Exact match when searching in arrays of array in MongoDB - mongodb

I have two questions. I found similar things but I couldn't adapt to my problem.
query = {'$and': [{'cpc.class': u'24'},
{'cpc.section': u'A'},
{'cpc.subclass': u'C'}]}
[{u'class': u'24',
u'section': u'A',
u'subclass': u'B'},
{u'class': u'07',
u'section': u'C',
u'subclass': u'C'},]}
[{u'class': u'24',
u'section': u'A',
u'subclass': u'C'},
{u'class': u'07',
u'section': u'K',
u'subclass': u'L'},]}
In this query, two documents will be fetched.
1) But I want to fetch only the second document ("_id": 2) because it matches the query exactly. That is, the second document contains a cpc element which its class equals to 24, its section equals to A, and its subclass equals to C.
2) And I want to fetch only the matching element of cpc if possible? Otherwise I have to traverse all elements of each retrieved documents; if I traverse and try to find out which element matches exactly then my first question would be meaningless.

1) you're looking for the $elemMatch operator which compares subdocuments as a whole and is more concise then separate subelement queries (you don't need the $and in your query by the way):
query = { 'cpc' : {
'$elemMatch': { 'class': u'24',
'section': u'A',
'subclass': u'C' } } };
2) That can be done using a projection:
db.find(query, { "cpc.$" : 1 })
The $ projection operator documentation contains pretty much this use case as an example.


Return MongoDB documents that don't contain specific inner array items

How can I return a set of documents, each not containing a specific item in an inner array?
My data scheme is:
"_id" : ObjectId("57f91ec96241783dac1e16fe"),
"votedBy" : [
"userId" : "101",
"vote": 1
"userId" : "202",
"vote": 2
"__v" : NumberInt(0)
I want to return a set of posts, non of which contain a given userId in any of the votedBy array items.
The official documentation implies that this is possible:
MongoDB documentation: Field with no specific array index
Though it returns an empty set (for the more simple case of finding a document with a specific array item).
It seems like I have to know the index for a correct set of results, like:
This Question is the closest I found, with this solution (Applied on my scheme):
db.collection.find({"votedBy": { $not: {$elemMatch: {userId: 101 } } } })
It works fine if the only inner document in the array matches the one I wish not to return, but in the example case I specified above, the document returns, because it finds the userId=202 inner document.
Just to clarify: I want to return all the documents, that NONE of their votedBy array items have the given userId.
I also tried a simpler array, containing only the userId's as an array of Strings, but still, each of them receives an Id and the search process is just the same.
Another solution I tried is using a different collection for uservotes, and applying a lookup to perform a SQL-similar join, but it seems like there is an easier way.
I am using mongoose (node.js).
User $ne on the embedded userId:
db.collection.find({'votedBy.userId': {$ne: '101'}})
It will filter all the documents with at least one element of userId = "101"

Exact match on the embedded document when field order is not known

The doc says:
To specify an equality match on the whole embedded document, use the
query document { <field>: <value> } where <value> is the
document to match. Equality matches on an embedded document require an
exact match of the specified <value>, including the field order.
Using the dot notation is not a fully satisfying solution, as it also matches docs embedding docs with more fields than than required. And I may not know which are the other possible fields, making it impossible to explicitly exclude undesirable fields.
Querying each possible combination of fields is also not desired, as I do not want to write (#fields)! queries.
How then can I find a doc that contains an embedded doc when I do not care about the order of the fields?
For example, assume a collection of documents following this schema, but the order of the fields of inner are not known or may vary, depending on how/when they were inserted:
_id: ObjectId()
inner: {
some_field: some_value,
some_other_field: some_other_value
If I want to get all documents containing an inner object as {some_field: some_value, some_other_field: some_other_value}, I would want to
db.collection.find({inner:{some_field: some_value, some_other_field: some_other_value}})
but I will miss the docs with an inner object as {some_other_field: some_other_value, some_field: some_value}.
Using the dot notation like
db.collection.find({"inner.some_field": some_value, "inner.some_other_field": some_other_value})
will match all the documents I am interested in, but also include noise like
_id: ObjectId()
inner: {
some_field: some_value,
some_other_field: some_other_value,
some_undesired_field: some_undesired_value
One way of framing this problem is that you want those two fields (in any order) and no other fields in your result.
Dot notation solves the first part of your problem and you can solve the second part by making sure inner only has 2 fields.
"inner.some_field": some_value,
"inner.some_other_field": some_other_value,
$where: function() { return Object.keys(this.inner).length === 2 }
I believe this is the easiest approach. The drawback to this approach is that $where can be slow for reasons detailed here: Mongodb Query based on number of fields in a record
Try passing the document that you want to find. It works for me but the order of fields is important too.
db.collection.find({"inner": {"some_field": some_value, "some_other_field": some_other_value }}).pretty();
I just read that field order is unknown. So you have to use $or to list the possibilities such as:
db.collection.find({$or:[{"inner": {"some_field": some_value, "some_other_field": some_other_value }}, {"inner": {"some_other_field": some_other_value, "some_field": some_value }}]}).pretty();

