SCM environment variables missing - jenkins-workflow

Usually, when using SCM like the Git Plugin, there are a bunch of environment variables that you can use (e.g. see these)
But neither the Git Step nor the Generic SCM seem to do that.
Is there a way to get these variables into the groovy env.* so that they can be used?
Something like this would be useful:
def commitMessage = sh 'git log --max-count=1 --oneline --no-merges | cut -b9-'
I can think of writing the results to a file and read them via the readFile() mehtod -- but is there an easier way to achieve this?

For the Record: I have the following code to get the branch-name:
stage 'preparation'
node {
// checkout branch
git branch: 'origin/master', url: ''
// write current branch-name to file
sh 'git branch -a --contains `git rev-parse HEAD` | grep origin | sed \'s!\\s*remotes/origin/\\(.*\\)!\\1!\' > git-branch.txt'
// read data from file into environment-variable
env.gitBranch = readFile('git-branch.txt').trim()
// let people know what's up
echo "testing branch ${env.gitBranch}"
The remainder of the flow-script is comprised of serveral parametrized jobs which get the env.gitBranch passed as parameter (among others, if needed).
Be sure to allow concurrent builds for the workflow to catch every updated branch.

See JENKINS-24141; these variables are not yet available from Workflow.
In the meantime, you are on the right track: run a git command to record any information you need, and use readFile to load it (see also JENKINS-26133).


Using the Github API is it possible to determine if a branch is ahead of the default branch?

Using the Github API (no local git commands), is it possible to compare a branch to see if it has any changes ahead of the default branch?
I'm building an auditing tool, and would like to identify branches that are candidates to be closed, because all of their changes exist in the default branch.
I want the same information that drives the charts on the branches page:
Is it possible to do get this information purely with the Github API?
You can:
get the default branch using
compare the specified branch to the default branch using compare two commits API and extract ahead_by & behind_by fields.
In that case it would be :
Example using bash, curl & jq :
default_branch=$(curl -s "" | jq -r '.default_branch')
curl -s "$branch...$default_branch" | \
jq -r '.ahead_by, .behind_by'

