When I give a 'function' type to onclick, it show me the exception InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type - unity3d

Now I'm using UIEventListener to add a clicker.When I write it in one file, it works all right.like this:
UIEventListener.Get(popButton).onClick = showPop;
But when I wrote it to two seprate files it gives me error.first file:
public class Adapter{
var grid:GameObject;
function addItems(data:List.<PrintItem>, prefab:GameObject, func:Function){
for(var i:int=0;i<data.Count;i++){
var gameObject:GameObject = NGUITools.AddChild(grid, prefab);
UIEventListener.Get(gameObject).onClick = func;
second file:
//I use the funtion like this
adapter.addItems(list, GO[0], hidePop);
//the hidePop is like this
var hidePop:Function = function(){
when I run the unity give me the error
InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.
Adapter.addItems (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 data,
UnityEngine.GameObject prefab, ICallable func) (at

try using EventDelegate.Add(obj.onClick, func);. Direct assignment may cause certain issues.


Ethers how to encode data to bytes parameters

I'm trying to test a piece of generic solidity code, I'm trying to figure out how to encode data properly for bytes parameters.
I have a function in a smart contract which looks like so:
function validateAdditionalCalldata(bytes calldata resolverOptions) external view;
function resolve(uint256 amountIn, bytes calldata resolverOptions) public override returns (uint256 amountOut) {
// Decode the additional calldata as a SwapResolverOptions struct
(SwapResolverOptions memory swapResolverOptions) = abi.decode(resolverOptions, (SwapResolverOptions));
return resolveImplementation(amountIn, swapResolverOptions);
This solidity code will generate code which takes in a PromiseOrValue<BytesLike>:
amountIn: PromiseOrValue<BigNumberish>,
resolverOptions: PromiseOrValue<BytesLike>,
overrides?: Overrides & { from?: PromiseOrValue<string> }
): Promise<ContractTransaction>;
export type SwapResolverOptionsStruct = {
path: PromiseOrValue<BytesLike>;
deadline: PromiseOrValue<BigNumberish>;
amountIn: PromiseOrValue<BigNumberish>;
amountOutMinimum: PromiseOrValue<BigNumberish>;
inputTokenAddress: PromiseOrValue<string>;
targetAddress: PromiseOrValue<string>;
destinationAddress: PromiseOrValue<string>;
I'm wondering how I can encode a specific parameter so I can pass it along to ethers. In typescript I have a set of options that looks like this:
const resolverOptions: SwapResolverOptionsStruct = {
path: '0x00',
//This parameter will be removed in the next deployment
deadline: BigNumber.from(1000),
amountIn: BigNumber.from(100000000),
amountOutMinimum: BigNumber.from(0),
inputTokenAddress: WMATIC_MUMBAI,
destinationAddress: owner.address,
targetAddress: ADDRESS_ZERO,
I'm trying to encode this parameters in the following way:
import { defaultAbiCoder } from "#ethersproject/abi";
encodedResolverOptions = defaultAbiCoder.encode(
However when I try to encode it gets and error:
Error: invalid type (argument="type", value="SwapResolverOptionsStruct",
Note: in my paticular use case I cannot just encoded the whole function call.
I would like to pass my data to the validateAdditionalCalldata how ever the parameter is PromiseOrValue<BytesLike>
How can I encoded my resolverOptions so I can pass it as bytes?
I figured out a few way to do this. I'll list each one:
Resolve the type params using ethers and get function. (if there is a function which has your type in it)
const functionFragment = swapResolverInterface.getFunction("resolveImplementation");
encodedResolverOptions = defaultAbiCoder.encode(
Resolve it from an object and a method signature with parameter names:
encodedResolverOptions = defaultAbiCoder.encode(
["(bytes path,uint256 deadline,uint256 amountIn,uint256 amountOutMinimum,address inputTokenAddress,address destinationAddress,address targetAddress)"],
Resolve it as an array from the method signature without names Note: this assumes the object was declared in the same order as the parameters, alternatively you can manually construct the array:
encodedResolverOptions = defaultAbiCoder.encode(

Unable to use generic function in a generic function

I have the following class in my code
abstract class DatabaseKey<T> implements Built<DatabaseKey<T>, DatabaseKeyBuilder<T>> {
factory DatabaseKey([void Function(DatabaseKeyBuilder<T>) updates]) = _$DatabaseKey<T>;
String get name;
Then, I define the following generic typedef function:
typedef ObserveDatabaseEntity = Observable<DatabaseEntity<T>> Function<T>(DatabaseKey<T> key);
But, when I try to use it as follows, the code has an error.
static ObserveConfigurationValue observe(
GetConfigurationState getState,
ObserveDatabaseEntity observeDatabaseEntity,
) {
assert(getState != null);
assert(observeDatabaseEntity != null);
return <KT>(ConfigKey<KT> key) {
return Observable.just(getState())
.flatMap((state) {
final dbKey = _databaseKeyFromConfig<KT>(key);
return observeDatabaseEntity(dbKey)
DatabaseKey<T> _databaseKeyFromConfig<T>(ConfigKey<T> key) {
return DatabaseKey((build) => build
..name = key.value,
The error I am getting is:
The argument type DatabaseKey can't be assigned to the parameter DatabaseKey.
I see nothing wrong with this code or why it shouldn't work, but maybe my understanding of what can be written in Dart is wrong. What would be the correct way to write this, if possible at all?
The typedef ObserveDatabaseEntity is in one file
The static ObserveConfigurationValue observe(GetConfigurationState getState, ObserveDatabaseEntity observeDatabaseEntity) is is another file
From playing around, it seems that placing them in a single file, the error disappears.
Still, I believe that this should work in separate files as well,
This error looks like an import mismatch.
In dart, you can import file either through relative path or package.
import 'lib/some_file.dart'; //relative
import 'package:myapp/lib/some_file.dart'; //package
There's really no better way but once you choose one, you have to stick to it. If you don't (meaning you have imported a file using a package import and the same file elsewhere with a relative path) Dart will place them in two different namespaces and think they are two different classes.