How to force MongoDB pullAll to disregard document order

I have a mongoDB document that has the following structure:
{user:user_a, name:name_a},
{user:user_b, name:name_b},
{user:user_c, name:name_c}
I want to use $pullAll to remove from the streams array, passing it an array of streams (the size of the array varies from 1 to N):
var streamsA = [{user:"user_a", name:"name_a"},{user:"user_b", name:"name_b"}]
var streamsB = [{name:"name_a", user:"user_a"},{name:"name_b", user:"user_b"}]
I use the following mongoDB command to perform the update operation:
db.streams.update({name:"user_name", {"$pullAll:{streams:streamsA}})
db.streams.update({name:"user_name", {"$pullAll:{streams:streamsB}})
Removing streamsA succeeds, whereas removing streamsB fails. After digging through the mongoDB manuals, I saw that the order of fields in streamsA and streamsB records has to match the order of fields in the database. For streamsB the order does not match, that's why it was not removed.
I can reorder the streams to the database document order prior to performing an update operation, but is there an easier and cleaner way to do this? Is there some flag that can be set to update and/or pullAll to ignore the order?
Thank You,
The $pullAll operator is really a "special case" that was mostly intended for single "scalar" array elements and not for sub-documents in the way you are using it.
Instead use $pull which will inspect each element and use an $or condition for the document lists:
{ "user": "user_name" },
{ "$pull": { "streams": { "$or": streamsB } }}
That way it does not matter which order the fields are in or indeed look for an "exact match" as the current $pullAll operation is actually doing.

Fetch Record from mongo db based on type and ancestry field

in mongodb records are store like this
i want to fetch records in order like this
first record whose ancestry is nil
then all record whose parent is first record we search and whose type is 'problem'
then all record whose parent is first record we search and whose type is 'section'
Expected output is
Try this MongoDB shell command:
db.collection.find().sort({ancestry:1, type: 1})
Different languages, where ordered dictionaries aren't available, may use a list of 2-tuples to the sort argument. Something like this (Python):
collection.find({}).sort([('ancestry', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('type', pymongo.ASCENDING)])
#vinipsmaker 's answer is good. However, it doesn't work properly if _ids are random numbers or there exist documents that aren't part of the tree structure. In that case, the following code would work rightly:
function getSortedItems() {
var sorted = [];
var ids = [ null ];
while (ids.length > 0) {
var cursor = db.Items.find({ ancestry: ids.shift() }).sort({ type: 1 });
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
var item = cursor.next();
return sorted;
Note that this code is not fast because db.Items.find() will be executed n times, where n is the number of documents in the tree structure.
If the tree structure is huge or you will do the sort many times, you can optimize this by using $in operator in the query and sort the result on the client side.
In addition, creating index on the ancestry field will make the code quicker in either case.

Find documents with arrays not containing a document with a particular field value in MongoDB

I'm trying to find all documents that do not contain at least one document with a specific field value. For example here is a sample collection:
{ _id : 1,
docs : [
{ foo : 1,
bar : 2},
{ foo : 3,
bar : 3}
{ _id : 2,
docs : [
{ foo : 2,
bar : 2},
{ foo : 3,
bar : 3}
I want to find every record where there is not a document in the docs block that does not contain at least one record with foo = 1. In the example above, only the second document should be returned.
I have tried the following, but it only tells me if there are any that don't match (which returns document 1.
db.collection.find({"docs": { $not: {$elemMatch: {foo: 1 } } } })
UPDATE: The query above actually does work. As many times happens, my data was wrong, not my code.
I have also looked at the $nin operator but the examples only show when the array contains a list of primitive values, not an additional document. When I've tried to do this with something like the following, it looks for the EXACT document rather than just the foo field I want.
db.collection.find({"docs": { $nin: {'foo':1 } } })
Is there anyway to accomplish this with the basic operators?
Using $nin will work, but you have the syntax wrong. It should be:
db.collection.find({'docs.foo': {$nin: [1]}})
Use the $ne operator:
db.collection.find({'docs.foo': {$ne: 1}})
Update: I'd advise against using $nin in this case.
{'docs.foo': {$ne: 1}} takes all elements of docs, and for each of them it checks whether the foo field equals 1 or not. If it finds a match, it discards the document from the result list.
{'docs.foo': {$nin: [1]}} takes all elements of docs, and for each element it checks whether its foo field matches any of the members of the array [1]. This is a Cartesian product, you compare an array to another array, each element to each element. Although MongoDB might be smart and optimize this query, I assume you only use $nin because "it has do to something with arrays". But if you understand what you do here, you'll realize $nin is superfluous, and has possibly subpar performance.