mercurial hg partial checkin

It is a very simple and stupid question,
I am working on 2 tasks and modified 2 sets of files in the code.
Now when I type 'hg ci', it checks in all the files. Can I remove certain files from the checkin i.e. do checking for only one task?
If I remove the files in the 'check in message' will they be removed from the checkin
Thanks for all the answers
This seems like a big flaw, My use case is very simple and general. Most of the time dev are working on various tasks , some are ready , some are not, bug fixes etc.
Now the only simple solution seems to be multiple local repos or clones
Use hg ci <files>... to commit only certain files in your working directory.
If you want to pick file by file you can use the record command. It ships with mercurial, but you have to turn it on if you want to use it by putting: record= in the [extensions] section of your ~/.hgrc.
It goes hunk by hunk, but you can answer for a whole file:
y - record this change
n - skip this change
s - skip remaining changes to this file
f - record remaining changes to this file
d - done, skip remaining changes and files
a - record all changes to all remaining files
q - quit, recording no changes
? - display help
I'll point out that if you're committing some files but not others it's certain that you've not run your test suite on the one change without the other, but maybe that doesn't apply in your case.
This isn't possible with mercurial out of the box. As have been suggested there are several ways of selecting what files you want to commit. To get this function via the commit message template, you would need an extension or a shell script wrapping the commit command. Here's one way to do that:
ci = ! hg-partial-commit
# partial commit
edit=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
filelist=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
logmessage=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
cleanup="rm -f '$edit' '$filelist' '$logmessage'"
trap "$cleanup" 0 1 2 3 15
echo user: $(hg debugconfig ui.username)
echo branch: $(hg branch)
hg parents --template 'parent: {rev}:{node|short} {author} {date|isodate}\n'
echo 'Enter commit message. Select files to commit by deleting lines:'
hg status 'set:not unknown()' | sed -e 's/^/#/'
) | sed -e 's/^/HG: /' >"$edit"
${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} "$edit"
egrep -v '^HG:' "$edit" >"$logmessage"
egrep '^HG: #' "$edit" | cut -c8- >"$filelist"
hg commit -l "$logmessage" "listfile:$filelist"
The real problem here is the fact that you're doing changes related to different tasks jumbled together. Mercurial has a few ways you can keep things separate.
Task Branches
Suppose you've been working on a task and you've checked in a few times since you last pulled, but things aren't ready to share yet.
Here, B is the revision where you started your changes. What we do is (after making sure our current changes are checked in):
> hg update -r B
<do our work on the other task>
> hg commit
We've now created a new branch with the changes for this task separated from the changes for our original task.
We can do this for as many different tasks as we want. The only problem is that sometimes remembering which branch is which can be awkward. This is where features like bookmarks come in useful. A bookmark is a tag which moves forward as commits are made so that it always points at the head of a branch.
Mercurial Queues
MQ adds the ability to work on changes incrementally and move between them by pushing and poping then off a stack (or "Queue" I guess). So if I had a set of uncommitted changes that I needed to split up I'd:
> hg qrecord taska
> hg qrecord taskb
> hg qrecord taskc
I'd use the record extension (or more likely the crecord extension) to select which parts of files I want to select.
If I needed to go back to taska and make some changes:
> hg qpop; hg qpop # pop two off the queue to go back to task a
<Do changes>
> hg qrefresh # update task a with the new changes
When I want to turn the queue into normal changesets:
> hg qpush or hg qpop # get the changes I want converted onto the queue
> hg qfinish -a # converts mq changes to normal changesets
There's other methods too, but that will do for now.
You will unavoidably have to either specify the files that you want to add or the files you want to leave out. If you have a lot of files, as you indicate above, the following steps will simplify the procedure (I'm assuming a UNIX-ish system here, Windows would be slightly different).
First, generate a list of changed files:
hg status -mard -n >/tmp/changedlist.txt
The -mard options will list all files that were modified, added, removed, or delated. The -n option will list them without the status prefix so that all you have is a raw list of files.
Second, edit /tmp/changedlist.txt with your favorite text editor so that it contains only the files you wish to commit.
Third, commit these files:
hg commit `cat /tmp/changedlist.txt`
You will be able to review the files to be committed before actually performing the commit.
Alternatively, you can add more files to a commit incrementally by using
`hg commit --amend file...`
Here, hg commit --amend will not create a new commit, but add the new files to the existing commit. So, you start out with committing just a couple of files, then incrementally adding more until you are done. This still requires you to type all of them in.
For yet another alternative, you can use Mercurial Queues to split a commit in more sophisticated ways, but that's a bit more of an advanced topic.

How do I accept all changes from a remote?

I'm doing a pull origin some_branch and can see there are a lot of changes. Eventually I don't mind if their erase all mine.
How can I accept them all instead or using mergetool and merge files one by one?
git clone $url
Seriously! That's the best way.
You could do all sorts of git reset and git branch commands to move the refs, but the only purpose would be to keep your commits somewhere in your local repository for future reference. If that's the goal, just keep the whole repository as is, and re-clone the origin.
To accept all changes on just one branch, foo:
git checkout foo
git fetch origin +refs/heads/foo:refs/remotes/origin/foo
git reset refs/remotes/origin/foo
foo will now point at the same commit as foo on origin. If you want to blow away the files in your working directory, add --hard to git reset. If you want to merge first, replace fetch with pull.
You may have a bunch of dangling commits in your local repo, which git may clean-up someday, but for awhile you can still access them via the reflog.
git status | grep "both " | cut -f2 | cut -f11 -d" " | xargs git checkout --theirs
git status | grep "both " | cut -f2 | cut -f11 -d" " | xargs git add
which forces accepting all conflicting remote files.
Here's the approach I used, which seems to be OK. I have a branch called "theirs" which contains the new version of everything in the remote. A version named "ours" is my work based on a long-ago version of theirs, which too many irrelevant changes but many additions (new subdirectories of sites/all) that I want to keep.
git checkout ours
git checkout theirs -- *.php *.txt *.config modules themes includes scripts
git commit -m "New version with all new key files from 'theirs'"
As long as I got the list of files and directories in the second checkout correct, this should be fine.
If I wanted the history to be based on the "theirs" branch I might want to do this the other way round.

