google dfp image links broken - google-dfp

I have built a creative in Google Web Designer and published.
In the zip file that is outputted, I have one html5 file and one png file (our logo).
When I preview in GWD (Google Web Designer), I am able to see our logo in the creative.
When I upload the zip file to DFP Testing Area, into the creatives section, everything uploads correctly.
When I preview the creative, the link to our logo shows up as a broken link.
Does the testing area of DFP SB (Double Click for Publishers Small Business) allow images to be part of creative?
Any help would be great!

I had the same problem...
DFP SM don't allow yout to upload GWD Zip directly.
Instead, you need to use DoubleClick Studio or (as a workaround) convert all images to base64 and embed them.
I made a tool to do that, but I don't have it published.
If you are interested, email me..


Open the app from an external link with universalLink or deeplink

I want to open app from an external link, for example a link that I get in iMessage, the question is, I should use deepLink or universalLink, I want to open the app when I tap on the link, then having ability to read the url in the app is enough for me.
And for this matter, I should set a Json file in the website as well? something like this:
It's a bit confusing for me, could anyone gives me a real example and steps?
Thank you
Yes, basically both the app itself and the website need to be aware that you are going to be using Universal Links. There are a few steps to do this:
First you need to include the website as an Associated Domain inside of your Xcode project.
Then for the website you do have to create what is known as the apple-app-site-association file. This lets the the website know which apps are associated with the website.
This tutorial has a step by step on How to setup your website to work Universal Links.
Lastly you will have to have to update your AppDelegate file to handle when a Universal link opens the application.
More info can be found in the official Apple Documentation on Creating Universal Links. sharesheet questions

Im using's sdk for unity, im having 2 questions im hoping someone could answer:
1: Is it any way to restrict the share sheet from sharing to certain apps? for example some apps that doesn't handle links well and in special the sms service.
The reason we do not want the ability to send by sms is that the app needs permission to access the phone book and thus the google play service will need an "privacy policy" link.
2: If its not then i would like to know if you guys could lead me in the right direction when writing a privacy policy because i do not have any legal education and do not know how to wright it. Is it sufficient to state that we are using your sdk? The demands are things like "you should see to it that the code is secure and encrypted" (Something like that) though i'm using your sdk and do not have a clue about how it works.
There is no way to change the list of apps from the share sheet in Branch's Unity SDK. Although Branch does have an end point to exclude certain apps using the Android SDK.
You will need to export your Unity 3D project to Android Studio. Once you successfully export the project, you can use the Branch Android SDK endpoint to exclude any app by providing the Package name of the App.
This is the sample code to update your Share Sheet:
//define the share sheet style
ShareSheetStyle shareSheetStyle = new ShareSheetStyle(context, shareTitle, shareDescription)
.setCopyUrlStyle(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_send), "Copy this URl", "Link added to clipboard")
.setMoreOptionStyle(getResources().getDrawable(android.R.drawable.ic_menu_search), "Show more")
.setSharingTitle("Share With");
//to exclude whatsapp from the Share Sheet
//to exclude android messages app from the Share Sheet

opening a file in its native program with GWT

I wanted to open the files available in my web application to its corresponding native apps in PC. I have created the set of program to download the file from web app but didn't know how to set that files to open with native app in system. kindly help me in this. If you have any other options to use rather than downloading and displaying the file please suggest me.
Note: I am using eclipse to develop web app
This problem is not related to GWT. Just provide links to files in your app. When a user clicks on link, user's browser/PC will decide what to do with a file. It will either open the file within a browser (PDF, images, some video and music files depending on a browser), or it will offer to save them.

Is it possible to browse the file system and upload the files on UIWebView in iPhone?

In the web page, I have file upload widget. I need to show this web page on UIWebView. Is it possible to browse the file system and upload the pdf, doc, xls files?
Note: this answer was correct when written in 2012 and iOS 5 was current. iOS 6 introduced media uploads and iOS 8 allowed arbitrary file uploads.
No is the short answer. iOS has no user accessible file-system.
At WWDC they announced the ability to upload pictures in iOS6 but there is no publically available information on how that works.
You could do it by interacting directly with the website using the lower level tools (NSURLConnection, etc) and creating your own "open" dialog.
iOS grants the webView no means to browse the file system, so no you will not be able to use the normal upload mechanism in UIWebView
You will have to present some API to your web server that allows you to send images as POST
The answer would be NO, since the webview runs in a different sandbox as compared to native applications.
Also there is no accessible file system mechanism like android for iOS.
Even native application have very limited file access pertaining to only their own and certain user directories like tmp, documents etc.

Opening link on an HTML page to a specific page of a PDF on an iPad

I've been searching for the answer to this for the past two days but can't get it to work.
I'm working on a web app built in HTML that is optimized for the iPad. One of the pages has different links to different pages of a 50 page pdf. I used the link on Adobe's site using sample.html#page=2 and that worked in desktop browsers on Windows, but not on the iPad. I've also tried creating destinations in the PDF and linking to them, but that didn't work either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. The only real requirement is that no additional software can be downloaded for viewing. Thanks again.
Just remove the "=" sign.
So: sample.html#page2
That should work for iPad.
Those links work only with desktop versions of Adobe products. It might be possible for Adobe to add support for them in Adobe Reader for iPad in the future.