Call native blueprint actions from custom route - rest

On different projects, I've been stucking on a very basic idea.
Everytime, that's the same concern. I want to add a new record to an association, but grabbing the parent without it's primary key.
For example, let's take a api/models/car.js model :
module.exports = {
attributes: {
licensePlate: {
type: 'integer',
required: true,
unique: true
locations: {
collection: 'location',
via: 'car'
And an api/models/location.js model :
module.exports = {
attributes: {
coordinates: {
type: 'array',
required: true
car: {
model: 'car'
A car can have multiple locations, a location have a single car.
I'm able to add a location to car using the native addTo blueprint action
POST /car/1/locations
Now what if, for some reason, I've no access to the car identifier, and feel like using another field, like a unique licensePlate ?
Basically, I would make a custom route inside config/routes, like
POST /car/byplate/:licensePlate/locations': {
controller: 'Car',
action: 'addLocationByPlate'
In order to be able to call
POST /car/byplate/AW45RE65/locations
And here is the problem... opening my fresh new action controller, I realize that, despite selecting my car by plate, the following logic (validation, location creation, location creation publish, location add to car's locations collection, location addition publish, error handling) is already implemented in sails.js core.
So here is the question:
How to properly call a native blueprint action with a custom route ?

In your controller you can write something like this:
YourModelName.Query(data, function(err, items){
if(err) return err;
So for example if you want to create a new object in Car model you can do something like this:
Car.create({"carID": req.param("carID")}, function(err, items){
if(err) return err;
this will createa new object with the ID you sent as a param.
Same goes for the other queries like add to, update, destroy etc.


sailsjs one-way associations confusion

I am having a hard time wrapping my head around associations with sailsjs.
I have 2 models
attributes: {
status: {
defaultsTo: 'inactive'
model: 'users',
via: 'id',
attributes: {
email: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
unique: true
password: {
type: 'string'
So, a service is tied to a user (matching the id of the user).
I used to do a call like http://localhost:1337/Services?userId=userId
Now I would like to transition to associations using the above model attributes.
This works by calling the ID of the service just fine (it includes the users data as well), however if all i have is the user, how could I get the service
Doing the same call (http://localhost:1337/Services?userId=userId) returns and empty object.
Am I forced to actually have a one-to-one or one-to-many association? I don't understand why I can no longer use the userId field (stored in the DB) to do queries once I start using associations. I guess I am looking for the best of both worlds here.
Let me try make this more clear. Before trying to do associations, I could call this URL (using blueprint)
The Services model used to look like this
attributes: {
status: {
defaultsTo: 'inactive'
type: 'string',
required: true,
Then when a user is created, a service for that user is created with the userId matching the ID in the Users table.
Now I would like to implement associations using the above model scheme.
However, because (my best guess) the userId field of the service is mapped to the Users model, I am unable to search for a Server using the userId field that is stored.
I hope that makes sense? In another words, tryin to call
returns nothing when using associations but does return a value when I don't use associations

Sailsjs - Prevent non-model fileds to be saved in mongo document

I recently started working with Sails and mongo.
I use Sails blueprints to generate part of my api.
The problem is, that the request body I send is being saved to the mongo collection, regardless of the fields defined in the model.
So for example, let's say I have the following Event model:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
title: {
type: 'string',
required: true
When I Send a POST request to the /event/ endpoint with the following params:
{"title":"Some Event", "random":"string"}
The saved mongo document contains also the "random":"string" value, even though it's not part of the model.
I've tried to come up with some common method to remove non-model attributes before creation for all models, but the possible solutions seemed not right and dirty.
Am I missing something?
Any help would be appreciated!
You can use schema option in your model. Just add it to model declaration and that's it.
// api/models/Model.js
module.exports = {
schema: true,
attributes: {
title: {
type: 'string',
required: true

How to update (override) a collection association's value in sails.js?

