). Why? Partly because of numerical precision (your numbers are very small, scaled around 10^-6) and partly because you're asking for a 4th-order fit to five points (which is singular). To do this "better", use more input points (more than 5), or a lower-order polynomial fit (quadratic is usually plenty), and (probably) rescale before you use the polyfit tool.
Having said that, in practice this problem is often solved using three points and a quadratic fit, because it's computationally cheap and gives very nearly the same answers as more complex approaches, but you didn't get that from me (with noiseless data like this, it doesn't much matter anyway).

Fourth-order Runge–Kutta method (RK4) collapses after a few iterations

I'm trying to solve:
x' = 60*x - 0.2*x*y;
y' = 0.01*x*y - 100* y;
using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta algorithm.
Starting points: x(0) = 8000, y(0) = 300 range: [0,15]
Here's the complete function:
function [xx yy time r] = rk4_m(x,y,step)
A = 0;
B = 15;
h = step;
t = tic;
xh2 = x;
yh2 = y;
rr = zeros(floor(15/step)-1,1);
xx = zeros(floor(15/step)-1,1);
yy = zeros(floor(15/step)-1,1);
AA = zeros(1, floor(15/step)-1);
while( A < B)
A = A+h;
iteration = iteration + 1;
xx(iteration) = x;
yy(iteration) = y;
AA(iteration) = A;
[x y] = rkstep(x,y,h);
for h2=0:1
[xh2 yh2] = rkstep(xh2,yh2,h/2);
time = toc(t);
hold on
fprintf('x: %f\n', x);
fprintf('y: %f\n', y);
fprintf('A: %f\n', A);
fprintf('Time: %f\n', time);
function [xnext, ynext] = rkstep(xcur, ycur, h)
kx1 = f_prim_x(xcur,ycur);
ky1 = f_prim_y(xcur,ycur);
kx2 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h,ycur+0.5*h*kx1);
kx3 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h,ycur+0.5*h*kx2);
kx4 = f_prim_x(xcur+h,ycur+h*kx3);
ky2 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*ky1,ycur+0.5*h);
ky3 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*ky2,ycur+0.5*h);
ky4 = f_prim_y(xcur+h*ky2,ycur+h);
xnext = xcur + (1/6)*h*(kx1 + 2*kx2 + 2*kx3 + kx4);
ynext = ycur + (1/6)*h*(ky1 + 2*ky2 + 2*ky3 + ky4);
function [fx] = f_prim_x(x,y)
fx = 60*x - 0.2*x*y;
function [fy] = f_prim_y(x,y)
fy = 0.01*x*y - 100*y;
And I'm running it by executing: [xx yy time] = rk4_m(8000,300,10)
The problem is that everything collapses after 2-3 iterations returning useless results. What am I doing wrong? Or is just this method not appropriate for this kind equation?
The semicolons are intentionally omitted.
Looks like I didn't pay attention to actual h size. It works now! Thanks!
Looks like some form of the Lotka-Volterra equation?
I'm not sure if if your initial condition is [300;8000] or [8000;300] (you specify it both ways above), but regardless, you have an oscillatory system that you're trying to integrate with a large fixed time step that is (much) greater than the period of oscillation. This is why your error explodes. If you try increasing n (say, 1e6), you'll find that eventually you'll get a stable solution (assuming that your Runge-Kutta implementation is otherwise correct).
Is there a reason why you're not using Matlab's builtin ODE solvers, e.g. ode45 or ode15s?
function ode45demo
[t,y]=odeode45(#f,[0 15],[300;8000]);
function ydot=f(t,y)
ydot(1,1) = 60*y(1) - 0.2*y(1)*y(2);
ydot(2,1) = 0.01*y(1)*y(2) - 100*y(2);
You'll find that adaptive step size solvers are much more efficient for these types of oscillatory problems. Because your system has such a high frequency and seems rather stiff, I suggest that you also look at what ode15s gives and/or adjust the 'AbsTol' and 'RelTol' options with odeset.
The immediate problem is that the RK4 code was not completely evolved from the scalar case to the case of two coupled equations. Note that there is no time parameter in the derivative funtions. x and y are both dependent variables and thus get the slope update defined by the derivative functions in every step. Then xcur gets the kx updates and ycur gets the ky updates.
function [xnext, ynext] = rkstep(xcur, ycur, h)
kx1 = f_prim_x(xcur,ycur);
ky1 = f_prim_y(xcur,ycur);
kx2 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h*kx1,ycur+0.5*h*ky1);
ky2 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*kx1,ycur+0.5*h*ky1);
kx3 = f_prim_x(xcur+0.5*h*kx2,ycur+0.5*h*ky2);
ky3 = f_prim_y(xcur+0.5*h*kx2,ycur+0.5*h*ky2);
kx4 = f_prim_x(xcur+h*kx3,ycur+h*ky3);
ky4 = f_prim_y(xcur+h*kx3,ycur+h*ky3);
xnext = xcur + (1/6)*h*(kx1 + 2*kx2 + 2*kx3 + kx4);
ynext = ycur + (1/6)*h*(ky1 + 2*ky2 + 2*ky3 + ky4);