Celery Workers as mirror frontends for Webservices - soap

I am looking for a way to distribute jobs over SOAP-based Web-Services that can be randomly switched on and off on the Cloud, and can exist in one or several instances.
I went through the tutorials of Celery, and it seems a very interesting tool to distribute tasks.
However in my case, I don't have access to the hosts of the SOAP webservices , so I can't add any extra services on them. And I can't turn them into "worker nodes" for Celery.
I thought I could maybe create "mirrors" worker-nodes (one per SOAP web-services) on the machine that will be the like an intermediary between the Celery client and the SOAP-services.
My knowledge in Celery being limited, I wonder if this can be a good solution, and what would be the limits.
I have read in the documentation that it is possible to tune the number of processes executed on a machine with:
The default value being CELERYD_CONCURRENCY = number of CPUs
It seems to me that I can use this option on the "Mirrors Workers" that would stand all on the same machine, each "mirror worker" have a CELERYD_CONCURRENCY value corresponding to how many execute I would allow on each SOAP service.
Does it seems acheivable with Celery, or is it very "hacky" ?


how do we choose --nthreads and --nprocs per worker in dask distributed running via helm on kubernetes?

I'm running some I/O intensive Python code on Dask and want to increase the number of threads per worker. I've deployed a Kubernetes cluster that runs Dask distributed via helm. I see from the worker deployment template that the number of threads for a worker is set to the number of CPUs, but I'd like to set the number of threads higher unless that's an anti-pattern. How do I do that?
It looks like from this similar question that I can ssh to the dask scheduler and spin up workers with dask-worker? But ideally I'd be able to configure the worker resources via helm so that I don't have to interact with the scheduler other than submitting jobs to it via the Client.
Kubernetes resource limits and requests should match the --memory-limit and --nthreads parameters given to the dask-worker command. For more information please follow the link 1 (Best practices described on Dask`s official documentation) and 2
Threading in Python is a careful art and is really dependent on your code. To do the easy one, -nprocs should almost certainly be 1, if you want more processes, launch more replicas instead. For the thread count, first remember the GIL means only one thread can be running Python code at a time. So you only get concurrency gains under two main sitations: 1) some threads are blocked on I/O like waiting to hear back from a database or web API or 2) some threads are running non-GIL-bound C code inside NumPy or friends. For the second situation, you still can't get more concurrency than the number of CPUs since that's just how many slots there are to run at once, but the first can benefit from more threads than CPUs in some situations.
There's a limitation of Dask's helm chart that doesn't allow for the setting of --nthreads in the chart. I confirmed this with the Dask team and filed an issue: https://github.com/helm/charts/issues/18708.
In the meantime, use Dask Kubernetes for a higher degree of customization.

Load balancer and celery result backends

I have a task that takes approximately 3 minutes to run. It pulls data from a remote server and makes cpu-intensive analysis on it. This task will be invoked by an api call. Upon the api call, i am planning to give client a unique task id and assign the task to a celery worker. Then the client will poll the server with the given task id to see if the task is completed by celery worker and its result it saved to a result backend. I think of using nginx, gunicorn, flask and dockerize them for a easy deploy in case i need to distribute this architecture across multiple machines.
The problem is that the client may poll different servers due to load balancer and if not handled well, the polled server’s celery’s result backend might not have the task’s result but other server’s celery result backend has it.
Is it possible to use a single result backend over multiple celery instances and make different celery instances wuery the same result backend? What might be other possible ways to solve this other than using cloud storage like S3?
Would I have this problem only if I have multiple machines or would it happen even if I have multiple gunicorn instances in a single machine where nginx acts as a load balancer on them?
Not that it is possible to use a single result backend by all Celery workers, but that is the only setting that makes sense! Same goes for the broker in most cases, unless you have a complicated Celery infrastructure with exchanges, and complicated routes...

What is the canonical way to deploy Scala/Akka microservices?

We are going to end up with dozens of these microservices (most are Akka-based), and I'm unsure how to best manage their deployment. Specifically, they are built to be independent of each other and as specialized and distributed as possible.
My question stems from the fact that all of them are too small for their own individual JVMs; even if we were to host them on AWS nano instances, we'll still end up with about 40 machines if you factor in redundancy, and such a high number is simply not needed. Three medium size instances could (and do) easily handle the entire workload.
Currently, I just group them into "container" applications, somewhat randomly, and then run these container applications on larger JVMs.
However, there has to be a better way. I am not aware of any application servers for Akka where you can just "deploy actors", so I wanted to get some insight on how others run Akka microservices in production (and specifically how to manage deployment).
This is probably not limited to Scala and Akka, but most other platforms have dedicated app servers where you deploy these things.
IMHO, the canonical way is to use a service orchestration tool, and that would indeed run them in individual processes, each with their own JVM.
That's the only way you get the decoupling, isolation, resilience you want with microservices, only this way you'll be able to deploy, update, stop, start them individually.
You're saying:
My question stems from the fact that all of them are too small for
their own individual JVMs; even if we were to host them on AWS nano
You seem to treat JVM and Amazon VMs as equivalent, but that's not the case. You can have multiple JVM processes on a single virtual machine.
I suggest you have a look at service orchestration tools such as
Lightbend Production Suite / Service Orchestration
or Kubernetes
These are just examples, there are others. Note that this tool category will give you a lot of features you'll sooner or later need anyway, such as easy scaling, log consolidation, service lookup, health checks / service failure handling etc.

