Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch. error in matlab - matlab

for i=1:30
I'm just confused what is not working here, this script seems very straightforward, wnat to build a list of strings with numbering from 1 to 30. getting error
Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.

Matlab do not really have strings, they have char arrays. As in almost any programming language Matlab cannot define a variable without knowing how much memory to allocate. The java solution would look like this:
String str[] = {"I","am","a","string"};
Similar to the c++ solution:
std::string str[] = {"I","am","another","string"};
The c solution looks different, but is generally the same solution as in c++:
const char* str[] = {"I","am","a","c-type","string"};
However, despite the appearances these are all fundamentally the same in the sense to that they all knows how much data to allocate even though they would not be initiated. In particular you can for example write:
String str[3];
// Initialize element with an any length string.
The reason is that the memory stored in each element is stored by its reference in java and by a pointer in c and c++. So depending on operating system, each element is either 4 (32-bit) or 8 (64-bit) bytes.
However, in Matlab matrices data is stored by value. This makes it impossible to store a N char arrays in a 1xN or Nx1 matrix. Each element in the matrix is only allowed to be of the same size as a char and be of type char. This means that if you work with strings you need to use the data structure cell (as also suggested by Benoit_11) which stores a reference to any Matlab object in each element.
k = 1:30;
Name = cell(length(k),1);
for i=k
Hope that the explanation makes sense to you. I assumed that according to your attempt you have at least some programming experience from at least one other language than matlab.


MATLAB arrays and containers

I've just started with MATLAB, having mainly played around with Python previously. I've just made my first associative array, and am a little confused with how it's dealing with commas and spaces. My array is:
co_comma=containers.Map({'Open University','UCL',' University of Edinburgh','Birkbeck'},{193835,21210,24525,17822})
I also made a second associative array, splitting using spaces:
co_space=containers.Map({'Open University' 'UCL' ' University of Edinburgh' 'Birkbeck'},{193835 21210 24525 17822})
They both give the following:
Map with properties:
Count: 4
KeyType: char
ValueType: double
But co_comma==co_space gives False:
ans =
how are these associative arrays different
what actually is a container? Although I've never thought of lists etc in this way, Python seems to have containers in the form of lists/tuples/general iterables - So is a matlab string container vs a matlab char array different in the same way as (for example) python lists and python tuples are different?
Thanks :D
Many things mixed in here!
A matlab container is only equivalent to a python dictionary, not a list/tuple/general iterable.
Both of your containers are created the same. You seem to be naming them comma and space, but this distinction does not even reach the definition of the container.
Both {'Open University','UCL',' University of Edinburgh','Birkbeck'} and {'Open University' 'UCL' ' University of Edinburgh' 'Birkbeck'} create the exact same cell array, so the input to is the same. you are comparing a=[5]; and b=5, as a MATLAB-valid analogy. They are the same.
For objects, most programing languages (including python!) will give you false when you compare two objects that contain the same values, yet are different objects. Only basic variables tend to compare by value, and not by some sort of objecID. In your case, simply doing isequal(co_comma,co_space) will return true, so their values are the same (as we already know, from the previous point)
Containers are not generally used in MATLAB, unless you specifically want a dictionary.
So here's the deal with Matlab: Matlab is an oddball. In Matlab, everything is an array, and there is no real distinction between regular "values" and "containers" or "collections" like there is in many programming languages. In Matlab, any numeric value is a numeric array. Any string value is actually an array of strings. Every value is iterable and can be used in a for loop or other "list"-like context. And every type or class in Matlab must implement collection/container behaviors as well as its "plain" value semantics.
Scalar values in Matlab are actually degenerate cases of two-dimensional arrays that are 1-by-1 in size. The number 42? Actually a 1-long array of doubles. The string "foo"? Actually a 1-long array of strings. Everything in Matlab is actually like a list in Python (or, more accurately, a NumPy series or array).
A cell array is an array of things, which can contain any other type of array in each of its elements. This is used for heterogeneous collections.
A char array is a bit weird, because it is used to represent strings, but its elements are not themselves strings, but rather characters. Plain char arrays are used in a weird way to represent lists of strings: you make a 2-D char array, and read each row as a string that is padded with spaces on the right. Lists of strings that are different lengths used to be represented as "cellstrs", which are cell arrays that contain char row vectors in each element. It's weird; see my blog post about it. The new string array makes most uses of other string types obsolete. You might want to use strings here. In Matlab, string literals are double-quoted, and char literals are single-quoted.
The word "container" doesn't have a specific technical meaning in Matlab, and is not really a thing. There's the containers package, but the only thing in it is containers.Map; there are no other types of containers and no generalization of what it means to be a container. One of the Matlab developers had an idea for making containers like this, but it never really went anywhere. And as far as I can tell, containers.Map hardly gets used at all: containers.Map is a pass-by-reference "handle" object, whereas most Matlab types are pass-by-value, so Map can't be used easily with most Matlab code.
So, putting aside the weirdness of chars, everything in Matlab has array semantics, and is effectively an iterable container like Python lists or tuples. And in Matlab, most values and objects are immutable and pass-by-value, so they are more like Python tuples than Python lists.

