Google Tag Manager and data layer - tags

I want to track an image which directs to a URL. I have installed the code snippet of Tag manager.
Do i need some other code to initialize the Data layer or it is not essential? Thank you.

The dataLayer is automatically created with the GTM object. You can verify this by inspecting the dataLayer either in the console or in GTM debug mode. You should see events in there like gtm.js and gtm.dom and gtm.load.


Can I change node proeprty value in a AEM custom worklfow process?

I have created a new workflow for activate later. It includes a custom workflow process step written by me. The custom step changes some properties of the payload step and then Activate Page process is called to activate the page. The changed properties are reflected in the author instance but not on the publish instance. Just wanted to confirm if this is possible or the workflow creates a copy of the node and then executes on it (like passing a parameter to a function)?
Thanks in advance :D
It should work fine, however you have to commit changes using resourceResolver.commit()

Can both image target and object target be added one single database in unity vuforia?

I am developing an android app where I have to train my app to recognize two images and four objects.I created one single database where I added all the images and objects target in vuforia developer site and created the unity package. Now neither image nor object is getting recognized.
Probably the problem is the same for objects and images.
I think you should share some more info about what your doing as well as some meaningful code implementing it.
W/O that, I would suggest:
verify that the database and trackables are loaded and active # runtime
if so, see in console that the trackables are tracked by Vuforia
if so, verify the code enabling your augmentations
Please confirm whether have run trough these steps already and what results you got. I can share some code and further tips once the issue is a little but more specific.

CRM 2016-Plugin Registring New Step

I am very new to MSCRM, so requesting for help. I am using Office365, i.e. MSCRM online organisation.
Here, I have written a plugin which should be fired when, in an Account entity, user uploads his image, the plugin stores the image as an attachment, in notes.
The plugin works fine, when I tested it by writing a console application.
I have registered the plugin and believe it will work fine here too. The only problem is I am unable to register the plugin new step.
The problem is in Filtering Attributes , I am unable to get entityimage attribute, even if i select/check All attributes.
Please suggest how should I proceed.
In this scenario you can write plugin on "Create" message of "Annotation" entity. And create message does not have any filtered attributes.
As you wrote and tested using Console Application, while converting it to plugin make sure that you are checking created note contains data into "FileName" and "DocumentBody" attribute. Along with you can also check whether this note is created against "Account" entity. This two conditions will narrow your scope, limited to notes created against account having some attachment. In plugin execution context you'll get above mentioned attributes.

alfresco web services cmisWS soap createdocument

Can someone help me out how I would go on about create documents to repository using soap createDocument.
I have a custom content model and and when I add a new document does not have the properties of the content model.
<ns:properties> <ns1:propertyId
<ns1:value>cms:customModel</ns1:value> </ns:properties>
Also I am looking to upload multiple attachments at time but right now I can't
<!-- Optional:-->
<ns:stream><xsl:copy-of select="//someelement"></xsl:copy-of></ns:stream>
any help on how I can get this working is greatly appreciated.
You should use OpenCMIS or a similar CMIS library instead of writing to the WS binding directly.
You appear to be attempting to set two values for cmis:objectTypeId. If you are trying to create an instance of cms:customModel, that should be the only value.
You aren't setting any custom property values in the snippets you provided.
To my knowledge, there is nothing in the spec allows you to provide multiple attachments simultaneously. You should get a single upload working first.

Scala Lift - Robust method to protect files from hotlinking

I'm attempting to implement a way to stop hotlinking and/or un-authorised access to resources within my app.
The method I'm trying to add is something I've used before in PHP apps. Basically a session is set when the page is first called. The images are added to the page via the image tag with the session value as a parameter:
<img src="/files/image/image1.jpg?session=12345" />
When the image is requested the script checks to see if the session is set and matches the provided value. If the condition is not met the serving page returns null. Right at the end to the code I unset the session so further requests from outside the scope of the page will return null.
What would be the best implementation of this method within the lift framework?
Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated :)
You could use a SessionVar for this purpose. In the SessionVar you’d store a Map[SessionImageId, RealImageId] and upon initialising the Session (i.e. when the page is first loaded) you’d generate some random SessionImageIds which you would map to the real image id. In your html you only expose the shadowed SessionImageId so no-one could trace back the image from the id. When the image is requested, you’d simply look up the real id in the Map.
Info: Exploring Lift, Lift wiki
Of course, if shadowing the ids is not important, you could simply use a SessionVar[Boolean].