How to enforce remote gnupg signing of Mercurial repository only when new tags are created?

I know how to configure the Mercurial signing extension. The problem that I'm having is that I don't want to sign each individual change set, I only want to sign revisions that introduce new version tags.
That's easily accomplished locally, however I can't come up with a way to enforce this on the remote server. I'd like people to continue to be able to push their changes as normal, unless adding a release tag, which should be accompanied by a signature.
The end result should be that anyone cloning our repository can easily see a list of signed revisions, which point to a list of signed releases.
Hopefully, I've just missed something obvious in hooklib. Has anyone else accomplished this, if so, how?
You could do it on the server with a pretxnchangegroup hook. More efficient in-process in python, but off the top of my head in shell you'd do:
In your hgrc:
pretxnchangegroup =
and in
for therev in $(seq $(hg id -n -r $HG_NODE) $(hd id -n -r tip)) ; do
if hg log --template '{files}' -r $therev | grep --quiet '^.hgtags' ; then
if hg sigcheck $therev | grep --quiet '^No valid' ; then
exit 1
That goes through every new changeset and checks to make sure that if it edits .hgtags (add a tag) then it must also be signed.
Is that what you're looking for?

Mercurial hook not executing properly

This should be a very simple thing to have run, but for some reason it won't work with my Mercurial repository. All I want is for the remote repo to automatically run hg update whenever someone pushes to it. So I have this in my .hg/hgrc file:
changegroup = hg update
Simple, right? But for some reason, this never executes. I also tried writing a shell script that did this. .hg/hgrc looked like this:
changegroup = /home/marc/bin/hg-update
and hg-update looked like this:
hg help >> /home/marc/works.txt;
hg update >> /home/marc/works.txt;
exit 0;
But again, this doesn't update. The contents of hg help are written out to works.txt, but nothing is written out for hg update. Is there something obvious I'm missing here? This has been plaguing me for days and I just can't seem to get it to work.
Okay so again, using the -v switch on the command line from my workstation pushing to the remote repo doesn't print any verbose messages even when I have those echo lines in .hg/hgrc. However, when I do a push from a clone of the repo on the same filesystem (I'm logged in via SSH), this is what I get:
bash-3.00$ hg -v push ../test-repo/
pushing to ../test-repo/
searching for changes
1 changesets found
running hook prechangegroup: echo "Remote repo is at `hg tip -q`"
echo "Remote repo wdir is at `hg parents -q`"
Remote repo is at 821:1f2656753c98
Remote repo wdir is at 821:1f2656753c98
adding changesets
adding manifests
adding file changes
added 1 changesets with 1 changes to 1 files
running hook changegroup: echo "Updating.... `hg update -v`"
echo "Remote repo is at `hg tip -q`"
echo "Remote repo wdir is at `hg parents -q`"
Updating.... resolving manifests
getting license.txt
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
Remote repo is at 822:389a6c7276c6
Remote repo wdir is at 822:389a6c7276c6
So it works, but again only when I push from the same filesystem. It doesn't work if I try pushing to the repo from another workstation over the network.
Well, after going through the same steps of frustration as Marc W did a while ago, I finally found the solution to the problem, at least when remote serving is done with the hgwebdir WSGI script.
I found out that when using this kind of remote push via HTTP or HTTPS, Mercurial simply ignores everything you write into the .hg/hgrc file or your repository. However, entering the hook in the hgwebdir config does the trick.
So if the bottom line in your hgwebdir.wsgi script is something like
application = hgwebdir('hgweb.config')
the [hooks] config section needs to go into the mentioned hgweb.config.
One drawback is that these hooks are executed for every repository listed in the [paths] section of that config. Even though HG offers another WSGI-capable function (hgweb instead of hgwebdir) to serve only a single repository, that one doesn't seem to support any hooks (neither does it have any config).
This can, however, be circumvented by using a hgwebdir as described above and having some Apache RewriteRule map everything into the desired subdirectory. This one works for me:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/reponame
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ reponame/$2 [QSA]
