Setting up wamp server for Perl - perl

I am following the steps given in the following 2 links to setup wamp server for perl
However I am not able to run the perl scripts, the error says that the requested URL can not be found
I am also not able to run the command 'ppm repo add uwinnipeg'
I am getting the following error, NOT NULL constraint failed: repo.packlist_uri
Please help me out


What causes error "Connection test failed: spawn npm; ENOENT" when creating new Strapi project with MongoDB?

I am trying to create a new Strapi app on Ubuntu 16.4 using MongoDB. After stepping through the tutorial, here:, I get the following error: Connection test failed: spawn npm; ENOENT
The error seems obvious, but I'm having issues getting to the cause of it. I've installed latest version of MongoDB and have ensured it is running using service mongod status. I can also connect directly using nc, like below.
$ nc -zvv localhost 27017
Connection to localhost 27017 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
Here is an image of the terminal output:
Any help troubleshooting this would be appreciated! Does Strapi perhaps log setup errors somewhere, or is there a way to get verbose logging? Is it possible the connection error would be logged by MongoDB somewhere?
I was able to find the answer. The problem was with using npx instead of Yarn. Strapi documentation states that either should work, however, it is clear from my experience that there is a bug when using npx.
I switched to Yarn and the process proceeded as expected without error. Steps were otherwise exactly the same.
Update: There is also a typo in Strapi documentation for yarn. They include the word "new" before the project name, which will create a project called new and ignore the project name.
Strapi docs (incorrect):
yarn create strapi-app new my-project
Correct usage, based on my experience:
yarn create strapi-app my-project
The ENOENT error is "an abbreviation of Error NO ENTry (or Error NO ENTity), and can actually be used for more than files/directories."
Why does ENOENT mean "No such file or directory"?
Everything I've read on this points toward issues with environment variables and the process.env.PATH.
"NOTE: This error is almost always caused because the command does not exist, because the working directory does not exist, or from a windows-only bug."
How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js?
If you take the function that Jiaji Zhou provides in the link above and paste it into the top of your config/functions/bootstrap.js file (above module.exports), it might give you a better idea of where the error is occurring, specifically it should tell you the command it ran. Then run the command > which nameOfCommand to see what file path it returns.
"miss-installed programs are the most common cause for a not found command. Refer to each command documentation if needed and install it." - laconbass (from the same link, below Jiaji Zhou's answer)
This is how I interpret all of the above and form a solution. Put that function in bootstrap.js, then take the command returned from the function and run > which nameOfCommand. Then in bootstrap.js (you can comment out the function), put console.log(process.env.PATH) which will return a string of all the directories your current environment is checking for executables. If the path returned from your which command isn't in your process.env.PATH, you can move the command into a path, or try re-installing.

API Installation Error on Mac

I'm having trouble installing the ensembl API. I've been using the installation guide on the website. First I had a hard time getting DBI and DBD mySQL modules, but once I used perlbrew I had no issues. However when running ping I get the error message:
ERROR: Error detected when connecting to Ensembl!
Looks like you need to setup your PERL5LIB with the Ensembl API. Please consult
If the problem persists please send the following error message to
Can't locate Bio/EnsEMBL/ in #INC (#INC contains: /Users/haleighmiller/perl5/perlbrew/perls/5.14.4/lib/site_perl/5.14.4/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Users/haleighmiller/perl5/perlbrew/perls/5.14.4/lib/site_perl/5.14.4 /Users/haleighmiller/perl5/perlbrew/perls/5.14.4/lib/5.14.4/darwin-thread-multi-2level /Users/haleighmiller/perl5/perlbrew/perls/5.14.4/lib/5.14.4 .) at ./ line 117.
I've followed the installation guide to the best of my knowledge, and couldn't find anything else online to help. Any advice is much appreciated.
We can't see your code but it seems pretty clear what the problem is. You need to set up your environment as described under point #3 on the page you linked to that explains the API installation. Strangely, there is no build/install process, so you have to manually extend the PERL5LIB variable to point to the correct place. You can run echo $PERL5LIB to see where the interpreter will search for modules.
The error message you posted shows that you need to add the correct Ensembl directories for the script to work. An easy test is to run perl -MBio::EnsEMBL::Registry -e 1 at the command line. If it prints nothing, then everything is set correctly. If you see the same error message, that means the PERL5LIB variable is not set correctly.

CakePhp 3 : server php not found

i'm trying cakephp v3 for a test, so i have install cake with composer, and i can't launch the server as requested by the tutorial.
When i do bin/cake server in the app folder, i get this response:
bin/cake: line 39: exec: php not found
I tried with ./bin/cake but it's the same.
For information, i have wamp on my computer and the authorization for bin are rwxr-xr-x.
Any idea on how fix it?
Thanks for your help
You may need to add the PHP directory to your path. On the command line (e.g. in a batch file), it would look like this:
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\your\wamp\path\php
if in doubt, it's the directory containing the php.exe.

Is there a setting change we need to make for iBatis to MyBatis conversion tool?

Has anyone used the iBatis to MyBatis conversion tool like in Did you need to make a setting change for the tool to work?
I've tried 2-3 versions of this tool, but I keep getting this error:
[xslt] Loading stylesheet C:\<some-path>\migrate.xslt
[xslt] : Error! Connection timed out: connect
[xslt] : Error!
on: Connection timed out: connect
[xslt] Failed to process null
4: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException: javax.xml.transform.TransformerExce
ption: Connection
timed out: connect
Also, the way I tried to run it is as follows:
In a command prompt, I changed to the directory where the zip file was extracted. Then I put in one of the SQL map files into the Source folder. Then I went back to the command prompt, and ran the command "ant". I tried this command with 2-3 options too, but none of them worked. All of them gave the same error. It seems like some kind of a proxy setting kind of issue, from what I've found so far. But I don't exactly know what the error is and what the solution is, beyond this. Any idea how to resolve this?
I found a solution to this:
At first, I tried to run the Ant task by setting this property via the command prompt:
set ANT_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=proxy -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080"
And then ran in the same session: ant
But this continued to give me the same error.
So, I took out the <!DOCTYPE..> line from the source file, and then did the above steps. It worked like magic!

Oracle ILOM CLI access

I am trying to access an Oracle ILOM interface via command line to read the event log.
As far as I know there are several ways to do this, but none work for me and my environment:
IPMItools: seems to be available only for Linux or on the CD/DVD that originally came with the server, which of course was lost;
SSH access (via putty) works fine, but I could not figure a way to automate logging in, running a command on the remote server and reading the result (still looking into it);
command line SSH access via plink works fine, but as soon as I try adding a command to run on the server (e.g. plink.exe -l root -pw password FQDN help) I get the error message "shell: Invalid credentials". adding the -t option did not change anything;
the SSH.NET library for powershell fails with the following exception "Exception calling "Connect" with "0" argument(s): "No suitable authentication method found to complete authentication". Documentation suggests adding a generated public RSA key to the server to allow for possword-less login. That cannot be done on Sun ILOMs;
Connecting via a serial port as detailed here does not work for me. I must be missing something from the posted code, but I simply cannot open a connection.
Has anyone ever tried to access an ILOM from command line? Could anyone offer a pointer as to what might work?
Ideally I'd like to automate this in a powershell script to be run from a Windows machine, but I'm open to any suggestions that do not require Visual Studio to implement.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
ipmi and ssh remote command only supports in ilom3.0+.
if you are using alom, ilom2.0, or sxcf, you won't be able to use these tools.
I'd recommand to use python with pexpect
check my snippet