Questions Concerning Using Celery with Multiple Load-Balanced Django Application Servers

I'm interested in using Celery for an app I'm working on. It all seems pretty straight forward, but I'm a little confused about what I need to do if I have multiple load balanced application servers. All of the documentation assumes that the broker will be on the same server as the application. Currently, all of my application servers sit behind an Amazon ELB and tasks need to be able to come from any one of them.
This is what I assume I need to do:
Run a broker server on a separate instance
Configure each application instance to connect to that broker server
Each application instance will also be be a celery working (running
My only beef with that is: What happens if my broker instance dies? Can I run 2 broker instances some how so I'm safe if one goes under?
Any tips or information on what to do in a setup like mine would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure I'm missing something or not understanding something.
For future reference, for those who do prefer to stick with RabbitMQ...
You can create a RabbitMQ cluster from 2 or more instances. Add those instances to your ELB and point your celeryd workers at the ELB. Just make sure you connect the right ports and you should be all set. Don't forget to allow your RabbitMQ machines to talk among themselves to run the cluster. This works very well for me in production.
One exception here: if you need to schedule tasks, you need a celerybeat process. For some reason, I wasn't able to connect the celerybeat to the ELB and had to connect it to one of the instances directly. I opened an issue about it and it is supposed to be resolved (didn't test it yet). Keep in mind that celerybeat by itself can only exist once, so that's already a single point of failure.
You are correct in all points.
How to make reliable broker: make clustered rabbitmq installation, as described here:
Celery beat also doesn't have to be a single point of failure if you run it on every worker node with:

Queuing systems - what is a good way to start up multiple workers?

How have you set-up one or more worker scripts for queue-oriented systems?
How do you arrange to startup - and restart if necessary - worker scripts as required? (I'm thinking about such tools as init.d/, Ruby-based 'god', DJB's Daemontools, etc, etc)
I'm developing an asynchronous queue/worker system, in this case using PHP & BeanstalkdD (though the actual language and daemon isn't important). The tasks themselves are not too hard - encoding an array with the commands and parameters into JSON for transport through the Beanstalkd daemon, picking them up in a worker script to action them as required.
There are a number of other similar queue/worker setups out there, such as Starling, Gearman, Amazon's SQS and other more 'enterprise' oriented systems like IBM's MQ and RabbitMQ. If you run something like Gearman, or SQS - how do you start and control the worker pool? The questions is on the initial worker startup, and then being able to add additional extra workers, shutting them down at will (though I can send a message through the queue to shut them down - as long as some 'watcher' won't automatically restart them). This is not a PHP problem, it's about straight Unix processes of setting up one or more processes to run on startup, or adding more workers to the pool.
A bash script to loop a script is already in place - this calls the PHP script which then collects and runs tasks from the queue, occasionally exiting to be able to clean itself up (it can also pause a few seconds on failure, or via a planned event). This works fine, and building the worker processes on top of that won't be very hard at all.
Getting a good worker controller system is about flexibility, starting one or two automatically on a machine start, and being able to add a couple more from the command line when the queue is busy, shutting down the extras when no longer required.
I've been helping a friend who's working on a project that involves a Gearman-based queue that will dispatch various asynchronous jobs to various PHP and C daemons on a pool of several servers.
The workers have been designed to behave just like classic unix/linux daemons, thanks to simple shell scripts in /etc/init.d/, and commands like :
invoke-rc.d myWorker start|stop|restart|reload
This mechanism is simple and efficient. And as it relies on standard linux features, even people with a limited knowledge of your app can launch a daemon or stop one, if they know how it's called system-wise (aka "myWorker" in the above example).
Another advantage of this mechanism is it makes your workers pool management easy as well. You could have 10 daemons on your machine (myWorker1, myWorker2, ...) and have a "worker manager" start or stop them depending on the queue length. And as these commands can be run through ssh, you can easily manage several servers.
This solution may sound cheap, but if you build it with well-coded daemons and reliable management scripts, I don't see why it would be less efficient than big-bucks solutions, for any average (as in "non critical") project.
Real message queuing middleware like WebSphere MQ or MSMQ offer "triggers" where a service that is part of the MQM will start a worker when new messages are placed into a queue.
AFAIK, no "web service" queuing system can do that, by the nature of the beast. However I have only looked hard at SQS. There you have to poll the queue, and in Amazon's case overly eager polling is going to cost you some real $$.
I've recently been working on such a tool. It's not entirely finished (thought it should take more than a few more days before I hit something I could call 1.0) and clearly not ready for production yet, but the important part are already coded. Anybody can have a look at the code here: https://gitorious.org/workers_pool.
Supervisor is a good monitor tool. It includes a web UI where you can monitor and manage workers.
Here is a simple config file for a worker.
command=php worker.php ; php command to run worker file
numprocs=2 ; number of processes
process_name=%(program_name)s_%(process_num)03d ; unique name for each process if numprocs > 1
directory=/var/www/demo/ ; directory containing worker file
stdout_logfile=/var/www/demo/worker.log ; log file location
autostart=true ; auto start program when supervisor starts
autorestart=true ; auto restart program if it exits