Can't run swift project on Iphone with Skobbler - iphone

I have this error when I build the project on Iphone :
Warning: usage of --preserve-metadata with option "resource-rules" (deprecated in Mac OS X >= 10.10)!
/Users/Tom/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Test-bwacbfyhutgdvnhetuiouvtcvvfi/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/ invalid resource specification rule(s)
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
If I built the project with the iOS Simulator, it run perfectly
I Work with swift 1.2 - Xcode 6.3.1 and OSX 10.10.3
Thank you for your help !
I solved this problem, I had to manually install Skobbler SDK then I tested the installation with cocoapods. This works perfectly!

I solved this problem, I had to manually install Skobbler SDK then I tested the installation with cocoapods. This works perfectly!
If you work with Swift don't forget to add #import "SKMaps/SKMaps.h" in your Bridging-Header.h


Xcode error: building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS

Never had a lot of problems until the time to buy Macbook Air M1. Just yesterday my app was build without any error in Xcode 12.4. I did not make any special changes and today build failed:
/Users/userName/Projects/MyApp/ios/Pods/OpenSSL-Universal/ios/lib/libcrypto.a(cryptlib.o), building for iOS Simulator, but linking in object file built for iOS, file '/Users/userName/Projects/MyApp/ios/Pods/OpenSSL-Universal/ios/lib/libcrypto.a' for architecture arm64clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
Please can you help me, how to solve it?
Looks like a missing Arm64 simulator slice in the OpenSSL-Universal CocoaPods distribution.
Make sure that you're using the latest version with pod update and contact the OpenSSL-Universal if there's still an issue.

Could not find module 'SJSegmentedScrollView' for architecture 'armv7'; found: arm64

The problem shows when I try to build to real device as simulator. But, there's no problem when I build in simulator.
XCode : 10.2.1
Swift : 4.0
iOS : 10.3.3
Can you check if you are using Debug or Release to build? I've had a similar issue before with other modules, for example you can run the Onfido SDK on simulators on Debug but not on Release. By the looks of this error you are using the Release SDK.

Error during compilation of CoreLibs Foundation

I'm trying to build the Swift Foundation workspace in Xcode using the instructions, but the build fails as shown below:
I'm running Xcode 9.0.1, Sierra 10.12.6 and Swift 4. I've also installed the Swift 4.0 toolchain.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I downloaded the swift development toolchain and added it in xcode. I can now successfully build and run tests. Thanks Hamish :)

Module compiled with swift 3.0 cannot be imported in Swift 3.0.1

I upgraded Xcode to 8.1 GM and am now getting the below error for SwiftyJSON. Other imported frameworks seem to work. Is there a way to force this to work in Swift 3 until SwiftyJSON upgrades their framework? I used Carthage to import/update frameworks. I also tried changing Use Legacy Swift language version On and Off to no avail.
Module compiled with Swift 3.0 cannot be imported in Swift 3.0.1:
SwiftyJson is being downloaded precompiled by carthage. The precompiled download is with Swift Version 3.0. That makes the compiler complain that the version is not correct. Using the following command:
carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
SwiftyJson (and all other frameworks within Carthage) will be compiled locally using the local version of Swift (3.0.1) and the compiler will not complain anymore.
Remove the app chache from DerivedData, and rebuild. the error may be fixed.
The DerivedData path like this:
Make sure you've placed the new XCode 8.1 GM package in your Applications folder. We ran into this issue when one of us was running Carthage to update our dependencies, but had not replaced the XCode old 8.0 application in the applications folder (8.1 GM was running off the Desktop).
You want to make sure that when you run the following in terminal: xcrun swift -version that it returns Apple Swift version 3.0.1.
Updating default Xcode to new one on terminal worked for me.
Step 1 : Use following command to update Xcode version to latest on Terminal. Ref
sudo xcode-select -switch <path/to/>
Step 2 : Now try carthage update command
carthage update --platform iOS
Just to give the latest updates:
Carthage has released version 0.20 on Feb 27, 2017.
Carthage now only uses the pre-build binary if available pre-build binary is compatible.
That is being said, you no longer have to use: --no-use-binaries to avoid incompatible pre-build framework.
So make sure that you have carthage version greater than 0.20 and simply do:
carthage update --platform iOS
Just like #zirinisp said:
You can Using the following command:carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
Using the following command:xcrun swift -version to see the Swift version
Do this: Xcode->preferences->locations to clear the derived data and archives data, the most important to change the command line tools to "Xcode 8.1"
Using the following command:xcrun swift -version,you can see the swift version is 3.0.1
Set Use Legacy Swift Language Version = NO
I hope it will help you
Move the beta/GM version if the Xcode to /Applications folder and name it Xcode-beta
Check the output of:
xcrun swift --version
by running this command in terminal, its output should match with the swift version you want the app to compile, because Carthage uses output of this command, to determine the local Swift version.
Update Xcode version to latest on Terminal by running following command:
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
Build the libraries for iOS and prevents Carthage from downloading existing (yet incompatible) precompiled binaries, by running following command:
carthage update --platform iOS --no-use-binaries
Clean & Build
I had exactly the same issue with the library XCTest_Gherkin, what it worked for me was:
Product -> Scheme -> XCTest-Gherkin
Product -> Build
Hope it helps. I am using Cocoapods.
In Xcode Build Settings make sure your Framework Search Paths contain the appropriate Carthage Build folder:

clang: error no such file or directory: */Debug-iphonesimulator/MailCore/MailCore

I am using mailcore2 in my ios app from fetching my gmail account emails on my device. I have changed the ios sdkversion from 6.1 to 6.0 in the mailcore2 scripts bcz I am trying to compile and run the app using iPhone simulator 6.0 which uses ios sdkversion 6.0. Doing so I am getting the following clang error.
clang: error: no such file or directory: '/Users/shujaat/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MyTestApp-ditognlaoajwldfliplqecnxqbfj/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/MailCore/MailCore'
While trying to compile and run my app using iphone simulator 6.1 (uses ios sdk 6.1), with no changes in the ios sdk version in the shell scripts, I am getting the following error:
/bin/sh /Users/shujaat/Documents/WemoTech/Products/WantList/sourcecode/ThirdPartyLib/MailCore2/Externals/builds/workdir/20130930192723/src/libetpan/build-mac/
prepare sources
patching file lib/client.c
building tools
generated makemd5i386 properly
building for iPhoneOS - armv7
Command /bin/sh failed with exit code 1
These issues are driving me crazy for the last couple of days. Need your help.
Go to your main project target->"Build phases"->"Target dependencies" add mailcore2 ios
You need to read Check Adding MailCore to Your iOS Project carefully.
These issues are fixed now. I want to explain what I did to get rid of them for others facing same issues:
I made a separate project, and made mailcore2 as a part of it (didn't include the #import line in any of the project files at first). I compiled and run the project and copied the resultant mailcore 2 from it to my original project. It's compiling and running fine now.