Android - how I can upload file and get response Url? -

I have some troubles with integrating Android app with
I would like to upload photo to my FilerPicker storage and get response url to this image.
I do not see any method for doing this.
There is example what I need working in web panel:

Are you using the web dialog on an android device? Or are you using the Filepicker android library?
If you are using the library, the answer should be here:
The URL is included in the FpFile object.


Share url in Flutter using share_plus doesn't show Safari in picker list

When sharing a URL, I need to list Safari in the picker dialog in iOS. I'm using share_plus version 6.2.0
Code: Share.share('')
Actual result:
Expected result(similar to News app on iOS):
I don't insist on this library. Any solution is appreciated.

can you load videos in flutter through an api?

I found this article to upload videos but it already has the urls of the videos written.
I need to pass the videos through an api.
Any ideas??
Check if your api endpoint Supports upload of binary files. If it does, check if you're given url of the location of the video

Android webview link not working in React Native

I have implemented a WebView in React Native. The web page will have input fields and based on the data we entered it redirects to another page.
It is working fine in iOS but not in Android.
After clicking on a component in WebView I am able to see the url change and params of the url in iOS but in Android the url is not getting changed.
Any help please.

Any way to upload image to pinterest with iOS SDK, maybe using a fileURL?

Hi I'm trying to find a way to post/upload a locally generated image to pinterest with iOS SDK.
I'm doing the pinterest integration with UIWebView given that there is no public API and tried to use for the image url a fileURLWithPath: with no success obviously.
Does anyone have any idea if this can be accomplished?
The pinterest app obviously allows you to upload/pin an image from the camera roll.
Is there any way to embed that kind of functionality in my app?
Thank you!
You will need to post using a multipart/form data type of request. Here is an example of how to do it.

HOW to open photo in iphone fb app from other app using fb:// url

I'm trying to set a QR code link that showing me a photo uploaded into a new album in Facebook by a remote script.
I saw this page: AKOSMA
I then added fb://photo/id to my qrcode generator script
On Android, the URL works!
on iPhone it loads the Facebook app and loads a white page with no photos.
What URL am I supposed to use?
I tried some other URLs that I read about in the link above, but it doesn't work.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem it's possible. I tried in may ways!
At the moment I am linking to the photo in mobile Safari: #""