method based on variable type

I just have the following scenario
i want to return string from method but the method should be based on variable type which is (Type CType)
i need to make the render class like this
public string render(TextBox ctype){
return "its text box";
public string render(DropDown ctype){
return "its drop down";
you know TextBox is a Type thats why i can declare the Type variable like this
var CType = typeof(TextBox)
and i need to call the render method like this
so if the Ctype is type of TextBox it should call the render(TextBox ctype)
and so on
How can i make it ?
you should use a template function
public customRender<T>(T ctype)
if(ctype is TextBox){
//render textbox
else if(ctype is DropDown){
//render dropdown
hope it will help
First of all, even if you don't see an if or a switch, there will still be one somewhere hidden inside some functions. Distinguishing types at runtime that are not known at compile-time simply will not be possible without any such kind of branching of the control flow.
You can use one of the collection classes to build a map at runtime that maps Type instances to Func<T, TResult> methods. For example, you can use the Dictionary type to create such a map:
var rendererFuncs = new Dictionary<Type, Func<object, string>>();
You could then add some entries to that dictionary like this:
rendererFuncs[typeof(TextBox)] = ctype => "its text box";
rendererFuncs[typeof(DropDown)] = ctype => "its drop down";
Later on, you can call the appropriate function like this:
string renderedValue = rendererFuncs[Ctype.GetType()](Ctype);
Or, if you want to be on the safe side (in case there are Ctype values that have no appropriate renderer):
string renderedValue;
Func<object, string> renderer;
if (rendererFuncs.TryGetValue(Ctype.GetType(), out renderer)) {
renderedValue = renderer(Ctype);
} else {
renderedValue = "(no renderer found)";
Note that this will only work for as long as Ctype is of the exact type used as a key in the dictionary; if you want any subtypes to be correctly recognized as well, drop the dictionary and build your own map that traverses the inheritance hierarchy of the type being searched (by using the Type.BaseType property).

How to decode JSON by using JSONObject.cs?

I am new to JSON and using the JSONObject.cs from the Unity Assets Store to decode the JSON file. I put the JSONObject.cs in the Standard Assets folder, the example.js is in Scripts folder. When I tested the example (in javascripts) in Unity:
var encodedString: String = "{\"field1\": 0.5,\"field2\": \"sampletext\",\"field3\": [1,2,3]}";
var j: JSONObject = new JSONObject(encodedString);
it has a compiler error, which is said:
BCE0024: The type 'JSONObject' does not have a visible constructor that matches the argument list '(String)'.
Do I need to declare the JSONObject class in example file again? Any thoughts would be very much appreciated!
After working 2 hours into this ... I have found the problem.
So, the C# class of JSONObject has a constructor (which you and me were using) with optional arguments. So as I understand from my tries calling it from Javascript won't work unless you send the optionals.
I have made it work by suppling the defaults on the call from JS.
This is the Contructor:
public JSONObject(string str, int maxDepth = -2, bool storeExcessLevels = false, bool strict = false) {
Parse(str, maxDepth, storeExcessLevels, strict);
Instead of calling from JS like this:
var obj: JSONObject = new JSONObject("{json here}");
Call it sending the same defaults that constructor have:
var obj: JSONObject = new JSONObject("{json here}", -2, false, false);
In that way you won't be using the defaults and it works (I know is agly, but I don't have time to do more work arounds... so here is the solution if some one got the same issue)
Can you provide more info?
The error you have says that you can't just add the string as a parameter to the constructor. Maybe you can just construct the JSonObject and then find a relevant method for decoding the Json string?

Get type of class field with null value in Haxe

Is it possible to get class of field with null value in haxe?
The function "Type.getClass" gets class of value (setted at runtime), but I need to get class defined in a compilation-time.
Function "getClassFields" returns only names of fields, without classes.
For example:
class MyCls
public static var i:Int = null;
public static var s:String = null;
trace(Type.getClass(MyCls.i)); // show "null", but I need to get Int
trace(Type.getClass(MyCls.s)); // show "null", but I need to get String
And in my situation I can't to change sources of class MyCls.
You can try Runtime Type Information. It's a Haxe feature which allow go get full description of a type in runtime.
Since you need to get the types for null fields, you really need to resort to Haxe's Runtime Type Information (RTTI) (as #ReallylUniqueName recomended).
import haxe.rtti.Rtti;
import haxe.rtti.CType;
class Test {
static function main()
if (!Rtti.hasRtti(MyCls))
throw "Please add #:rtti to class";
var rtti = Rtti.getRtti(MyCls);
for (sf in rtti.statics)
trace(sf.name, sf.type, CTypeTools.toString(sf.type));
Now, obviously, there's a catch...
RTTI requires a #:rtti metadata, but you said you cannot change the MyCls class to add it. The solution then is do add it through a macro in your build file. For instance, if you're using a .hxml file, it should then look like:
--macro addMetadata("#:rtti", "MyCls")
-main Test
With this and your own MyCls definition, the output would look like:
Test.hx:11: i,CAbstract(Int,{ length => 0 }),Int
Test.hx:11: s,CClass(String,{ length => 0 }),String