I have a model that has an attribute that is a collection association:
Take for example, a User model below.
module.exports = {
attributes: {
pets: {
collection: 'pet'
I am aware that I can add pets to a user instance with
But how could I replace any existing pets with a new group of pets??
Ok I've been playing with the API and found an answer. The following call should update (set) the pets association for a single user. If there were existing pets, this approach would override them.
User.update({id:1}, {pets: [{id: 7}, {id: 8}]}).exec(cb);
You'd remove all the existing pets and create new ones. sails.js has no single special API function to do what you are trying to do, but it's pretty simple either way:
var newPets = [
{ name: 'fluffy', user: 1 },
Pet.destroy({ user: 1 })
.then(function () {
return, Pet.create);
.then(function (pets) {
// pets are "replaced"
Or something like that.

Sailsjs add one to many association to a model during beforeCreate

I am trying to give a default association from a user to a pet, whenever a new User created.
Model:: User.js
var User = {
attributes: {
name: {type: 'string'},
// Add a One Way Relation to pet model
pets: {
collection: 'pet'
/*** This did not work ***/
beforeCreate: function (user, next) {
var defaultPet = {name: 'Default Pet 1'};
Pet.find(defaultPet).exec(function(err, pet) { = "BEFORECREATE",
user.pets = pet[0].id;
module.exports = User;
However when a new record is created the is [ ], but is changed to "BEFORECREATE".
How do I get user.pets = [{name: 'Default Pet 1'}] automatically for the new user created?
Or is there a better place for setting such defaults?
----- UPDATE: More info
I am using sails-disk currently.
Model: Pet.js
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'string',
required: true
You can't add associations to a model in a lifecycle callback like beforeCreate. Currently, Waterline looks for and processes "nested models" like these before lifecycle callbacks run, so by the time beforeCreate is called it's too late. The simplest solution would be to create a User.createUser class method that wraps the logic you want:
createUser: function(data, cb) {
// If there are already pets specified, just use those
if (data.pets) {return User.create(data).exec(cb);}
// Otherwise look up the default pet
Pet.findOne({name:"Default Pet 1"}).exec(function(err,pet) {
// Return in case of error
if (err) {return cb(err);}
// Assuming the default pet exists, attach it
if (pet) {
console.log("SETTING DEFAULT PET",;
data.pets = [];
// Create the pet
return User.create(data).exec(cb);
A few notes:
In your example you were setting pets directly to an ID, but since it's a collection you must set it to an array.
If you're using the sails-disk adapter, you'll need to set schema: true in your model for this to work.
The new User model you get back will not be populated; you'll have to do a find with a populate('pets') with the new User ID to get the pet data attached.

Sails.js - Many-to-Many fails to save

I have a simple need to add tags to patients. I followed the Sails and Waterline documentation concerning many-to-many associations, but it's failing at some point (no errors). I'm using MongoDB for data storage. Code below:
Tag Model
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: 'STRING',
color: {
type: 'STRING',
defaultsTo: '#777777'
tagged: {
collection: 'patient',
via: 'tags',
dominant: true
Patient Model
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: 'STRING',
tags: {
collection: 'tag',
via: 'tagged'
And this is the controller method that tries to associate data:
module.exports = {
addToPatient: function(req, res) {
Patient.findOne({id: req.param('patientId')}).exec(function(err, patient) {
// Queue up a record to be inserted into the join table
// Save the user, creating the new associations in the join table {});
res.send("tag assigned");
I've inspected the responses at various breaks and everything seems to be passing just fine. The patient is found. The save function shows a tag association in the patient object, but nothing is added in the database. I assume I will see either a join table being created or something in the patient/tag collections to signify an association, but I see nothing. I'm so very confused. If I do an HTTP get, I'm presented with a "tag assigned" response. What am I missing?
Works fine for me, but you're right in the tag and patient collections, you won't see a populated field with the associations. You'll see new join collections that are created that contains the relationships like #sgress454 pointed out.