Have fun using your remote hooks over HTTP :D
I spent some time researching this myself. I think the answer to problem is described concisely here:
Output has to be redirected to stderr (or /dev/null), because stdout
is used for the data stream.
Basically, you're not redirecting to stderr, and hence polluting stdout.
First of all, I want to correct a few comments above.
Hooks are invoked also when pushing over file system.
It is not necessary to keep the hook in the repo on which you want them to operate. You can also write the same hook as in your question on the user end. You have to change the event from changegroup to outgoing and also to specify the URL of remote repo with the -R switch. Then if the pushing user has sufficient privileges on the remote repo, the hook will execute successfully.
outgoing = hg update -R $HG_URL
Now towards your problem.... I suggest creating both prechangegroup and changegroup hooks and printing some debugging output.
prechangegroup = echo "Remote repo is at `hg tip -q`"
echo "Remote repo wdir is at `hg parents -q`"
changegroup = echo "Updating.... `hg update -v`"
echo "Remote repo is at `hg tip -q`"
echo "Remote repo wdir is at `hg parents -q`"
And also push with the -v switch, so that you may know which hook is running. If you still can't figure out, post the output. I might be able to help.
My problem was that my hgwebdir application ran as the "hg" user, but the repository was owned by me, so I had to add in this bit of config to hgweb.config to get it to run the hooks:
users = me
You need to have it in the remote repositiory's hgrc. It sounds as if it's in your local repo.
Edit: It also depends on how you're pushing. Some methods don't invoke hooks on the right side. (ssh does, I think HTTP does, file system does not)
Edit2: What if you push "locally" at the remote repo's computer. You might have different users/permissions between the webserver and the hgrc-file. (See [server] and trusted directives for hgrc.)
I had the same problem pushing from Windows Eclipse via http, but after capturing stderr, I found that the full path was needed to the hg.bat file. My hooks section now looks like:
incoming = c:\Python27\Scripts\hg.bat update > hg_log.txt 2>>hg_err.txt
Hope this helps someone else.
Try turning on hook debugging to see why it's not running.
Likely a permissions issue or something like that.
took a while but I got it working.
I started with
tag=set >&2
commit=set >&2
the >&2 pipes it to standard error so remote consoles will show it.
when remote this should output in console if it is running
hg push https://host/hg -v
It wasn't.
I was using hgweb.cgi so I switched to hgweb.wsgi with no difference.
what I discovered is that some hooks don't get called on remote.
when I switched it to
incoming= set >&2
the hooks tag and commit don't seem to get called but incoming and changeset do get called. I haven't confirmed the others.
now that I got it working I switched back to hgweb.cgi and everything works the same.
Tthe reason I've found for this has nothing to do with redirecting stdout to stderr. As you may see in the wiki page it is not specified on the wiki's current version
The problem I've found is around permissions.
In my original setup, I had a user, lets say hguser with a repo on its home, and a script /etc/init.d/hg.init to launch hg serve. The problem being hg serve was being run by root, while most files under the repo pertained to hguser (some of them switched to root at some point, but it won't mind, since I'll correct them with chown)
chown -R hguser:hguser /home/hguser/repo (to correct ALL files, back to hguser)
launch su hguser -c "hg serve ..." (in my case from /etc/init.d/hg.init)
changegroup = hg update -C under [hooks] in repo/.hg/hgrc as usual
Now it should work on push
PS: in my case, I rather update to the head of a specific branch, so I use hg update -C -r staging, to make the staging server update only to the head of the intended branch, even if the tip is from another branch (like development for instance)
BTW my hg.init script ended up like this: (notice the su hguser part)
# Startup script for mercurial server.
# #see
# Path to PID file of running mercurial process.
case "$state" in
echo "Mecurial Server service starting."
(su hguser -c "${HG} serve -d --webdir-conf ${CONF} -p 8000 --pid-file ${PID_FILE}")
if [ -f "${PID_FILE}" ]; then
PID=`cat "${PID_FILE}"`
if [ "${PID}" -gt 1 ]; then
kill -TERM ${PID}
echo "Stopping the Mercurial service PID=${PID}."
echo Bad PID for Mercurial -- \"${PID}\"
echo No PID file recorded for mercurial
echo "$0 {start|stop}"
exit 1
PS: due credit to