Using a variable-sized argument in Matlab coder

I want to generate a c++ code for DCT function using Matlab coder. I wrote this simple function and tried to convert it to c++.
function output_signal = my_dct(input_signal)
output_signal = dct(input_signal);
When I use a fixed size type for the input argument (such as double 1x64), there is no problem; however, a variable-sized type (such as double 1x:64) for the input argument results in these errors:
The preceding error is caused by: Non-constant expression..
The input to coder.const cannot be reduced to a constant.
Can anyone please help me?
Thanks in advance.
The documentation is a bit vague for DCT in Coder, but it implies that the input size must be a constant power of 2 along the dimension of the transform. From DCT help:
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Usage notes and limitations:
C and C++ code generation for dct requires DSP System Toolbox™ software.
The length of the transform dimension must be a power of two. If specified, the pad or truncation value must be constant. Expressions or variables are allowed if their values do not change.
It doesn't directly say that the length of the variable (at least along the dimension being transformed) going into the dct function must be a constant, but given how coder works, it really probably has to be. Since that's the error it's returning, it appears that's a limitation.
You could always modify your calling function to zero pad to a known maximum length, thus making the length constant.
For instance, something like this might work:
function output_signal = my_dct(input_signal)
maxlength = 64;
tinput = zeros(1,maxlength);
tinput(1:min(end, numel(input_signal))) = input_signal(1:min(end, maxlength));
output_signal = dct(tinput);
That code will cause tinput to always have a size of 1 by 64 elements. Of course, the output will also always be 64 elements long also, which means it'll be scaled and may have a difference frequency scale than you're expecting.

uint64 is not exact for vectors in Matlab

I have discovered an inconsistency for uint64 when using vectors in Matlab. It seems as an array of uint64 is not exact for all 64 bits. This did not give the output I expected,
p =
q = uint64(13286492335502040542)
q =
does. It is also working with
p =
Working with unsigned integers one expect a special behaviour and usually also perfect precision. This seems weird and even a bit uncanny. I do not see this problem with smaller numbers. Maybe anyone knows more? I do not expect this to be an unknown problem, so I guess there must be some explanation to it. I would be good to know why this happen and when, to be able to avoid it. As usual this kind of issues is mentioned nowhere in the documentation.
Matlab 2014a, windows 7.
It is worth mentioning that I can see the same behaviour when defining arrays directly.
p =
This is the root to why I ask this question. I have hard to see workaround for this case.
While it might be surprising, this is a floating point precision issue. :-)
The thing is, all numeric literals are by default of type double in MATLAB; that's why:
13286492335502040542 == 13286492335502041088
will return true; the floating point representation in double precision of 13286492335502040542 is 13286492335502041088. Since p has the class uint64, all assignments done to it will cast the right-hand-side to its class.
On another hand, the uint64(13286492335502040542) "call" will be optimized by the MATLAB interpreter to avoid the overhead of calling the uint64 function for the double argument, and will convert the literal directly to its unsigned integer representation (which is exact).
On a third hand [sic], the function call optimization doesn't apply to
p = uint64([13286492335502040542;13286492335502040543])
because the argument of uint64 is not a literal, but the result of an expression, i.e. the result of the vertcat operator applied to two double operands. In this case the MATLAB interpreter is not smart enough to figure out that the two function calls should "commute" (concatenation of uint should be the same as uint of concatenation), so it evaluates the concatenation (which gives an array of equal double because FP precision), then converts the two similar double values to uint64.
TLDR: the difference between
p = uint64(13286492335502040542);
u = 13286492335502040542; p = uint64(u);
is a side effect of function call optimization.
Matlab, unless told otherwise reads numbers as double, then casts to the relevant datatype. The Matlab double datatype allows for 51 bits for the floating point fraction, giving the possibility to store 52 bit integers without loss of prepossession (mantissa). Notice that 13286492335502041088 is just 13286492335502040543 with the last 12 bits set to zero.
the solution as you said, is to convert the literals directly uint64(13286492335502040543).
p=uint64([13286492335502040542;13286492335502040543]) does not work because it creates a double array and then converts it to uint64
This issue is mentioned in the uint64 documentation, under 'More About', although it doesn't mention that laterals are read as doubles unless otherwise specified.
I agree this seems weird and I don't have an explanation. I do have a workaround:
i.e., cast the separate values to uint64s.

the where statement from f90 to matlab conversion

This is a part from a Fortran 90 code.
where (abs(A-B)>e)
end where
A and B are arrays of some particular dimensions, and e is a scalar. I have to say that I am not that familiar with either programming languages.
I have used the f2matlab but it does very poor job on this Fortran statement.
I am wondering whether the equivalent for a Matlab is something like this:
if abs(A-B)>e
no_converge=1 ;
no_converge=0 ;
Is this correct ?
The no_converge is a scalar (integer in Fortran declarations), used at different sections in order to begin some other loops.
I will really appreciate any suggestions here, and please let me know whether more information is needed.
Not correct, no. In the Fortran no_converge ought to be an array of the same size (and shape) as A and B; its elements will be set to 1 where abs(A-B)>e and 0 elsewhere. So in your Matlab code no_converge shouldn't be a scalar but an array. However, without sight of your declarations I'm just making educated guesses. Show us some (more) code.
I don't have Matlab on this computer so can't check, but if memory serves me well you can do something very similar, like this
no_converge(abs(A-B)>e) = 1
no_converge(abs(A-B)<=e) = 0
provided that no_converge is, as in the Fortran case, an array of the same size and shape as A and B.
The WHERE statement in Fortran sort of combines a loop with a conditional, but only for assignments.
no_convergence in the Fortran code must be a vector with (at least) the same extend as A and B. So, the code you provided is certainly incorrect.
I don't know whether you can do something similar in Matlab, but you can always do a explicit loop and test for convergence element-wise.
There WHERE construct in Fortran can be replaced by a MERGE one-liner which f2matlab may be better able to translate:
no_converge = merge(1,0,abs(A-B)>e)

Why is find in matlab returning double values

The find function within matlab returns indices where the given locigal argument evaluates true.
Thus I'm wondering, why the return values (for the indices) are of type double and not uint32 or uint64 like the biggest index into a matrix could be.
Another strange thing which might be connected to that here is, that running
returns the maximal number of elements allowed for a matrix in the variable max_num_of_elem which is also of type double.
I can only guess, but probably because a wide range of functions only support double. Run
setdiff(methods('double'), methods('uint32'))
to see what functions are defined for double and not for uint32 on your version of MATLAB.
Also there is the overflow issue with integer data types in MATLAB that can introduce some hard to detect bugs.